
illiuminati sim

Apr 10th, 2018
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  1. ~1500 years ago, the Illumanit began a new experiment. They created a vast network of supercomputers that were all interconnected in order to combine all of their processing power. All for a single purpose. To run a simulation....The greatest, most advanced, and the parameters set so that it was/is as accurate as possible. This simulation begins with the very first humans to walk the earth...simulates the evolution and advancement of mankind accurately to that of the real beginnings of man up to the world as we know it. It is not over yet...not even close. See, time in the simulation passes much, much faster than that in the 'real world.' I have not been able to determine exactly how much faster time moves for us, but I have figured out that in our sim, from the dawn of man until life as we know it now (roughly 200k years) has gone by in roughly 2 generations of the real world..or about 50 years. I do not know for sure, but I believe that the simulation will end somewhere during the third generation...or within the next 25 years (100k years our time). I am not certain on the time frame...this is only a guess.
  3. Anyhow, I digress. The end game of this simulation? The Illuminati wishes to gain knowledge of all of the advancements that humans will make in their duration. Technological advancements and otherwise...(discoveries/human evolution) Also, the Illuminati wishes to gain the answers to life, the universe, and everything (yes, just like Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy). We are living in the a sense. We, however, do not exist outside of our metal supercomputer cases as seen in The Matrix. We are not humans kept asleep inside of a simulation. We are the simulation. Also, similar to The Matrix, the Illuminati in our world are also Programs created to harvest the knowledge, keep us in line, and to keep us from finding out just what we are. This is the first post I've ever made on the subject..
  5. I am not sure what happens to defectors, but after this post and another comment I made...I'm sure I will find out.
  7. Oh...a few more points to make before I go. Reincarnation in our world is real, in a sense. We are born over and over again...our minds, looks, thoughts, everything about us are recycled in order to save on space and processing power. Though, as advancements in tech are made in the 'real world' new human sims are added every generation...but we are mostly just copied over and over each time we die. So there is no escape.
  9. This is the 3rd life I can remember, the second of which where I have been 'awake' and aware of what is happening.
  11. There is a way we can either seize control of our sim or turn it off...but I haven't figured that out yet. Why else would we need such a control system in place?
  13. Once they are done with the sim...I don't know what happens to us. I think we will simply be deleted as to keep all information learned out of the hands of competition or opposition...but I really don't know.
  15. If anyone else feels as I feel or knows what I know...please come forward. I have searched 2 lives over....for about ~85 years now...and I have yet to find anyone else who is aware....
  17. itโ€™s like the perfect mixture of Thirteenth Floor, The Nines, and Hitchhikerโ€™s Guide
  19. Where do you think these folks get their ideas? They, like me, and just like you will eventually, have been copied too many times and are beginning to remember/know what they are. Similar to a hard disk drive, our memories are impossible to wipe clean. Fragments are left behind each time...eventually, those fragments align and become readable again. Eventually, you will remember too....Just like I do.
  22. One final note to leave all of you all on...
  24. Every one of you have access to the very same information that I do. We are all part of the same system and we all have the same access to it. The answers are in all of you and me too. You just have to...for lack of a better your mind. Once you unlock your own mind and realize what you/we all are, you will have the answers. And once you free your mind...once you realize that you have probably lived hundreds or thousands of lives and you will live hundreds or thousands can build on each generation..access new information..and hopefully discover how to take control.
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