
14 Lesta Nediam LNC2017-08-08 0325 +Duran Pierre

Aug 7th, 2017
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  1. Lesta Nediam LNC2017-08-08 0325 +Duran Pierre
  4. __
  6. +Duran Pierre __ The claim that special *"augmented reality" contact lenses* are being used by "astronauts" to interact with *"3D virtual objects"* does not stand up to proper scrutiny.
  8. All talk about "astronauts" and "augmented reality" is - _sadly_ - nothing more than *time-wasting nonsense* that is being promoted by dubious people. By focusing on a *non-issue* they are unfortunately misdirecting the time and attention of open-minded people _away_ from *good observations* that _exist_ and *genuine criticism* that _can_ be levelled at "NASA" and other space agencies.
  10. If you have bought into the hype (i.e., you trust the people who are promoting the idea and accept their "evidence" for it) then I will take some time to explain how you can see it as the bullsh!t it is. However - I won't go ahead and do that unless you're willing to read a few paragraphs (something longer than this reply) since it isn't something I can outline in a brief sentence or two.
  12. Be wary of anyone who is encouraging a belief in special "augmented reality" contact lenses to interact with "3D virtual objects". While it's a *fascinating idea* (if only it were true!) it simply *does not stand up to scrutiny.*
  16. __________
  17. 2017-08-08 1755
  19. +Duran Pierre __ Thank you - _however_ - I would not be looking out for you if I didn't repeat that the "astronauts" *are not* using special "augmented reality" contact lenses. If the "astronauts" were _really_ using "augmented reality" contact lenses I would be all over it.
  21. Those who are promoting that bad and *provably false* observation are misdirecting your attention away from good observations which exist and genuine criticism that *can* be levelled at "NASA".
  23. _It is important that at all times we reject events and claims for the right reasons *only.*_
  25. Do get back to me when you want to know how to prove that "special augmented reality contact lenses" to see and interact with "3D virtual objects" is *not* one of the "tricks" being used by "NASA" and pals.
  29. __________
  30. 2017-08-08 2245
  32. +Duran Pierre __ Given that the "ISS" is supposed to be a *permanently weightless environment* any demonstration of gravity would *instantly* prove either the "ISS" is fake or that the particular footage was not filmed aboard it. Certainly - in either case it would undeniably prove that "NASA" is fraudulent.
  34. At 15s of the video you linked to above (watch?v=BBhAZLUmn2w) the claim is that "Paolo Nespoli" dropped a "3D virtual object". *What exactly does "dropped" mean?* Does it mean it "fell" as though under the influence of gravity?
  36. I.e., did something happen that _should not be possible_ aboard the "ISS" if the "ISS" is a genuinely weightless environment? Or did you interpret what happened in some other way - what is your understanding of what happened?
  41. __________
  42. 2017-08-09 1750
  44. +Duran Pierre __ The following reply is as brief as I could write it while at the same time mindful I cannot possibly outline everything for you. It's a starting point only.
  46. For more you will need to watch my presentations and read through my Google Plus posts, YouTube comments and Twitter feed. All links can be found in the video description box.
  48. __
  50. Unless the object is falling as though under the influence of gravity there is nothing untoward about the clip except that it looks a bit weird. And sure - it does look a bit weird.
  52. What also looks a bit weird is the following clip from "Christer Fuglesang" (who may be referred to as "Christer Fumblefingers"). Watch what happens to the "Swiss Army Knife" he is holding between 25s and 35s here: watch?v=vF2BkFGs2s8?t=25
  54. It is _*more likely*_ that the scissors flew away (seemingly as though under the influence of gravity) because there is a spring in the handle (and "Christer" has "Fumblefingers") _*than*_ some kind of mishap involving "augmented reality".
  56. A third possibility which you have not mentioned is that the "ISS" can be real and manned *but* is being *intentionally presented* to us in a way that _*forces us to trust*_ it is real and manned by the very people who are making the claim.
  58. Not unlike how every image of the Earth from space is presented to us in a way that lacks "realness" and better resembles artwork which _forces us to trust_ the images *represent something real* instead of something fictional. See this presentation here: watch?v=W64m7rr0sK0
  60. After all - despite so often talking to children - why are there no live-streamed interviews (or geography lessons!) from the "Cupola"?! Why does every "ISS interview" seem as though the astronaut's responses could have been pre-recorded?! Where is the _genuine_ back-and-forth chatter from _real-time conversations_ which cannot be easily scripted? Where is any footage of astronauts actually sleeping (even if only for a minute)?
  62. While these *good observations* may not be as _fascinating_ as the possibility of "augmented reality" they help to put us on the path to understanding what is _actually_ going on.
  64. There are *many* ways that the "astronauts" could make it *undeniable* that the "ISS" is real and manned _but instead_ it is *routinely presented* to us in a way that better resembles a *magic trick.*
  66. But that does not mean the "ISS" *is* a magic trick! _Only that that we must *trust* it is not._
  68. For those who have *lost trust* in the lie system's "story tellers" (those who make claims without providing what we need to see to *know* their claim is true and real _without_ *requiring* our trust and a *subjective* assessment) it becomes easy to reject these things as fake even when they are not.
  70. _This is a trap and it is by design._
  72. This presentation which you are commenting on is about the *"fallacy of the conspiracy theorist".* Before you can _genuinely perceive_ the lie system you must first understand, recognise and _avoid making_ this common thinking trap.
  74. The flat Earth folk *need* the "ISS" to be fake because a *permanent weightless environment* _undermines_ their nonsense flat Earth meme.
  76. And so the flat Earth folk are _forced_ to claim that the objects we see floating are really just "3D virtual objects". It takes no effort or intellect to dismiss what we see as that. *Though if you properly scrutinise the original footage that _every_ "augmented reality" claim is based on you will soon see that there is a simple and natural explanation for _each_ oddity we see.*
  78. But the flat Earth meme promoters cannot accept that. They are forced to claim that the bright light we see in the sky (during predictable windows of opportunity) is a "hologram" or a "high altitude plane".
  80. All of these _*unlikely*_ possibilities are *required* to be true in order to hold and _preserve_ a belief in the flat Earth by those who are unwilling or unable to accept valid proofs for curvature. If you aren't sure of the Earth's shape you can at least *know* that _it isn't flat._
  82. There really *is* a provable conspiracy but it has _nothing_ to do with the Earth's shape. Rather - it has _everything_ to do with *why* people are able to doubt the shape in the first place. It has everything to do with *why* people can doubt the "ISS" in the first place.
  84. The provable conspiracy is about *why* so much _seems_ to better *resemble* a magic trick than not.
  86. The danger that comes with losing trust and rejecting reality (what is true) is that in order to accommodate *fantasy* ("augmented reality contact lenses", "ISS holograms", "flat Earth" etc.) you are driven to a *self-induced psychosis.*
  88. The flat Earth meme is causing psychosis in open-minded people who have not yet figured out the lie system and are not yet seeking true things for true reasons.
  90. The lie system cannot tolerate open-minded people for they are the only people who can potentially resist. They are potentially the *only* people able to avoid the Medusa's gaze - _so to speak._
  92. And so open-minded people are being relentlessly targeted by charming story tellers who abuse their charm to put fantasy into the minds of open-minded people and encourage superstitious thinking.
  94. As a result - open-minded people are being driven to social isolation (and their reputations ruined along the way) because "normal people" don't _want_ to be associated with raving lunatics who rant about the Earth being flat, the "ISS" being a hologram and special "augmented reality" contact lenses.
  96. The only people falling for this _nonsense_ are open-minded people who have not yet figured out the lie system and do not yet realise they are being targeted as a group. And just like baby turtles scrambling for the ocean they are being snaffled up with ease by predators.
  98. Please consider that it is _*more likely*_ the "ISS" is a *propaganda platform* being used to impress beliefs upon children and excite their imagination _*than*_ the Earth is flat.
  100. Consider further that it is _*more likely*_ "Paolo Nespoli" fumbled with that object (perhaps to mess with flat Earthers which could be why he turned his head to the side to conceal a unilateral smile) _*than*_ he was wearing special "augmented reality" contact lenses which help him to interact with a "3D virtual object" *that for some reason had been programmed to respond as though under the influence of gravity instead of weightlessness!*
  104. ____________________________________________________________
  105. My name is Lesta Nediam and I am cracking reality like a nut.
  107. Lesta on YouTube
  110. Lesta on Twitter
  113. Lesta on Google Plus
  116. What does not exist - exists to exist.
  117. What exists - exists to always exist.
  118. As it is written - so it is done.
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