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In Response to the Corruption of the USA

a guest
Dec 13th, 2012
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  1. It has become apparent that the government of the United States of America, created by the people and for the people, has become corrupted and no longer represents the people. Laws have been passed and upheld which are widely opposed by significant portions of the population.
  2. The notion that this nation is on the brink of collapse is a serious topic of discussion that has been had by many groups of Americans. Stating their grievances they have taken to the streets utilizing their rights protected by the First Amendment of the Constitution to bring forth solutions to the problems that face America, a most noble effort.
  3. Each of these movements have faced the same problem, and as a result have stalled before being able to save our nation. That problem falls upon the message being offered. Each movement has reached the hearts of a portion of the American People, no small accomplishment. The remainder however could either not support the message, or support it but not in its entirety. Surely, this can be no coincidence.
  4. As such, if it is widely known that we as a nation are in a dire situation but the answer can not be agreed upon, one must take a step back and look at the problem from from a different angle.
  5. The problem is known and there is always and answer to any question. The question is what must be reassessed. The Unites States of America was and is a very interesting experiment. To look back upon the history of our nation and take note of the progress we have made and the advancements we have brought to this Earth is truly awe-inspiring. In respect to the prowess and strength that we, as a people, have displayed in bearing the burden of lifting humanity into the age of technology, and the understanding and love for ones fellow man which was displayed in the movement which won Americans of non-white origin their natural born right to equality, it is quite curious to realize that we, as a people, have been unable to answer the question “How do we save our nation”.
  6. Any difficulties in regard to the lives of peaceful and lawful human beings should not be approached with a unilateral mentality. For, a solution which only caters to few is neither a solution nor plausible. However, in hindsight of the various attempts by groups of Americans to enact the change required to save this nation, it is obvious that the simple question “How can we solve the problems of our nation?” is being approached with the interpretation “How do can we solve the problems of our nation so that Americans with the same ideology as I will be happy?”
  7. Unfortunately, this is the state in which the American political system has devolved. The social and societal issues of our nation have been polarized to the point where partisan solutions are rebuked entirely by, and stand in direct opposition of those Americans who do not agree with it. This in and of its self appears at first glance to simply be the proverbial nature of the beast.
  8. Upon closer inspection, especially as of late, it becomes apparent that both political parties have something unique in common. And that is that both parties run on completely different sets of ideals. This however, is only on issues that are used to serve as a form of job security for government officials who have turned the institution of the United States Government away from the task entrusted to it by the people, in doings so they have cast aside their duty to serve in the will and best interests of the American People, as well as their oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
  9. These differences in political ideals, which are employed by the two major political parties of this nation, are seemingly engineered. One party represents the ideal that moral issues are those which require the most attention, which the other represents the ideal that social issues are the issues which are most pressing. These issues frequently intersect and as a result often stand in stark opposition to one another. Of the current issues, the rights of homosexual men, the right to universal access to medical care, and the rights of Americans to own, possess and carry firearms stand alone as the most widely debated, the solutions to these issues, which have been provided by both parties will never be able to coexist. Any solution that allows one group of Americans their god given right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness while denying that right to another group, runs counter to the American Spirit.
  10. It is this polarization that has resulted in a divide between the American People. We are no longer a nation united. Although it has become apparent in recent years, this is a problem, which has been slowly growing for over a century. No American currently alive has ever seen liberty outside of the words written in a textbook.
  11. It is this fact, which although they may not know it, unites the American People. Every American being entitled the rights of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, it is these rights upon which our once great nation were founded, and which are guaranteed to every American by the United States Constitution. Our forefathers were wise and recognized that America would eventually find itself in its current situation.
  12. Having foreseen this, they created our constitution, a set of laws to govern the government. As of this date, the Constitution has been stripped of its meaning and value, and has been openly infringed upon at an increasingly shocking rate.
  13. Many Americans have come to fear the government and are actively stockpiling weapons and ammunition in preparation of the feared reality that the United States has become a police state, where the white house, the department of homeland security, as well as every other agency of the federal government now consider the constitution to be an obstacle and those Americans who know the value of liberty have been labeled as terrorists for using their 1st Amendment rights to freedom of speech and redress of grievances.
  14. The current state of America is indeed grim. There is, however, a solution. And it is beautiful in its simplicity. The solution lies in what every American has in common. And that is, that they are Americans. As such they are entitled to live their lives free of repression.
  15. The Answer is that we, as Americans, need to stand united in the call for our redress of grievances and demand that a Constitutional Convention convene immediately. This is not a call to arms. Before the 2nd Amendment can be used, we must use the 1st Amendment.
  16. The Constitution needs to be restored to what it was meant to be. Of course, in light of current events, it will also need to be amended to ensure that the United States Constitution is pure in intent and infallible in execution. The disease of Corruption that is killing our nation can never be allowed to occur again.
  17. It is through these means that we will ensure all Americans are able to live their lives the way that they see fit.. The Federal Government was never meant to function as it does today, it has passed all encompassing laws concerning those issues which are not agreed upon by the population. The opinions on these issues vary greatly by region, forcing one region to accept a law desired by another region is the very definition of unconstitutional.
  18. It must be recognized that the Federal Government of the United States of America has the responsibility of providing national defense, providing assistance with national emergencies, ensuring that the Constitution shall not be infringed upon, by any form of government, state, local or federal, and to enact regulations, not to be taken lightly and only in the most pressing circumstances. This authority is granted to it by We The People, and when it abuses that trust which it has been given, that power can be taken away so that the people can create a new government, one which respects the will of the people.
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