

Jun 5th, 2012
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  1. >You brought about the destruction of p0ny society.
  2. >Spike was one thing, but Twilight? That was a line that never should have been crossed.
  3. >After an enthusiastic report to Celestia, the princess requested a session on your DS.
  4. >The Sun never rose again.
  5. >During the period that later came to be known as the Long Night, the griffons invaded and pillaged every settlement. Those that escaped the destruction then had to deal with a changeling incursion. No one could figure out who was a p0ny and who wasn't. The Royal Guard was thrown into disarray once its leaders were replaced by doppelgängers. Unable to mount an effective counter-attack, the few soldiers Equestria had were defeated by an invasion of dragons. It was anarchy on a grand scale.
  6. >You, the hapless human thrown into their world by pure chance, were declared an enemy of P0nykind by Luna, who had gathered together the remaining survivors to live in the crystal caves underneath the ruins of Canterlot. To them, you were a being on the same level as Discord.
  7. >Cast out by those who had once welcomed you without trepidation, you returned to your bedroom in the Everfree Forest that had been teleported along with you, to live out your remaining days as something to be feared and hated.
  9. >Every day is a struggle. Without the Sun, food is scarce, so you've taken up eating mushrooms and other sources of nourishment that don't require sunlight to grow. When you're not trying to find sustenance, you're fighting off predators that have a hankering for meat, something that has grown rare in recent days.
  10. >Your respect for the zebra that lived in this forest alongside you grew immensely as time elapsed. From a distance, you studied her methods of staying alive. You got the feeling that she knew you were spying on her but for whatever reason, she never made an attempt to be rid of you or move away. Did the two of you share a kindred history? You never worked up the courage to ask her.
  11. >Animal skins replaced all your normal clothes as none of them held up to the demands that your new survivalist lifestyle demanded. The bodies of timberwolves kept you warm during the permanent darkness. All of the machines you so gladly spent hours playing games on were thrown out to make way for tools you made with your own hands. Spears, bows and arrows, every sort of primitive weapon lines your walls.
  12. >Though you hate to admit it, there's a primal satisfaction to living like this, much like your ancestors did thousands of years ago. Maybe that was the reason why humans could never achieve peace: We hadn't evolved to become better creatures, we just started wearing suits and lived in houses.
  14. >You don't know what day it is now. You measure time by counting the number of times you sleep. By that standard, it's the 43rd time you've slept since you last lost count. You also know you've lost count at least ten times.
  15. >One of the few things you still have from Earth is your bed frame. The mattress has long since rotted away, replaced by a bundle of reeds. The bedsheets are now animal pelts that you stitched together using some thread and a needle you found where Carousel Boutique used to stand.
  16. >You don't know what happened to Rarity, Twilight, Fluttershy, Applejack and Pinkie Pie. You guess they're huddled underground with Luna promising them a time when they can return to the surface. Rainbow Dash, on the other hand, went out in a blaze of glory, quite literally when she sacrificed herself by distracting a dragon long enough so that the Cake family could escape to safety.
  17. >Looking in the mirror, your face is a far cry from how it used to look. Your hair is long and tangled. A thick beard keeps your mouth covered. Your body has trimmed out, now becoming lean and scar covered. Perfect for this life you have now. You briefly wonder if you'll add any more to the collection today.
  19. >Before you even realise what's happening, you shield your eyes in pain as a intense beam of light streams in through the boarded up window. It takes a minute before the pain subsides enough to let you look at it indirectly. You hold a hand up and let the light shine on it. Once you're certain you're not hallucinating from eating those berries you found earlier, you look through the crack in the boards.
  20. >It's not dark any more. There's blue sky.
  21. >There's the Sun.
  22. >As you process what's happening, there's a knock on the door. On reflex, you grab a spear and creep over to the door. You slowly twist the doorknob and fling the door open to see...
  23. >“Hello Anon.”
  24. >...Princess Celestia?
  25. >“I just came to return this.”
  26. >She lifts up a wing. Sitting there on her back is your zip-pack containing your DS that you leant to her all that time ago. Using her magic, she levitates it towards you and you take it.
  27. >“My student was correct about how addictive this was, though I think it is safe to say she didn't mention how much.” She says with a giggle.
  28. >You just stare at her.
  29. >“Oh, I was just so engrossed with that Zelda game that I had to get away. So many distractions at the castle. I flew to the other side of the world where I knew I wouldn't have any bother. I was doing really well too, but I forgot what you said about it needing the Sun to regain its power, so at some points I had to replay whole dungeons. Sure enough, I finished it, but then I had to see what else the machine offered. So I finished all the other games you had.”
  30. >You drop your spear. If you remembered how to speak, you wouldn't know what to say anyway.
  31. >“I'm sorry Anon but have I caught you at a bad time?” She says, concerned, “I don't mean any offence but you look absolutely awful! Did I miss anything while I was away?”
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