
Interesting Echo lesson, Edit out bits later

Sep 8th, 2012
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  1. 13:14 Holben Oh hey I forgot DW was on tonight
  2. 13:14 Zanzibaarus
  3. 13:14 Zanzibaarus What I just posted is a fledgling Foundation Tale from yesterday.
  4. 13:14 Zanzibaarus For those who remember (or don't), I need feedback to fix it.
  5. 13:16 Zanzibaarus Please help?
  6. 13:17 shash i like it..
  7. 13:18 *** Itazu joined #site19
  8. 13:18 shash but, why does he ask the "wtf did you do that for?" question?
  9. 13:18 EchoFourDelta shash: Security clearance levels are exactly that, with the explicit exclusion of O5, equivalent to a Level 5 clearance, designating executive command.
  10. 13:18 madfigs It's basically just the SCP in tale form, what are you intending to add with the story?
  11. 13:18 EchoFourDelta Are you familiar with how information classification works?
  12. 13:19 shash maybe not as well as i should :-\
  13. 13:19 EchoFourDelta All right, here's a brief primer.
  14. 13:20 *** Magnus joined #site19
  15. 13:20 Silber .w sphenoid
  16. 13:20 Nala Silber: (Sphenoid bone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) The sphenoid bone is an unpaired bone situated at the front middle of the skull in front of the temporal bone and basilar part of the occipital bone. The sphenoid ...
  17. 13:20 EchoFourDelta Bear with me for a moment
  18. 13:20 EchoFourDelta In our systems (with general equivalencies used throughout NATO) there are three levels of sensitivity - Classified, Secret, and Top Secret.
  19. 13:20 EchoFourDelta Now...
  20. 13:21 EchoFourDelta This is independent of everything else about an individual (not so with the Foundation, but again, bear with me)
  21. 13:21 Silber Zanzibaarus: I'd use "approximately" instead of "about", or give an exact time.
  22. 13:21 EchoFourDelta Now - this system allows for what is called compartmentalization
  23. 13:21 EchoFourDelta You know as much as your job requires, and you're cleared to a commensurate level for the information you need
  24. 13:21 shash right
  25. 13:22 EchoFourDelta So, let's say in our system, we have a Private First Class (you're familiar with basic rank structure, I'll assume)
  26. 13:22 Silber topsy of D-6590-101 show that SCP-149 had been directed through the Sphenoid sinuses, which caused them to tear themselves out through the eye sockets.
  27. 13:22 EchoFourDelta Let's say this PFC works on a system that deals with radio encryption standards/.
  28. 13:23 EchoFourDelta This is *highly* sensitive information, and he would require a similarly high-level clearance, yes?
  29. 13:23 shash i guess
  30. 13:23 EchoFourDelta A correct guess.
  31. 13:23 EchoFourDelta Now...
  32. 13:23 Silber I'd describe this process more precisely; maybe it's because I haven't read 149, but phrases like "were directed through" and "tear themselves out" seem vague
  33. 13:24 Silber !scp-149
  34. 13:24 Nala Silber: The Blood Flies (rating: +55, 15 revisions) -
  35. 13:24 EchoFourDelta Just because he deals with sensitive information in no way implies he needs to have excessive rank, or is trained in the administrative tasks and leadership techniques required for someone holding a higher rank and that leads dozens or hundreds of personnel
  36. 13:24 EchoFourDelta He simply needs that to do his job, and the job itself doesn't require someone with the previously mentioned traits.
  37. 13:24 Silber Zanzibaarus, I'll read 149 to get a better idea of what's happening
  38. 13:24 *** beta12 joined #site19
  39. 13:24 shash so rank and clearance are not necessarily linked
  40. 13:25 EchoFourDelta By the same token... let's say we have a first lieutenant who leads dozens of troops into battle, or who maintains a low-level information system.
  41. 13:25 Silber They aren't linked at all, apparently.
  42. 13:25 EchoFourDelta Neither of those tasks necessarily require access to sensitive, compartmentalized information.
  43. 13:25 EchoFourDelta As such, he may not be cleared at that level, since he does not need it to perform his duties.
  44. 13:25 EchoFourDelta Now, let's apply this to the fiction we write about.
  45. 13:25 shash ok
  46. 13:26 EchoFourDelta You have 5 levels, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
  47. 13:26 shash and these are clearance levels, right?
  48. 13:26 EchoFourDelta Although it may seem counter-intuitive to conflate rank with security clearances in most cases (in which it is) it can be looked at in a logical manner in a few instances.
  49. 13:27 EchoFourDelta Let's say... we have a person administrating a given SCP. SCP-XXX, doesn't matter what it is.
  50. 13:27 Silber Zanzibaarus, you there?
  51. 13:28 --- Roget is away (car ride)
  52. 13:28 EchoFourDelta We'll call him a Level 3. A project or department lead equivalency. This person, to effectively administrate, may require general knowledge regarding that SCP, and other ancillary objects, information, or procedures that directly relate to it.
  53. 13:28 shash right
  54. 13:28 EchoFourDelta He may lead a number of personnel who hold level 2 and 1 clearances; each of these are specifically tied to a single SCP.
  55. 13:29 EchoFourDelta Because they work on that - information control and security for those SCPs are all that are necessary for them to do their job
  56. 13:29 EchoFourDelta And they need nothing more that could present security risks.
  57. 13:29 EchoFourDelta Now, Level 3, being a general security clearance, are what are given to security personnel. Care to hazard a guess why?
  58. 13:30 shash i'm... not sure
  59. 13:30 shash because they need to have a good amount of information?
  60. 13:30 shash but there may need to be something hidden from there if it's cross scp?
  61. 13:30 EchoFourDelta In part.
  62. 13:30 Servbot My left hands fingers hurt a lot
  63. 13:30 beta12 So they don't need clearance to get to an scp if something bad happens quickly? ((Sorry if I am intruding))
  64. 13:30 shash not at all
  65. 13:30 EchoFourDelta Because they may be required to respond to anything happening in the facility
  66. 13:31 shash ok...
  67. 13:31 Silber Which means knowledge of an entire set of procedures regarding various objects.
  68. 13:31 EchoFourDelta If there's something they have to rush over to, there's no time to be wasted in ensuring they have adequate clearance to handle the security risks of infornation control that would otherwise exist
  69. 13:31 EchoFourDelta And you can't be hampered by simply having no idea what you're dealing with
  70. 13:31 EchoFourDelta Now...
  71. 13:31 EchoFourDelta Level 4
  72. 13:31 Zanzibaarus Sorry, food called me.
  73. 13:32 EchoFourDelta I mentioned before that in most situations you see written about, this in conflated with someone who administrates a facility
  74. 13:32 shash hmm
  75. 13:32 EchoFourDelta This is someone who has to be apprised and understanding of everything that's going on in his facility
  76. 13:32 DreadLindwyrm No time to be read in on a hazardous thing in his basement...
  77. 13:32 EchoFourDelta He needs to have the simple capability to know the details.
  78. 13:33 shash makes sense.. right
  79. 13:33 EchoFourDelta This is why clearance and authority are often (but not always) commensurate in what you see being written about.
  80. 13:33 Silber Zanzibaarus: I guess my issues are derived from the SCP, since it's also vague on why or how they'd go through the eye sockets
  81. 13:33 EchoFourDelta steps off his soap box.
  82. 13:33 shash where to experimenters come in?
  83. 13:33 Silber Have I been mistaken for using ranks like "Project Administrator" and "Assistant Researcher" and using clearance levels only as clearance levels?
  84. 13:33 EchoFourDelta I hope that helps.
  85. 13:33 shash *do
  86. 13:34 EchoFourDelta Silber: Probably not.
  87. 13:34 DreadLindwyrm shash. Depends on the scp they're working on.
  88. 13:34 Zanzibaarus Hmm.
  89. 13:34 Vehemency So guys
  90. 13:34 EchoFourDelta Because those are two perfectly acceptable ideas with good rationale behind them.
  91. 13:34 Vehemency New Star Trek may be on the horizon
  92. 13:34 DreadLindwyrm Normally you just need to know about your thing, and possibly anything in the blast radius.
  93. 13:34 madfigs a new TV show or a new movie?
  94. 13:35 shash would experimenters working on a particular scp have the same security clearance of 3 as the admins? or will it be lower, or higher?
  95. 13:35 Silber I just organize into site director, lead researcher, project lead, site researchers, field researchers, assistant researchers, and so on
  96. 13:35 Vehemency New TV show
  97. 13:35 shash higher makes no sense, so i guess 3 or lower
  98. 13:35 EchoFourDelta And each of those people might have wildly varying clearance levels
  99. 13:35 EchoFourDelta Depending on what they need to know and how they go about it
  100. 13:35 Zanzibaarus I have changed "About" to "Approximately" in accordance to being notified.
  101. 13:35 madfigs might help
  102. 13:35 Nala madfigs: Security Clearance Levels [Guide] (rating: +2, 20 revisions, 16 comments) - tags: guide
  103. 13:35 EchoFourDelta Even within the same "category"
  104. 13:36 Zanzibaarus Repasting.
  105. 13:36 EchoFourDelta madfigs: That's... a little more obfuscating than the explanation I laid out
  106. 13:36 Silber Right. An Assistant Researcher could be tasked with supervising a volatile cognitohazard,
  107. 13:36 Silber which would require a high clearance and specialized training
  108. 13:36 Zanzibaarus
  109. 13:37 Zanzibaarus This one spaced out suprisingly better than the last.
  110. 13:37 EchoFourDelta So that Junior Researcher that requires extremely classified, highly sensitive information might require a Level 3, or 4, or whatever clearance.
  111. 13:37 Silber And a lead researcher could supervise a handful of harmless, mundane Safes
  112. 13:37 EchoFourDelta Or the project lead dealing with something exceedingly mundane might require a Level 2, or something.
  113. 13:37 Silber and really only be Level 2 Clearance
  114. 13:37 *** choobakka quit (Quit: choobakka)
  115. 13:37 EchoFourDelta Exactly.
  116. 13:37 Silber That's how I've been writing the Foundation.
  117. 13:38 EchoFourDelta Authority is granted according to responsibility - need to know governs clearance and information and operational security standards.
  118. 13:38 EchoFourDelta reclines back in his chair.
  119. 13:38 --- Roget is back
  120. 13:39 Zanzibaarus Hello Roget.
  121. 13:39 Roget Hello new person
  122. 13:39 *** HugoLuman joined #site19
  123. 13:39 shash so, my story doesn't require the level 4 clearance line in the procedures section; but the one in the middle of the description is rightly placed.. am i right?
  124. 13:39 VAE Blah , this is exactly the sort of stuff that should be in a guide somewhere
  125. 13:39 Zanzibaarus facepalm
  126. 13:39 Deseis @Silber: In regards to the Assistant Researcher... that's Level 2, right?
  127. 13:39 shash snce it deals with site-wide security breach potential
  128. 13:39 HugoLuman So, do we already have a photo album that kills whoever's picture is put into it?
  129. 13:40 VAE why?
  130. 13:40 Silber VAE, there's a guide on clearances but I haven't read it, so you raise a valid point
  131. 13:40 Zanzibaarus I don't think so, HugoLuman
  132. 13:40 Zanzibaarus Might want to search it up on the wiki before doing one.
  133. 13:40 EchoFourDelta Shash
  134. 13:40 EchoFourDelta Now
  135. 13:40 VAE The guide that exists doesn't quite explain it so well as Echo does
  136. 13:40 EchoFourDelta Let's build on this.
  137. 13:41 EchoFourDelta It's a specific threat, right?
  138. 13:41 VAE also, what does the assistant researcher do?
  139. 13:41 EchoFourDelta That potentialy everyone on the site might have to deal with?
  140. 13:41 VAE I mean, level 1 or 2 might either be sensible
  141. 13:41 shash right
  142. 13:41 EchoFourDelta If EVERYONE needs to know about this, then all applicable personnel would have Level-2/SCP-XXX
  143. 13:41 EchoFourDelta And they'd be read into that SCP and the information behind it
  144. 13:41 shash which is why the site overseer should be the one to allow/reject the experiment
  145. 13:42 shash it's not knowledge, it's permission
  146. 13:42 EchoFourDelta Well, the guy in charge has more important things to worry about
  147. 13:42 *** Nusquam joined #site19
  148. 13:42 +++ ChanServ has given op to Nusquam
  149. 13:42 Silber Deseis: I'd call it Level 3 or 4, due to volatile cognotohazardous material. It depends on the object, but that's literally information that's deadly in the wrong hands
  150. 13:42 EchoFourDelta This is why competent individuals are appointed BELOW them to carry out the mundanities
  151. 13:43 HugoLuman So, would it be better as an anamolous item or an SCP?
  152. 13:43 EchoFourDelta ... hmmm.
  153. 13:43 EchoFourDelta I'm going to draw up a small-unit leadership doctrine seminar :|
  154. 13:44 Zanzibaarus A photo album that causes an event in which a picture of a person being inside of the album causes the person in the picture to die?
  155. 13:44 Deseis Crap, okay. =( I was trying to ride a 'Tale' that involved a Assistant Researcher, and... stuff.
  156. 13:44 EchoFourDelta And force you all to attend :|
  157. 13:44 Deseis write*
  158. 13:44 Deseis Wow, ride totally does not mean write WHATSOEVER. DX
  159. 13:44 Silber Echo: So rank is more about what you're good at (administration versus fieldwork, say) than raw competency, right?
  160. 13:44 shash i'd attend
  161. 13:44 EchoFourDelta At gunpoint :|
  163. EchoFourDelta Silber: Rank is simply the bestowing of authority to handle the level of responsibility given within the bounds of an individuals capability and proficiency
  164. 13:45 Zanzibaarus Put out a rough draft of your idea, or if it's already out there, I'd post it here.
  165. 13:45 EchoFourDelta Silber: I'll elaborate
  166. 13:45 shash the reason for my confusion is, say somewhere else in the site is another Keter class SCP test. If he gets hold of SCP-XXXX, that's gonna be bad. The SCP-XXXX overseer may not be in the loop for the test, because he's the XXXX overseer
  167. 13:45 Gustav hey hey
  168. 13:45 Silber Zanzibaarus: I think the difference between anomalous objects and SCPs is that the latter can carry an entire article
  169. 13:45 Deseis Hey Gustav
  170. 13:46 shash won't that mean the test should be authorized by someone at the site level?
  171. 13:46 EchoFourDelta Silber: Let's say... we have that same Private First Class I mentioned earlier.
  172. 13:46 Vehemency EchoFourDelta: hey u come work in my fictional mercenary organization
  173. 13:46 Silber Right
  174. 13:46 Gustav this fellow seems to like SCP
  175. 13:47 Gustav scp-2626
  176. 13:47 Nala Gustav: [Page Not Found] -
  177. 13:47 that_tall_fellow ...huh
  178. 13:47 that_tall_fellow normally, anything SCP-related on dA sucks five asses
  179. 13:47 EchoFourDelta Now, as he works in his field, he'll be expected to be entrusted with greater responsibility with regards to what he works on in addition to the administration, training, and wellbeing of less senior personnel
  180. 13:47 that_tall_fellow but that's pretty cool
  181. 13:47 Zanzibaarus HugoLuman's idea may be an SCP, but I don't know.
  182. 13:47 EchoFourDelta As newbies come in, they require people to guide them, yes?
  183. 13:47 Silber Gustav: the list goes up to 1999
  184. 13:47 Deseis Yep, Echo.
  185. 13:47 Silber Certainly
  186. 13:47 EchoFourDelta Now, this private first class has to have two things:
  187. 13:48 EchoFourDelta A differentiation between all the others who are NOW becoming PFCs
  188. 13:48 EchoFourDelta AND
  189. 13:48 EchoFourDelta He has to have the authority to go along with the responsibility of leading them
  190. 13:48 EchoFourDelta So he's promoted
  191. 13:49 *** Beam quit (Ping timeout)
  192. 13:49 EchoFourDelta Making room for his now-vacant slot, differentiating him from lower-ranking personnel, and also giving him greater authroity to deal with the commensurately greater tasks he'll be assigned
  193. 13:49 Servbot Seven asses
  194. 13:49 EchoFourDelta Because if you shift a ton of responsibility onto someone with no authority to deal with it, what happens?
  195. 13:49 Magnus What did I just walk in to?
  196. 13:49 EchoFourDelta Nothing gets done
  197. 13:49 *** Zanzibaarus quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  198. 13:49 EchoFourDelta Silber: Make sense?
  199. 13:50 VAE Right .. like if you ordered someone who isn't an op to maintain the chat sensible
  200. 13:50 EchoFourDelta Exactly
  201. 13:50 EchoFourDelta Now...
  202. 13:50 EchoFourDelta Let's take... a company commander
  203. 13:50 EchoFourDelta He has hundreds of infantry at his disposal, and leaders under him
  204. 13:50 *** Antagonist quit (Connection reset by peer)
  205. 13:50 Silber Echo: With you so far
  206. 13:51 EchoFourDelta CAN he micromanage a Lance Corporal in second platoon, first squad, third fire team's trainig nd development?
  207. 13:51 EchoFourDelta Yes, of course
  208. 13:51 HugoLuman Is there a format for personnel profiles?
  209. 13:51 *** Antagonist joined #site19
  210. 13:51 VAE He can, but he should not, normally
  211. 13:51 EchoFourDelta He's the company commander,with all the authority a rank of captain entails
  212. 13:51 EchoFourDelta BUT
  213. 13:51 EchoFourDelta He has leaders under him to parcel out and delegate responsibility and authority to handle that for him
  214. 13:51 EchoFourDelta So that he can maintain focus on the big picture
  215. 13:51 Holben HugoLorman: "If you've created at least three SCPs, please take the time to create an author page and take credit for your work. Download the author page template, create and tweak as you desire, and add yourself to the list below alphabetically. "
  216. 13:52 Holben *luman
  217. 13:52 Holben From
  218. 13:52 Nala Holben: Members' Pages [Other/Unknown] (rating: +1, 355 revisions, 22 comments) - tags: hub
  219. 13:52 EchoFourDelta He says do X, and the people under him ensure these orders are carried out within the rules, guidelines, and resources mandated and available
  220. 13:52 Holben Author page template is here:
  221. 13:52 *** Gustav quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 15.0.1/20120905151427])
  222. 13:52 that_tall_fellow so my former geography professor might end up successfully getting the president of the united states to have a chat with his class
  223. 13:52 Silber So you're saying that the key to an effective chain of command is judicious delegation.
  224. 13:52 EchoFourDelta They're trusted to be equally competent, which is why it's important to have personnel at every level who can function in a fluid, dynamic environment, and who can take initiative
  225. 13:53 EchoFourDelta This is important not only in military settings, but in just about every aspect of a functioning system
  226. 13:53 Silber Of course.
  227. 13:53 HugoLuman I mean, like a profile page for a non-avatar character. Had an idea for a joke one.
  228. 13:53 VAE ehh, don't think that gonna fly
  229. 13:54 Silber HugoLuman: maybe as a tale
  230. 13:54 *** Itazu quit (Ping timeout)
  231. 13:54 VAE and to be honest, if you have yet to write a non-negatively rated regular article.. I'd wait with things like this for when you grow up to the task
  232. 13:54 Joreth scp
  233. 13:54 VAE .au HugoLuman
  234. 13:54 Nala VAE: HugoLuman has written 1 article and 0 tales with -17 net upvotes (average -17.00) and 14 revisions, including: SCP-518 (-17)
  235. 13:54 Joreth .sea scp
  236. 13:54 Nala Joreth: SCP-1234-J (An SCP), SCPoems, SCP-040-1, SCPokemon, SCP-1173-1, plus 85 more.
  237. 13:54 EchoFourDelta Silber: Additionally, this model goes up and down the "chain of command"
  238. 13:54 Silber !scp-518
  239. 13:54 Nala Silber: Infinite Nuke (rating: -17, 14 revisions) -
  240. 13:54 *** Wogglebug joined #site19
  241. 13:55 Silber I'm listening
  242. 13:55 EchoFourDelta Whether the order is given by a platoon commander, or a squad leader, or a regimental commander, it's trusted to the people below them to not have to be micromanaged
  243. 13:55 Joreth the main page has a rating
  244. 13:55 EchoFourDelta The platoon commander says "We're going to the firing range tomorrow"
  245. 13:55 EchoFourDelta He doesn't go through and ensure every step is followed, because he doesn't have time for that
  246. 13:56 EchoFourDelta The squad leaders make sure their fire team leaders carry this out, and each reports up
  247. 13:56 EchoFourDelta If there's a problem, it gets passed directly up and can be addressed at the next highest level, ensuring a rapid response
  248. 13:56 HugoLuman SCP-518 will probably be voted to deletion soon. I'll probably revise it and try posting it again when I have more practice under my belt.
  249. 13:56 EchoFourDelta So that it doesn't get mired in bureaucracy
  250. 13:56 EchoFourDelta Now...
  251. 13:56 *** CHolt joined #site19
  252. 13:57 EchoFourDelta If every little thing that was done by anyone had to be reported to the company commander
  253. 13:57 EchoFourDelta How much longer would a simple task take?
  254. 13:57 EchoFourDelta It'd get stretched out by magnitudes
  255. 13:57 shash right
  256. 13:57 EchoFourDelta Rather than be mired in this, the authority to make executive decisions within limits is handed down and delegated to the lowest levels possible
  257. 13:58 *** CHolt left #site19
  258. 13:58 EchoFourDelta This keeps the decision-making process lightweight and high speed, provided it's implemented by competent, trustworthy individuals
  259. 13:59 *** that_tall_fellow quit (Quit: I got ants in my butt, and I needs to strut.)
  260. EchoFourDelta Threats on the scale that our fiction describes could not wait days, hours, and weeks for an idea to meet death by committe
  261. 14:00 EchoFourDelta *committee
  262. 14:00 EchoFourDelta DreadLindwyrm: In a manner of speaking.
  263. that_tall_fellow ...huh
  264. 13:47 that_tall_fellow normally, anything SCP-related on dA sucks five asses
  265. 13:47 EchoFourDelta Now, as he works in his field, he'll be expected to be entrusted with greater responsibility with regards to what he works on in addition to the administration, training, and wellbeing of less senior personnel
  266. 13:47 that_tall_fellow but that's pretty cool
  267. 13:47 Zanzibaarus HugoLuman's idea may be an SCP, but I don't know.
  268. 13:47 EchoFourDelta As newbies come in, they require people to guide them, yes?
  269. 13:47 Silber Gustav: the list goes up to 1999
  270. 13:47 Deseis Yep, Echo.
  271. 13:47 Silber Certainly
  272. 13:47 EchoFourDelta Now, this private first class has to have two things:
  273. 13:48 EchoFourDelta A differentiation between all the others who are NOW becoming PFCs
  274. 13:48 EchoFourDelta AND
  275. 13:48 EchoFourDelta He has to have the authority to go along with the responsibility of leading them
  276. 13:48 EchoFourDelta So he's promoted
  277. 13:49 *** Beam quit (Ping timeout)
  278. 13:49 EchoFourDelta Making room for his now-vacant slot, differentiating him from lower-ranking personnel, and also giving him greater authroity to deal with the commensurately greater tasks he'll be assigned
  279. 13:49 Servbot Seven asses
  280. 13:49 EchoFourDelta Because if you shift a ton of responsibility onto someone with no authority to deal with it, what happens?
  281. 13:49 Magnus What did I just walk in to?
  282. 13:49 EchoFourDelta Nothing gets done
  283. 13:49 *** Zanzibaarus quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  284. 13:49 EchoFourDelta Silber: Make sense?
  285. 13:50 VAE Right .. like if you ordered someone who isn't an op to maintain the chat sensible
  286. 13:50 EchoFourDelta Exactly
  287. 13:50 EchoFourDelta Now...
  288. 13:50 EchoFourDelta Let's take... a company commander
  289. 13:50 EchoFourDelta He has hundreds of infantry at his disposal, and leaders under him
  290. 13:50 *** Antagonist quit (Connection reset by peer)
  291. 13:50 Silber Echo: With you so far
  292. 13:51 EchoFourDelta CAN he micromanage a Lance Corporal in second platoon, first squad, third fire team's trainig nd development?
  293. 13:51 EchoFourDelta Yes, of course
  294. 13:51 HugoLuman Is there a format for personnel profiles?
  295. 13:51 *** Antagonist joined #site19
  296. 13:51 VAE He can, but he should not, normally
  297. 13:51 EchoFourDelta He's the company commander,with all the authority a rank of captain entails
  298. 13:51 EchoFourDelta BUT
  299. 13:51 EchoFourDelta He has leaders under him to parcel out and delegate responsibility and authority to handle that for him
  300. 13:51 EchoFourDelta So that he can maintain focus on the big picture
  301. 13:51 Holben HugoLorman: "If you've created at least three SCPs, please take the time to create an author page and take credit for your work. Download the author page template, create and tweak as you desire, and add yourself to the list below alphabetically. "
  302. 13:52 Holben *luman
  303. 13:52 Holben From
  304. 13:52 Nala Holben: Members' Pages [Other/Unknown] (rating: +1, 355 revisions, 22 comments) - tags: hub
  305. 13:52 EchoFourDelta He says do X, and the people under him ensure these orders are carried out within the rules, guidelines, and resources mandated and available
  306. 13:52 Holben Author page template is here:
  307. 13:52 *** Gustav quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 15.0.1/20120905151427])
  308. 13:52 that_tall_fellow so my former geography professor might end up successfully getting the president of the united states to have a chat with his class
  309. 13:52 Silber So you're saying that the key to an effective chain of command is judicious delegation.
  310. 13:52 EchoFourDelta They're trusted to be equally competent, which is why it's important to have personnel at every level who can function in a fluid, dynamic environment, and who can take initiative
  311. 13:53 EchoFourDelta This is important not only in military settings, but in just about every aspect of a functioning system
  312. 13:53 Silber Of course.
  313. 13:53 HugoLuman I mean, like a profile page for a non-avatar character. Had an idea for a joke one.
  314. 13:53 VAE ehh, don't think that gonna fly
  315. 13:54 Silber HugoLuman: maybe as a tale
  316. 13:54 *** Itazu quit (Ping timeout)
  317. 13:54 VAE and to be honest, if you have yet to write a non-negatively rated regular article.. I'd wait with things like this for when you grow up to the task
  318. 13:54 Joreth scp
  319. 13:54 VAE .au HugoLuman
  320. 13:54 Nala VAE: HugoLuman has written 1 article and 0 tales with -17 net upvotes (average -17.00) and 14 revisions, including: SCP-518 (-17)
  321. 13:54 Joreth .sea scp
  322. 13:54 Nala Joreth: SCP-1234-J (An SCP), SCPoems, SCP-040-1, SCPokemon, SCP-1173-1, plus 85 more.
  323. 13:54 EchoFourDelta Silber: Additionally, this model goes up and down the "chain of command"
  324. 13:54 Silber !scp-518
  325. 13:54 Nala Silber: Infinite Nuke (rating: -17, 14 revisions) -
  326. 13:54 *** Wogglebug joined #site19
  327. 13:55 Silber I'm listening
  328. 13:55 EchoFourDelta Whether the order is given by a platoon commander, or a squad leader, or a regimental commander, it's trusted to the people below them to not have to be micromanaged
  329. 13:55 Joreth the main page has a rating
  330. 13:55 EchoFourDelta The platoon commander says "We're going to the firing range tomorrow"
  331. 13:55 EchoFourDelta He doesn't go through and ensure every step is followed, because he doesn't have time for that
  332. 13:56 EchoFourDelta The squad leaders make sure their fire team leaders carry this out, and each reports up
  333. 13:56 EchoFourDelta If there's a problem, it gets passed directly up and can be addressed at the next highest level, ensuring a rapid response
  334. 13:56 HugoLuman SCP-518 will probably be voted to deletion soon. I'll probably revise it and try posting it again when I have more practice under my belt.
  335. 13:56 EchoFourDelta So that it doesn't get mired in bureaucracy
  336. 13:56 EchoFourDelta Now...
  337. 13:56 *** CHolt joined #site19
  338. 13:57 EchoFourDelta If every little thing that was done by anyone had to be reported to the company commander
  339. 13:57 EchoFourDelta How much longer would a simple task take?
  340. 13:57 EchoFourDelta It'd get stretched out by magnitudes
  341. 13:57 shash right
  342. 13:57 EchoFourDelta Rather than be mired in this, the authority to make executive decisions within limits is handed down and delegated to the lowest levels possible
  343. 13:58 *** CHolt left #site19
  344. 13:58 EchoFourDelta This keeps the decision-making process lightweight and high speed, provided it's implemented by competent, trustworthy individuals
  345. 13:59 *** that_tall_fellow quit (Quit: I got ants in my butt, and I needs to strut.)
  346. 13:59 EchoFourDelta This model in particular fits perfectly well with what we write about
  347. 14:00 DreadLindwyrm Doesn't it go something like the colonel decides he wants a hill taken, his half birds work out which captains should go where, and the captains then decide _how_, passing this back up to make sure there's no clashes. When it comes to it, the captains tell their lieutenants to run their platoons. through the broad plan
  348. 14:00 DreadLindwyrm AAAARGH. Wasn't finished...
  349. 14:00 EchoFourDelta Threats on the scale that our fiction describes could not wait days, hours, and weeks for an idea to meet death by committe
  350. 14:00 EchoFourDelta *committee
  351. 14:00 *** Jekeled joined #site19
  352. 14:00 EchoFourDelta DreadLindwyrm: In a manner of speaking.
  353. 14:01 EchoFourDelta Something that people interested in this topic might find a valuable resource would be the Five Paragraph Order.
  354. 14:01 EchoFourDelta The "SMEAC" operations order.
  355. 14:01 Silber is interested in this topic
  356. 14:01 EchoFourDelta It's not always five paragraphs, but rather five discrete sections.
  357. 14:01 EchoFourDelta Situation
  358. 14:01 EchoFourDelta Mission
  359. 14:01 EchoFourDelta Execution
  360. 14:01 EchoFourDelta Administration and logistics
  361. 14:02 EchoFourDelta Command and signal
  362. 14:02 EchoFourDelta SMEAC
  363. 14:02 Faminepulse oh dear god when did they add this
  364. 14:02 Faminepulse
  365. 14:02 shash .w five paragraphs order
  366. 14:02 Nala shash: (Five paragraph order - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) The five paragraph order is an element of United States Army, United States Marine Corps and United States Navy Seabees of small unit tactics that specifies ...
  367. 14:02 EchoFourDelta Now, at the broadest level, an order like this descibes who, what, when, where, and how... but most importantly the WHY of a proposed course of action
  368. 14:02 HugoLuman Faminepulse SCP-40d?
  369. 14:02 EchoFourDelta Let's taken a well-written plan
  370. 14:03 Faminepulse wat
  371. 14:03 *** BBritain quit (Client exited)
  372. 14:03 EchoFourDelta We'll further assume that everyone who knows this plan has the resources to accomplish it
  373. 14:03 EchoFourDelta What happens if something goes wrong?
  374. 14:03 Silber Faminepulse: Yeah, Stinth appointed himself hammerer after I made him... every position except bookkeeper
  375. 14:03 EchoFourDelta It'snot detailed in the plan! Everything was for naught! Not so
  376. 14:03 Faminepulse yeah i just make the mayor bookeep and all the other no combat things
  377. 14:03 EchoFourDelta Because the commander's intent is detailed
  378. 14:04 EchoFourDelta You know WHY you're doing what you're doing, and the details behind it
  379. 14:04 EchoFourDelta This way, if plan A fucks up, you can improvise to achieve the end state you were shooting for in the first place
  380. 14:04 EchoFourDelta And have the necessary information to actualize a Plan B, or whatever you come up with
  381. 14:05 EchoFourDelta This is what I'm always arguing after in the containment procedures section
  382. 14:05 EchoFourDelta Some people get it, some don't, but what we're describing with that section is a course of action
  383. 14:05 EchoFourDelta Interesting information and intriguing reading can come from the WHY of what you include so much as the WHAT
  384. 14:05 EchoFourDelta
  385. 14:06 EchoFourDelta If all that makes sense
  386. 14:06 Silber No wonder people don't grok writing CPs, if they're approaching it from the wrong direction.
  387. 14:06 EchoFourDelta Well, it's all up to the reader.
  388. 14:07 EchoFourDelta I'm often simply pointing interesting opportunities to delve into the fiction you're writing
  389. 14:07 Silber Letting the "what" come before the "why".
  390. 14:07 HugoLuman Faminepulse Why? Why the dwarf fortress? I'll admit they eventually begin to resemble containment facilities.
  391. 14:07 Faminepulse huh
  392. 14:07 Faminepulse my weaver juts decided to start murdering people
  393. 14:07 Jekeled :U
  394. 14:07 Jekeled seems legit?
  395. 14:07 EchoFourDelta There's no right or wrong, but going at it from that approach can open up a lot of avenues for a writer to explore their SCP with, and worldbuild some fascinating stuff
  396. 14:07 Silber Echo: that was very enlightening, thanks
  397. 14:08 EchoFourDelta bows
  398. 14:08 Deseis debates if he should post his NON-FINISHED sandbox post...
  399. 14:08 VAE Right - so containment procedures should ideally be written such that when you read them, it's clear what's to be done in a containment breach too.
  400. 14:08 Silber claps
  401. 14:08 *** cchaos joined #site19
  402. 14:08 Deseis Btw, thanks for the information Echo, pretty awesome stuff. ^^;
  403. 14:08 EchoFourDelta
  404. 14:08 Deseis Link, not post btw*
  405. 14:08 VAE prods echo to write this sort of stuff into an essay or guide,even.
  406. 14:08 cchaos So hey guys, I made a -J
  407. 14:08 EchoFourDelta Deseis: We can't eat you
  408. 14:08 cchaos It's on my sandbox
  409. 14:08 EchoFourDelta Post it
  410. 14:08 cchaos
  411. 14:08 cchaos IT's the first one
  412. 14:09 cchaos You can ignore the other thing
  413. 14:09 Deseis And after his, here goes mine DX -
  414. 14:09 Deseis *hides from Mackenzie*
  415. 14:09 shash thx a lot echo
  416. 14:09 VAE ehh
  417. 14:09 cchaos Being a joke SCP, I don't actually expect it to go anywhere
  418. 14:09 VAE dislikes the joke
  419. 14:09 *** Freudian joined #site19
  420. 14:10 cchaos Certainly not actual wiki material
  421. 14:10 *** Lycan joined #site19
  422. 14:10 Jekeled :|
  423. 14:10 --- Foolamancer is back
  424. 14:10 Foolamancer wanders in.
  425. 14:10 EchoFourDelta Silber: This is one of the reasons I've advocated a loose continuity and story, if not a solid, hard-as-nails canon. A framework doesn't limit creativity or stifle imagination so much as give you something solid to build upon.
  426. 14:10 Jekeled cchaos: We don't write SPCs here
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