
Weekly Mafia #9 [2014-05-04]

May 4th, 2014
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  1. [01:57:49 PM] SundayMafia: Sign ups for mafia are now open.
  2. [01:58:04 PM] SundayMafia: They will remain open until 9:05 PM GMT.
  3. [01:58:20 PM] TheChaosNinja: /in
  4. [01:58:25 PM] back900: can i play when does it start GMT?
  5. [01:59:01 PM] SundayMafia: Yes. It starts at 9:05 PM GMT.
  6. [01:59:37 PM] SundayMafia: Player List: TheChaosNinja
  7. [01:59:44 PM] back900: /in
  8. [02:00:04 PM] SundayMafia: Player List: TheChaosNinja, back900
  9. [02:00:04 PM] Blizzard2000: SUP BISHES
  10. [02:00:15 PM] occooa: hi
  11. [02:00:23 PM] occooa: blizz u shud join mafia
  12. [02:00:27 PM] Blizzard2000: hail bladewing
  13. [02:00:31 PM] occooa: pls jon
  14. [02:00:42 PM] back900: blizz hey join mafia
  15. [02:00:43 PM] Blizzard2000: *john
  16. [02:00:50 PM] occooa: see blizz everyone wants yo to john
  17. [02:00:50 PM] Blizzard2000: at least spell my name right
  18. [02:00:52 PM] occooa: fuuuu
  19. [02:00:53 PM] occooa: join*
  20. [02:00:56 PM] occooa: that wasnt' even inteintn
  21. [02:00:57 PM] Blizzard2000: lol
  22. [02:01:07 PM] occooa: john x charlene 5evere
  23. [02:01:08 PM] Blizzard2000: and I'm going just to watch
  24. [02:01:11 PM] occooa: whyyy
  25. [02:01:16 PM] Blizzard2000: what was that sentence structure
  26. [02:01:20 PM] Blizzard2000: i dont even
  27. [02:01:20 PM] occooa: gg
  28. [02:02:01 PM] racefan12: is blizz's name john or something
  29. [02:02:09 PM] occooa: ew no
  30. [02:02:11 PM] back900: apparently so
  31. [02:02:18 PM] occooa: no it is not
  32. [02:02:22 PM] Blizzard2000: John Smith
  33. [02:02:23 PM] occooa: it's an inside joey
  34. [02:02:53 PM] back900: oh
  35. [02:03:03 PM] occooa: why are plebs not playing mafia
  36. [02:03:17 PM] TheChaosNinja: Because they are plebs.
  37. [02:03:33 PM] Bob10110: Sorry, was in game chat
  38. [02:03:34 PM] Bob10110: I'm here now
  39. [02:03:42 PM] MyNameIsNothing: oh i'll join
  40. [02:03:43 PM] SundayMafia: Would you like to sign?
  41. [02:03:58 PM] SundayMafia: Player List: TheChaosNinja, back900, MyNameIsNothing
  42. [02:04:07 PM] Bob10110: /signpost
  43. [02:04:10 PM] SundayMafia: Player List: TheChaosNinja, back900, MyNameIsNothing, Bob10110
  44. [02:04:37 PM] back900: someone have a link to rules as i've only played once before?
  45. [02:04:45 PM] SundayMafia:
  46. [02:05:08 PM] occooa: blizzzz pls join
  47. [02:05:09 PM] TheChaosNinja: Always handy to have that in an extra tab, for the rule duel moments.
  48. [02:05:17 PM] occooa: 4 is like too small people
  49. [02:05:26 PM] TheChaosNinja: ^
  50. [02:06:25 PM] SundayMafia: I will extend the sign ups until we have enough players.
  51. [02:12:21 PM] SundayMafia: ...
  52. [02:12:40 PM] SundayMafia: I guess 4 players is enough.
  53. [02:12:51 PM] SundayMafia: Sign ups are closed, roles are being assigned.
  54. [02:12:55 PM] Bob10110: ^.^
  55. [02:13:19 PM] back900: 4 peeps woop
  56. [02:16:12 PM] To TheChaosNinja: You are the mafia godfather.
  57. [02:16:26 PM] To back900: You are a town time mage.
  58. [02:16:38 PM] To MyNameIsNothing: You are a town priest/cleric.
  59. [02:16:46 PM] To Bob10110: You are a vanilla townie.
  60. [02:16:49 PM] MyNameIsNothing: hype
  61. [02:16:54 PM] Bob10110: Joy. (reply)
  62. [02:16:57 PM] SundayMafia: Please confirm your roles.
  63. [02:17:02 PM] To Bob10110: Sorry, blame the RNG :P
  64. [02:17:06 PM] ChatGames: (I had meat in buns for dinner.)
  65. [02:17:08 PM] Bob10110: Confirm.
  66. [02:17:14 PM] TheChaosNinja: Confirmation.
  67. [02:17:19 PM] back900: /confirm
  68. [02:17:25 PM] Bob10110: Oh I'm not mad, I like not having anything important. (reply)
  69. [02:17:35 PM] Bob10110: It'll let me be more assertive. ;) (reply)
  70. [02:17:44 PM] MyNameIsNothing: confirm
  71. [02:18:09 PM] SundayMafia: Day 1 begins. You have 15 minutes.
  72. [02:18:42 PM] Bob10110: So, quick question regarding the vote rules: Does the lynch happen as soon as a majority is reached, or is it tallied at day's end
  73. [02:18:52 PM] TheChaosNinja: Day end, I believe.
  74. [02:18:55 PM] back900: day end
  75. [02:19:06 PM] back900: or so i think also
  76. [02:19:09 PM] SundayMafia: The day will end when the time runs out.
  77. [02:19:13 PM] MyNameIsNothing: so im assuming set up is 3 town, one mafia
  78. [02:19:23 PM] TheChaosNinja: Has to be.
  79. [02:19:27 PM] MyNameIsNothing: only really viable option in a 4 player game
  80. [02:19:28 PM] Bob10110: Yeah, because 3 mafia and 1 town would be too sad of a joke.
  81. [02:19:31 PM] TheChaosNinja: 2-2 would be instant win for mafia.
  82. [02:19:31 PM] back900: last game i played MNiN was 2-1-1
  83. [02:19:46 PM] TheChaosNinja: Oh. Hmm.
  84. [02:20:09 PM] SundayMafia: I forgot to say a 5 minute extension is available.
  85. [02:20:14 PM] back900: the 3rd party won :L
  86. [02:20:25 PM] Bob10110: MNIN is clearly mafia. Discuss.
  87. [02:20:28 PM] back900: but i reckon it will be 3-1
  88. [02:20:28 PM] MyNameIsNothing: Yeah, something tells me the town wasn't winning with those odds
  89. [02:20:34 PM] MyNameIsNothing: wow wut
  90. [02:20:45 PM] MyNameIsNothing: I'm no mafia. D:
  91. [02:20:47 PM] TheChaosNinja: Is anyone here wearing a hat?
  92. [02:20:56 PM] Bob10110: Is what you would say if you were a mafia. ;)
  93. [02:21:00 PM] back900: no im wearing headphones though
  94. [02:21:07 PM] Bob10110: Also wth at hat questions. I'm not wearing any hats.
  95. [02:21:22 PM] Bob10110: This isn't going to be like my mafia club at college who'd lynch people for wearing a hat, right?
  96. [02:21:27 PM] MyNameIsNothing: Who wears hats in doors?
  97. [02:21:33 PM] TheChaosNinja: That's exactly what I was referencing.
  98. [02:21:36 PM] MyNameIsNothing: rofl
  99. [02:21:39 PM] TheChaosNinja: I still remember that story.
  100. [02:21:54 PM] back900: I don't know that story
  101. [02:21:56 PM] back900: :L
  102. [02:22:02 PM] Bob10110: Fedoras are awesome, 'nuff said.
  103. [02:22:07 PM] TheChaosNinja: Euphoric.
  104. [02:22:09 PM] back900: can we lynch this day?
  105. [02:22:16 PM] SundayMafia: Yes.
  106. [02:22:18 PM] TheChaosNinja: All days have to end in lynch.
  107. [02:22:24 PM] Bob10110: Well...back to being serious now
  108. [02:22:31 PM] SundayMafia: If no votes have been cast when the time runs out, I will RNG someone to be lynched.
  109. [02:22:36 PM] Bob10110: Four player setup, we can assume either 3-1 or 2-1-1
  110. [02:22:37 PM] back900: also what is the time this day ends?
  111. [02:22:56 PM] SundayMafia: Ten minutes remain.
  112. [02:23:03 PM] back900: bob is it most often 3-1 in this situation so lets go for that
  113. [02:23:05 PM] Bob10110: As for power roles...would there be any in such a small game?
  114. [02:23:09 PM] MyNameIsNothing: Is this a MiLo day one?
  115. [02:23:10 PM] Bob10110: Probably a doctor.
  116. [02:23:12 PM] TheChaosNinja: Maybe.
  117. [02:23:20 PM] TheChaosNinja: SundayMafias are incredibly random.
  118. [02:23:37 PM] Bob10110: I do seriously hope it's not 3 mafia and 1 town. I'll be sad if it is.
  119. [02:23:41 PM] MyNameIsNothing: Yeah, the amount of possible roles probably means theres at least one power role.
  120. [02:23:45 PM] TheChaosNinja: I doubt it is.
  121. [02:23:48 PM] Bob10110: I mean, I hadn't played mafia in a long while.
  122. [02:24:01 PM] TheChaosNinja: 3 mafia is an instant win.
  123. [02:24:12 PM] back900: what is the best strategy for townies
  124. [02:24:12 PM] MyNameIsNothing: There can't be more than one mafia
  125. [02:24:13 PM] back900: ?
  126. [02:24:30 PM] MyNameIsNothing: lynch the mafia, back
  127. [02:24:31 PM] TheChaosNinja: Don't get lynched.
  128. [02:24:32 PM] back900: -_-
  129. [02:24:39 PM] TheChaosNinja: Don't get NKed.
  130. [02:24:42 PM] Bob10110: Looking at the player list, looking at chat patterns, try to connect the dots.
  131. [02:24:50 PM] TheChaosNinja: Use correct evidence to figure out the scum.
  132. [02:24:59 PM] back900: anyone fancy declaring what they are?
  133. [02:25:20 PM] back900: could be a good strategy for deciding who to lynch?
  134. [02:25:22 PM] Bob10110: A roleclaim? Seems pretty risky especially given we don't know everything in the setup
  135. [02:25:43 PM] Bob10110: And if there is a doctor, outing himself this early is going to suck.
  136. [02:25:47 PM] TheChaosNinja: 4 players give an easy chance for mafia/3rd party to lie too.
  137. [02:26:02 PM] back900: oh ok :L
  138. [02:26:04 PM] Bob10110: Even worse if it's a cop.
  139. [02:26:09 PM] TheChaosNinja: So, that's a no-go.
  140. [02:26:12 PM] MyNameIsNothing: I'll claim that I'm town affiliated, that's it.
  141. [02:26:14 PM] back900: i dunno what a cop is
  142. [02:26:25 PM] back900: MNiN everyone would :P
  143. [02:26:31 PM] Bob10110: Cop: Once per night phase, investigate a player to learn their allegiance (town/mafia)
  144. [02:26:38 PM] TheChaosNinja: That.
  145. [02:26:39 PM] MyNameIsNothing: letting the mafia know possible power roles would give them way too much power
  146. [02:27:37 PM] TheChaosNinja: Bob, connected the dots yet?
  147. [02:27:52 PM] Bob10110: Ofc not.
  148. [02:28:01 PM] TheChaosNinja: :(
  149. [02:28:03 PM] Bob10110: If I did, I would have done something like actually voting to lynch MNIN.
  150. [02:28:07 PM] back900: hmm this dot to dot is hard wish tehre were numbers
  151. [02:28:17 PM] SundayMafia: Five minutes remain.
  152. [02:28:25 PM] back900: bob what's your issue with bob?
  153. [02:28:39 PM] Bob10110: I have no issues with myself, unless you're talking to the other me.
  154. [02:28:46 PM] Bob10110: He's always complaining about something.
  155. [02:28:49 PM] back900: lol i mean MNiN
  156. [02:28:53 PM] back900: meant*
  157. [02:28:56 PM] Bob10110: =P
  158. [02:29:08 PM] TheChaosNinja: His name is not Bob.
  159. [02:29:10 PM] Bob10110: Oh, nothing much really, just trying to fish for reactions.
  160. [02:29:17 PM] TheChaosNinja: His Name Means Nothing.
  161. [02:29:18 PM] back900: oh
  162. [02:29:21 PM] MyNameIsNothing: MyNameIsBob
  163. [02:29:36 PM] back900: MyNameIsNob
  164. [02:29:56 PM] Bob10110: If you know the player and know what they'll play like when town/mafia, you can try to get those reactions out of them by putting them under pressure.
  165. [02:29:57 PM] back900: it rhymes
  166. [02:30:19 PM] back900: well good luck i've only played once before :L
  167. [02:30:31 PM] Bob10110: Even if you don't know what they'll play like, you can make a decent guess from said reactions
  168. [02:30:32 PM] MyNameIsNothing: I don't think I've been mafia in a CG game yet, actually.
  169. [02:30:32 PM] TheChaosNinja: Don't know any of your guys patterns.
  170. [02:30:39 PM] Bob10110: >yet
  171. [02:30:40 PM] Bob10110: AHA
  172. [02:30:43 PM] Bob10110: Evidence!
  173. [02:31:07 PM] MyNameIsNothing: Psh
  174. [02:31:15 PM] SundayMafia: Two minutes remain. No votes have been cast.
  175. [02:31:22 PM] Bob10110: ...dammit, why is nobody casting votes?
  176. [02:31:28 PM] TheChaosNinja: Do we make a decision?
  177. [02:31:29 PM] MyNameIsNothing: o ok
  178. [02:31:34 PM] MyNameIsNothing: [vote: bob]
  179. [02:31:37 PM] Bob10110: We could make a decision I guess.
  180. [02:31:42 PM] Bob10110: [Vote: MNIN]
  181. [02:31:48 PM] TheChaosNinja: Why, MNIN?
  182. [02:32:06 PM] SundayMafia: Votals: 1 - Bob10110 (MyNameIsNothing), 1 - MyNameIsNothing (Bob10110)
  183. [02:32:13 PM] MyNameIsNothing: But I mean, Bob has been trying to point some sort of finger at me since the start. Probs just day one type stuff.
  184. [02:32:19 PM] back900: i want reasons from both before i decide
  185. [02:32:21 PM] Bob10110: Votals. I like that word.
  186. [02:32:34 PM] SundayMafia: 40 seconds remain.
  187. [02:32:34 PM] TheChaosNinja: Bob vote is retaliation. That's justified.
  188. [02:32:50 PM] Bob10110: I dunno, you can justify it from both of our perspectives.
  189. [02:32:55 PM] back900: /vote MNiN
  190. [02:32:56 PM] TheChaosNinja: True.
  191. [02:32:58 PM] MyNameIsNothing: I will say, me dying would probs rek the town 5ever
  192. [02:33:10 PM] SundayMafia: 5 seconds.
  193. [02:33:19 PM] MyNameIsNothing: pls tcn
  194. [02:33:19 PM] SundayMafia: Day ends.
  195. [02:33:24 PM] MyNameIsNothing: rip town ;-;
  196. [02:33:24 PM] SundayMafia: MNIN is lynched.
  197. [02:33:27 PM] SundayMafia: He was the town priest.
  198. [02:33:32 PM] back900: see ya MNiN
  199. [02:33:33 PM] Bob10110: ...well.
  200. [02:33:39 PM] TheChaosNinja: Oh dear.
  201. [02:33:41 PM] back900: i hate religion anyways
  202. [02:33:42 PM] SundayMafia: Please send in your night actions now.
  203. [02:33:46 PM] MyNameIsNothing: backs the winner \o/ (reply)
  204. [02:33:51 PM] Bob10110: /cry (reply)
  205. [02:33:57 PM] TheChaosNinja: test (reply)
  206. [02:34:04 PM] back900: can i extend the next day please (reply)
  207. [02:34:10 PM] TheChaosNinja: Kill back. (reply)
  208. [02:34:10 PM] To back900: Yes.
  209. [02:35:40 PM] SundayMafia: It is now dawn.
  210. [02:35:43 PM] SundayMafia: back900 is dead.
  211. [02:35:51 PM] back900: ouch why guys
  212. [02:36:01 PM] back900: now we lost
  213. [02:36:12 PM] back900: damn mafia scum
  214. [02:36:34 PM] Bob10110: Well I think that's probably game then, only two people left alive.
  215. [02:36:34 PM] TheChaosNinja: So, two left?
  216. [02:36:39 PM] TheChaosNinja: Vote: Bob
  217. [02:36:40 PM] SundayMafia: TheChaosNinja wins.
  218. [02:36:42 PM] TheChaosNinja: Yay!
  219. [02:36:44 PM] SundayMafia: He was the mafia godfather.
  220. [02:36:53 PM] TheChaosNinja: Mafia Man strikes again!
  221. [02:36:57 PM] MyNameIsNothing: best 2 day mafia ever
  222. [02:37:01 PM] Bob10110: 1-day*
  223. [02:37:03 PM] back900: after MNiN died i knew it was chaos
  224. [02:37:08 PM] TheChaosNinja: How?
  225. [02:37:19 PM] back900: the way you played
  226. [02:37:39 PM] TheChaosNinja: Please give reasons for your answers. Make sure you include religious arguments for your answer.
  227. [02:37:46 PM] back900: lol
  228. [02:37:50 PM] back900: God told me
  229. [02:37:55 PM] Bob10110: Because Flying Spaghetti Monster.
  230. [02:38:11 PM] TheChaosNinja: Hail his Noodly Appendages!
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