
Faunus Myth

Mar 7th, 2016
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  1. Long ago, there was a great hunter seeking companionship. During his travels he encountered a beautiful princess but whose marriage was prearranged. Desperate, the hunter made a wager, he'd best any challenge given by the King in exchange for her hand. The King, being the sly one he is, told him to defeat the sun. If the sun would never rise again, the princess would be his. Demoralized but not discouraged, the hunter set upon tossing sticks and stones at the sky for hours on end. It was on his 45th attempt that a young maiden, with hair yellow and fair as gold, stopped and asked him, "What on Remnant are you doing you fool ?!"
  2. "Well you see Dear Lady, inorder to to marry the one I love, I must slay that great dragon in the sky !"
  3. "It doesn't look like you're having much progress." she replied, scoffing at the hunter's brave but deluded quest.
  4. After a few attempts, the hunter muttered, "If only I had the strength of an bull, I could toss these stones better and hit the beast !"
  5. The maiden laughed, and placed her hand on his head. The hunter felt unnatural strength fill his body, and with that, the blond maiden vanished. More hours pasted, realizing the folly of his strategy, he attempted to climb a tree to the sun. It was the 90th attempt when the blond maiden stopped and asked " Are you daft ?"
  6. "If only I could climb like monkey, I could swing my way to the sun and slay it !"
  7. The maiden sighed and place her hand on his head and the hunter felt unnatural agility in his limbs. Like that, the maiden vanished. A day pasted, the hunter eventually realized he wasn't the most brilliant strategist (The usual gameplan was punch grimm with fist until nothing is left) so he decided to sit and ponder. The maiden returned yet again and asked "Don't you have anything better to do ?"
  8. "If only I was as clever as a cat, then I could-"
  9. The maiden slapped him, and the hunter felt unnatural wisdom fill his brain. And so the next hours went. Half-baked plan after half-baked plan.
  10. "If only I was swift as a rabbit.."
  11. "If I was deadly as a snake.."
  12. "If I could breath underwater like a fish.."
  13. Finally the maiden had enough. "NO MORE ! JUST STOP !"
  14. "But I must gain the hand of the woman I love !"
  15. "You've never even met her, for all you know, she's incredibly annoying or clingy."
  16. The hunter stood puzzled. She did have a point.
  17. "Wait a minute, how do you know that ? Who are you ?"
  18. The maiden laughed.
  19. "Oh handsome yet incredibly stupid warrior, I see all from my domain. I am the bringer of life and warmth, The Great Sun Dragon.
  20. "Why were you trying to help me then ?"
  21. The maiden simply kissed him.
  22. "Until today, none dare gaze upon me, but yet you stared deep into my radiance without fear. I've long wished for one brave enough to keep me company."
  23. The hunter took the Dragon in his arms and carried her to the local church. There they were married and adventured together for the rest of time. Their descendants, the faunus, still cary the gifts bestowed upon the great hunter. The Strength of a Bull, Agility of a Monkey, Cleverness of a Cat, use these gifts well.. Use them wisely...
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