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The Rage of Grootslang (Updated)

a guest
Jan 10th, 2015
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  1. ~ Grootslang got scared of EVIL PATRIXXX and joined the chat. ~
  2. 6:00
  3. Grootslang:
  4. ?
  5. 6:00
  6. Godofmemez:
  7. k
  8. 6:02
  9. Grootslang:
  10. Oh, hello :3
  11. 6:03
  12. Godofmemez:
  13. I'll be watching.
  14. ~ CRover got scared of EVIL PATRIXXX and joined the chat. ~
  15. 6:07
  16. Grootslang:
  17. And what can you do? Only watching? Trolls like you should know their place. Or you think, that your wiki did not deserved closing? I am vomiting from you trolls and your infinite profanity and words like "muddafacka". You deserved it, Godofmemez
  18. 6:07
  19. CRover:
  20. > troll
  21. 6:07
  22. Grootslang:
  23. Who is troll?
  24. 6:08
  25. Godofmemez:
  26. Also, this is gonna be logged.
  27. This is extremely normal for teens bitch.
  28. 6:10
  29. Grootslang:
  30. I know more things than you in this world. I have learned English and I hate trolls like you. Can you talk with me without using profanity? I don't think so.
  31. 6:11
  32. Godofmemez:
  33. u wot m8
  34. If you don't like this community full of teens, get out.
  35. 6:11
  36. Grootslang:
  37. You mean Trollpasta?
  38. 6:12
  39. Godofmemez:
  40. LOL, that's why you're stupid. You've got to quit this entire Wikia community.
  41. 6:13
  42. CRover:
  43. On a completely unrelated topic, does any of you know what happened to CPWC?
  44. 6:13
  45. Grootslang:
  46. LOL, I Wikia Labguge Brigadier and I create zoology and cryptozoology articles in English, Belarussian and Russian, and you say me: 'Gat out."?
  47. "Wikia Language Brigadier"
  48. 6:14
  49. Godofmemez:
  50. Learn to spell more properly m8.
  51. 6:15
  52. Grootslang:
  53. Hmm, you are the completed windowlicker.
  54. 6:16
  55. Godofmemez:
  56. How?
  57. Also which windwos?
  58. 6:16
  59. Grootslang:
  60. "Windowlicker" in British slang means retarded person like you
  61. 6:17
  62. Godofmemez:
  63. And so you are.
  64. 6:17
  65. Grootslang:
  66. I don't think so :)
  67. 6:17
  68. Godofmemez:
  69. Thinking of that doesn't mean it's true.
  70. * Godofmemez takes out popcorn
  71. 6:19
  72. Grootslang:
  73. You even don't saw me in real life (you saw only photo). I can say, that you are windowlicker because you are retarded troll with stupid feeling of humor
  74. 6:19
  75. Godofmemez:
  76. How?
  77. This entire community is full of trolls anyway.
  78. 6:20
  79. Grootslang:
  80. Only on creepypasta wiki network and small wikis. I know a lot of wikis without trolls
  81. 6:21
  82. Godofmemez:
  83. Didn't you know this wiki is TROLLpasta wiki? Obviously.
  84. 6:21
  85. Grootslang:
  86. I know
  87. 6:21
  88. Godofmemez:
  89. If you want a wiki without trolls, you've got to join them instead of this one.
  90. 6:21
  91. Grootslang:
  92. I know
  93. 6:22
  94. Godofmemez:
  95. Then quit this already.
  96. 6:22
  97. Grootslang:
  98. But I want to see the whole Wikia without trolls, so good night, sweet prince.
  99. 6:23
  100. Godofmemez:
  101. That'd never happen anyway lol.
  102. bai biatch.
  103. 6:24
  104. Grootslang:
  105. Good bye, your new sandox will be shutdown in the next 3-4 days.
  106. 6:25
  107. Godofmemez:
  108. And I will make one again lol, you didn't even tried at all.
  109. ~ Grootslang has died. ~
  110. 6:27
  111. Godofmemez:
  112. SSBzZWUgeW91
  113. ~ Cryptozoology Union got scared of EVIL PATRIXXX and joined the chat. ~
  114. ~ Grootslang got scared of EVIL PATRIXXX and joined the chat. ~
  115. ~ Cryptozoology Union has died. ~
  116. 6:54
  117. Grootslang:
  118. Yeah, if you create another one sandbox after shutdown, I will make more serious troubles for you. Good bye! :)
  119. 6:55
  120. Godofmemez:
  121. You came again just to respond to my message? LOL, you're supposed to be sleeping biatch.
  122. 6:55
  123. Grootslang:
  124. I worked at the article, windowlicker
  125. 6:56
  126. Godofmemez:
  127. Which article?
  128. Also I don't think you can get better insults lol.
  129. 6:57
  130. Grootslang:
  131. On WLB. Good bye. 16769234GHM
  132. 6:57
  133. Godofmemez:
  134. Keep crying m8.
  135. Quit and go 2 sleep.
  136. ~ Grootslang has died. ~
  137. 6:59
  138. Godofmemez:
  139. WLB = Whiny Little Bitch
  140. ~ Grootslang got scared of EVIL PATRIXXX and joined the chat. ~
  141. Grootslang:
  142. WLB=Wikia Language Brigade, windowlicker. You are only the troll. Can you create serious article abut something? I don't think so.
  143. 7:24
  144. Godofmemez:
  145. That's ridiculous bro.
  146. You had to come here again for no particular reason? Wow, how pointless.
  147. 7:25
  148. Grootslang:
  149. Your life is pointless. You are only troll, troll=piece of trash.
  150. 7:27
  151. Godofmemez:
  152. u w0t m9
  153. 7:28
  154. Grootslang:
  155. What?
  156. You write normally or not?
  157. 7:28
  158. Godofmemez:
  159. Haha, you don't even know these internet memes.
  160. Keep raging bro.
  161. 7:29
  162. Grootslang:
  163. These memes are useless in real life.
  164. 7:29
  165. Godofmemez:
  166. Welcome to the internet.
  167. I don't even know how you found Wikia, but it's likely really a stupid reason.
  168. 7:31
  169. Grootslang:
  170. Internet is only Internet. A lot of things exists in this world except internet.
  171. 7:31
  172. Godofmemez:
  173. Everyone knows that.
  174. 7:32
  175. Grootslang:
  176. Oh, I thought, that you don't know, kid
  177. ~ WhiteReaper got scared of EVIL PATRIXXX and joined the chat. ~
  178. 7:32
  179. Godofmemez:
  180. You didn't even tried at all.
  181. 7:33
  182. WhiteReaper:
  183. hi coocsucers
  184. 7:33
  185. Godofmemez:
  186. See? Everybody are trolls, get over it.
  187. 7:33
  188. Grootslang:
  189. Go suck yourself
  190. 7:34
  191. Godofmemez:
  192. k
  193. 7:35
  194. Grootslang:
  195. Oh, I forgot, trolls are pederasts, right?
  196. 7:35
  197. Godofmemez:
  198. Stupidity count: 2
  199. Go google for it yourself biatch.
  200. 7:36
  201. WhiteReaper:
  202. suc my coc
  203. u commie shite
  204. ~ Grootslang has died. ~
  205. 7:37
  206. Godofmemez:
  208. That guy's a bad troll.
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