
[AiE] Sleepless night with Princess Luna

May 23rd, 2014
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  1. >Another night of doing nothing but walking the Canterlot streets
  2. >the years of late night TV and gaming have ruined your circadian rhythm
  3. >with only books to keep you entertained you quickly grew bored
  4. >reading Lord of the Flies, the pony version, was a harbinger or things to come
  5. >everything ends in friendship, everyone sees the error of their ways
  6. >so the only thing left is walking the streets.
  7. >57th night in a row (yes, you keep track) and you've memorised the layout of the town like it was Vice City
  8. >Circled the hoity toity buisness places three times, cris-crossed the socialite turf at least 17 by now and walked from one end of Canterlot to the other five times.
  9. >Three hours of walking, followed by an hour of sitting, then two hours of walking, 45 minutes of rest, an hour and a half, half an hour, half an hour, 15 minutes, 15 minutes, 5
  10. >and then you walk back to the palace, where Celestia has graciously allowed you to stay as a sort of honorary ambassador
  11. >she also raids the royal fridge with you
  12. >she for a midnight piece of chocolate cake
  13. >you for breakfast
  15. >By the time you get back to the palace the arches of your feet ache with each step, your spine has been replaced with a deformed, red-hot steel rod, and your legs belong in splints with how wobbly they are
  16. >the Sun outside has begun rising over the horizon, yet the bright light with the leftover cold air from the night creates an ambivalent feel in your mind
  17. >You're snapped out of your pondering of the atmos by the sound of hoofsteps on the regal rug that runs across the hall
  18. >It's Luna, and she looks dead tired
  19. >her wings aren't even held at her side, they're just limply hanging down and swaying with her movements
  20. >her eyes are bloodshot and 3/4 closed already
  21. >she notices you in the hallway, but stares for a good while before her leftover alertness takes over
  22. >''Anonymous. Good to see you on this fair dawn. Another sleepless night?''
  24. ''Yeah. Managed to get up to 26 749 steps today. I'm close to breaking my old record. How about you? Any nightmares?''
  25. >''Nay. 'Twas a mundane night in that regard. But the number of ponies dreaming was abhorrent. We had to jaunt from pony to pony in all of Equestria and it has tired us considerably.''
  26. ''I know that feel. I'm this close to just curling up on the floor.''
  27. >''It does sound tempting indeed, but what would our loyal subjects think if they found their princess asleep in the royal hallway on the royal carpet.''
  28. ''With the not-so-royal ape.''
  29. >''Don't be so critical of thyself, Anonymous. Thou art the royal pet.''
  30. >You're too tired to laugh, but you manage a smile and blow some air out your nose
  31. >you lean on the nearby wall, arm raised, trying to look sexy and cool
  32. >managing to look gangly and luke-warm at best
  33. ''As the royal pet then, does that mean I have the same privileges as one?''
  34. >''But of course, Anonymous. Nightly walkies, royal food prepared in the royal dish-bowl, royal flee-baths and the royal whap on the nose with a parchment for punishment.''
  35. >Tired, but her sense of humour is still there
  36. >Being exhausted your natural levels of giving a fuck are cataclysmically low, so it's time to see how far you can take this
  37. ''And let's not forget the royal cuddle time with the royal masters, during bed time.''
  38. >''Anonymous! How lude!''
  39. >Fucks given?
  40. >Zero.
  41. >Limit break engage
  42. >You sit in front of her, cross your legs indian style, and look up with big-soulful eyes (as far as you can muster them)
  43. >you even remember the time you watched old Yeller just to turn on the water works
  44. >she looks at you, attempting a stern gaze, but you see how in those eyes she's swaying back and forth between leaving for her chambers, and accepting the invitation
  45. >after all, everyone likes sleepy-cuddles
  46. >the stare off continues
  48. >Her gaze hasn't softened and your face muscles are seriously aching
  49. >goddamn it, why did you have to do this
  50. >you must look like a fool
  51. >sure enough your brow muscles start twitching and the facade is ruined
  52. >or not
  53. >Luna relaxes her face and goes back to tired mode
  54. >''Very well then. We shall humour thine desire, Anonymous. Thou may cuddle with thine royal -mistress- in her chamber''
  55. >score
  57. >the both of you shuffle lazily up two flights of stairs (30 fucking steps in all) and enter her bedroom
  58. >fuck chamber, that's one word away from being a euphemism for ''container you shit in'' and you don't need those kinds of thoughts right now
  59. >her bedroom is super-fucking dark
  60. >the shutters on her window are tightly closed, but the windows themselves are open, making the room pleasantly cool
  61. >and the bed, Jesus, you could have an orgy on it and still have enough room to sleep without going foetal
  62. >as you're admiring the bed in what little light there is, Luna goes over to a large desk with a mirror (fuck you, can't remember the name of it) and takes off her regalia, including the weird shoes she and her sister wear
  63. >she actually looks cuter without all that nonsense jewelry
  64. >more natural
  65. >your admiration of her form is broken by two things
  66. >first: the epiphany that you're seeing princess Luna completely nude for the first time
  67. >second: her flinging open the covers of her enormous bed and taking up the right side, leaving the left open
  68. >''Aren't you going to join us, Anonymous the pet?'', she asks with what you think is a smile
  69. >damn this dark
  71. >you take off your jacket, shirt, pants and shoes and climb into bed
  72. >the cool sheets feel pleasant on your semi-naked skin as you wiggle into position and stretch out for comfort
  73. >Luna seems to be staring in the direction of your arms just a tad too long
  74. >you put them behind your head and flex them on-and-off for added effect
  75. >she quickly turns away and wiggles inside the covers
  76. >the birds are starting their songs and the outside world is fully illuminated
  77. >the light leaks into the bedroom allowing you to see a bit better
  78. >everything is in some shade of blue (be it light or dark) or purple
  79. >all them cold colours
  80. >''Anonymous? Art thou still awake?''
  81. ''Yeah?''
  82. >''We might be misremembering, but did you not mention something about royal cuddles?''
  83. ''That I did.''
  84. >''Well, by royal decree, we order you to take us into your arms and let us snuggle up against thine burly chest.''
  85. >you open your right arm and Luna slips onto it
  86. >you turn on your side and envelop the little alicorn into your eager arms as she accidentally boops your throat with her horn
  87. >''Anonymous! We beg your pardon, we did not mean to--''
  88. >you start petting her mane and just move a few inches lower so now your head and her are more level, giving her more room to maneuver her horn
  89. >through closed eyes, you sense that she's looking at you, but you don't open to make sure
  90. >you do, however, rub your nose against hers
  91. >she's still for a moment, before returning the gesture
  92. >under the covers her wing covers your arm and her tail swishes over your leg
  93. >you fall asleep, the world melting in a haze of soft nuzzles and cuddly princess
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