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- -- Totoro Recursive Miner 0.5H --
- -- (c) 01.2015 --
- local robot = require('robot')
- local event = require('event')
- local sides = require('sides')
- local computer = require('computer')
- local com = require('component')
- function trytoload(name)
- if com.isAvailable(name) then
- return com.getPrimary(name)
- else
- return nil
- end
- end
- local gen = trytoload("generator")
- local cloader = trytoload("chunkloader")
- PATHWAYS = true
- DROP_TRASH = false
- DEAD_END = 30
- USE_CLOADER = true
- INV_SIZE = robot.inventorySize()
- if VANILLA_CHEST then INV_SIZE = math.min(INV_SIZE, TECH_SLOTS + 27) end
- MAX = 1024
- -- statictics
- local moves = 0
- local light_allowed = (robot.setLightColor ~= nil)
- local color = {}
- color.working = 0x00ff00
- color.idle = 0xff0000
- color.warning = 0xffff10
- local trash_slots = TECH_SLOTS - 1
- local chest_slot = TECH_SLOTS
- local empty_slot = TECH_SLOTS + 1
- local loc = {x=0, y=0, z=0, d=0}
- local lode = {}
- local a = {...}
- local l = tonumber(a[1]) or 22
- local w = tonumber(a[2]) or 17
- local comeback = a[3] or 'false'
- local halfw = math.floor(w/2)
- if a[1] == '?' or a[1] == '-h' or a[1] == '--help' then
- print("Синтаксис: mine <length> [width] [comeback]")
- return
- end
- if gen == nil then
- print([[[WARNING] Генератор не обнаружен!\n
- Робот не проработает долго без подзарядки.]])
- end
- if cloader ~= nil then
- print([[[WARNING] Обнаружен чанклодер!\n
- На сервере ComputerCraft IT 1.7.10 его использование
- приведет к моментальной разрядке батареи!]])
- end
- -- ============================= N A V I G A T I O N ============================= --
- function forward()
- if robot.forward() then
- if loc.d == 0 then loc.y = loc.y+1
- elseif loc.d == 1 then loc.x = loc.x+1
- elseif loc.d == 2 then loc.y = loc.y-1
- else loc.x = loc.x-1 end
- moves = moves + 1
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- function back()
- if robot.back() then
- if loc.d == 0 then loc.y = loc.y-1
- elseif loc.d == 1 then loc.x = loc.x-1
- elseif loc.d == 2 then loc.y = loc.y+1
- else loc.x = loc.x+1 end
- moves = moves + 1
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- function up()
- if robot.up() then
- loc.z = loc.z+1
- moves = moves + 1
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- function down()
- if robot.down() then
- loc.z = loc.z-1
- moves = moves + 1
- return true
- else
- return false
- end
- end
- function turnRight()
- loc.d = (loc.d+1)%4
- robot.turnRight()
- end
- function turnAround()
- loc.d = (loc.d+2)%4
- robot.turnAround()
- end
- function turnLeft()
- loc.d = (loc.d+3)%4
- robot.turnLeft()
- end
- -- ========================== F U E L C O N T R O L ============================= --
- function check_fuel()
- if gen ~= nil then
- if (computer.maxEnergy() - > 1000 then
- if gen.count() == 0 then
- for i=empty_slot, INV_SIZE do
- if gen.insert() then break end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- ========================== I T E M C O N T R O L ============================= --
- function check_loot()
- for i=empty_slot, INV_SIZE do
- if robot.count(i) == 0 then return false end
- end
- return true
- end
- function unload()
- -- place for chest
- while robot.swing() do end
- robot.swingUp()
- up()
- while robot.swing() do end
- down()
- if then
- -- put items
- for i=empty_slot, INV_SIZE do
- while robot.drop() do end
- end
- -- grab ender chest
- if not VANILLA_CHEST then
- robot.swing()
- end
- end
- end
- function check_trash()
- for i=1, trash_slots do
- -- if too many trash of this type
- if == 0 then
- -- drop all but one in trash slot
- robot.dropDown(robot.count(i)-1)
- -- and drop all others
- for j=empty_slot, INV_SIZE do
- if robot.compareTo(j) then
- robot.dropDown()
- end
- end
- end
- end
- end
- -- ================================ M I N I N G ================================== --
- function qforward()
- while not forward() do robot.swing() end
- end
- function trash(side)
- for i=1, trash_slots do
- if side == sides.up then
- a,t = robot.detectUp()
- if t ~= 'solid' or robot.compareUp() then return true end
- elseif side == sides.front then
- a,t = robot.detect()
- if t ~= 'solid' or then return true end
- else
- a,t = robot.detectDown()
- if t ~= 'solid' or robot.compareDown() then return true end
- end
- end
- return false
- end
- function mine(side)
- local direct = loc.d
- local backdir = (direct+2)%4
- if side == sides.up then
- c = 0
- while not up() do
- robot.swingUp()
- c = c + 1
- if c>DEAD_END then return end
- end
- elseif side == sides.front then
- c = 0
- while not forward() do
- robot.swing()
- c = c + 1
- if c>DEAD_END then return end
- end
- elseif side == sides.down then
- c = 0
- while not down() do
- robot.swingDown()
- c = c + 1
- if c>DEAD_END then return end
- end
- end
- lode[loc.x*MAX*MAX + loc.y*MAX + loc.z] = true
- -- check further direction
- if lode[loc.x*MAX*MAX + loc.y*MAX + (loc.z+1)] == nil then
- if not trash(sides.up) then mine(sides.up)
- else lode[loc.x*MAX*MAX + loc.y*MAX + (loc.z+1)] = false end
- end
- if lode[loc.x*MAX*MAX + loc.y*MAX + (loc.z-1)] == nil then
- if not trash(sides.down) then mine(sides.down)
- else lode[loc.x*MAX*MAX + loc.y*MAX + (loc.z-1)] = false end
- end
- for i=loc.d, loc.d+3 do
- local a = i%4
- local x = loc.x
- local y = loc.y
- if a == 0 then y = y + 1
- elseif a == 1 then x = x + 1
- elseif a == 2 then y = y - 1
- else x = x - 1 end
- if lode[x*MAX*MAX + y*MAX + loc.z] == nil then
- while loc.d < a do turnRight() end
- while loc.d > a do turnLeft() end
- if not trash(sides.front) then mine(sides.front)
- else lode[x*MAX*MAX + y*MAX + loc.z] = false end
- end
- end
- -- come back
- if side == sides.up then
- down()
- elseif side == sides.front then
- if loc.d == direct and back() then
- -- yet ready =)
- else
- while loc.d < backdir do turnRight() end
- while loc.d > backdir do turnLeft() end
- qforward()
- end
- elseif side == sides.down then
- up()
- end
- end
- function go(side)
- direct = loc.d
- lode = {}
- mine(side)
- while loc.d < direct do turnRight() end
- while loc.d > direct do turnLeft() end
- end
- function step(progress)
- -- every tenth
- tenth = (loc.x % 15 == 0)
- -- dig one row
- for x=1, w do
- -- check up/down
- if not trash(sides.down) then go(sides.down) end
- if not trash(sides.up) then go(sides.up) end
- -- tonnel for player
- if PATHWAYS then
- if loc.y == halfw then
- robot.swingDown()
- while robot.detectUp() do robot.swingUp() end
- end
- if x == 1 or x == w then
- robot.swingDown()
- end
- else
- if loc.y == halfw then
- robot.swingDown()
- end
- end
- -- move
- if x<w then
- qforward()
- if PATHWAYS and tenth then robot.swingDown() end
- end
- end
- -- check front
- if not trash(sides.front) then go(sides.front) end
- -- next one
- if progress%2==1 then
- turnRight()
- qforward()
- turnRight()
- else
- turnLeft()
- qforward()
- turnLeft()
- end
- -- fuel checking
- check_fuel()
- -- trash checking
- if DROP_TRASH then
- check_trash()
- end
- -- loot checking
- if check_loot() then
- turnAround()
- unload()
- turnAround()
- end
- end
- function goBack()
- while loc.y ~= 0 do
- qforward()
- end
- if loc.d == 0 then turnLeft()
- elseif loc.d == 2 then turnRight() end
- while loc.x ~= 0 do
- qforward()
- end
- turnRight()
- end
- -- =================================== M A I N =================================== --
- print("Totoro Recursive Miner 1.5H")
- print("[INFO] Запуск. Длина: "..l..". Ширина: "..w..'. \n Возврат: '..comeback)
- if cloader ~= nil and USE_CLOADER then
- cloader.setActive(true)
- print("[INFO] Чанклодер активирован.")
- end
- print("[INFO] Выключите робота, чтобы прервать работу.")
- -- statistic value
- moves = 0
- -- main cycle
- robot.turnLeft()
- if light_allowed then robot.setLightColor(color.working) end
- for i=1, l do
- step(i)
- end
- -- ==================================== E N D ==================================== --
- -- move to start position
- if comeback == 'true' then goBack() end
- if light_allowed then robot.setLightColor(color.idle) end
- robot.turnRight()
- if cloader ~= nil and USE_CLOADER then
- cloader.setActive(false)
- print("[INFO] Чанклодер деактивирован.")
- end
- print("[STATISTIC] Движений: "..moves)
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