
2019-05-06 TOEFL: listening and test

May 8th, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - notes from all classes
  4. ---
  6. ---
  7. Take the quiz in your email about how the TOEFL test works.
  8. ---
  9. Listening Section: second section, 60-90 minutes, 2 or 3 sets
  10. each set = 3 listenings (1 conversation, 1 lecture, 1 discussion)
  11. 17 questions (5/conversation, 6/lecture or discussion)
  12. 10 minutes to answer questions
  13. Listening Question Types (may be categorized differently by different books or teachers):
  14. - attitude
  15. - main idea (content or purpose)
  16. - fact/detail
  17. - function
  18. - prediction
  19. - inference
  20. - purpose / method / organization
  21. - complete a chart or table
  22. ---
  23. p. 427 - Identify the question types in this listening test
  24. 1 main idea (gist content)
  25. 2 detail
  26. 3 purpose
  27. 4 function
  28. 5 function
  29. 6 complete a chart or table (connecting content)
  30. 7 main idea (gist purpose)
  31. 8 function
  32. 9 attitude
  33. 10 detail
  34. 11 prediction (an inference about the future)
  35. 12 main idea (gist content)
  36. 13 purpose
  37. 14 attitude
  38. 15 detail
  39. 16 detail
  40. 17 complete a chart or table (connecting content)
  41. ---
  42. p. 427 question 4 - Listen again to part of the lecture and answer the question.
  43. c
  44. Then do the same with 5.
  45. c
  46. ---
  47. Listen to a lecture in a criminology class and take notes.
  48. Compare your notes with your partner. Did you catch the same information? How did you organize your notes?
  49. ---
  50. BREAK
  51. ---
  52. Listening Test: Write the numbers 1 to 34 on your paper.
  53. Listening Practice Test - ETS 1 test 2
  54. Submit your answers online after you finish.
  55. ---
  56. Identify question types for questions most people got wrong.
  57. 8 - detail
  58. 9 - detail
  59. 12 - main idea (purpose)
  60. 13 - inference
  61. 14 - purpose
  62. 16 - detail
  63. 19 - attitude
  64. 21 - detail
  65. 30 - detail
  66. 34 - function
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