
Zen Garden

Aug 11th, 2012
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  1. Zen Garden 1/4 Anonymous 08/07/12(Tue)21:34 No.3743756
  3. >you own a nice big backyard
  4. >eight foot tall fence that is stained a dark mahogany color
  5. >because fuck neighbors
  6. >along the wall of both sides are rows of trimmed bamboo
  7. >it's not legal to plant them in your county
  8. >but fuck the county
  9. >a nice little Koi pond with a few fish are against the back wall
  10. >a small circular rock garden is in the center
  11. >theres a small ground level deck coming from the house with a few chairs and metal fire pit
  12. >the rest of the yard is a well fertizlized and manicured lawn
  13. >you often sit on your back poarch with a drink in hand
  14. >its one of the few calming things in your life
  15. >but not today
  16. >no today you come home from work to find fluffy ponies
  17. >you angrily sip your calming beverage while you survey the scene before you
  18. >a plank in the back corner of the fence is eskew
  19. >must have been loose and they pushed their way in
  20. >about a dozen fluffies are in various stages of destroying your yard
  21. >the rock garden is filled with 8 fresh foul fluffy turds
  22. >whole patches of grass have been chewed down to the roots
  23. >a blue pegasus is relieving himself in your koi pond
  24. >five fluffies are playing hide and seek by the bamboo
  25. >a slightly swollen dam is sleeping next to the pond, she must have barely fit through the fence
  26. >a mother and two foals are vigourously clearing another section of grass
  27. >two like colored unicorns are fornicating on one of your deck chairs
  28. >you step on the lawn, your bear foot squishing into what is most certainly fluffy shit
  30. >"NO! Hooman munsta weave, Dis aw gwassies"
  31. >a dark purple unicorn speaks up from the group playing hide and seek
  33. >you wipe the shit from your foot on a clean section of grass
  34. >ignoring the puffing of cheecks and angry looks from the herd you walk to the hole in the fence
  35. >you pry the board back a bit
  36. "I'm going to go back in the house for a few minutes, please take this time to leave."
  37. "You've had your fill of grass, just go somewhere else and all is forgiven."
  38. >the fluffies seem a little confused by your demeanor and tone but they aren't buying it
  39. >"FWUFFIES HEWE FIWST" declares the smarty with puffed cheeks and a stamp of his hoof
  40. >this seems to settle it for the other fluffies, none seem motivated to move
  41. >you go into the house and come back with a few tools
  42. >the fluffies are still here and make more threats as you walk about
  43. >you feel a slight poke on your ankle
  44. >the swarty is 'stabbing' you with his horn "Hooman no wisten. HEWD GIVE HOOMAN BIG OWWIES NOW"
  45. >all the males come to buck your legs
  46. "How would you guys like some special food?"
  47. >the smarty looks at you funny
  48. "It's really good, I promise"
  49. >"Gife special nummies and we not hewt hooman" offers the smarty
  50. >You pull out a large knife and cut off a shoot of bamboo
  51. >you sharpen the end and point it at the smarty
  52. "It's a really special grass, go ahead and try some"
  53. >the smarty looks at you distrustfully but he tentatively tries to take a bite
  54. >you quickly thrust the shoot through his mouth and skewer him completely
  56. >the fluffy screams bloddy murder
  57. >you think you can make out the words bad, food, and hurt but you don't really care
  58. >a few of the other fluffies cry, scream, and cover their eyes
  59. >the mother turns her foals away, but they are already crying
  60. >you pick up your new skewer, the smarties weight causes him to rotate till hes upside down
  61. >his entire body is being barely supported by his lower jaw and his belly
  62. >hes bleeding profusely from both ends and crying
  63. >you walk him over to the fire pit, every slight jossel causing him to wince and cry out more
  64. >fluffies soil themselves as you walk past
  65. >the dam is still sleeping soundly somehow unwoken by all the commotion
  66. >you mount the bamboo over the firepit like a spit
  67. >some kindling, wood, and a match later you have the beginings of a fire
  68. >the smarty is close to loosing conciousness, then you add the lighter fluid
  69. >the fire flares up and completely engulfs the fluffy
  70. >with strength you didn't suspect he had left he manages to make a truely terrible scream
  71. >it appears to be his last as the only sounds coming from him afterwards are the hisses of burning flesh
  72. >something about that scream shakes the mother out of her shock and wakes the dam
  73. >the dam is currently the closest one to the pit "what smeww no pwetty?" she qurries sleepily
  74. >the mother is pushing her foals towards the hole in the fence
  75. >"wun babbehs, wun fwom munsta, pwease wun" she begs them in tears
  76. >they apear to be too terrified to move but with her encouragement they begin to escape
  77. >a couple of other ponies follow their lead
  78. >the blue pegasus is "hiding" with his hooves covering his face
  79. >an orange earth mare is staring daggers at you with tears in her eyes
  81. >the dam has finally turned around and found the source of the smell
  82. >"wah dat, it no smeww pwetty" she says looking at her former leader on the spit
  83. >the charred mess is barely recognizable as a fluffy anymore
  84. "That was your smarty friend"
  85. "If you want to live you should follow them"
  86. >you point towards the escaping fluffies
  87. >horror creeps into her tiny mind as she begins to understand
  88. >she waddles after the others, tears streaming down her face
  90. >her screams cause the hiding pegasus to peek up
  91. >he runs to her side and tries to help her run faster to the exit
  92. >they keep fearfully babbling about running from the monster
  93. >now only the mare remains
  94. >you walk over to her and she doesn't move
  95. >"MUNSTA KIWW SMAWTY, SMAWTY SPECIAW FWIEND" she screams as she tries to bite you
  96. >she was his mate, suprisingly loyal for a fluffy
  97. >you pick her up "NUUUUUU, no hewt owange. Owange sowwy."
  98. >well not that loyal
  99. >you toss her in a high arc over the back of the fence
  100. >she falls about 30 feet and lands with a soft crunch on the hard dirt out back
  101. >you here a couple more screams
  102. >from the sound of it she landed right next to some of the fleeing fluffies
  103. >you take the burnt husk of the former smarty from the fire
  104. >using the bamboo you toss him like a javelin in the same direction
  106. >you pick up the tools you brought out and head to the hole in the fence
  107. >using your cordless drill and some screws you secure the board to its rightful place
  108. >you use a litter scoop to clean up as much of the poop as you can
  109. >you hose down the rest and sigh at the bare patches of grass that you're going to be replanting
  110. >well it could of been worse, you'll save all the work for the weekend
  111. >better now to just refresh your drink and wind down with the fire
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