
One little ol' NSA... and everybody loses their minds!

Mar 24th, 2018
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  1. 15:05 *** Eriu joined #obama
  2. BREAKING: Trump announces former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton to serve as national security adviser, replacing H.R. McMaster. -
  3. Topic set by AndroidUS!~AndroidUS@ on Thu Mar 22 2018 15:35:32 GMT-0700 (PDT)
  4. 15:14 Eriu Jon Bolton penned an essay in which he advocated for massive, state violence against North Korea.
  5. 15:14 Eriu Should We the People write essays in which we advocated for the targeted, personal violence against Jon Bolton?
  6. 15:16 Joey well if by violent you mean have him removed from being a national security advisor I would say yes!
  7. 15:17 Joey but censoring him? No way...let him rant all he wants so long as he has no power....
  8. 15:17 Eriu Joey, by 'advocate', I mean shooting him.
  9. 15:18 Joey well no that's called murder in this country
  10. 15:18 Eriu He, without fear of personal consequence, advocates massive slaughter against North Koreans, which will then lead to massive deaths in Seoul, and eventually in America.
  11. 15:18 Eriu Joey, do you see how he is advocating for murder at a massive scale?
  12. 15:19 Joey yes I do but that doesn't mean be then go ahead and blindly do as he says and start shooting....
  13. 15:19 Eriu We're used to hearing some Americans advocate violence against some humans.
  14. 15:19 Joey we
  15. 15:19 Eriu We're used to hearing some Americans in our federal government advocate for the murder of non-Americans, enemies, allies, and Americans.
  16. 15:19 Eriu I'm merely discussing the murder of one person.
  17. 15:19 Eriu Why does that shock your conscience more sharply?
  18. 15:19 Joey we don't shoot people for their thinking in this country...that's russia
  19. 15:20 Joey I'm not shocked just telling you what the law is....
  20. 15:20 Eriu That is a very insufficient responses @ what the law is.
  21. 15:20 Eriu The law is often not applied to those in power, like John Bolton.
  22. 15:21 Joey I mean there are instances where free speech really should be yelling fire in a crowded theatre when there is no fire....
  23. 15:21 Eriu The law is often abused against those without power, like those living in Seoul who do not have a say in American foreign policy.
  24. 15:21 Eriu Joey: There is no law against yelling fire in a crowded theater.
  25. 15:21 Eriu Please update your jurisprudence to 1970.
  26. 15:21 Joey Eriu you have an opinion and in I would say in some cases you are right...justtice doesn't always seem to work correctly but then do two wrong then make a right?
  27. 15:21 Eriu You're literally just repeating some phrases you heard in yesteryear that you feel marginally apply here.
  28. 15:22 lednerk looks like fox news isnt covering the kids
  29. 15:22 Eriu Joey: If Jon Bolton personally fear for his life when he advocated for killing on a large scale, that might perhaps encourage him to only advocate such killing when it's absolutely essential.
  30. 15:22 Joey no I'm telling you that killing is wrong and to kill someone to prove it is wrong just isn't right...
  31. 15:22 Joey although there are times I would like to shoot some people in high office too....
  32. 15:22 Eriu Joey: You have confused the issue -- it's not one life for one life.
  33. 15:23 Eriu It's one life to save hundreds of thousands.
  34. 15:23 Joey it's the old argument of going back in time and killing hitler....
  35. 15:23 Eriu That thought experiment explores some of these principles, yes.
  36. 15:23 Joey it feels good in the moment but is it really?
  37. 15:23 Eriu Yes, it was correct to kill Hitler at least one day before his suicide.
  38. 15:24 Eriu It was also correct two days.
  39. 15:24 Eriu And four days.
  40. 15:24 Eriu And eight days.
  41. 15:24 Eriu And one year.
  42. 15:24 Eriu And five years.
  43. 15:24 Eriu 10 years? That's more complicated.
  44. 15:24 Eriu That's what we're discussing.
  45. 15:24 Joey no that's what you are discussing I'm discussing the law and the reasons why we have them
  46. 15:24 Eriu Joey: You're not even discussing the law accurately.
  47. 15:24 Eriu For example, your "yelling fire in a crowded theater" trope.
  48. 15:25 Eriu Furthermore, the law isn't the ultimate authority for correctness.
  49. 15:25 Eriu Evidence: The history of philosophy.
  50. 15:25 Joey I get it you want to reduce yourself in that way and that's long as that's all you can do then we're fine with each other....suiting action to those words is another thing entirely
  51. 15:25 Eriu "I have gained this by philosophy: that I do without command that which others do only from fear from the law" - Aristotle, ~320BCE
  52. 15:25 Eriu (It's currently 2018)
  53. 15:26 Eriu Joey: The law is at stage four of Kohlberg's model of morality.
  54. 15:26 Joey Eriu you still don't actually understand where thinking like that can lead us I think.....
  55. 15:26 Eriu It's a six-stage model.
  56. 15:26 Eriu Joey: I think there is danger involved in killing American politicians who advocate for massive killing.
  57. 15:26 Joey heh philosophy....
  58. 15:26 Joey what would Kant say?
  59. 15:26 Eriu Joey: I think there is danger involved in allowing American politicians who advocate for massive killing to get away without consequences.
  60. 15:27 Joey Eriu there is always danger.....
  61. 15:27 Eriu Correct.
  62. 15:27 Joey shit happens then you die....that's some real philosophy
  63. 15:27 Eriu So, perhaps it is better that Jon Bolton fear for his life after writing his essay.
  64. 15:27 Eriu Perhaps it is not.
  65. 15:27 Eriu Welcome to philosophy.
  66. 15:28 Joey I'm not sure whether or not Bolton hears anything other than believing that war is a solution....
  67. 15:28 Joey fears
  68. 15:28 Eriu Seeing as the advocacy for killing American politicians is extremely under-discussed in American conversation -- the essential thesis of this conversation -- it makes sense to make a strong advocacy for that position.
  69. 15:28 Eriu
  70. 15:28 RoboTurmp [ Obama admits CIA 'tortured some folks' but stands by Brennan over spying | World news | The Guardian ] -
  71. 15:29 Eriu In some of the most expansive and blunt remarks on the CIA’s programme of rendition and detention he has made since coming to office, Obama said the country “crossed a line” as it struggled to react to the threat of further attacks by al-Qaida. However, he also said it was important “not to feel too sanctimonious”, adding that he believed intelligence...
  72. 15:29 Eriu ...officials responsible for torturing detainees were working during a period of extraordinary stress and fear.
  73. 15:29 Joey lol I think if you start advocating for the death of politicians on line eventually you will get an FBI agent knocking on your door
  74. 15:29 Eriu Joey: That is not philosophy.
  75. 15:29 Eriu That is fear.
  76. 15:29 Eriu Please stick to philosophy.
  77. 15:29 Joey no that could be a reality
  78. 15:29 Eriu Recall, you mentioned that free speech is what we do in America.
  79. 15:29 Eriu This conversation is free speech.
  80. 15:29 Eriu Do you have a doubt this conversation is free speech?
  81. 15:30 Eriu That was addressed in Brandenburg v. Ohio.
  82. 15:30 Joey no you actually said that killing bolton is a better option than letting him speak
  83. 15:30 Eriu Correct, I think it is possible that killing Jon Bolton is better than allowing him to be NSA.
  84. 15:30 Eriu And that's free speech.
  85. 15:30 Joey heh raindonna
  86. 15:30 Eriu Speech must 1) advocated violence 2) with a high likelihood of success, 3) which is imminent.
  87. 15:31 Eriu Now I am discussing the law.
  88. 15:31 Eriu I'm doing that by citing SCOTUS decisions, rather than fire in theater memes.
  89. 15:31 Joey no you aren't murder is a law of elements....
  90. 15:31 Eriu You'll notice my speech contains no imminency.
  91. 15:31 Joey intention
  92. 15:31 Joey action
  93. 15:31 Eriu Watts v. United States featured speech much, much more threatening than this speech.
  94. 15:32 Eriu SCOTUS ruled that protected speech, too.
  95. 15:32 Eriu I can cite part of the decision to you, if you'd like.
  96. 15:32 --- Joey has banned *!*
  97. 15:32 *** Eriu was kicked by Joey (Text Flooding) (—I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n—)
  98. 15:32 !!! You have been kicked from #obama
  99. 15:32 *** Eriu joined #obama
  100. BREAKING: Trump announces former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton to serve as national security adviser, replacing H.R. McMaster. -
  101. Topic set by AndroidUS!~AndroidUS@ on Thu Mar 22 2018 15:35:32 GMT-0700 (PDT)
  102. 15:32 Eriu
  103. 15:32 RoboTurmp [ Threatening the President of the United States - Wikipedia ] -
  104. 15:32 Joey script kicked you
  105. 15:32 Eriu Yes, you can directly speak of killing Jon Bolton and have your speech protected.
  106. 15:33 Eriu Thank you for informing me.
  107. 15:33 Eriu They always holler at us to get an education. And now I have already received my draft classification as 1-A and I have got to report for my physical this Monday coming. I am not going. If they ever make me carry a rifle the first man I want to get in my sights is L. B. J.
  108. 15:33 Joey yeah too many lines in a row
  109. 15:33 Joey better
  110. 15:33 Eriu A soldier, with a rifle, trained as a shooter, spoke of getting the president in his sights.
  111. 15:33 Eriu And protected speech.
  112. 15:33 Eriu "We agree with petitioner that his only offense here was 'a kind of very crude offensive method of stating a political opposition to the President.' Taken in context, and regarding the expressly conditional nature of the statement and the reaction of the listeners, we do not see how it could be interpreted otherwise." In a concurring opinion, William O. Dougl
  113. 15:33 Eriu In a concurring opinion, William O. Douglas noted, "The Alien and Sedition Laws constituted one of our sorriest chapters; and I had thought we had done with them forever ... Suppression of speech as an effective police measure is an old, old device, outlawed by our Constitution."[55]
  114. 15:34 |werejag| shut the fuck up
  115. 15:34 Joey heh
  116. 15:34 Joey it's raindonna let him rant dood
  117. 15:34 Eriu So, now that we have verified that this conversation about the value of killing Jon Bolton, NSA, is protected speech, let us continue.
  118. 15:34 |werejag| 4ujoey
  119. 15:34 Joey how you doing werejag?
  120. 15:34 Eriu Joey: The Framers advocated we use violence against our government.
  121. 15:34 Eriu You can read about it in the Declaration of Independence.
  122. 15:35 Joey wow Eriu it's revolution too
  123. 15:35 Eriu The American federal government uses violence everyday as a method to persuade and communicate.
  124. 15:35 Eriu Real, military, state violence.
  125. 15:35 Eriu Yet, you fear merely discussing the option in a chatroom.
  126. 15:35 Eriu This is how the government has monopolized violence.
  127. 15:35 Joey no I just fail to see the value in it.
  128. 15:36 Eriu Joey: Have you read the Declaration of Independence?
  129. 15:36 |werejag| no im tired of bullshit postsed
  130. 15:36 Eriu That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
  131. 15:36 Joey I would rather do what all these teenagers did today....voice their opinions and tell their elected officials if you don't do as I ask then I will vote you out of office....
  132. 15:36 Eriu Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed.
  133. 15:36 Joey that's how democracy want anarchy
  134. 15:37 Eriu Joey: The usage of violence against our government is a hard sell as we have the 2018 election coming up.
  135. 15:37 Eriu Joey: Have you seen the various warnings from the Senate and other federal agencies that the 2018 election isn't secure?
  136. 15:37 Eriu And that massive Russian interference is expected.
  137. 15:37 Eriu And that the Senate, this week, advocated for every state to have paper ballots?
  138. 15:37 Joey heh werejag...
  139. 15:37 Eriu So, I ask you this, if We the People vote out the GOP and the GOP wins in a landslide, what then?
  140. 15:38 Eriu But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which
  141. 15:38 Joey and yes they should have paper ballots...what's the problem?
  142. 15:38 Eriu constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government
  143. 15:38 Eriu "what's the problem?"
  144. 15:38 Eriu Thank you for the conversation, Joey.
  145. 15:38 Eriu Joey: Here is the video I believe summarizes your viewpoint in our conversation.
  146. 15:38 Eriu Show YouTube video (
  147. 15:39 RoboTurmp [ Spongebob - Not my wallet - YouTube ] -
  148. 15:39 Eriu You play the role of Patrick.
  149. 15:39 *** Eriu was kicked by |werejag| (my finger sliped)
  150. 15:39 !!! You have been kicked from #obama
  151. 15:39 *** Eriu joined #obama
  152. BREAKING: Trump announces former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton to serve as national security adviser, replacing H.R. McMaster. -
  153. Topic set by AndroidUS!~AndroidUS@ on Thu Mar 22 2018 15:35:32 GMT-0700 (PDT)
  154. 15:39 Popper raindonna is a treasure!
  155. 15:39 Popper THANK YOU
  156. 15:40 |werejag| sorry it was a irritant like finger on chualk board
  157. 15:40 Popper Eriu, please continue
  158. 15:40 Eriu Popper: I will, if I find somebody that can marginally keep up.
  159. 15:40 Eriu "We should immediately kill several hundred thousand people in North Korea and South Korea" - Jon Bolton
  160. 15:40 Popper Eriu, well then you won't find anyone, but you could try to rescue some of us from ignorance
  161. 15:40 Eriu "We should kill Jon Bolton" - Eriu
  162. 15:41 Eriu "That is a really shocking viewpoint, Eriu" - Joey
  163. 15:41 Popper Joey, raindonna is a GENIUS
  164. 15:41 Popper raindonna is 100 years ahead of us all
  165. 15:41 Eriu Philosophy is a powerful thing.
  166. 15:41 Popper Joey, I'd say raindonna is perhaps even smarter than trump
  167. 15:42 Eriu Popper: I put you on ignore. Please, continue.
  168. 15:42 Eriu So, we previously democratically elected a guy, Obama, to non-violently deal with the people who went outside the law post 2001-09-11.
  169. 15:42 Eriu And then, that guy, Obama, did nothing and reminded us to not be "too sanctimonious".
  170. 15:43 Eriu The message is that politicians and state official who advocate for violence are 'too big to die'.
  171. 15:43 Eriu This is part of a long train of usurpations mentioned in the DoI.
  172. 15:44 Eriu And one of the worse failures of the Obama presidency.
  173. 15:45 Eriu The data shows that terrorism is effective in about 30% of cases.
  174. 15:45 Eriu Let's discuss a mechanism by which terrorism could be useful.
  175. 15:45 Eriu "Homogenization of suffering"
  176. 15:46 Eriu If, when party X considers harming party Y with suffering 100, if 50 of that went to Y and 50 went to X, there's a good chance X wouldn't do it unless absolutely necessary.
  177. 15:51 Eriu
  178. 15:51 RoboTurmp [ Chillgressive Tunes - Dense - Pre-Ignite /ambient/chillout/downtempo/ - YouTube ] -
  179. 15:51 dez_ Trump is not street smart
  180. 15:51 dez_ Hes as street smart as a sheltered kid
  181. 15:57 +++ Joey has taken op from ^1521918^
  182. 15:57 --- Joey has banned *!*@2001:470:8afc::1:5
  183. 15:57 *** ^1521918^ was kicked by Joey (yet again bot! «Shitlisted»)
  184. 15:57 --- Joey has unbanned *!*@2001:470:8afc::1:5
  185. 16:03 *** rhoks joined #obama
  186. 16:07 dez_ Popper: id need plenty of sperm to stick up your rectum
  187. 16:08 dez_ Trump: demagogue strongman
  188. 16:09 dez_ TRUMP STRONG!
  189. 16:09 dez_ TRUMP BAD!
  190. 16:10 dez_ Im only a demagogue to you because you cant possibly comprehend politics or my stance
  191. 16:10 dez_ Right by my side why?
  192. 16:10 dez_ Why the " "
  193. 16:11 dez_ You think i support psol
  194. 16:12 dez_ You either do not comprehend me or straight up lie
  195. 16:12 dez_ You're not to decide that
  196. 16:14 dez_ My statements do not make it clear numbskull
  197. 16:14 dez_ No
  198. 16:14 dez_ Ive said it many times
  199. 16:16 dez_ Ive never liked or voted on a single candidate of theirs, but what i dislike the most is their tendency system dominated by trotskyists
  200. 16:17 dez_ I dislike trotskyists
  201. 16:19 Eriu dez_: What did you think of today's march?
  202. 16:19 dez_ Havent read about it
  203. 16:20 Eriu dez_: Do you think the Republicans should be conceptualized as enemies of We the People?
  204. 16:20 Eriu dez_: It was the largest story of today -- makes sense you haven't seen it yet.
  205. 16:20 dez_ Theyre definetely enemies of the people
  206. 16:20 Eriu dez_: What should Americans do if the 2018 election is hacked, liked the 2016 election?
  207. 16:20 Eriu I think it should be the Bright Red Line.
  208. 16:21 dez_ Considering the gerasimov doctrine the russians will not stop
  209. 16:21 Eriu The end of a "long train of usurpations", as it were.
  210. 16:21 dez_ But maybe theyll focus on 2020
  211. 16:21 Eriu I can't believe the Right Wing ended up colluding with Russia to crash our country..
  212. 16:22 dez_ Russia is right wing
  213. 16:22 Eriu Agreed.
  214. 16:22 dez_ They collude and then wage wars with each other
  215. 16:22 Eriu Russia is not an ally of the conservative in America.
  216. 16:22 Eriu But they're too stupid to advocate for their own interests.
  217. 16:22 dez_ Kinda like the british right and hitler
  218. 16:23 Eriu Can you expound a bit on that.
  219. 16:23 Eriu It doesn't seem democracy with universal suffrage works without robust education and strong cybersecurity.
  220. 16:23 Eriu We don't have those two things.
  221. 16:23 Eriu I hate Russia.
  222. 16:23 Eriu They're winning
  223. 16:23 Eriu Their vision of the Earth has a very real chance of coming true
  224. 16:24 Eriu An AI empowered feudalism that can last a 1000 years
  225. 16:24 Eriu
  226. 16:24 RoboTurmp [ Putin says the nation that leads in AI ‘will be the ruler of the world’ - The Verge ] -
  227. 16:24 Eriu “Artificial intelligence is the future, not only for Russia, but for all humankind,” said Putin, reports RT. “It comes with colossal opportunities, but also threats that are difficult to predict. Whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the world.”
  228. 16:24 Eriu He is correct.
  229. 16:24 --- Joey has banned *!*
  230. 16:24 *** Eriu was kicked by Joey (Text Flooding) (—I-n-v-i-s-i-o-n—)
  231. 16:24 !!! You have been kicked from #obama
  232. 16:25 *** Eriu joined #obama
  233. BREAKING: Trump announces former U.N. Ambassador John Bolton to serve as national security adviser, replacing H.R. McMaster. -
  234. Topic set by AndroidUS!~AndroidUS@ on Thu Mar 22 2018 15:35:32 GMT-0700 (PDT)
  235. 16:25 Eriu That flood bot is a clear and present danger to greatness.
  236. 16:26 Eriu Fren, I advocate immediate tactical nuke strike.
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