
Under a Blank White Sky - Session 2

Aug 9th, 2012
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  1. <SirScrewloose> INVENTORY REVIEW: 2 pockets full of not-yet ripe fruit, one pointed stick
  2. <SirScrewloose> LOCATION: in the middle of the village
  3. <SirScrewloose> >__
  4. <chthonianGunslinger> >play the town theme -
  5. <SirScrewloose> Music rejected.
  6. <SirScrewloose> (derp i just realized something i forgot to mention)
  7. <SirScrewloose> (there are a few buildings that kind of stick out)
  8. --> PurpleKoopa2 ( has joined #uabws
  9. <-- PurpleKoopa ( has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  10. <PurpleKoopa2> i'm all for kicking things off now!
  11. <-> PurpleKoopa2 is now known as PurpleKoopa
  12. <Nitro> [Things are being kicked off as we speak.]
  13. <Nitro> [u interrupted peekay]
  14. <Nitro> [8y]
  15. <chthonianGunslinger> >alright then, let
  16. <chthonianGunslinger> (ff)
  17. <PurpleKoopa> well i'm /doubly/ for kicking things off
  18. <PurpleKoopa> so there
  19. <PurpleKoopa> d:<
  20. --> non ( has joined #uabws
  21. <non> yaaaaay)
  22. <non> what'd i miss)
  23. <PurpleKoopa> NOTHING
  24. <PurpleKoopa> i think
  25. <non> coo)
  26. <SirScrewloose> there are a few buildings withing the village that aren't the usual stone-hut thing. One is a tall... clocktower? You think it's a clocktower, but the hands are going counterclockwise and there aren't any numbers. the other building isn't quite so tall, so you can't tell what it is from here.
  27. <Nitro> [Basically we reviewed where we are and what we've got.]
  28. <non> cool)
  29. <PurpleKoopa> >Investigate clock tower.
  30. <chthonianGunslinger> >why don't you greet a fellows townsperson? get your bearings straight and all.
  31. <non> >Examine self. Do we look like the townspeople? They have the same digs as us apparently.
  32. <SirScrewloose> >Other than the eye color and the slight tan, yes, you do. This is probably why nobody's been paying much attention to you.
  33. <non> >So we ain't got the whiteyes?
  34. <SirScrewloose> [[derp, right, the greeting]]
  35. <SirScrewloose> You greet one of the people passing by and he waves back, somewhat confused. You ask him where you are and he simply tells you you're in the town.
  36. <PurpleKoopa> >Ask him if there are any other towns that he knows of. Or is it really just that. THE Town.
  37. <SirScrewloose> He just blinks blankly at the concept of "other" towns. You suppose that answers your question.
  38. <SirScrewloose> [[hm, should I precede my stuff with the > too?]]
  39. <Nitro> [Whatever you think looks nicer really?]
  40. <PurpleKoopa> [if you want? we can see that it's you]
  41. <SirScrewloose> [[arighty then]]
  42. <PurpleKoopa> >/Time/ to check out that clock tower. Get it get it.
  43. <chthonianGunslinger> >yes, let's. but politely excuse yourself, first!
  44. <chthonianGunslinger> >don't want to be a social pariah uou
  45. <non> >Flip him a peace sign and strut off.
  46. <SirScrewloose> You say bye to the confused villager with a V-salute and strut off towards the clocktower.
  47. <SirScrewloose> The clocktower is made of the same stone as the rest of the buildings in the village. there is a door at the base of the tower, along with a plaque which reads: "When the four hands align, He shall awaken."
  48. <PurpleKoopa> >Enter tower.
  49. <non> >Look at face of clock before entering.
  50. <SirScrewloose> >You take another look at the clock face and notice somethign you hadn't before. While there are no numbers, there is one mark at the top of the clock, in the 12 position. You can't really tell what it is at this angle though.
  51. <non> brb)
  52. <chthonianGunslinger> >weird. maybe you'll learn more inside?
  53. <SirScrewloose> You enter the clocktower through the door. above you, the whole space is filled with clockwork, with a few hourglass inexplicably among the gears. There are ladders leading up, and on the floor is a large funnel-like indentation, with a grill coverign the hole at the bottom. You think you see something out of the corner of your eye, but there is nothing there
  54. --> Phenom ( has joined #uabws
  55. <SirScrewloose> [[brb]]
  56. <PurpleKoopa> >Take a peek through the grill.
  57. <non> bak)
  58. <SirScrewloose> [[back
  59. <SirScrewloose> You slide down into the funnel and stand on the grill, trying to peer down through it. As far as you can see, it's just a pipe going straight down. Good thing this grill's here, or you might have fallen down there!
  60. <PurpleKoopa> >Look up.
  61. <SirScrewloose> You look up and from here, you can see a set of large bells at the top of the clocktower. And again, you think you see someone standing in the room, but also again, there's nothign there.
  62. <non> >Ask if anyone is there.
  63. <Jaspersprite> >Ring bells. *DING*. *DONG*.
  64. <PurpleKoopa> >Investigate where you /think/ someone was standing earlier. Something screwy here, and I'm referring to our gracious HOST.
  65. <SirScrewloose> [[/groan/]]
  66. <PurpleKoopa> [unintentional caps lock]
  67. <Jaspersprite> [[Pfff]]
  68. --> MageCaptor ( has joined #uabws
  69. <SirScrewloose> "Alright, who's there? Stop screwin' with me, man, I got a pointy stick!" you say as you climb out of the hole.
  70. <MageCaptor> >Brandish your pointy stick for emphasis.
  71. <chthonianGunslinger> >underline the fact that your stick is in fact pointy
  72. <chthonianGunslinger> >pointy and dEADLY
  73. <SirScrewloose> [[wait where did my post go]]
  74. <SirScrewloose> [[fffff]]
  75. <SirScrewloose> "s....sorry. The few others that came in here couldn't see me at all." says a voice as the transparent image of a sad lookign man with a long beard appears in front of you.
  76. <non> > Whoa, cool.
  77. <PurpleKoopa> >Touch that beard, man. Probably ghost magic.
  78. <chthonianGunslinger> >are you a wizard
  79. <MageCaptor> >Try to yank his beard.
  80. <Jaspersprite> >Steal beard and wear it. Absorb whatever powers the beard provides.
  81. <MageCaptor> >Agreed.
  82. <non> > Introduce yourself as Queen Cleo of Badasslandia. Tell him you'll let him touch your beard if you can touch his.
  83. <non> > Do not aggress the ghost, he seems nice, come on now.
  84. <SirScrewloose> "Are you... a wizard?" you try to yank his beard but yourhand simply passes through it. he backs up a little, looking rather nervous. "N-no. I am - I /was/ an astronomer."
  85. <-- PurpleKoopa ( has left #uabws
  86. --> PurpleKoopa ( has joined #uabws
  87. <PurpleKoopa> [whoops]
  88. <PurpleKoopa> [repost?]
  89. <non> > Teach me about the stars, sky-wizard.
  90. <MageCaptor> >Ask what he did wrong to get dead.
  91. <chthonianGunslinger> (non are you gamzee)
  92. <chthonianGunslinger> (i can't)
  93. <chthonianGunslinger> >oh wow, was? that's rough buddy.
  94. <non> i'm p. much gamzee irl sometimes)
  95. <MageCaptor> (Good.)
  96. <non> we all have gamzee in us somewhere in our souls dude)
  97. <MageCaptor> (GOOD)
  98. <SirScrewloose> [[oh, sorry]]
  99. <SirScrewloose> [[<SirScrewloose>: "Are you... a wizard?" you try to yank his beard but yourhand simply passes through it. he backs up a little, looking rather nervous. "N-no. I am - I /was/ an astronomer."]]
  100. <Jaspersprite> [[Reach towards your inner stoner]]
  101. <PurpleKoopa> [thanks, screw!]
  102. <MageCaptor> >Lick the ghost, what does he taste like?
  103. <Jaspersprite> >Be Pacman.
  104. <PurpleKoopa> >What's a guy like him doing in a place like this?
  105. <SirScrewloose> "What did you do wrong to get dead?" you ask, pondering what he tastes like. The ghost frowns, looking incredibly upset. "I don't... I don't know. Neither of them will tell me."
  106. <PurpleKoopa> >Them?
  107. <MageCaptor> >Question more about this them.
  108. <chthonianGunslinger> >...was one of them particulary douchey? maybe spoke like this?
  109. <SirScrewloose> "They... I'm not sure who they really are, but - " his eyes widen a bit at your imitation of the one you met. "y-yes, that's the... he's called the Serpent. He's the one who stole me from down there."
  110. <chthonianGunslinger> >stole?
  111. <Jaspersprite> >Begin lawsuit for larceny.
  112. <Jaspersprite> >Larceny is /illegal/.
  113. <non> > That dude brought me back to life. I think he's pretty cool. Being alive is rad so far.
  114. <SirScrewloose> [[you have no idea why this is funny, but i laughed at the fact that you wrote that in blue.]]
  115. <Jaspersprite> [[Pff]]
  116. <MageCaptor> (Good.)
  117. <non> > Who's the other one, then? And what's down there?
  118. <SirScrewloose> "Smuggled might be a better word. And yes, he's... for all his riddles, he's certainly better than..." the ghost trails off for a moment, getting this thousand-yard stare in his eyes.
  119. <non> > Hug the ghost.
  120. <MageCaptor> >Than who? WHO?
  121. <chthonianGunslinger> >...better than who? there's more of them, right?
  122. <chthonianGunslinger> >it's okay dude, i'm here for you.
  124. <PurpleKoopa> >Snap your fingers. Yo. Ghosty. Spill the beans, pronto.
  125. <chthonianGunslinger> >cleo: have the most schizophrenic personality
  126. <non> > ALREDY DONE
  127. <PurpleKoopa> >Cleo: MAKE THESE VOICES STOP
  128. <SirScrewloose> Your attempt to hug the ghost is a predictable failure. Nevertheless, he appreciates the sentiment and gives a small smile. "The other one is... He Who Waits Beneath. He is the one who dragged the entire ship down to his realm and... i don't understand why he hates me so."
  129. <MageCaptor> >What ship?
  130. <MageCaptor> >And does he hate everyone or just you?
  131. <MageCaptor> >Is there a reason why /I/ should hate you?
  132. <PurpleKoopa> >What's he waiting for?
  133. <non> > Maybe you should just tell us your story, dude.
  134. <chthonianGunslinger> >we've got all the time in the world.
  135. <chthonianGunslinger> >sit down and listen. storytime, kids.
  136. <SirScrewloose> "The Skylark. I was on a trip to Anteros to see the eclipse when the hands burst through the wood and tore it apart. My own guide leapt off the side of the ship rather than face his wrath. I was... you wouldn't think a ghost could feel pain, but..." he shudders as he remembers.
  137. <PurpleKoopa> >...Were you already dead?
  138. <Jaspersprite> >L O S T
  139. <PurpleKoopa> >...Crap, /you/'/re/ not already dead, right???
  140. <chthonianGunslinger> >check self for ectoplasm
  141. <chthonianGunslinger> >you can never be too sure
  142. <SirScrewloose> "I think so. I was chained between two gears so that with every rotation i'd be ground into mush. And of course the Serpent drops me off /here/." he mutters as he glances up at the gears above. meanwhile, your ectoplasm search comes up thankfully empty.
  143. <chthonianGunslinger> >...oh my god, that's horrible.
  144. <PurpleKoopa> >Sounds nasty, dude. But at least you're not being tortured now... I hope.
  145. <chthonianGunslinger> >can you leave the clocktower?
  146. <Jaspersprite> >Put pepper grinders on the 'Things not to get this guy for his birthday' list.
  147. <SirScrewloose> "...i don't know. This is not the world where I lived. And the Serpent told me to stay in here, though not what would happen if I tried to leave.
  148. <SirScrewloose> "I miss the sky."
  149. <chthonianGunslinger> >... ):
  150. <chthonianGunslinger> >make a mental note to yell at the douchey guy for mismanagement, next time you meet. if you meet.
  151. <non> > Make him a WINDOW
  152. <SirScrewloose> [[hey iblis, how're you doign the color change on just particular words?]]
  153. <PurpleKoopa> >What is this clock tower even for?
  154. <chthonianGunslinger> (it's an xchat thing)
  155. <chthonianGunslinger> (i don't think you can do it on mibbit </3)
  156. <SirScrewloose> He shakes his head at your window offer. "That's not what I meant. in the whole time since I was brought up here, the sky hasn't changed from this vast blankness above us. No sun, no moon, no stars, no clouds. I know not what this clocktower is for, but that hole leads straight down to His domain, if the Serpent is to be beleived."
  157. <chthonianGunslinger> >the domain of the wrathful guy? that must be terrifying.
  158. <chthonianGunslinger> >can you...can you tell me more about your sky?
  159. <non> > Maybe we got to draw some stars, yo.
  160. <SirScrewloose> "Indeed," he says, and for the first time you notice that he's been staying at the edge of the room the whole time, as far away from the pipe as possible.
  161. <SirScrewloose> he smiles at your interest.
  162. <non> > Is there something in the room to cover the pipe opening with?
  163. <SirScrewloose> "In the day, the sky was blue, and lit by the light of the sun. At night it was black, lit by the moon and the stars. And in between, it was like a painter had taken his brushes to the edges of the sky. I... was actually working on a little theory on the sun and the moon. If i'd seen the eclipse I could have confirmed it."
  164. <SirScrewloose> There is nothing obvious to cover the grill with, other than - no, you'd rather keep your decency for the moment, and the clothe wouldn't do much good anyway.
  165. <MageCaptor> >Do a little dance.
  166. <chthonianGunslinger> >, that sounds so beautiful. what as your theory?
  167. <chthonianGunslinger> >make another mental note - you want to see this sky, someday.
  168. <PurpleKoopa> >Wow. Fascinating story, Mr...?
  169. <Jaspersprite> >Obtain a MENTAL NOTEPAD to keep track of all these mental notes. Of course this notepad is completely imaginary, but.
  170. <Jaspersprite> > :y
  171. <SirScrewloose> "Stronom. Niccozmo Stronom. And you are...?" "Cleo D. Ragamuffin." "'s very nice to meet you."
  172. <non> > Was the eclipse going on when your ship was wrecked?
  173. <non> > Nice to meet you too, buddy. :3c
  174. <chthonianGunslinger> >it's covered in sparkly butterfly stickers. imaginary stickers.
  175. <SirScrewloose> "My theory was simply that the earth revolved around the sun and the moon around the earth, instead of both going around the earth. The eclipse would have been proof of it, but my ship was wrecked before I predicted it to happen."
  176. <MageCaptor> >Geeze you're smart mr.
  177. <SirScrewloose> Another small smile. "Thank you."
  178. <chthonianGunslinger> >tell you what. why don't i find something to cover that hole? it's the least i can do.
  179. <chthonianGunslinger> >you deserve to, uh, 'live' with some peace of mind.
  180. <non> > Did the guy say why you had to stay here, also?
  181. <SirScrewloose> "I would appreciate that. Not sure how much it would help, but it couldn't hurt. He didn't say why, he just told me to stay here until he said otherwise."
  182. <chthonianGunslinger> > hmm...what is that douchecanoe hiding, you wonder?
  183. <non> > Weird. Well, guess we better go look for that thing though.
  184. <chthonianGunslinger> > it was meeting you, mr. stronom.
  185. <chthonianGunslinger> *nICE))
  186. <non> > Later Cozmo.
  187. <PurpleKoopa> >Let's go check out that other building.
  188. <SirScrewloose> You say your goodbyes to your new wizardghost friend and head towards the other building
  189. <non> > what was the other building again
  190. <SirScrewloose> The other building, as it turns out, is that temple from the start-location-select option.
  191. --> Rory_ ( has joined #uabws
  192. <non> > cool
  193. <-> Rory_ is now known as alabastorArchfiend
  194. <alabastorArchfiend> (what i miss)
  195. <non> r u on skype)
  196. <non> wait a minute0
  197. <SirScrewloose> it is a large stone building, and shows signs of being a lot older than the rest of the stone in the village. The large double doors in front are flanked by two large stone carvings of hands, with a carving of an eye in the palm of each hand.
  198. <non> > High five those hands.
  199. <alabastorArchfiend> >enter the building. try not to feel watched. man, those eyes.
  200. <-- chthonianGunslinger ( has quit (Ping timeout: 204 seconds)
  201. <SirScrewloose> You smack the eye on one of the hands with your own hand and are a bit releived when nothing actually happens.
  202. <alabastorArchfiend> ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: UP TOP BRO
  203. <SirScrewloose> You enter the building and find, somewhat unnervingly, that the hand-with-eye motif is carried on inside. the main room is full of wooden benches facing towards an altar at the back of the room. on the altar is a stone dias about the right size for a full grown man to lie down on, with the hands carved on it to look like they're holding it. (cont)
  204. <SirScrewloose> Behind the dias is the base and feet of what was probably a large stone statue. the rest of it, though, looks like it was burnt off. Possibly related is the perfectly round hole melted into the cielign directly above it.
  205. <PurpleKoopa> >Take a rest on that dias.
  206. <alabastorArchfiend> >cautiously approach the statue. what's up with that thing? seriously, how can you burn stone?
  207. <SirScrewloose> You approach the statue and take a seat on the stone altar. You have no idea what caused this. Maybe the statue caught fire and flew up through the roof? Or something burned through the roof and hit the statue? You have no idea.
  208. <non> > Look up through the roof hole.
  209. <SirScrewloose> On a closer look, you can see a few pages of paper on the ground next to the base of the statue, not quite as dust-covered as everything else in the room.
  210. <SirScrewloose> Looking up through the hole, it looks like that black speck in the sky you noticed earlier is centered right over where the statue would have been. Weird.
  211. <alabastorArchfiend> >crouch down, inspect the papers. huh, pretty clean looking for an abandoned temple.
  212. <non> >cooool
  213. <non> > Black spot is obv. an orbital laser cannon.
  214. <non> > That has burnt a hole through the white stuff covering the sky.
  215. <non> > OBV
  216. <SirScrewloose> [[There is exactly one part of that speculation that is semi-correct.]]
  217. <SirScrewloose> The pages seem to be telling the end of some kind of story. The handwriting is rather loopy, but you can still read it.
  218. <non> > Read them pages.
  219. <SirScrewloose> "said Brother Snark to Brother Snake with a grin. They shook hands, solidifying their wager. Of course, with how much Snake had drunk already, he had already lost. Snark led his brother on a winding twisty path, through the trees and under the ground, round and round until Snake was tied up in knots and passed out. Brother Snark came along and
  220. <SirScrewloose> stole his brother's legs, as per their agreement. when Brother Snake awoke, he was howling mad, cursing his brothers name for the rest of time. So foul were his words that his very bite turned to poison. And this, children, is why the snakehas no legs and hisses, and why the Snark has eight legs and laughs. (note to self - must make this rhyme!)"
  221. <alabastorArchfiend> >wonder what the hell a 'snark' is. you've heard of a snake, but...
  222. <non> > maybe snark is the other one, the one from below.
  223. <non> > We can ask Cozmo maybe.
  224. <alabastorArchfiend> > just might be.
  225. <SirScrewloose> You ponder the meaning of this story, but something doesn't quite seem right here... you think perhaps Niccozmo might know more, so you stow the pages in your pocket for now.
  226. <alabastorArchfiend> >is there anything else of interest here? do a once-over, just in case.
  227. <SirScrewloose> There are a few doors at the back of the room as well, probably leading on to more temple.
  228. <alabastorArchfiend> >enter dem doors.
  229. <MageCaptor> >Do that.
  230. <non> > Allll of theeeem.
  231. <SirScrewloose> You enter one of the doors to find that apparently the back half of the temple is one gigantic mausoleum. there are hundreds, maybe thousands of preserved corpses in here, all wearign the same black robes.
  232. <SirScrewloose> [[Surprise, have some creepy.]]
  233. <alabastorArchfiend> >oh mY GOD
  234. <MageCaptor> >IT'S GORGEOUS.
  235. <SirScrewloose> Command not recognized. retreat or advance?
  236. <MageCaptor> >Advance.
  237. <alabastorArchfiend> > a-advance? but carefully!
  238. <alabastorArchfiend> >you don't to wake any zOMBIES.
  239. <non> > And there's no one and nothing to stop you from going back here? Suspicious.
  240. <PurpleKoopa> >Resist the urge to poke one of the corpses with your stick.
  241. <non> > Fail to resist the urge.
  242. <MageCaptor> >Poke so many corpses.
  243. <SirScrewloose> You creep silently down the rows of corpses, noticing that each name plaque is also flanked by the eye-hands. You go to poke one with a stick...
  244. <SirScrewloose> *WOOSH*
  245. <SirScrewloose> Your hand is suddenly empty and there is a rather burly armored being holding your stick, with a sharp bardiche in its other hand.
  246. <non> > Well, that makes sense. Why have a lock when the corpses can guard themselves?
  247. <-- Phenom ( has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  248. <alabastorArchfiend> >oh shit
  249. <non> > Greet armored being.
  250. <SirScrewloose> "The remains of the devout are not to be disturbed," it says in a creepy monotone.
  251. <non> > My bad, broseph.
  252. <MageCaptor> >Oops sorry, hug it out?
  253. <alabastorArchfiend> >no fuck that, ABSCOND
  254. <non> > Just sort of stand there awkwardly.
  255. <MageCaptor> >Stand yes.
  256. <SirScrewloose> [[it's the dude on the left here ]]
  257. <SirScrewloose> [[oh i forgot to mentio nthe wings]]
  258. <SirScrewloose> You open your mouth to say something, but the guard merely drops your stick and leaps back to the back of the room, its bulk completely blocking another wooden door. It jumps crazy far for something with such proportionally tiny legs.
  259. <non> > Get stick
  260. <alabastorArchfiend> >promise you won't do it again. seriously dude, i had no idea.
  261. <alabastorArchfiend> >i thought everyone desecrated the dead
  262. <SirScrewloose> Stick gotten. You speak to the being but it does not respond. Like, at all. it hasn't even turned to look at you.
  263. <MageCaptor> >Leave you guess.
  264. <non> > Read some plaques first?
  265. <non> > Also are there any doors not guarded by giant wingaling guys?
  266. <alabastorArchfiend> >might as well.
  267. <alabastorArchfiend> >read the plaques, you mean. you have a feeling you just got bottlenecked.
  268. <SirScrewloose> You read some of the plaques on your way out. None of the names really mean anything to you, but judging from the titles, they were all part of some religious order.
  269. <SirScrewloose> The only doors other than the guarded one are the ones that lead back into the main room
  270. <alabastorArchfiend> >out you go, then
  271. <SirScrewloose> You exit the building, going back out into the village. Now what?
  272. <alabastorArchfiend> >maybe we should go back to cozmo? he might be able to tell you more about this...story.
  273. <SirScrewloose> Lacking any other ideas, you make your way back to the clocktower. Niccozmo looks up, surprised to see you back so soon. He's even more surprised when you show him the pages
  274. <-> Midna is now known as MidNap
  275. <SirScrewloose> "That's... that's Sude's handwriting, where did you find this?!"
  276. <non> > In the hand-eye temple.
  277. <non> > The sky-dot burnt through the ceiling and wrecked a statue and it was on the floor in front of that.
  278. <non> > Did I do good? :3c
  279. <alabastorArchfiend> >...wait, who's sude?
  280. <SirScrewloose> he blinks blankly at you. "hand-eye? You don't.... you don't mean hands with eyes /in/ them, do you?"
  281. <MageCaptor> >Yes :I
  282. <SirScrewloose> "That was.... that was the temple of He Who Waits Beneath."
  283. <alabastorArchfiend> >...that explains a lot of things.
  284. <SirScrewloose> (brb, need to switch compys
  285. <non> >Well, it's not that far from here.
  286. - {Day changed to Fri Aug 3 00:00:00 2012}
  287. <non> > No one was in it but a bunch of dead guys, a wrecked statue and some huge giant wingaling dudes.
  288. --> AndroUser2 ( has joined #uabws
  289. <-> AndroUser2 is now known as Sir_Screwloose
  290. <Sir_Screwloose> (Hey people, back
  291. <alabastorArchfiend> (need a repost?)
  292. <Sir_Screwloose> (Did anybody say anything after i said i had to xwitch comps?)
  293. <non> me b/c i am a dumb)
  294. <alabastorArchfiend> <non> >Well, it's not that far from here.
  295. <alabastorArchfiend> <non> > No one was in it but a bunch of dead guys, a wrecked statue and some huge giant wingaling dudes.
  296. <Sir_Screwloose> "Sude was to be my guide once we reached Anteros. He was a native, and new the land and its mythology better than anybody."
  297. <Sir_Screwloose> His eyes widen when you mention the winged guys
  298. <MageCaptor> >Where is he now?
  299. <Sir_Screwloose> "You have no idea how lucky you are to still be alive. Do not give the Cerberim reason to attack you, they can cleave your very soul from your body."
  300. <alabastorArchfiend> >...shudder
  301. <alabastorArchfiend> >you've met them before, haven't you?
  302. <Sir_Screwloose> "Sude... leapt overboard when He attacked the Skylark. I have not seen him since."
  303. <Sir_Screwloose> "Yes. They are His guards in the underworld. They are soulless automata, carrying out the will of He Who Waits Beneath."
  304. <alabastorArchfiend> >dear god. you decide it best not to linger on that topic.
  305. <non> > Jeeze.
  306. <alabastorArchfiend> >trauma and all.
  307. <alabastorArchfiend> >focus on the good instead. like how cozmo's guide must be around here somewhere!
  308. <non> > Would you be cool with telling us about the two brothers? The snake and the nameless one?
  309. <non> > Or that, whatevs man.
  310. <alabastorArchfiend> >hey man, we can multi-task.
  311. <-> alabastorArchfiend is now known as chthonianGunslinger
  312. <Sir_Screwloose> He smiles a bit when you ask about the story. "Ah yes, what did he call this one? The Tale of the Serpent Brothers' Wager, I think. One of his favorites. The Snake and the Snark go out drinking, the Snark tricks his brother into a very stupid wager... it was apparently a song in the Anterosan language, but i guess most of the wordplay didn't translate. That's what he kept saying, anyway."
  313. <-> chthonianGunslinger is now known as chthonianGhostslinger
  314. <chthonianGhostslinger> >seems to be the case, yeah. so the snark and the snake are anterosan gods, i take it?
  315. <chthonianGhostslinger> >or they just silly folklore?
  316. <non> > They got a temple, so I'm thinking gods.
  317. <chthonianGhostslinger> > this place anteros? no, that can't right. and yet...
  318. <Sir_Screwloose> He shrugged. "A bit of both. If i remember correctly, the Snark was the favored form of their trickster deity - which is why he's called the Serpent. ...or maybe the Snark became Ihdisith? I don't entirely remember."
  319. <Sir_Screwloose> Somehow, a slight breeze starts blowing through the clocktower.
  320. <chthonianGhostslinger> >rub your arms a bit. brr, who opened a window?
  321. <Sir_Screwloose> "I don't think the Snake showed up in any other stories, though I could be wrong. This is all secondhand, you understand."
  322. <chthonianGhostslinger> >no, i understand. you're not a native, after all.
  323. <chthonianGhostslinger> >but still, this must mean sude's here too. ...wherever 'here' is.
  324. <non> > Maybe we can find the dude, if he didn't get blown up with the statue.
  325. <Sir_Screwloose> And along with the wind, an uncomfortably familiar laugh came
  326. <non> > The purple guy?
  327. <Sir_Screwloose> "Hehehehaha... don't mind me, just doing a bit of eavesdropping. Anything in particular you called me for?"
  328. <non> > Oh, so you're Ihdisith? What's up my brother?
  329. <Sir_Screwloose> "This would go quite a bit faster if you'd actually explain things," muttered the ghost.
  330. <chthonianGhostslinger> >oh. hey, snake dude. or ihdisith. what brings you here?
  331. <chthonianGhostslinger> >we were just talking about your crazy betting exploits. you party animal, you.
  332. <non> > How did that story /really/ go down?
  333. <Sir_Screwloose> "Ah, but where's the fun in that? What brings me here is his calling me - unless you simply said it by accident? In which case, stop doing that, gets annoying after a while."
  334. <Sir_Screwloose> You can somehow hear the grin in his voice as he continues
  335. <chthonianGhostslinger> >ohhh, that explains it. it's like a reverse rumpelstilskin. guess your name is ihdisith after all.
  336. <Sir_Screwloose> "Brother Snark and Brother Snake went drinking late one night / Snark went for the ladies, Snake went for the fights - it helps to keep the stories accurate when the one in them is the one spreading them, you see."
  337. <chthonianGhostslinger> >haha, is that so? got a braggin' mouth, do ya?
  338. <MageCaptor> >Continue!
  339. <non> > chinhands
  340. <Sir_Screwloose> "Oh, I could go on and on and /on/ and - Nico, why are you still here?"
  341. <chthonianGhostslinger> >dude, you were the one that told him to stay in there.
  342. <Sir_Screwloose> The dead astronomer blinked. "You... /told/ me not to leave until you said otherwise."
  343. <chthonianGhostslinger> >careful with that alzheimers there
  344. <non> > i thought it was his brother that told him to stay
  345. <non> > whoops no i guess it was snake. snake, you silly.
  346. <Sir_Screwloose> "Are you always so obedient, Nicky? And my brother died in a fire back home. Probably."
  347. <non> > would that happen to be a skyyy fiiiire
  348. <-> Jaspersprite is now known as trustworthyAlignment
  349. <chthonianGhostslinger> >you hear that, cozmo? this guy pulled some reverse psycho garbage on you. you're free, dude!
  350. <non> > come with us! and by us i mean me! we can figure out where the fuck we are!
  351. <MageCaptor> >It'll be a magical adventure.
  352. <Sir_Screwloose> "...clever girl. You're on the right track. But! The short time i have scheduled for talking to newborns and dead people has sadly elapsed. I have other things to do."
  353. <Sir_Screwloose> The wind dies down.
  354. <-> trustworthyAlignment is now known as Jaspersprite
  355. <Sir_Screwloose> "...I am. Very confused. He did just tell me I could go, right?"
  356. <chthonianGhostslinger> >he sure did! you're a freebird, cozzy.
  357. <non> > He actually was surprised you actually listened to him in the first place.
  358. <non> > Staying here sucks so come with us.
  359. <non> > Me. W/e
  360. <Sir_Screwloose> I think I will. I can't stand anymore of this noise."
  361. <Sir_Screwloose> *Niccozmo Stronom has joined your party.*
  362. <non> > Stick it to the man, Cozmo.
  363. <non> > Want to see where we found the pages, or?
  364. <chthonianGhostslinger> >offer a fistbump
  365. <non> > Yes, fistbump the ghost.
  366. <-- Jaspersprite (Mibbit@ has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  367. <Sir_Screwloose> The fistbump is a predictable failure, but he gets what you meant anyway.
  368. <non> > SOLIDARITY.
  369. <chthonianGhostslinger> > RESPEK
  370. <chthonianGhostslinger> > BROS 4 LYFE
  371. <chthonianGhostslinger> > this is incredibly silly
  372. <non> > AFTERLYFE
  373. <non> > We also apparently died once too, remember?
  374. <non> > We're probably undead or something like that.
  375. <Sir_Screwloose> "You certainly don't look dead. Or undead."
  376. <chthonianGhostslinger> > it's complicated
  377. <Sir_Screwloose> "It always is when the Serpent's involved. Now, where shall we go?"
  378. <non> > Well, you apparently get the jeebies from the hand-eye temple, so.
  379. <non> > First things first outside.
  380. <Sir_Screwloose> You both exit the building, Cozmo looking around curiously.
  381. <non> > So nobody but me can see you?
  382. <Sir_Screwloose> "As far as I know, yes."
  383. <non> > Rad.
  384. <non> > Well, unless you wanna talk to other people. Then I guess that would be not so rad.
  385. <non> > I'll convey whatever messages you want to put out, dude.
  386. <Sir_Screwloose> Niccozmo glances back at the door and notices the plaque, apparently for the first time "odd... the clock only has three hands."
  387. <chthonianGhostslinger> >it used to have four?
  388. <non> > Maybe there's a fourth one somewhere. Was there one inside?
  389. <chthonianGhostslinger> >hm...didn't the plague mention something about that?
  390. <Sir_Screwloose> *Notice: Niccozmo can now be commanded, though he is a bit more selective on what he follows.*
  391. <Sir_Screwloose> (No, see, he noticed the plaque and is confused that it mentions /four/ hands aligning
  392. <chthonianGhostslinger> (ahhhh)
  393. <Sir_Screwloose> "Oh... wait, I see. The fourth hand is His symbol on the clock'" he says, pointing up at the one symbol on the clock.
  394. <chthonianGhostslinger> >yeah, you don't get either. maybe you should ask some of the townspeople about it?
  395. <chthonianGhostslinger> >...huh?
  396. <chthonianGhostslinger> >you never noticed that before. you decide to take a closer look.
  397. <non> > Is the clock tower functional?
  398. <Sir_Screwloose> (You did notice it, you just couldn't tell what the actual symbol was)
  399. <chthonianGhostslinger> (hurp)
  400. <chthonianGhostslinger> (sorry uou)
  401. <chthonianGhostslinger> >who's he?
  402. <Sir_Screwloose> The clock hands are moving, though cointerclockwise and at completely different speeds.
  403. <chthonianGhostslinger> >...that is one kooky clocktower.
  404. <chthonianGhostslinger> >you really should asks some of the citizens about this. you can't make heads or tails of this nutty thing!
  405. <Sir_Screwloose> (Erm)
  406. <Sir_Screwloose> (This is awkward but i just realized it's one in the morning.)
  407. <chthonianGhostslinger> (pfff)
  408. <non> > Or maybe you could just climb up and move the hands yourself.
  409. <chthonianGhostslinger> (that's okay, we can always stop.)
  410. <non> go to bed <3)
  411. <Sir_Screwloose> (Somebody slap this up on pastebin and send the link to me in the morning
  412. <chthonianGhostslinger> (can do!)
  413. <chthonianGhostslinger> (this was a lot of fun, screw)
  414. <chthonianGhostslinger> (i feel like we're unraveling some divine mystery)
  415. <Sir_Screwloose> (Yeap!)
  416. <Sir_Screwloose> (And you already made the mistake i wanted you to!)
  417. <Sir_Screwloose> (>:D)
  418. <chthonianGhostslinger> (oh)
  419. <chthonianGhostslinger> (oh)
  420. <Sir_Screwloose> (Shhhh)
  421. <Sir_Screwloose> (Anyway, gotta go)
  422. <chthonianGhostslinger> (later dude)
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