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- /*====================================================================*\
- | This Filterscript is made by Meta, Scripter of "" |
- | |
- | You are allowed to do what you want with this code, because it's not |
- | hard to do this :D |
- | If you use it, giving Credits would be kind, but not neccecary |
- \*====================================================================*/
- #include <a_samp>
- #define COLOR_LIGHTRED 0xFF6347AA
- #define COLOR_GRAD2 0xBFC0C2FF
- forward RefreshTeaser();
- forward ShowTeaser();
- forward HideTeaser();
- new bool:TeaserShown = false;
- new Text:Teasertext;
- new Text:Teaserbox;
- new Teasertimer;
- new Teaserstate;
- new TeaserTa[256] = "_";
- new TeaserTn[256] = "_";
- new Float:TeaserY = 447.0;
- public OnFilterScriptInit()
- {
- AntiDeAMX();
- Teaserbox = TextDrawCreate(320.000000, TeaserY, "_");
- TextDrawAlignment(Teaserbox, 2);
- TextDrawBackgroundColor(Teaserbox, 255);
- TextDrawFont(Teaserbox, 1);
- TextDrawLetterSize(Teaserbox, 0.400000, 1.300000);
- TextDrawColor(Teaserbox, -1);
- TextDrawSetOutline(Teaserbox, 1);
- TextDrawSetProportional(Teaserbox, 1);
- TextDrawUseBox(Teaserbox, 1);
- TextDrawBoxColor(Teaserbox, 160);
- TextDrawTextSize(Teaserbox, 0.000000, 636.000000);
- if(Teaserstate < 11) { Teasertext = TextDrawCreate(320.000000, TeaserY, TeaserTa); }
- else if(Teaserstate > 10) { Teasertext = TextDrawCreate(320.000000, TeaserY, TeaserTn); }
- TextDrawAlignment(Teasertext, 2);
- TextDrawBackgroundColor(Teasertext, 255);
- TextDrawFont(Teasertext, 1);
- TextDrawLetterSize(Teasertext, 0.400000, 1.300000);
- TextDrawColor(Teasertext, -1);
- TextDrawSetOutline(Teasertext, 1);
- TextDrawSetProportional(Teasertext, 1);
- return 1;
- }
- public OnFilterScriptExit()
- {
- TextDrawDestroy(Teasertext);
- TextDrawDestroy(Teaserbox);
- return 1;
- }
- main()
- {
- print("\n ___________________");
- print(" | Teaserbar |");
- print(" |------------------|");
- print(" | © 2010 by Meta |");
- print(" ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯\n");
- }
- public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
- {
- if(TeaserShown) { TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Teasertext); TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, Teaserbox); }
- return 1;
- }
- public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
- {
- new tmp[256], cmd[256], idx;
- cmd = strtok(cmdtext, idx);
- if(strcmp(cmdtext, "/teaser", true) == 0)
- {
- if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid))
- {
- if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))
- {
- if(Teaserstate != 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Wait a second!"); return 1; }
- if(TeaserShown == false)
- {
- TeaserShown = true;
- Teasertimer = SetTimer("ShowTeaser", 30, 1);
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "Teaser is shown for all players!");
- }
- else
- {
- TeaserShown = false;
- Teasertimer = SetTimer("HideTeaser", 30, 1);
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "Teaser is hidden for all players!");
- }
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- if(strcmp(cmd, "/teasertext", true) == 0)
- {
- if(IsPlayerConnected(playerid))
- {
- if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid))
- {
- if(Teaserstate != 0) { SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTRED, "Wait a second!"); return 1; }
- tmp = strtok(cmdtext,idx);
- format(TeaserTn, sizeof(TeaserTn), "%s", tmp);
- SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_LIGHTBLUE, "Changed text!");
- if(TeaserShown) { Teasertimer = SetTimer("RefreshTeaser", 30, 1); } else { TeaserTa = TeaserTn; }
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- public RefreshTeaser()
- {
- TextDrawDestroy(Teasertext);
- TextDrawDestroy(Teaserbox);
- if(Teaserstate == 0) { TeaserY = 434.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 1) { TeaserY = 435.200000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 2) { TeaserY = 436.200000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 3) { TeaserY = 437.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 4) { TeaserY = 439.000000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 5) { TeaserY = 440.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 6) { TeaserY = 442.000000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 7) { TeaserY = 443.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 8) { TeaserY = 445.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 9) { TeaserY = 447.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 10) { TeaserY = 449.000000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 11) { TeaserY = 447.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 12) { TeaserY = 445.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 13) { TeaserY = 443.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 14) { TeaserY = 442.000000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 15) { TeaserY = 440.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 16) { TeaserY = 439.000000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 17) { TeaserY = 437.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 18) { TeaserY = 436.200000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 19) { TeaserY = 435.200000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 20) { TeaserY = 434.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 20) { TeaserY = 434.000000; }
- Teaserbox = TextDrawCreate(320.000000, TeaserY, "_");
- TextDrawAlignment(Teaserbox, 2);
- TextDrawBackgroundColor(Teaserbox, 255);
- TextDrawFont(Teaserbox, 1);
- TextDrawLetterSize(Teaserbox, 0.400000, 1.300000);
- TextDrawColor(Teaserbox, -1);
- TextDrawSetOutline(Teaserbox, 1);
- TextDrawSetProportional(Teaserbox, 1);
- TextDrawUseBox(Teaserbox, 1);
- TextDrawBoxColor(Teaserbox, 160);
- TextDrawTextSize(Teaserbox, 0.000000, 636.000000);
- if(Teaserstate < 11) { Teasertext = TextDrawCreate(320.000000, TeaserY, TeaserTa); }
- else if(Teaserstate > 10) { Teasertext = TextDrawCreate(320.000000, TeaserY, TeaserTn); }
- TextDrawAlignment(Teasertext, 2);
- TextDrawBackgroundColor(Teasertext, 255);
- TextDrawFont(Teasertext, 1);
- TextDrawLetterSize(Teasertext, 0.400000, 1.300000);
- TextDrawColor(Teasertext, -1);
- TextDrawSetOutline(Teasertext, 1);
- TextDrawSetProportional(Teasertext, 1);
- TextDrawShowForAll(Teasertext);
- TextDrawShowForAll(Teaserbox);
- if(Teaserstate == 21) { KillTimer(Teasertimer); Teaserstate = 0; TeaserTa = TeaserTn; return 1; }
- Teaserstate++;
- return 1;
- }
- public HideTeaser()
- {
- TextDrawDestroy(Teasertext);
- TextDrawDestroy(Teaserbox);
- if(Teaserstate == 0) { TeaserY = 434.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 1) { TeaserY = 435.200000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 2) { TeaserY = 436.200000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 3) { TeaserY = 437.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 4) { TeaserY = 439.000000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 5) { TeaserY = 440.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 6) { TeaserY = 442.000000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 7) { TeaserY = 443.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 8) { TeaserY = 445.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 9) { TeaserY = 447.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 10) { TeaserY = 449.000000; }
- Teaserbox = TextDrawCreate(320.000000, TeaserY, "_");
- TextDrawAlignment(Teaserbox, 2);
- TextDrawBackgroundColor(Teaserbox, 255);
- TextDrawFont(Teaserbox, 1);
- TextDrawLetterSize(Teaserbox, 0.400000, 1.300000);
- TextDrawColor(Teaserbox, -1);
- TextDrawSetOutline(Teaserbox, 1);
- TextDrawSetProportional(Teaserbox, 1);
- TextDrawUseBox(Teaserbox, 1);
- TextDrawBoxColor(Teaserbox, 160);
- TextDrawTextSize(Teaserbox, 0.000000, 636.000000);
- Teasertext = TextDrawCreate(320.000000, TeaserY, TeaserTa);
- TextDrawAlignment(Teasertext, 2);
- TextDrawBackgroundColor(Teasertext, 255);
- TextDrawFont(Teasertext, 1);
- TextDrawLetterSize(Teasertext, 0.400000, 1.300000);
- TextDrawColor(Teasertext, -1);
- TextDrawSetOutline(Teasertext, 1);
- TextDrawSetProportional(Teasertext, 1);
- TextDrawShowForAll(Teasertext);
- TextDrawShowForAll(Teaserbox);
- if(Teaserstate == 10) { TextDrawDestroy(Teasertext); TextDrawDestroy(Teaserbox); Teaserstate = 0; TeaserTa = TeaserTn; KillTimer(Teasertimer); return 1; }
- Teaserstate++;
- return 1;
- }
- public ShowTeaser() // von 449 auf 434
- {
- TextDrawDestroy(Teasertext);
- TextDrawDestroy(Teaserbox);
- if(Teaserstate == 0) { TeaserY = 447.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 1) { TeaserY = 445.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 2) { TeaserY = 443.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 3) { TeaserY = 442.000000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 4) { TeaserY = 440.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 5) { TeaserY = 439.000000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 6) { TeaserY = 437.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 7) { TeaserY = 436.200000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 8) { TeaserY = 435.200000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 9) { TeaserY = 434.500000; }
- if(Teaserstate == 10) { TeaserY = 434.000000; }
- Teaserbox = TextDrawCreate(320.000000, TeaserY, "_");
- TextDrawAlignment(Teaserbox, 2);
- TextDrawBackgroundColor(Teaserbox, 255);
- TextDrawFont(Teaserbox, 1);
- TextDrawLetterSize(Teaserbox, 0.400000, 1.300000);
- TextDrawColor(Teaserbox, -1);
- TextDrawSetOutline(Teaserbox, 1);
- TextDrawSetProportional(Teaserbox, 1);
- TextDrawUseBox(Teaserbox, 1);
- TextDrawBoxColor(Teaserbox, 160);
- TextDrawTextSize(Teaserbox, 0.000000, 636.000000);
- Teasertext = TextDrawCreate(320.000000, TeaserY, TeaserTn);
- TextDrawAlignment(Teasertext, 2);
- TextDrawBackgroundColor(Teasertext, 255);
- TextDrawFont(Teasertext, 1);
- TextDrawLetterSize(Teasertext, 0.400000, 1.300000);
- TextDrawColor(Teasertext, -1);
- TextDrawSetOutline(Teasertext, 1);
- TextDrawSetProportional(Teasertext, 1);
- TextDrawShowForAll(Teasertext);
- TextDrawShowForAll(Teaserbox);
- if(Teaserstate == 10) { KillTimer(Teasertimer); Teaserstate = 0; return 1; }
- Teaserstate++;
- return 1;
- }
- stock Teaser_IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)
- return (IsPlayerAdmin(playerid) || CallRemoteFunction("IsPlayerAdminCall","i",playerid));
- strtok(const string[], &index)
- {
- new length = strlen(string);
- while ((index < length) && (string[index] <= ' '))
- {
- index++;
- }
- new offset = index;
- new result[20];
- while ((index < length) && (string[index] > ' ') && ((index - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1)))
- {
- result[index - offset] = string[index];
- index++;
- }
- result[index - offset] = EOS;
- return result;
- }
- AntiDeAMX()
- {
- new xyz[][] =
- {
- "Unarmed (Fist)",
- "Brass K"
- };
- #pragma unused xyz
- }
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