
TLP - Kelik-Anakin

Apr 3rd, 2018
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  1. /* C Support */
  2. Kelik: Hey, Anakin...
  3. Anakin: Huh? Kelik?
  4. Kelik: Yeah, I need to...
  5. Anakin: Kelik, we're in the middle of a battle right now. Now's not the time to talk about whatever you have to talk about!
  6. Kelik: Your eyes were just closed! What kind of crap is that?!
  7. Anakin: Oh, that's just a... a ruse I do... to you know... Lure enemies in, so you can strike them down.
  8. Kelik: Whatever dude. I was going to ask about that motiva-
  9. Anakin: I really don't want to hear you make fun of it, Kelik...
  10. Kelik: No, no, seriously, hear me out Anakin! How'd you get that knack to say some words and then bring someone to fight past their full potential?
  11. Anakin: Believe it or not, it kind of runs in the blood...
  12. Kelik: A bloodline? Do you belong to any sort of noble house?
  13. Anakin: No, nothing like that... I just... um....
  14. Kelik: Hey, if you don't want to talk about it, no harm done. I was just curious. It's an obscure ability. Especially how you point to people at the end as if though you have to sort of direct some magic towards the person. It gets me a little nervous, but whatever...
  15. Anakin: Hahahahaha!
  16. Kelik: What's so funny?
  17. Anakin: The thought of you being nervous was a bit unnerving.
  18. Kelik: ...You suck, Anakin. (Kelik leaves)
  19. Anakin: Looks like I hit a sore spot...
  22. /* B Support */
  23. Anakin: Something wrong, Kelik? Was that a yawn I saw? Not the best battlefield manners.
  24. Kelik: You do it all the time, Anakin...
  25. Anakin: Didn't I explain that to you last time? It's part of...
  26. Kelik: Yeah, it's part of your ruse, your stupid mindgames... You define fighting as a whole new concept, Anakin.
  27. Anakin: Eh... I guess... Is that a compliment?
  28. Kelik: Definitely no.
  29. Anakin: ...Why did I ask...
  30. Kelik: Because you're as much an idiot as when we first met, of course.
  31. Anakin: I wouldn't count on that.
  32. Kelik: Oh really?
  33. Anakin: Yes, really.
  34. Kelik: Prove it.
  35. Anakin: I learned that you're an ass to make yourself seem tougher than-
  36. Kelik: Gah, shut UP Anakin! You and your blabbering... What can't be expressed through a sword, I have to put in words. That's ALL.
  37. Anakin: So you're not willing to strike me with a sword?
  38. Kelik: You're the leader of the rebellion, Anakin. I doubt anyone besides my own mercenaries trust me here. If I did anything as much as touching you they'd stalk me and try and kill me in the nighttime. Or else just lynch me in the wide-open.
  39. Anakin: You really have such doubtful feelings about everyone?
  40. Kelik: Why would anyone like me? I'm not an emotional coward who can sweet talk like you.
  41. Anakin: ......
  42. Kelik: That being said, at least I can help on the battlefield. (Kelik leaves)
  43. Anakin: ...... Kelik...
  46. /* A Support */
  47. Anakin: Hey! Kelik!
  48. Kelik: (What it could possibly be...) What's up, Anakin?
  49. Anakin: Are you alright?
  50. Kelik: I'm fine. Since when do you care?
  51. Anakin: I'm just asking... Are you always this rude to your friends?
  52. Kelik: No, but I never really considered you a friend.
  53. Anakin: ...Ouch... We've been together for a while now and you're still putting on the tough act with me?
  54. Kelik: Stop making such stupid accusations. I'm acting like my normal self. If you don't like it, then get the hell out of here.
  55. Anakin: Kelik, why are you like this?
  56. Kelik: Anakin, why are you so inquisitive? While I'm at it, why are you so lazy, sleepy, and annoying?
  57. Anakin: ......
  58. Kelik: ...I was raised taking care of myself and being independent. I don't need people to look out for me or anything.
  59. Anakin: Nonsense! Sure you do! What'll happen when you're sick and unable to take care of yourself? How will you manage on the battlefield if you're defending yourself alone?
  60. Kelik: By my own strength. Even if I have to struggle every inch of the way, I'll accomplish my goals, or die trying. And once my ambitions are through, I have no more care to live.
  61. Anakin: So you're just going to flop over and die once you're done?! What's your ambition, anyway? To be a loner for your entire life?
  62. Kelik: I'm not a loner! I'm just not stupid enough to get so close to people that they end up getting killed because of me!
  63. Anakin: I've been here for a good while and I've yet to be killed.
  64. Kelik: That's what I'm scared for. I don't want you to die.
  65. Anakin: Kelik... You have to trust in people. You always say... You always say I'm too trusting, but you yourself don't trust anyone!
  66. Kelik: What happens if I trust those people and I am let down? Better to not trust at all than be betrayed by those you trusted.
  67. Anakin: Kelik, I'm not weak. I can survive on my own. I'm not going to die just by fighting alongside you. And I'm not going to betray your trust. I don't know what happened in your childhood... But you can't judge everyone based off of a few people! There are good people in this world, Kelik!
  68. Kelik: And you're supposed to be one of them, I presume?
  69. Anakin: I'm not perfect, but... I'm trying my best. I don't have any bad intentions. I'm only here to help. And if there's something I can better myself in, then it's your job to tell me what that is.
  70. Kelik: .....
  71. Anakin: I'm right, no?
  72. Kelik: ...How should I know? Do I look like an expert on human psychology? You haven't quite convinced ME of anything though.
  73. Anakin: Kelik... my parents died when I was young. They both died in the same month. I was like you... I didn't trust anyone. I didn't want to believe that there was any good in this world. How could there be, when I had been left alone with nothing?
  74. Kelik: ......
  75. Anakin: When I was a teenager I traveled Valencia and many villages. I didn't have a job or a home, so I just wandered... I saw happy, joyous people, and people who just wanted to live. To just live a normal, average life, with those they care about. That's what made me fight against Magnus. At some point in my journey, I fought against a Magnian regiment fortified near the Valencian territory of Regalia. The commander didn't want to harm the people. He cared for them. He might have been Magnian, but not all Magnians are bad. Not all people are bad.
  76. Kelik: Hah... Siegfried told me the same thing, once...
  77. Anakin: Look. The point is, you have to trust in people a bit more. You can't make everyone your enemy, Kelik.
  78. Kelik: ...I'm sorry, Anakin. I didn't... I didn't mean to make you my enemy. I just didn't want you to get to know you. I... didn't want to risk losing any more friends...
  79. Anakin: For the last time, I'm not your enemy. I'm your friend! Stop being so difficult!
  80. Kelik: Alright, fine! But if you die on me anytime soon... I'll never forgive you. Not in a million years. In fact, I'd better start
  81. sparring with you a bit.
  82. Anakin: Wait, what?! I can't even use a weapon!
  83. Kelik: I can't have you dying because you're weak, so you'd better work on that light magic of yours!
  84. Anakin: (Moves away) Woah, Kelik, don't you think you're taking this a bit far?!
  85. Kelik: Don't be ridiculous! I gotta trust in you, right? (Kelik leaves)
  86. Anakin: Bah...
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