
GunnzShowboad - Perspective

Mar 20th, 2016
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  1. >Rarity paced around the Carousel Boutique, a frown on her face.
  2. >She was in a slump.
  3. >Her dresses, her designs, everything just felt so soulless to her.
  4. >Oh, they were sound. They were 'flawless.' They were good.
  5. >But she wanted -needed- GREAT.
  6. >She'd normally be content with her usual designs, but not today.
  7. >And so she paced, and thought, and looked for something -anything- that would fire her up.
  8. >Something that would inspire her.
  9. >The chime of the Boutique bell gave her pause, though only for a moment as she continued pacing.
  10. "Hey, Rarity! Uh... Are you okay?"
  11. >Rarity pauses for a moment, just enough to acknowledge Rainbow Dash's presence, before continuing her routine.
  12. "Hello, Rainbow Dash. I'm just... hmm. No. I'm just brainstorming ideas...Oh, what if I added sequins?"
  13. >Rainbow Dash watches as Rarity paces and mumbles to herself, finding the sight a bit amusing.
  14. >Still, it couldn't be good for Rarity to get so worked up over something. So...
  15. "What's got you so jittery?"
  16. "I'm not jittery, darling."
  17. "Oh, really?"
  18. >Rarity sighs, stops pacing, and looks at Rainbow Dash.
  19. >Her eyes look surprisingly sad. Not her usual over-dramatic sort of sad, but like she's just tired of life.
  20. "Well, maybe a little."
  21. "Rare, look. Why don't you just rest for a bit, alright?"
  22. >The fashionista nods and lets out a sigh, before letting Rainbow Dash guide her to her lounging couch.
  23. >She settles into the couch, resting her head on a pillow propped up by one of the couch arms.
  24. "There. So, do you need anything?"
  25. "Do you know how to make tea?"
  26. "Um... yeah... You just take the tea thingy and boil it in water, right?"
  27. >Rarity rolls her eyes, but gives Rainbow Dash a small smile.
  28. "Can you be a dear and just fetch me a bottle of tea from the refrigerator?"
  29. With a nod, Rainbow Dash makes her way into the kitchen.
  30. "Oh, and feel free to help yourself to something as well!"
  32. >Rainbow Dash soon returned with a bottle of tea, alongside a bottle of soda and a bowl of grapes.
  33. "Thank you, dear."
  34. >As Rarity unscrews the tea bottle, Rainbow Dash takes a seat on the couch and plops a few grapes into her mouth.
  35. >After taking a few sips, Rarity lets out a small sigh of relief.
  36. "Heh. Feeling better?"
  37. "A little bit, darling."
  38. >Plopping another grape into her mouth, Rainbow Dash turns to Rarity.
  39. "So, what's the deal with you and... well, all 'that.'"
  40. "Rainbow Dash, don't talk while eating. It's bad manners."
  41. "Yeah, okay, mom. But, seriously. What's going on?"
  42. >Rarity sighs, taking another sip of her tea.
  43. "Well, I've just been wracking my mind trying to come up with some new designs, but..."
  44. >She waves her hand, pointing to the scattered papers and dresses lining her work area.
  45. "I'm just not feeling it."
  46. "Okay, so... hmm."
  47. >Rainbow Dash hunches over, her chin resting on her fist as she mulls over Rarity's problem.
  48. >Usually, whenever Rainbow Dash is in a funk, she just plays soccer.
  49. >Shooting a few goals or 30 always seems to make her feel better, feel focused.
  50. >Rarity, on the other hand, hates sports. Well, just getting dirty or sweaty in general.
  51. >Which is basically what sports is about. So, she hates sports.
  52. >Well, she hates doing sports. Doesn't seem to mind watching.
  53. "Wait a second, what were we talking about?"
  54. "Um, well, I'm having trouble finding inspiration for-"
  55. >Ok, so. Inspiration.
  56. >Rainbow Dash gets inspiration from doing things.
  57. >Rarity gets inspiration from looking at things.
  58. >How can these two facts be used to get Rarity out of her funk?
  59. >Rainbow Dash felt a trickle down her forehead, causing her to groan in irritation.
  60. >Normally, she wouldn't mind a bit of sweat, but the trickling sensation was making it hard to focus.
  61. "Rainbow Dash."
  62. "Yeah?"
  63. "You're sweating."
  65. "Uh, yeah. Sorry. Can I-"
  66. >Rarity leans in.
  67. "Your hair and skin. They're sweaty."
  68. >Rainbow Dash scoots back a bit.
  69. "Um?"
  70. "Sweaty and shiny."
  71. >Rarity leans in, a smile on her face. Rainbow Dash feels her cheeks redden a bit.
  72. "Don't you see?"
  73. "Um. No?"
  74. >Rarity frowns.
  75. "I've been looking at this the wrong way! Instead of just making something static, I could create a dynamic design!"
  76. >She gets up and heads towards her work area, with Rainbow Dash following.
  77. >After reaching into a chest lying nearby, she pulls out a small diamond and raises it to Rainbow Dash's face.
  78. "You can see them, right? The rainbow colors in the diamond?"
  79. "Um, yeah-wait... Yeah. Yeah, I do."
  80. "Now, in regards to your sweatiness, the sheen of your skin 'moves' depending on where one looks from."
  81. >She steps past Rainbow Dash and begins to circle and examine her.
  82. "However, two people at two different positions, looking at the same spot, will see a different sheen, right?"
  83. "I guess?"
  84. "So, I was thinking that I could use material that, depending on lighting and where a person stands, will change color!"
  85. >Rainbow Dash's eyebrows knit together for a moment.
  86. "Oh! You mean like holographic baseball cards?"
  87. "Well... yes. I suppose I do."
  88. >Rarity stops her circling and takes a contemplative stance.
  89. "Hmm. Well... that really does sound like what I want... but..."
  90. "Does stuff like that even exist for clothes?"
  91. "Holographic fabric? Oh, yes, absolutely, darling."
  92. >She heads back to her work area and starts to leaf through a few drawers.
  93. >After a few moments of searching, she pulls out a piece of silver fabric that looked like it was covered in sequins.
  94. >She holds the object up, turning it in the light, which causes the sequins' colors to change.
  95. "The things is: I'm not very fond of the look and-"
  96. "You know what, Rare?"
  97. "Yes?"
  98. >Rainbow Dash smirks at her.
  99. "Why don't you draw something up and we'll work something out?"
  100. "Ah. Well, alright."
  102. >So, Rarity spent the next 10 minutes doing up a sketch, with Rainbow Dash looking over her shoulder.
  103. "And so, what I want is just a solid color, and then the holographic fabric will break it up like this, see?"
  104. >Rainbow Dash nods.
  105. "Yeah. Now, what I'm thinking is, maybe you could do something like the dress you made me for the Fall Formal."
  106. "Mmm. Can you explain your idea a bit more?"
  107. "Ok. Well, you used rainbow colors for my dress. So, I was thinking that, instead of just having one color and then the fabric breaks it up like a candy cane, that you could use, maybe one color for the bottom half and use the fabric to break up the top."
  108. >Rarity looks from Rainbow Dash to the design, her eyebrows knitting together as she taps her pencil against the paper.
  109. "I see what you mean... Oh!"
  110. >She gets up from her work desk, takes a few steps away from her friend and uses her hands to 'frame' her.
  111. "Ok. Picture this: you, in a green dress, wearing a shawl with rainbow colors!"
  112. "A shawl."
  113. "It's like a little cape that covers your shoulders, dear."
  114. >Rarity makes her way to a nearby dress and starts leafing through it until she finds a shawl.
  115. >Tossing the red shawl over her shoulders, she strikes a pose, fluttering her eyelashes at Rainbow Dash.
  116. "You see?"
  117. "Y-yeah."
  118. >Rarity removes the shawl and is about to toss it back where she found it.
  119. "Wait. You know what?"
  120. >After striding over to Rainbow Dash, Rarity wraps the shawl around her shoulders.
  121. "Oh! Red and green! I bit too Hearth's Warming, but... hmm..."
  122. >Rainbow Dash takes in a breath, a waft of Rarity's perfume tickling her nose.
  123. >Feeling her face flush a bit, she takes a step back and clears her throat.
  124. "Oh, I'm sorry, Rainbow Dash. I hope I didn't-"
  125. "No, no. It's okay. Um. Oh! What if you use some shiny fabric and sew it to make frills or whatever?"
  126. "On the shawl?"
  127. >Rainbow Dash nods.
  128. "You know... that's a good idea."
  130. "Okay. Green dress. Red shawl."
  131. >Rarity circles Rainbow Dash, walking behind her.
  132. "For the shawl, I could use the remaining colors as frills."
  133. >Raising her hands to Rainbow Dash's shoulders, she lowers them in an outline, fanning out to illustrate her point.
  134. >Rainbow Dash sniffs, Rarity's perfume smelling more potent than before, and feels her face redden as Rarity leans in.
  135. "What do you think, darling? Does that sound good?"
  136. "Y-yeah."
  137. >Regaining a bit of her composure, Rainbow Dash tugs at the front of the shawl.
  138. "This thing needs to be tied, right? So, what if I wear something to tie it to?"
  139. >Rarity pauses for a moment before stepping around to Rainbow Dash's front.
  140. >She stares at the shawl for a moment before locking eyes with Rainbow Dash.
  141. "You're right... Maybe... oh! We could use something of a clasp? Like..."
  142. "A lightning bolt?"
  143. >Rarity giggles.
  144. "Exactly! The shawl could be tied onto a loop on the back of the clasp."
  145. >Setting her sights on Rainbow Dash's shoes, Rarity kneels down.
  146. "As for the footwear. Hmm. I'm thinking, purple with yellow lining and laces."
  147. >She makes her way back to her desk and grabs a blank sheet of paper.
  148. >Rainbow Dash watches her friend work, a smirk on her face as the fashionista hums and mumbles to herself.
  149. >Rarity's normally pretty high-maintenance, but Rainbow Dash couldn't help but love her passion.
  150. "There! Okay, what do you think?"
  151. >Rainbow Dash looks over the design, a colored in sketch of what she guessed was her in the dress.
  152. "Yeah... that looks really good. I mean, your dresses always look pretty good, but, you know."
  153. >Rarity giggles, batting her eyelashes.
  154. "Thank you, dear."
  155. "Y-yeah... You're welcome."
  156. "Okay, do you think you can stick around while I make the dress, or come back later?"
  157. "I don't have anything else to do, so I can stick around."
  158. "Excellent-"
  159. >Rainbow Dash holds up her right hand.
  160. "But."
  161. "But?"
  162. >And taps the sketch with her index finger.
  163. "That hair? On my head? It's not gonna happen."
  164. >It happened anyways.
  165. >Begrudgingly, Rainbow Dash gave in to Rarity's request to give her a new hairdo.
  166. >The tomboy stares at her reflection in the mirror, grumbling as Rarity hums a little ditty.
  167. "Your hair's quite lovely, Rainbow Dash."
  168. "Ow."
  169. "And that's why you should take some time to comb it."
  170. "Ow."
  171. "Because then you won't have to deal with knots like this-"
  172. "Ow!"
  173. "And your hair will come out lovelier for it."
  174. "Yeah, well, I don't have to deal with knots if I don't comb-ow!"
  175. "You at least shampoo it, correct?"
  176. "Well, soap counts, right?"
  177. >...
  178. "Ow!"
  179. "I mean it, Rainbow Dash. Your hair's lovely and I think you'd look quite stunning if you were to style it every once in awhile."
  180. "...Really?"
  181. "Oh, absolutely. I've always thought you looked quite lovely whenever you decided to dress up."
  182. >Rainbow Dash raises a hand to her face, attempting to casually hide her blush.
  183. "I... w-Ow!"
  184. >Rarity stops combing and gives her a worried look.
  185. "Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be rude or-"
  186. "Ah. No, I just think... Well, that kinda means a lot coming from you."
  187. "Really?"
  188. "Yeah. I mean... You're the prettiest girl in school. And, well, I dunno."
  189. >...
  190. "Rarity?"
  191. >...
  192. >Nervously, she looks at Rarity's reflection, noting the small smile on her friend's face.
  193. "Thank you, Rainbow Dash."
  194. "Heh. You're welcome... Ow."
  195. >A few minutes later, Rarity was finished with combing and had set about curling Rainbow's Dash hair a bit.
  196. "Voila! All that's left is to work on the dress. It'll take a while, so feel free to make yourself at home."
  197. >With that, Rarity makes her way back to her work area, gathering materials and her sketch.
  198. "Alright. Do you need to take my measurements?"
  199. "Oh, no, dear. That's alright."
  200. >Rarity looks over her shoulder, a smirk on her face.
  201. "I know your measurements by heart."
  202. >*wink*
  204. >An hour or so passed before the dress prototype was done.
  205. >Once Rainbow Dash got changed into it, she began to model by Rarity's directions.
  206. "Okay. Just stand straight. No. Arms flat-yes! Like that."
  207. >Hmmm.
  208. "Now, stay like that, but turn 90 degrees to your right."
  209. >Good. Good.
  210. "Turn."
  211. >Hmm. The flounce looks a little too low at the back. Raise it an inch or two?
  212. "Turn."
  213. >The frills on the shawl look even.
  214. "Turn. Now, raise your arms to your shoulders."
  215. >Repeat.
  216. "Alright, now, just move. Walk, pose. Do what you want."
  217. >Rainbow Dash strikes a few poses: the Superman, the Adonis, the Warrior, etc.
  218. >Rarity rolls her eyes, but smiles as she continues to evaluate the dress.
  219. "Hey, Rare?"
  220. "Yes?"
  221. "So, what happened?"
  222. >Rarity lets out a sigh.
  223. "Well, I was visited by a potential patron. He's a rather big name in the fashion industry."
  224. >Rainbow Dash frowns.
  225. "He insulted your work?"
  226. "Oh, heavens no, dear! It was criticism, but..."
  227. >Rainbow Dash folds her arms, a smirk on her face.
  228. "You overreacted?"
  229. "A little bit."
  230. >Rainbow Dash walks over to her and places a hand on her shoulder.
  231. "Rarity. You're awesome."
  232. "O-oh?"
  233. "Not as awesome as me, of course, but still."
  234. "Oh."
  235. >Rarity rolls her eyes, causing Rainbow Dash to chuckle.
  236. "But, seriously. You're creative, smart, a great artist, and a great sewer."
  237. "Seamstress."
  238. "Yeah, yeah. You can be a bit snooty, but you're also one of the most generous people I know. So, yeah, you're pretty awesome."
  239. >Rarity reaches out for her, grabbing her in a mutual hug.
  240. "Well, at the risk of inflating your ego, I think you're awesome, too. You're a good, loyal friend, and I admire how responsible you can be when you're serious."
  241. >They share a laugh and seconds tick by.
  242. >Rarity opens her mouth to speak-
  243. "I meant it when I said you're the prettiest girl in school."
  244. >Rarity smiles and leans in, their lips meeting.
  245. >Rainbow Dash's cheeks redden and she smiles as Rarity pulls away.
  246. "And you are positively lovely, darling."
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