
Zebra Voodoo Spirits Oh mY!

Aug 24th, 2013
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  1. Liven
  2. Now, it's been more-or-less agreed on (or at least accepted or no one has bothered to argue) that zebras are talented with two major abilities; alchemy, and voodoo. This is shown both directly and indirectly in the show, and thus should at least be considered for our canon. Because we only have one show zebra, prepare for a lot of Zecora analysis and a fair amount of headcanon...
  4. To being, alchemy. What is alchemy? Well, in most fantasy worlds, it's the science or magic of turning one substance into another. However, in recent years it's come to symbolize the science of remedy creation, especially in the form of potions, poultices, and similar substances. When shown in the show, it as always been Zecora who preformed alchemy; the basic pony types have indeed been shown to use traditional medicine. Now, is this a cultural thing, or a racial trait?
  6. Going by what the show demonstrates, I'd assume a blend. In Ponyville, all farmers are shown to be earth ponies; it seems working with the land is a racial trait that they're all born with, regardless of whether or not they act on it. While I'm sure that magic can replicate it, like with flying and could walking, it's something all earth ponies have a natural knack, and I'd even say in instinct for, at least to some extent. Now, haw does this translate to zebras and alchemy? If an earth pony naturally has a connection to the land and the vegetation in it, it would make sense in my warped mind that zebras have a natural connection with particular plants that are used for alchemy, and have an easier time finding them, be it through a heightened basic sense (such as smell) or a sixth sense specialized for this task.
  7. Now for the fun one, and one most likely to spark debate. Yes, I'm talking about the psudo-magic of voodoo. Now, this one is a little trickier to define, as it is, in truth, a religious practice. However, for the purpose of our game, I suggest the following, a simplified and slightly modified version from;
  9. "A practice involving witchcraft and communication by trance with ancestors and animistic deities."
  11. We have seen this to some small extent in the show with the only canon zebra introduced, Zecora, mostly from the episode "Magic Duel." When Twilight goes to see Zecora regarding Trixie, she implies that not only can she teach Twilight about magic, a feat before that only unicorns could do, but she even demonstrates a small trick, where she refills a cup of tea Twilight knocked over )TWILIGHT DON'T YOU FUCKING DO IT). Now, does this mean that she has dark and mysterious powers we've never seen? Doubtful. However, it does show that zebras do have a knack for the supernatural. This is also demonstrated in the episode "Luna Eclipsed." When Zecora is explaining the story of Nightmare Moon, she is seen using some sort of green dust to create an illusion that illustrates the tale as she says it. This, coupled with her meditative practices, style of dress, and home decor all point to a combination of a pop-culture mix of West African and Louisiana voodoo.
  13. Now, what does this mean for Liven, Flora, and any other zebras that show up beyond the few small feats and tricks shown in show canon? That's what I'd like to discuss if that's alright. All opinions are welcome, even those that think that zebras should be treated no different than regular earth ponies, or those thank think they should be lynched. Just stay civil and open minded, for after this I suggest we do bat ponies; oh do I have some ideas I think you may like...
  15. GreenSleeves
  18. I always figured that the major difference between unicorn and zebra magic is the immediacy of the "casting" and the length of the effect. Unicorns magic is, in general, immediate to cause with an immediate effect. A unicorn might use a spell to start a fire, for example. Alternatively, I picture zebra magic as being something that needs to be worked for, something that can't be casted immediately. A zebra might need to gather herbs and/or perform a ritual for any magic to happen. This work is, however, balanced out by the fact that the 'lifetime' of zebra spells is mush longer. A zebra wouldn't light a fire with magic, but instead might perform a ritual ahead of time to enchant a bangle to shoot sparks for lighting fires.
  20. A better, (and more applicable to Liven's medical practice) example might be: A unicorn might know a spell that kills joint pain. A zebra might know how to make some voodoo-potion-thing that helps with joint pain. While the unicorn's spell is easier, it has the downsides of needing the unicorn present to use. The zebra potion is much more work, but can be just as effective at any time, without the need for an extra pony present.
  22. When it comes to enchanting, I figure unicorns can't really do shit because of the immediacy of their spells. A unicorn might be able to coat their sword with magical flame while they use it, but the flames are only temporary. Only zebra voodoo magic could permanently enchant a sword to burst into flames when drawn, albeit with much work. It'd also need a power source I guess, magic crystals or some shit, but the effect itself is permanent.
  24. Am I clear here?
  26. Rain
  27. On the alchemy thing I like it. I like it alot. Could have that the innate sense they gain from their instints/connection to nature is shown in a more specilized form I mean combined with finding plants that have magical properites as well as having a connection with animals?
  29. What I mean by that is not Fluttershy levels but a basic grasp on what they like dont like behaviors and what usually scares them away. Sorta like Tarzan from the disney movie.
  31. Rain
  32. powders to bend the senses and give enemies hallucagens? I could see that. Also maybe distractions that draw the eye when ignited.
  34. Oh here's idea spirit guides! Could base them off the zodiacs or even animals we have encountered. Use it for RP purposes or even as sorta messanger bird or a second life if a zebra is knocked out they take up control of their spirit guide and attempt to fight or get help depending on what it is.
  36. An idea on how to gain this would be to have dream shenanigins after doing one too many lines you crazy ziggers you. Get the basics of the trial then undergo it after a kind of proving grounds where you hunt and become in tune with your inner zebra?
  38. >>12792752
  39. >>12792777
  40. >>12792803
  41. That sounds fine and dandy, most of it, although I suggest you change the name "alchemy" as it inherently have a connotation with transmuting lead, etc. to gold
  43. I don't know how much of a bonus for finding the things naturally, although they should have an easier time, if they know where to look.
  45. The ancestral and animal "speak" I'm not really sure how would work out. It wouldn't be something that is easy to figure in any way, and I personally think it required further discussion.
  47. >>12793450
  48. >>12794208
  49. I don't think actual magical effects is a good thing to have for zebras, but I could understand things that gave magic like effects.
  51. Rain
  52. But instead of a mentor or guide they have to find a spirit willing to teach them one thing as Spirits would tend to be a selfish lot always wanting to have that one thing that puts them above the rest making it a challenge in and of itself to learn say extreme balance from a panther spirit or a brew to heal a sore throat from a rooster.
  54. I still like the fact that zebras could be witch doctors handling the matters of the soul.
  56. As for unicorns they have magic and such. Finding a book to read or study is kind of their whole thing. If they spend a large amount of time on one subject its kinda like a power gamer trying to min max his way through the world much like in the show.
  58. >>12794114
  59. Agreed. However I am taking what I've seen from the show and combining it with real life voodoo. I do like and agree that zebras can have elaborate rituals and the like, as that is a part of Louisiana Voodoo.
  61. >>12794208
  62. I see where you're coming from, and I do like the gist of it. However having particular spirit guide or animal is more Tribal Native American; in this world, the buffalo. I would like to work on that aspect to make it fit the more African vibe where it's more, "there are many spirits to commune with" vibe, though I love where you're coming from.
  64. >>12794494
  65. These days when i think of "alchemy" I think of Skyrim, so yeah. But if the name is an issue it can easily be swapped.
  67. I'd say their senses aid them, but don't locate it for them. Either they have a feeling that "there's something around here I'm looking for," or "I can smell it in the general vicinity."
  69. And that's why it would be the most difficult thing for us to learn; it's our equivalent of mastering magic or flight. It would take a lot of time, effort, and patients to be able to do spirit communications and the like.
  71. I'm probably the only one, but I don't see voodoo as "magic." It's a supernatural effect via channeling inborn energies, but I feel that magic is something different. A unicorn can pick up a book and read through it to learn a spell. The only way for a zebra to discover something is to either be taught by word of mouth, trial and error, or via some sort of a pact or deal with a spirit. I also believe it to be far weaker and more limited than magic, but it can produce some unique effects even unicorns don't quite get. Or have some hilarious results should their effort not succeed.
  73. >here are many spirits to commune with" vibe,
  74. Kind of like shinto religion where everything has a small god from a brooke to a pebble to a mountain? Some kind some impassive and others are the JESUSCHRISTHOWHORRIFYING! variety?
  76. FUnd it!
  78. I also like this set of skills be the zebra's inate talent that they have to work with as well. Granted I dont have that much info on Voodoo aside from shrunken heads and voodoo dolls.
  80. What about spiritual damage? Have voodoo be used to help combat something that harms the soul. Much like how Able pissed off that shade and it reached into his body and chilled him for damage maybe instead of affecting the shell it afffected the soul instead?
  82. Or is that Native American/Buffalo territory again? Sorry really kinda got a lot of ideas with them but we are kinda in the wrong climate for them I think
  84. Bacon
  85. What I mean it, that I don't know how the spirit talk etc. would work as a whole, and just making the thing toughest to master doesn't help me do that.
  86. This also means that zebras would have access to a lot of varied skill that none of the other races could hope to attain.
  87. I'm not going to discuss what is magic and what a supernatural effect although our real world would place them in the same category
  88. Also, just for the record, a unicorn can't just read a book and learn it like that, it still require training which will mean trial and error.
  89. Bit that's also it. Unicorns don't get two different or interlinked powers such as both "potion brewing" or the natural bonus to locate them, or spirit talk. If we look at it like that, zebras effectively have access to the book when needed in the form of their spirit mentor, should they find one. Unicorns will have to have the book with them to study from, which means that it's more prone to loss or harm.
  91. Capt: August BSnation
  93. So either nerf Zebras so they dont get so many bullshit powers over the rest or do something else. I could see that...
  95. But instead of a mentor or guide they have to find a spirit willing to teach them one thing as Spirits would tend to be a selfish lot always wanting to have that one thing that puts them above the rest making it a challenge in and of itself to learn say extreme balance from a panther spirit or a brew to heal a sore throat from a rooster.
  97. I still like the fact that zebras could be witch doctors handling the matters of the soul.
  99. As for unicorns they have magic and such. Finding a book to read or study is kind of their whole thing. If they spend a large amount of time on one subject its kinda like a power gamer trying to min max his way through the world much like in the show.
  101. You are now seeing Twilight as the most metagaming min maxing player in the entire show, her cutiemark is magic!
  103. On the Zebra thing, Yes to powders yes to potions and yes to multiple spirits that might be helpful might be hostile and might just not give a shit.
  104. I think we said something about basic animal tounge 101 where a zebra can ward off animals and warn them but not to Fluttershy levels.
  106. We really need a voting thing on what kind of lore should be implemented...and soon otherwise people are gonna stagnant with being constrained by everyone going not fair retcon etc etc
  108. Alright, sounds good. The only thing to hammer out is what are the limitations of what the spirits can do? What do they bring to the table, how hard is it to communicate, how do we implement it into the game and ABOVE ALL ELSE, how do we keep it balanced with the other four races?
  110. Thank you! I kinda wanted to keep talking about the same thing with mine and Feather's gem magic/tech idea that everyone kinda like. Lucy added in that the gems could instead be used as a power source instead of a having the entire thing be made of gems or crystals, somthing bout magical conductive metals to work as cables for a eletronic.
  112. I would think that spirits cannot dirrectly interfere in the mortal world unless its with in their own domain, example a mountain spirit could be a ram that could bump people off his mountain or like that one japanese spirit that you had to offer beans so he wouldnt eat you, if you gave him a offering he would escourt you out of the wilderness.
  114. Things that they could do to help with the town could be giving us ideas of what their domains are like for minerals good logging spots or even new knowledge be it in the past like the dead griffon burial ground from my quest or something appliciable like the rites I had shown in Griffon quest.
  115. >>12818062
  116. That would actually be a VERY good way to help create more specific gathering quests. I also love the idea of domain specific spirits; it's great for flavor, and I think can be a boon in game.
  118. Now, if say Flora or I would try to reach out to one, who would control it? Ina quest it would most likely be the GM, but what about during downtime in town? How do we decide which spirits can be reached out to and if they're friendly, hostile, sneaky, pact making, or just indifferent? Should it be up to the GMs as well? While that is cool, it adds a fair amount of work for them to do, especially considering that it applies to so few characters at this point.
  120. How about a few roll tables for willingness to help? A d100 roll and that will determine how helpful they are? It can vary depending on the spirit, location, and any other factors that GM says apply?
  121. >>12817875
  122. Diffculty of communication I think would be based on spiritual awareness of a individual, for zebras they would be more intuned with the wilder aspects of the world and spirits relating to them forest mountains etc while earth ponies would be more aware of domesticated spirits such as a garden, a lake or pond on a farm, Pegasi with spirits in the air and clouds while unicorns would be more aware of arcane things such as magical properties in a feather for example. Bat ponies would be more aware of things that enjoy the dark such as chupacapras or spirits of dark caves.
  124. course this would relay on a stat sheet that no one ever got around to argreeing on so eh
  126. >>12817875
  127. As for keeping it balanced between the other four races I think I did that with the spiritual aware thing and by spiritual awareness I mean noticing something is off for a pegasi like myself for example we could be out in the plains and I look up at the sky seeing how the winds seem to blow ominously as the trees bend and sway to their whims
  129. I notice something off but I dont actually see a tornado spirit getting ready to wreck it
  130. >>12818463
  131. Ah, okay, that I understand. I'd be all fine for other ponies having some connection with some type of spirits; I'm no racist.
  133. >>12818501
  134. Mm. Yeah but Zebras would be more aware of every spirit I think since most just get a odd feeling like a raised hairs on the back of the neck while Zebras would probably see that tornado spirit getting ready to wreck the plains for fun.
  136. >>12818260
  137. The spirits should in some way relate to their domain the ram that i mentioned could be a solitary, stoic hermit that dislikes things on his mountain.
  139. >> Liven Up [Male, Zebra] Tue Aug 13 23:29:50 2013 No.12819613
  140. Quoted by: >>12819898
  141. >>12819169
  142. Okay, here is a basic write up of the different types of attitudes that the spirits will have when contacted. This can be modified to fit any type of NPCs.
  144. Hostile: The spirit in question views you an enemy and will do what ever it takes to kill you, including taking risks to its well being (assuming it can effect the physical world). Otherwise, it will try to interfere in later actions, berate you, or flee as quickly as possible. It is nearly impossible to convince it to aid you, and any help it gives will come with a steep, steep cost.
  146. Unfriendly: The spirit in question has a negative opinion of you and wishes you ill. It will do everything from mislead you to gossip about you in the spirit realm. They may avoid you or watch you suspiciously, or if they're particularly nasty hurl insults at you. If it does offer help, it will come with a cost that may outweigh the benefit.
  148. Indifferent: The spirit in question doesn't really much care about you or the issue at hand and is just kind of... there. It will act in a manner most common in social situations, and based on the the request at hand and the manner in which the situation is handled will give aid. In most cases, any requirement will e of equal value to the help or favor requested.
  150. Friendly: The spirit in question takes a friendly interest in you and wishes you well. They may have a pleasant chat with you, advise the caller, give limited help for free, or should they not be able to fulfill a request advocate on behalf of the caller. Any cost of a bargain will be minor in comparison to the request at hand.
  152. Helpful: The spirit in question has a high opinion of you, and will take risks to help you out. They will use their powers to protect or heal you, provide aid in a time of need, or give you the backup you require. If a bargain is to be made, it may be free, or if there is a cost it will be miniscule.
  154. Okay, next in the zebra train, and most important, what can spirits do? What kind of powers can they bestow? Do they just give information, or can they also manipulate the world? Is it up to the individual spirit that a GM creates for the situation, or will we have a set list?
  156. Rain Drop Wed Aug 14 00:56:10 2013 No.12821957
  157. Quoted by: >>12822227 >>12822290
  158. >>12821339
  159. If we stick to the whole can only affect their domain be it a shrine if its a great spirit such as a mountain or great plains or a small pebble they should be able to fiddle around with that section of the world in the real world, now if people complain about how the show doesnt have that we can easily explain that since the ponies hardly ever invoke the wrath of spirits and the fact that most equestrians pay homage to the two biggest head honchos in the entire spirit realms Celestia and Luna respectivly they wouldnt show up in the show.
  161. AS for powers again run into the whole needing a stat system so that boosts and powerups can be given to make it easier but based on what we have as well as what most seem to be trying to aim for which is survival in this environment...
  163. Could try having a wind spirit give a plus to aim or even a cool relaxing breeze when your hot and tired. Oh or even as a way to move around faster!
  165. Another thing that comes to mind would to have say a spirit of a tree be willing to give you its fruit with no hassle or some knowledge of a remedy using its bark or the ingrediants made from the pests that eat at it. Mmm dryads oh that gave me a idea! Have deer be like elves OR be dryads/wardens of specific trees! They live within them and such.
  167. I would think for starting out we should make up a list of ideas that spirits could do or use then once a gm has a handle on it and how most spirit PC interaction goes they make something up thats not to overly powerful such as being able to breath fire if you had helped out a volcano spirit. Not that wouldnt be cool as hell to see!
  169. >> Liven Up [Male, Zebra] Wed Aug 14 01:08:28 2013 No.12822227
  170. Quoted by: >>12822538
  171. >>12821957
  172. The way I see it, they make the zebras a bit of a Mario; able to do a little bit of everything, but all of it is vastly inferior to any other race. They will never be as hardy as normal earth ponies, fast as pegasi, have the magic power of unicorns or the senses of bat ponies.
  174. For the most part, it should be up to individual GMs on how they want to handle it for now. On down time and in town, I think it should be treated like Mary's puppets; as long as it's for minor role playing applications or for fun and isn't abused, I hope the player can live and let live.
  176. I would be very okay with making up a basic list, though not tonight; I want to rejoin in character soon and this takes a lot of time; not that I don't enjoy writing it, quite the opposite. As I've said in the chat, I'm having more fun with this than I have RPing in quite a while.
  178. Does anyone else have anything to add to this? ALL ideas and opinions are welcomed and encouraged.
  180. >> Rain Drop Wed Aug 14 01:11:29 2013 No.12822290
  181. >>12821957
  182. Now since we are trying to get some lore discussions up here to prompt people to use it more I wanted to share some more thoughts on what I wanted to do with the griffons.
  184. Grphonia is one of Equestria's neighbors that we so happen to rest near the boreders of the two as if one were to continue traveling east through the woods the would soon come across a great lake much similiar to the ones in the states where across the water would be Gyphonia, the nearest town being shit I had a name for it but I'll just make it up for now Razor Wind one of the few griffon ground based cities of Gyphonia, it features a large expansion of farming and warehouses as well as a residential section for foreigners or 'ground walkers' to most griffonkind. Standing in the center of the town which rests on a terraced hill in the mountainous lands stands a tall castle built during the Pony-Griffon wars in ages past.
  186. Most griffons make their homes in the sky with clouds much like the pegasi of Equestria do using cities such as Razor Wind to fortify in when needed. Which admitedly has not been that often due to the long standing peace between Equestria and Gyphonia.
  188. Now one thing I was wanting to run by was 2 points.
  190. 1 Rune magic: I would like to introduce this via some more adventures or GMing a visit/trade caravan with the griffons so as to introduce them instead of relaying on the standard go in kill loot fomrula.
  192. 2. A xenophobic gang of griffons called the Sun's Demise run through most of the cities of Gyphonia they make recuritment from young griffons that wish to see combat and honor that their elders have often spoken about as they were raised. The Sun's Demise has a small following depsite their recruitment as most den mothers tend to whack their younglings for such foolsih thoughts.
  193. The gang also called for the High King to cut all ties with the Equestrians and other races as well but again most do not paid heed to them as they have a large non griffon population
  194. Rain Drop Wed Aug 14 01:26:11 2013 No.12822538
  195. >>12822359
  198. >>12822227
  199. Dont know what a plumber has to do with anything but I get the jack of all trades angel you are aiming for. much like HB does with your plot huehuehuehue
  201. I like the idea of it being open so long as its not abused too Liven, maybe, maybe have the perks that come with it have a cost, sacrifice a day of work to find, talk with, do X task if needed for the spirit in quest and have it last for a day or two to make it worth while depending on the spirit in question.
  203. Now here is something that I think Voodoo would really go into Soul Gems, Lucy had on a first quest run to work out the kinks that has been more or less made cannon have a spooky ghost in huge ass crystal that was imprisoned there by a unicorn for trying to search for his treasure long ago.
  204. Now not to exclude our horned brethren but Zebras could get into that I think, maybe having the unicorn in question using a zebra technique he had learned? I mean if we hold true to the idea of zebra magic = more prep time = longer effect while unicorn magic = instant effect = less effective time.
  206. I think Green mentioned in the chat about that, to start a fire a unicorn would shoot sparks to ignite the fire while a zebra would make a charm or bracelet that shot sparks
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