
Nov 6th, 2017
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  1. - [x] Mein Wille ist stärker als dein Wille
  2. - [x] Ich prüfe regelmässig die Grundannahme
  3. - [x] Stimmt die Grundannahme noch?
  4. - [x] Was will ich geben?
  5. - [ ] Ich kaufe nur das was ich brauche, oder das was mein Leben signifikant verbessert
  6. - [ ] Ich finanziere nur dann etwas, wenn ich durch eine Finanzierung am Ende mehr Geld raushole
  7. - [ ] Wenn der schlimmst denkbare Fall eintritt, würde mich dieser finanziell ruinieren?
  8. - [x] Das Worst-Case-Szenario ist die am wenigsten wahrscheinliche Sache die passiert
  9. - [ ] Ich achte darauf, wie die Leute um mich herum handeln, und finde dann heraus, ob mein handeln angemessen ist
  10. - [x] Ich erkläre worum es geht
  11. - [x] Ich erkläre warum es dich kümmern sollte
  12. - [x] Es ist in Ordnung zu experimentieren
  13. - [x] Es ist okay Ideen zu implementieren die halbgar sind
  14. - [x] Jetzt scheisse darin sein, dafür später besser darin werden
  15. - [ ] Ich strebe danach der beste zu sein, bei was-auch-immer ich tue
  16. - [x] Ist es ihm wichtig genug, dafür zu bezahlen?
  17. - [ ] Inwiefern passt das zu meinem Kunden?
  18. - [ ] Inwiefern passt das für meinen Kunden?
  19. - [ ] Was hat der der mich kritisiert aus seinem Leben gemacht?
  20. - [x] Was hat er für sich erreicht?
  21. - [ ] Wo wäre er, ohne meine Hilfe?
  22. - [ ] Was hat er gemacht?
  23. - [x] Was kann ich das nächste mal anders machen?
  24. - [x] Was kann ich im Augenblick machen?
  25. - [ ] Was kann ich genau jetzt machen?
  26. - [x] Perfekt hat oft Zeit für später
  27. - [x] Was mache ich das nächste mal besser?
  28. - [ ] Ich habe ein Gefühl für Ausgewogenheit
  29. - [ ] Ich schaffe ein ehrliches Gleichgewicht für mich
  30. - [x] Ich versuche immer eine Lösung anzubieten
  31. - [x] Ich tue das beste was ich kann
  32. - [x] Ich löse Probleme so gut ich jetzt kann
  33. - [x] Ich werde besser darin
  34. - [x] Ich werde erfolgreich bei dem was ich tue
  35. - [x] Wird es das Geld in der Zukunft zurückbringen?
  36. - [ ] Das Ergebnis macht Spass
  37. - [x] Ich mache mein eigenes Glück
  38. - [x] Ist es rentabel?
  39. - [ ] Motivation wird das Problem lösen
  40. - [ ] Ich verstehe mich
  41. - [ ] Ich weiss mich auszudrücken
  42. - [x] Ich verstehe andere
  43. - [x] Ich weiss mit ihnen umzugehen
  44. - [x] Ich kann mit starken Emotionen umgehen
  45. - [x] Ich kann meine Impulse kontrollieren
  46. - [x] Ich mache etwas produktives für mich
  47. - [x] Ich bin produktiv für mich selbst
  48. - [ ] Will ich jemand anders die Kontrolle über mein Leben geben?
  49. - [ ] Wenn ich meinen Misserfolg besitze, besitze ich meinen Erfolg
  50. - [ ] Ich lerne mich mit dem selben Mitgefühl zu behandeln, das ich anderen zeige.
  51. - [ ] Ich bin in der Lage, mich anzupassen, zu ändern und Probleme persönlicher oder sozialer Natur zu lösen.
  52. - [ ] Ich freunde mich mit meinem ängstlichen Teil an und richte meine direkte, mitfühlende Aufmerksamkeit darauf.
  53. - [ ] Ich lobe Leistungen und Fortschritt.
  54. - [ ] Ich lasse sie wissen, das es mich interessiert.
  56. - [ ] I develop a healthy lifestyle, including proper nutrition, exercise, and good sleep habits.
  57. - [ ] I build nurturing relationships with friends, families, and others
  58. - [ ] I regularly practice centering, self-soothing technics
  59. - [ ] I develop a creative activity that I can look forward to
  60. - [ ] I notice what helps – and do more of it
  61. - [ ] I can do it myself, whatever it is, if I just dedicate myself to do it.
  62. - [ ] I learn as much as I can about my problem and how to treat it.
  63. - [ ] I take charge of my illnesses, whether physical or psychological
  64. - [ ] The time is always right to do what is right.
  65. - [ ] I give up the victim mindset
  66. - [ ] I always get to the heart of my problems
  67. - [ ] I know their strengths and nurture them.
  68. - [ ] I know my strengths and nurture them.
  69. - [ ] I position people with the needed strengths close by.
  70. - [ ] What can I do to help the world?
  71. - [ ] What can I do to make the people wanna keep me around?
  72. - [ ] What is it what I can do other then nothing?
  73. - [ ] What can I do right now, that I have control over?
  74. - [ ] Where can I help make someones life a little bit better?
  75. - [ ] I criticize ideas, not people.
  76. - [ ] I strive to add value to every interaction and discussion I participate in
  77. - [ ] Leaders are people who go their own way whether anyone is following them.
  78. - [ ] I make it my goal to be better each and every day, in some small way.
  79. - [ ] Set goals, Track progress, Analyze results, and Reset your goals
  80. - [ ] I find always a reason to smile.
  81. - [ ] I always speak last
  82. - [ ] I ask questions rather than give answers
  83. - [ ] The only way forward is through.
  84. - [ ] I create something everyday
  85. - [ ] Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear
  86. - [ ] I show myself that I can do that thing.
  87. - [ ] Confidence is a formidable tool against fear
  88. - [ ] How often do I do that?
  89. - [ ] How can I face that fear with courage?
  90. - [ ] How likely does that happen?
  91. - [ ] Continuously I make many small improvements.
  92. - [ ] The most successful people have mastered fear with courage and learned to forge ahead.
  93. - [ ] I am honest about my shortcomings, my ignorance as well as my mistakes.
  94. - [ ] I make a decision to face at least one of my fears.
  95. - [ ] I take a risk and get better at something I‘m afraid of.
  96. - [ ] I am compassionate and forgive yourself
  97. - [ ] I praise myself for even considering taking action
  98. - [ ] I am happy that I'm trying to work through these issues.
  99. - [ ] It's all research to use for future growth.
  100. - [ ] The more experience I get, the more my anxiety will diminish.
  101. - [ ] What if everything went perfectly?
  102. - [ ] How can I make this easier on myself?
  103. - [ ] What can I learn from this?
  104. - [ ] How can I break this down into easier steps that I can implement in the moment.
  105. - [ ] I'll get more experience in overcoming my approaching fears with new people.
  106. - [ ] I learn how to better converse with different personality types.
  107. - [ ] I get more comfortable displaying strong body language
  108. - [ ] What do I want from this, regardless of my fears?
  109. - [ ] What do I want from this?
  110. - [ ] I treat it as an experiment.
  111. - [ ] I think long-term.
  112. - [ ] Failure is feedback
  113. - [ ] The best people in every field fail endlessly to find success
  114. - [ ] I remind myself that even if I stumble, it's a sign of strength.
  115. - [ ] I'm afraid…and that's healthy and normal.
  116. - [ ] Confidence is pushing forward despite that fear.
  117. - [ ] I accept that anxiety is okay and nothing is wrong with me.
  118. - [ ] I take the pressure off myself to perform.
  119. - [ ] Small injuries will be beneficial
  120. - [ ] What I do to fix that?
  121. - [ ] I practice transparency and showing my true self.
  122. - [ ] If I have been inside someone, I have a right to ask what's up
  123. - [ ] If someone has been inside me, he/she has a right to ask what's up
  124. - [ ] Would you like to _____________ with me?
  125. - [ ] I plan something.
  126. - [ ] I set an intention.
  127. - [ ] I put my best foot forward.
  128. - [ ] It's my job to set the tone.
  129. - [ ] I engage.
  130. - [ ] I ask questions.
  131. - [ ] Be interested and interesting.
  132. - [ ] I put some effort into it.
  133. - [ ] I get back what I put in.
  134. - [ ] I am a that kind of person that my kids would be proud of, and be respectful.
  135. - [ ] I know that I got to hear a new story, and that's a privilege.
  136. - [ ] Even though I hated hearing it at the time, he/she made me a better person
  137. - [ ] There's no waste in connecting with a human.
  138. - [ ] I just communicate and be honest.
  139. - [ ] I say what I feel.
  140. - [ ] I allow myself to experience these feelings and then let them go.
  141. - [ ] Like waves, they pass through us and leave us
  142. - [ ] I remember what made me me
  143. - [ ] What are you looking for?
  144. - [ ] What am I looking for?
  145. - [ ] Honesty is more important to me than feeling good all of the time
  146. - [ ] Values, needs, trust
  147. - [ ] I date someone who has flaws I can live with or even appreciate.
  148. - [ ] Two imperfections that both complemented and compensated for one another’s shortcomings.
  149. - [ ] It may be our perfections that attract one another. But it’s our imperfections that decide whether we stay together or not.
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