

Jun 7th, 2015
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  1. [url=""]Goldust[/url]/[url=""]Taker[/url] started out with the usual brawling, until Goldust got the advantage with a bulldog off the second rope. He kept the advantage, working Taker over on the mat until he hit the ropes for a legdrop, only to fall on air when Undertaker sat up. Taker used the opportunity to take Goldust's hand, walk the ropes, and hit Goldust square in the chest with Old School. Taker got the advantage from then, laying in strikes and clotheslines before setting up the Last Ride. Goldust slipped out behind Taker, however, and dropped him to the mat with a neckbreaker! Goldust capitalized, getting Taker into the ropes for a series of stomps. Once Taker had been sufficiently worked over, Goldust dragged him to his feet for a stunning DDT! Before Goldust could even go for the cover, Taker sat up yet again, and goozled a startled Goldust for a chokeslam. However, when Taker lifted Goldust up for the chokeslam, Goldust was able to block it by intertwining their legs, and used the opportunity to reverse the chokeslam into a reverse STO! He went for the cover.
  3. 1...2...2.9, Taker kicked out, and sat up for a third time, clearly at his patience's end with Goldust. He whipped Goldust to the ropes and dropped him to the mat with a big boot, before dropping a big leg to follow it up. Goldust tried to roll out of the ring, towards the ramp, but Taker followed close after, FLYING THROUGH THE ROPES DIRECTLY INTO GOLDUST! Taker whipped the dazed Goldust right back into the ring, but when he lifted one leg over the ropes to get back in, Goldust hit a dragon screw leg whip, driving the Deadman to the canvas! Goldust got the Deadman into position for the Curtain Call, but as he lifted, Taker flipped through, and hoisted Goldust into position for the Tombstone Piledriver! Taker made his usual RIP cover.
  5. 1...2...3. Undertaker wins.
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