
Doctor Who?

Jun 2nd, 2013
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  1. [00:57:04] <Alivi> Eriko stands up taking a breath and making her way to research
  2. [00:57:58] <Mr_Wilt> A man in a HAZMAT suits exits Research as Eriko approaches, wandering off somewhere far off.
  3. [00:58:29] <Alivi> "Ah….Excuse me."
  4. [00:58:46] <lurkd> "How bad does it loo?"
  5. [00:59:13] <lurkd> *look
  6. [00:59:39] <Roget> Ralph dresses the cut. "Not too bad, it's only a flesh wound."
  7. [01:00:14] <Mr_Wilt> He stops, turning back to her.
  8. [01:00:30] <lurkd> "Good... Is there any water to drink?"
  9. [01:00:32] <Alivi> Eriko sighs. "Um…do you know where Mister Corbette is? I need to speak with him."
  10. [01:01:00] <Mr_Wilt> "He's off at the Containment prefab," comes a static-filled voice from a speaker fixed to his side.
  11. [01:01:12] * TheRaven has quit (Quit: Sail away where no ball and chain can keep us from the roarin' waves, together undivided but forever we'll be free!)
  12. [01:01:15] <Alivi> "Ah…thank you." She bows.
  13. [01:01:27] * PresidentEvil is now known as Pres|Monaco
  14. [01:01:28] <Roget> "Lemme get the ash off first..." Ralph wipes it off the bruises with a wet cloth, which he deposits in a sample bag. "You might want to decontaminate too, to be safe."
  15. [01:01:29] <Alivi> She starts making her way to the containment pre-fab.
  16. [01:02:45] <lurkd> "...ok... where do I do that?"
  17. [01:03:42] <Mr_Wilt> The man heads off to do something or another, and eventually Eriko ends up at Containment.
  18. [01:04:25] <Alivi> Eriko enters containment
  19. [01:05:25] <Roget> Ralph points to a decontamination unit at the opposite side of medical. "Right'n thar."
  20. [01:05:34] <Mr_Wilt> Corbette is at a desk, working on some papers. He still appears rather thin, and it doesn't look like she's shaved for a few days.
  21. [01:05:59] <lurkd> "Alright. Want to follow me there after you're done?"
  22. [01:06:03] <Alivi> "…Mister Corbette?"
  23. [01:06:28] <Roget> "...Yeah."
  24. [01:06:55] <Mr_Wilt> "Yes?"
  25. [01:06:58] <Roget> Ralph pulls out his phone and texts Eriko. {did u decontam 2 get th ash off???}
  26. [01:08:05] <Alivi> {No}
  27. [01:08:10] <Alivi> "Sorry about that..."
  28. [01:08:28] <Alivi> "I…wanted to ask you something about a current ongoing research project."
  29. [01:08:48] <Alivi> "Have you read the reports I've been writing on the black agents from Pre-fab 12?"
  30. [01:09:20] <Roget> {dnt frgt 2 do it soon}
  31. [01:09:47] <Mr_Wilt> "I've been a bit busy. Can you give me the gist?"
  32. [01:10:23] <Alivi> "Basically there is a bio-agent that is found in prefab 12. I injected it into two a mouse then cut another and it got infected."
  33. [01:10:50] <Mr_Wilt> "And the results?"
  34. [01:11:05] <Alivi> "It turns the eyes white and they start to produce a black ash. but I am unsure how it affects cognitive processes. Any human subjects encountered in pre-fab 12 under the effects have been difficult to talk to."
  35. [01:11:12] * Pixeltasim has quit (Ping timeout)
  36. [01:11:26] <Alivi> "the black ash is the black agent but in a dead form it can be revitalized with blood or water with blood being more sucessful."
  37. [01:11:52] <Alivi> "There is another fluid that was mixed with a sedative and a chemical that worked even better than blood, but I am unsure as of now what the chemical is."
  38. [01:12:06] <Alivi> "Its something Ive never encountered before."
  39. [01:13:22] <Mr_Wilt> "I assume you haven't come here just to tell me all of this." He continues writing.
  40. [01:14:00] <Alivi> "I would like to request D-personell in order to conduct furthur testing."
  41. [01:15:21] * You are now known as Roget|brb
  42. [01:15:52] <Mr_Wilt> He stops writing. "I see."
  43. [01:15:59] <Mr_Wilt> Corbette looks up at her, steely-eyed. "Why, exactly?"
  44. [01:16:43] <Alivi> Eriko takes a breath, "I want to see how it affects the bodily processes in a human, we are sending people who are at risk of infection on something we do not know."
  45. [01:17:35] <Alivi> "Cognitive ability, physical processes could all be affected… I would like to conduct tests to see these things."
  46. [01:17:48] <Mr_Wilt> "Are you convinced something different would happen to humans compared to lab rats?"
  47. [01:17:56] <Alivi> "Yes."
  48. [01:18:00] <Mr_Wilt> "Why?"
  49. [01:18:39] <Alivi> "Because the humans we have encountered in the pre-fab or beings or whatever you may call them… something is going on and I beileve the black agent has something to do with this.'
  50. [01:18:50] <Alivi> "There is a connection we are missing."
  51. [01:19:14] * You are now known as Roget
  52. [01:19:39] <Mr_Wilt> "'Something is going on'? I'm going to need more credible proof than vague assumptions like that."
  53. [01:19:56] <Mr_Wilt> "Have you experimented on other animals? Rabbits, for example?"
  54. [01:20:06] <Alivi> "No."
  55. [01:20:19] <Mr_Wilt> "Then start there." He returns to writing.
  56. [01:20:32] <Alivi> Eriko sighs.
  57. [01:20:38] <Mr_Wilt> "Get back to me when you have some evidence that the effects vary from species to species."
  58. [01:20:48] <Mr_Wilt> "If you have evidence of this, I will consider your request."
  59. [01:20:51] <Alivi> "yes sir,"
  60. [01:21:01] <Mr_Wilt> "Is there anything else?"
  61. [01:21:05] <Alivi> "No."
  62. [01:21:30] <Mr_Wilt> "Alright. Have a good night, Doctor Bushnell."
  63. [01:21:39] <Alivi> "Eh?"
  64. [01:21:52] <Alivi> Eriko looks around confused when did Ralph get here.
  65. [01:21:56] <Mr_Wilt> "You were married recently, correct?"
  66. [01:22:20] <Alivi> "A-Ah…yes…we did not see you at the wedding.."
  67. [01:22:37] <Mr_Wilt> "I wasn't there, no."
  68. [01:22:53] <Alivi> "Mmm..."
  69. [01:23:07] <Mr_Wilt> "Did you not take his last name?"
  70. [01:23:34] <Alivi> "A-Ah..."
  71. [01:23:46] <Alivi> She turns red. "Y-yes in a way..."
  72. [01:24:42] <Mr_Wilt> "So you're Doctor Bushnell, too, now, right?"
  73. [01:25:02] <Alivi> "…A-ah…I suppose…I've never really been called Doctor before..."
  74. [01:26:30] <Mr_Wilt> "Are you not a doctor?"
  75. [01:26:42] <Mr_Wilt> "Not one of medicine, of course."
  76. [01:27:31] <Alivi> "…Unless the foundation decided I was…I mean I had just gotten my masters by the time I was taken in by the foundation…"
  77. [01:27:53] <Mr_Wilt> "Ah, I see. Allow me to correct myself, then."
  78. [01:28:16] <Mr_Wilt> He pulls out a sheet of paper full of text. He crosses something out, then writes something above it.
  79. [01:28:16] <lurkd> Elif walks to decontaminate. She texts Eriko: {I think I should decon. I'm headed there now.}
  80. [01:28:17] <Alivi> "Always wanted to get my doctorates though, not much chance for it here though..."
  81. [01:28:31] <Mr_Wilt> "Have a good night, /Agent/ Bushnell."
  82. [01:28:40] <Mr_Wilt> "And congratulations on your marriage."
  83. [01:29:07] <Alivi> Eriko smiles and bows. "Thank you Mister Corbette"
  84. [01:29:28] <Mr_Wilt> "Yup."
  85. [01:29:33] <Alivi> She turns and leaves
  86. [01:29:59] <Alivi> Eriko goes to decontaminate.
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