
Markipler 2

Nov 29th, 2016
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  1. Dear @markiplier
  3. I hope this reaches you, because if it does, cool. i'm writing you because for the longest time, watching your content was MAJOR part of my pay. Every day at work, I would pop in headphones, and just get to work while listening to you do your thing. True, it's not the same thing, but at least it got me through the day, you know?
  4. now I find myself saddled with so much work that i rarely if ever watch you. this makes me sad, as I needed your content to break me out of my mid day depression. Because that is a thing. Now a days I so busy trying to get everything caught up, that i don't even bother watching or even listening to you. What the fuck, right? right, right... anyways, i'm so damned exhausted, so damned tired of the same fucking thing day after day, that the thought is starting to leak into almost every other aspect of my life. And I'm wondering, how do YOU stay motivated?
  5. I feel deflated, angry, and sad all at the same time.
  7. this reaches you, cool. if not, it'll just be like everything else i've written you.
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