
[TURING TEST:GG(evaltrue(0);hier===0000;)]

Apr 26th, 2015
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  3. TURING:
  5. [15:23] <Alice> If you want the shots... here
  6. [15:23] <Alice>
  7. [15:23] <Alice> Use the key alice01
  8. [15:26] <Temas> Not sure if thse are legit tho
  9. [15:27] <Temas> Let me check again
  10. [15:27] <Temas> nevermind
  11. [15:28] <Temas> I think these are legit
  12. [15:28] <Alice> I didn't do anything game breaking (because I love the game so much). I only tested the gamebreaking things on a variant of the source.
  13. [15:29] <Alice> These, however, were done on live
  14. [15:29] <Temas> Are you using a custom client?
  15. [15:30] <Alice> As in launcher? TTR program? Or injector variant?
  16. [15:30] <Temas> No, I mean, a custom TTREngine.exe
  17. [15:31] <Alice> No. I just used a reworked injector.
  18. [15:32] <Temas> What do you mean by reworked injector?
  19. [15:33] <Alice> Friend and I tore apart and old injector, did a lot of work with the original TTO source, began phasing in TTR updates into that source, kept updating injector to combat it, update by update, and eventually got to having just TTR source and the injector working still... at that point, I tested it on the actual TTR game
  20. [15:33] <Alice> And this was the result.
  21. [15:33] <Temas> Well yeah
  22. [15:33] <Temas> You're using a custom version of TTR
  23. [15:33] <Temas> Where the Injector works
  24. [15:33] <Alice> No, that's not the case
  25. [15:33] <Alice> At first, I was.
  26. [15:34] <Temas> Try it on the actual version of TTR
  27. [15:34] <Alice> Then, I kept phasing in TTR's updates and changing the injector to work with it.
  28. [15:34] <Alice> Then I used it on the actual TTR
  29. [15:34] <Alice> eventually got to having just TTR source and the injector working still... at that point, I tested it on the actual TTR game
  30. [15:34] <Temas> Just download the game on a different folder
  31. [15:34] <Temas> Then test it there
  32. [15:34] <Temas> I'm sure it won't work
  33. [15:35] <Temas> You're just doing the same thing as Lefty
  34. [15:35] <Alice> You don't get what I am saying.
  35. [15:35] <Temas> I do
  36. [15:35] <Alice> I simulated the game, THEN went onto the actual game
  37. [15:36] <Alice> AT FIRST, it was a different version of TTR. At this point, I have gotten it to work on the live game.
  38. [15:37] <Temas> oh
  39. [15:37] <Temas> wait one more question then
  40. [15:37] <Temas> Do you connect to the game via the launcher
  41. [15:37] <Alice> I started working with 0% TTR source. Just TTO. I then added sections of TTR source at a time... 10%... 20%... eventually to 100% TTR... then after it was still working on 100% TTR, I went into live TTR
  42. [15:38] <Alice> I use a launcher with a few features disabled
  43. [15:38] <Temas> Hmm
  44. [15:38] <Temas> Well that kinda explains why it's not working on TTF
  45. [15:38] <Alice> I did that for my own safety.
  46. [15:39] <Alice> Well, yes, but I attempted a similar process and we still haven't gotten it into live
  47. [15:39] <Alice> (A friend and I worked together)
  48. [15:40] <Alice> During the testing, he simulated the server updates for me and hosted for me... also logging in to his own miniserver to check serversidedness
  49. [15:40] <Temas> One more question, what few features did you disable
  50. [15:40] <Alice> Then I moved on to the live game
  51. [15:41] <Alice> Mostly things regarding notification of the TTR server of me logging in...
  52. [15:41] <Alice> In other words, I logged in essentially untraceable
  53. [15:41] <Temas> Ah alright
  54. [15:42] <Temas> Well, then it's something completely different then I expected :p
  55. [15:42] <Alice> I had it set up so that my IP would send all weird on their end, but the game would still work on mine
  56. [15:42] <Alice> The toon used is likely obliterated in their db
  57. [15:43] <Alice> I didn't want it to be obvious, so I made sure that at the end of the day, it just looks like the game threw up
  58. [15:43] <Temas> Did you report it to the staff at least? :p
  59. [15:43] <Alice> Doing that right now
  60. [15:43] <Temas> Ah alright :p
  61. [15:44] <Temas> It's something pretty complex so it might not be on their priority list unless you guys share it to some other people
  62. [15:44] <Alice> I intend to have the method between my friend and I...
  63. [15:45] <Alice> And the info on it beween the staff and a couple people
  64. [15:45] <Temas> Alright then :p
  65. [15:45] <Alice> Prolly gonna use one of my useless e-mails XD
  66. [15:45] <Temas> Can other people also see you when you modify your toon?
  67. [15:46] <Alice> Yes.
  68. [15:47] <Temas> Let's meet in game B)
  69. [15:47] <Alice> I'm not gonna inject lol
  70. [15:47] <Temas> oh rip :'(
  71. [15:48] <Alice> As a big fan of the game, I wish for my intentions to remain pure
  72. [15:48] <Temas> Alright then, thanks for explaining all of this and I wish you a good day :p
  73. [15:48] <Alice> You too. :)
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