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a guest
Nov 30th, 2015
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  1. pi@raspberrypi:~$ fswebcam -v test.jpg
  2. --- Opening /dev/video0...
  3. Trying source module v4l2...
  4. /dev/video0 opened.
  5. src_v4l2_get_capability,87: /dev/video0 information:
  6. src_v4l2_get_capability,88: cap.driver: "uvcvideo"
  7. src_v4l2_get_capability,89: cap.card: "USB 2.0 Camera"
  8. src_v4l2_get_capability,90: cap.bus_info: "usb-20980000.usb-1.2"
  9. src_v4l2_get_capability,91: cap.capabilities=0x84200001
  10. src_v4l2_get_capability,92: - VIDEO_CAPTURE
  11. src_v4l2_get_capability,103: - STREAMING
  12. No input was specified, using the first.
  13. src_v4l2_set_input,181: /dev/video0: Input 0 information:
  14. src_v4l2_set_input,182: name = "Camera 1"
  15. src_v4l2_set_input,183: type = 00000002
  16. src_v4l2_set_input,185: - CAMERA
  17. src_v4l2_set_input,186: audioset = 00000000
  18. src_v4l2_set_input,187: tuner = 00000000
  19. src_v4l2_set_input,188: status = 00000000
  20. src_v4l2_set_pix_format,520: Device offers the following V4L2 pixel formats:
  21. src_v4l2_set_pix_format,533: 0: [0x56595559] 'YUYV' (YUV 4:2:2 (YUYV))
  22. Using palette YUYV
  23. Adjusting resolution from 384x288 to 352x288.
  24. src_v4l2_set_mmap,672: mmap information:
  25. src_v4l2_set_mmap,673: frames=4
  26. src_v4l2_set_mmap,722: 0 length=202752
  27. src_v4l2_set_mmap,722: 1 length=202752
  28. src_v4l2_set_mmap,722: 2 length=202752
  29. src_v4l2_set_mmap,722: 3 length=202752
  30. --- Capturing frame...
  31. Captured frame in 0.00 seconds.
  32. --- Processing captured image...
  33. Writing JPEG image to 'test.jpg'.
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