
Sisterly Playtime

Jan 23rd, 2014
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  1. [SFW, F/F, Mouth play, Hoof, Sock, Micro, Underage Filly]
  3. “Sweetie Belle! Could you be a little darling and come down here for a moment?”
  5. Rarity tried to remain nonchalant but she could hear it in her own words, she was not being very believable. She hoped Sweetie Belle’s young age would make up for it, allowing her acting to slip and go unnoticed.
  7. Sweetie Belle came bouncing down the stairs, much like Pinkie Pie bounces. She was quite excited over today which had gotten her into such a hyper mood.
  9. “Ooh Ooh! Are you going to give me my present now?” Her bouncing had become more rapid as she got closer to Rarity, not even holding back until she bounced right into her, knocking Rarity onto her back.
  11. “Sweetie Belle…” Rarity stifled her anger for that moment, it was her birthday and she didn’t want to yell at her for anything, especially for being excited for her birthday. It was a time all fillies loved.
  13. As Rarity cleared her throat, she pointed over to a stack of papers and crayons on the table.
  15. “Why don’t you draw while I go and get your present.”
  17. Sweetie Belle didn’t need to be told twice, she was already bouncing to the table before Rarity even finished her sentence. In her mind, the sooner she got there, the sooner Rarity would get her present.
  19. “Then we can spend the whole day playing together can’t we?” Sweetie Belle was by the table, picking a crayon up in her maw and immediately began to scribble on the coloured paper.
  21. “Why of course dear sister of mine… I’ll be… back in a minute.”
  23. Rarity took of as soon as the last word left her lips, taking off out of the shop as the bell above the door rang. “Oh how could I forget to get Sweetie Belle a gift for her birthday?”
  25. Rarity was becoming frantic over her lack of gift and lack of idea for a gift. “What am I going to get for her? What could possibly be a gift worthy of my little sister, something she would expect only from me?”
  27. As she stared across all the shops around the street she stood on, the tip of Twilight’s library could be seen over the top of some of the smaller buildings. “Twilight!”
  30. “Rarity? Where are you…”
  32. Sweetie Belle stepped back from the table, walking over towards the door as the bell began to silence. Pulling the door back, she saw Rarity running behind the corner, running off through Ponyville.
  34. “She forgot my birthday!?”
  36. Sweetie Belle’s face began to turn a shade of red. Charging through the doorway, she slammed the door shut behind her, causing the bell to fall off from the force, ringing as it hit the floor.
  38. “Forgetting my birthday is one thing but to try and trick me, making me believe you didn’t…” Sweetie Belle let out a loud growl as she ran around the corner, seeing the end of Rarity’s purple tail disappear around another.
  40. It was difficult for Sweetie Belle to keep up. She had such short legs, she had to move them much faster than a regular sized pony just to keep up. Reaching the next corner, she could see Rarity banging on the Library door, stopping for a moment before a purple baby dragon opened the door for her.
  43. “Spike! Where’s Twilight?”
  45. “I’m right here.”
  47. Rarity shoved past Spike, running into the centre of the room as Twilight began to trot down the stairs from her bedroom. Rarity began to calm down a bit, moving from a quick trot to a slow walk.
  49. “Twilight, I… need your help. Its Sweetie Belle’s birthday and I forgot to get her a gift. I know she likes to spend time with me… who doesn’t? So I thought what better a gift than a miniature version of myself?”
  51. “You forgot Sweetie Belle’s birthday?” Spike asked as he closed the door behind Rarity. Twilights hoof came quickly from behind, knocking him on the back of the skull.
  53. “I’m sorry Rarity… I don’t understand what you mean.”
  55. “Can’t you cast a spell to create a doll sized clone of myself? That way Sweetie Belle can spend time with me, kind of, any time she wants.”
  57. Twilight gave a concerning look but pulled a book from her shelf and hovered it over in front of her face.
  59. “I did just read a spell like that, but it’s a little temperamental, there could be side effects or other problems could arise.”
  62. Sweetie Belle crawled along the ground, reaching the door of the Library. The top half of the door was ajar, gently nudging it with her hoof; it slid open more than enough for her to see inside. Rarity, Twilight and Spike were all standing in the middle of the room and Sweetie Belle was unseen by them all.
  64. “I’m not too worried. It is for Sweetie Belle after all… I would give my mane for her… If it was a last resort of course.”
  66. Twilight began to read the page in her head, her tongue curling up over the corner of her upper lip as her horn began to glow and pulse with magic. Sweetie Belle wasn’t sure what was going on, she had never seen such an intense look on Twilight’s face before.
  68. A blue glow emitted from Rarity’s chest, followed quickly by a large blue ball of light that slowly morphed from her furry chest. As it pulled away from her body, it hovered in front of her. She reacted by placing a hoof underneath, touching the base of the sphere, causing it to dissipate.
  70. Left behind on her hoof was a small, white unicorn with a purple mane. It was Rarity, but much smaller. It was lying on its side, not moving, almost like it was dead already.
  72. Rarity peered closer and saw its chest lift up quickly, followed by a slow decent and then calm breathing.
  74. “It’s alive?”
  76. Twilight stepped next to her, peering at the tiny unicorn clone on her friend’s hoof.
  78. “It’s a smaller version of yourself. It will think like you, act like you, even have your same memories.”
  80. Rarity leaned in closer, catching a sight if it rolling over a bit.
  82. “Wouldn’t it be scared once it awoke? If it had my memories, wouldn’t it be scared at the fact that it is now the size of a doll?”
  84. An odd look crossed Twilight’s mind. “That is what I fear, but she does have the memory of you asking for a miniature version of yourself. I’m sure once she wakes up and meets you, she will realize who she is and she will accept it. Being like you, I doubt she would hurt Sweetie Belle’s feeling on purpose and try to run away.”
  86. “I suppose, Sweetie Belle will love her new present… but why is she asleep?”
  88. “That was some tough magic, it would take a heap of energy out of you and her to create such a thing. I’m actually surprised you didn’t pass out as soon as it was done. She’ll wake up soon enough anyway.”
  90. Sweetie Belle began to rock on her hooves, too excited to keep still, she had to get away before her screams of joy brought attention to herself. Turning on her hooves, she bolted for the Boutique, racing around the corner and slamming the door behind her.
  92. A loud squeak escaped her throat as she began to bounce in circles around the room. She knew Rarity was the element of Generosity, but a doll version of herself for her to play with any time she wanted and the feeling of not always being the smaller sister, it was the perfect gift.
  95. Rarity brought her doll version a little closer. “I better make sure she wakes up so I can prevent her from freaking out before I pass her to Sweetie Belle.”
  97. The tiny doll was suddenly encased in the same blue light ball as earlier, quickly engulfing her as it shot directly back into Rarity’s chest and disappeared.
  99. “Umm… What happened?” Rarity was quite confused as the sudden disappearance of her gift to Sweetie Belle.
  101. “I’m sorry Rarity, I told you it was temperamental magic and that problems could arise.”
  103. “Oh dear… What should I do about Sweetie Belle now?”
  105. Spike noticed the door he had shut was open again. As he strolled over to the door to close it again, he expressed his idea. “Why not make her a dress? You’re dresses are the best in town after all.”
  107. Rarity tilted her head a little. “I guess it’s a wonderful gift and all. But Sweetie Belle isn’t much of the dress wearer like myself. Still… I guess it’s better than nothing. I’m sure she’ll still appreciate it. Thank you anyway Twilight.”
  109. Rarity spun around the spot, exiting the Library and walking back to her home, her head hung a little lower at the disappointment in the failed spell.
  111. It was only a few minutes before she arrived at the Boutique, quickly to be greeted by Sweetie Belle who leapt onto her back, catching her off guard.
  113. “So~… What did you get me?” Sweetie Belle asked, trying to act a like she didn’t already know.
  115. “Oh Sweetie Belle, dear. It’s a secret for now. You will have your present soon enough. In the mean time. Would you be a dear and do the laundry while I finish off some work in my room?”
  117. Sweetie Belle was a little saddened by having to wait to play with her new doll, but it would all be worth it by the end of the day. Still excited by her gift, she bounced off towards the laundry room, off to complete her chore.
  119. Rarity made her way up stairs, entering her room where her mannequins and fabrics were all laid out in front of her. She lifted two different coloured fabrics, one purple and one pink up before her eyes, seeing how they blended together before her eyes began to droop.
  121. The fabrics fell to the ground, no longer held up by her magic as her hooves rubbed her eyes, confused at the sudden dizzy spell. She tried to pick up the fabrics again but she just felt drowsier as her eyes shut completely and her hooves gave way as she fell to the ground on her side, out cold.
  124. Rarity woke with a yawn, slowly rising to her hooves. She felt a little cool along the corner of her chin, a wipe with her hoof showed it was a little bit of saliva. She blushed a little, knowing she was just dribbling in her sleep but wiped it away none the less before anypony could have seen her.
  126. The ground her hooves stood upon felt soft and silky. It was a nice feeling beneath her hooves but an odd feeling was pounding on the back of her head. The last thing she remembered was walking back into her Boutique and entering her room before everything else was a blur.
  128. As nice a feeling of the ground was, it was not the same as her own floor. Where was she? She tapped at the floor and even attempted to grip it with her magic, since hooves weren’t the best at grabbing a flat surface. Surprisingly, the floor lifted a little, but not too much as it was much too large for Rarity to possibly lift.
  130. There was a warm breeze on the back of her neck, not only warm but scented, smelling familiarly like, a vanilla milkshake? Turning her head, Rarity was met with the large lips of her own sister. They parted into a smile, showing off her toothy maw and tongue deep inside her maw.
  132. Sweetie Belle let out a loud squeak of joy as Rarity returned the favour with a loud scream. Getting to her hooves, she attempted to run, running along the silky floor but only managed to slip on her hooves. Another ear splitting scream came from her again as Sweetie Belle’s sole came down upon her.
  134. Sweetie Belle picked up the tiny Rarity in her hoof and lifted her up to her face. The screeching wails coming from her were a little annoying, but she knew it would stop… eventually. As Rarity struggled to escape her ‘big’ sister’s grip, she could now see the room, larger than ever before. Below her, the ground she just stood upon was in fact the fabric she had dropped before she passed out.
  136. “Sweetie Belle!? What did you do to me?”
  138. Sweetie Belle giggled and placed her new doll back on the ground, now that she had calmed down a little. “Don’t panic little Rarity. I already know you were my present from my big sister. You are just perfect.”
  140. Sweetie Belle’s hoof came closer, tapping Rarity on the nose with the tip of her hoof. It was still enough for Rarity to stumble back onto her rump.
  142. “Were you spying on me?” Rarity had calmed down considerably but still was a little shocked at the sudden change in size.
  144. “Oh wow… You really are good. I knew you’d have all of Rarity’s memories but this is so realistic. It’s like you ARE Rarity.”
  146. “I AM Rarity!” Rarity began to leap on her hooves, trying to make Sweetie Belle understand the mistake here.
  148. “No no. I saw it all. Twilight made you from Rarity to be my own little doll and now I can spend all my time with my ‘little’ sister now.” Sweetie Belle leaned down, triggering another screech from Rarity as her maw opened wider. Pinching the nape of Rarity’s neck between her lips, Sweetie Belle stood back up, lifting Rarity into the air as she ran upstairs to her room.
  151. “I’m not the doll! The spell failed, I am the real Rarity!”
  153. Her pleas didn’t help at all as Sweetie Belle lowered her head and released Rarity on the ground. “You can’t trick me Rarity, I saw you being created, I know you’re really a doll, Rarity even said you were mine.”
  155. As Rarity tried to think, racking her brain over what she needed to do to make Sweetie Belle realize she was who she claimed to be, Sweetie Belle had already left her and made her way over to her toy chest at the other end of the room.
  157. Sweetie Belle was a lost cause. She couldn’t convince her but Twilight, she saw the spell fail. She would be able to understand and reverse the spell. She turned and galloped towards the door. From here, she could see it was ajar, more than enough for her size.
  159. “Rarity!” Sweetie Belle’s hoof slammed into the ground in front of her. Trying to stop her gallop, it was not nearly enough to prevent her from running directly into the plush wall of her sister’s hoof.
  161. “I thought my sister would want to play with me. That was the reason Rarity made you for me.” The words struck Rarity with guilt but this was a different situation.
  163. “Normally I would darling… But I am not the doll I was trying to get for you. It failed and I shrunk instead” A frown spread across Sweetie Belle’s face. She wasn’t buying it.
  165. “I saw it work and saw you asleep after. You obviously dreamed it up to the point you woke up now come on. We can play dress up.”
  167. Normally, the idea of dress up was a very pleasant idea to Rarity. The idea of letting Sweetie Belle dress her up on the other hand was one she’d prefer to avoid, at least at this size where she couldn’t defend her mane.
  169. Rarity could do nothing as Sweetie Belle held her between both hooves, struggling to fit her doll with the dress she had picked out. It was a struggle without magic but she was yet to be able to use magic apart from a spark or two.
  171. “There. Now you look just like a princess, just like Twilight.”
  173. Rarity stared at herself. She was forced into a small dress, one she knew she had made herself for one of Sweetie Belle’s other dolls a while back. It was a pink, lacy dress, poufy and frilly that would be perfect for a princess had the princess been 4” tall.
  175. “I appreciate the thought that somepony as I could be considered a princess… But now is not a good time. I really need to-”
  177. “Princess Rarity ruled the tiny lands of Equestria…” Sweetie Belle ignored Rarity once more, beginning to narrate her own story. “When evil came forth, the ponies of Ministria-”
  179. “Ministria...? Really?”
  181. Sweetie Belle put a hoof to Rarity’s lips, stopping her from speaking as she continued. “-would call upon their princess, Princess Rarity, to save them. Rarity will now have to face her toughest foe as she defends her kingdom against the dreaded, Dragon Belle!”
  184. Dragon Belle lowered her head down to Rarity, opening her maw wide and giving off a roar. Had anypony seen, they would have thought it was one of the cutest things. To Rarity, the close proximity only hurt her ears and shook her mane as spittle and Dragon Belle’s breath blasted into her face.
  186. “Ick… Sweetie Belle! That’s just disgusting.”
  188. “I am not Sweetie Belle! I am Dragon Belle and I am hungry for Princess’”
  190. Rarity was so sure she wasn’t serious… hopefully. As Dragon Belle lowered her head down, parting her lips just above Rarity and continued to lower, it wasn’t until Rarity’s head was technically inside her maw that she knew this was no joke.
  192. She ducked beneath her lips and ran between Dragon Belle’s legs and under her belly to relatively safer safety. Sweetie Belle looked between her legs at Rarity’s backside as she ran on towards the other side of the room. Moving slowly to give her a chance, Rarity had managed to reach a toy castle well before Dragon Belle was half way there.
  194. The castle was surprisingly large for her to run through, nothing spacious like a real castle would be to a real princess but roomy enough to run through without bumping into the walls.
  196. As she ran from room to room, it occurred to her. Why not just hide out in here? Surely Sweetie Belle would eventually give up and at some time, even at nightfall, she could sneak out and get Twilight to reverse the spell.
  198. The castle began to creak and groan. Peeking through the little cut out window in the wall, Rarity could see Dragon Belle grabbing the castle front and pull on it. No sooner had she begun to tug on the wall did it come loose, parting from the rest of the castle. It should have been obvious, a doll house that opened up for the fillies to play inside.
  200. Dragon Belle reached her hoof forward, reaching for her princess but Rarity managed to avoid it with a scream as she ran up the stairs once more, reaching the top of the tower.
  202. “Sweetie Belle! I may not be as big but I am still your older sister and you will stop this game now!”
  204. Dragon Belle ignored her instructions and reached for her again. She managed to pin Rarity to the floor of the tower and get a grip on her fore hoof. “Let go of me this instant!” Rarity tried to pull back but Dragon Belle only managed to lift her from the tower, bringing her closer to her face.
  206. A giggle escaped Dragon Belle as she laid back, lifting Rarity up above her as her other three hooves hung in the air, playfully kicking the air.
  208. “It seems Princess Rarity could not defeat the terrifying Dragon Belle and became the cute dragon’s lunch.” Slowly, Rarity was being lowered towards Dragon Belle’s maw as it opened wide, tongue spread out over her lower lip.
  210. “Sweetie Belle!? Don’t eat me!” Rarity tried to struggle free, hitting the giant hoof that held her with her other fore hoof but it was futile. She felt her hind hooves touch something slimy, instinctively lifting her hooves up closer to her body. It did little as now her legs were dropped onto the tongue as she was lowered inside.
  212. Kicking and screaming, Rarity tried to force her way out between the lips and the hoof, but Dragon Belle easily blocked off any escape with her hoof, sealing her lips against her sole, trapping her prey inside.
  215. “Sweetie Belle!? What are you doing? Spit me out this instant!”
  217. As Rarity wrestled with the wiggling tongue of her younger sister, Sweetie Belle was having so much fun, chasing her tiny sister through her doll castle, pretending to eat her like a real dragon would. She could feel her struggle and only felt more joy in the idea of having a little wrestling match with her tongue.
  219. Saliva splashed across Rarity’s face, matting her fur and drenching her mane as her soles gave way against the pink monster as it continuously attempted to lie on top of her, pinning her in Sweetie Belle’s lower jaw.
  221. Rarity took solace in the fact that her size, although to a normal pony could easily send her sliding down their throat with relative ease, to a filly the size of Sweetie Belle, she was much too big. It was still possible but it would be dangerous not only for herself but for Sweetie Belle as well.
  223. She may have been a doll to Sweetie Belle now, but she was still her older sister and took it upon herself to make sure Sweetie Belle didn’t hurt herself. “Spit me out before you choke!”
  225. Sweetie Belle responded with a shake of her head, causing Rarity to slip and slide in the saliva, letting her flow in and out of the tongues grip. An innocent upwards flick of her head threw Rarity up a bit, landing on her plot against the back of the tongue. One of her hind hooves slipped forward, pressing into the tight passage into Sweetie Belle’s throat and felt it open for it.
  227. Followed quickly after another of her many screams, Rarity pulled her hoof up as fast as she could, landing a stunning kick to Sweetie Belle’s uvula. The reaction was immediate and much expected from the moment her hoof made contact with that slimy appendage. The tongue jostled and threw Rarity about; a loud noise echoed through the maw, spittle flew towards the open maw, coming from the throat as it splashed against Rarity. The extra saliva was nothing now that she was completely soaked in it as it was.
  229. Sweetie Belle lowered her upper body to the ground, now lying on her belly as she coughed loudly, the feeling of her sister rolling out of her maw, down her tongue like the slide to a playground. A pool of saliva drooled onto the floor from the open maw but Sweetie Belle quickly covered her mouth, trying to hold back her lunch from taking the same slide as Rarity just did.
  231. Rarity uncurled on the floor, fur matted down and her mane now a wet mess of sticky and slightly smelly saliva. “Eww! Sweetie Belle… I told you not to do it. What were you thinking?”
  233. Sweetie Belle finally managed to end her coughing fit as she wiped the drool from her lips. “I was just playing like a dragon would. Good thing I wasn’t a dragon cuz you tasted good.” She could see the look of fear on Rarity’s face and rolled onto her back, laughing as she held her chest. “I’m just joking.”
  235. Unamused, Rarity turned around in a huff and began to storm off towards the door. “Where are you going?” Sweetie Belle was now on her hooves, walking right behind Rarity, her nose just behind her swaying plot as she walked.
  237. “I’ll have you know once again that I AM NOT A DOLL! I’m going to Twilight for help. You could at least give me a hoof and take me there.” Rarity threw her head up in an attempt to show she had dignity still but her mane just flopped onto her back, soaking it in even more of her sister’s saliva.
  239. Sweetie Belles hoof came down and swung around Rarity, picking her up in the soft sole. “Sorry but Rarity said I need to finish my chores before I can go outside today”
  241. “I AM RARITY! And I never said you couldn’t leave until you were done.” Sweetie Belle rolled her eyes and carried Rarity towards the laundry. “You can help me with my chores and then we can play outside.”
  242. “I don’t want to play outside; I want to go see Twilight!”
  245. Sweetie Belle pulled the now wet wash cloth from the table, throwing it across the room, onto the pile of other dirty fabrics. Rarity now stood on the table, a little wet but more or less dry, her mane a little frizzled.
  247. “My mane… and my brush is way too big for me now…”
  249. Sweetie Belle giggled and pulled out a tiny doll brush. “I know how much you love your mane so I thought I’d brush it for you” Sweetie Belle moved in closer, the brush handle held tightly between her lips as she prevented Rarity from retreating by placing her hoof behind her.
  251. Gently, the brush made its way through Rarity’s mane, steadily straightening her mane. Being only a cheap plastic toy, the brush didn’t do quite the job in maintaining her mane, but it did untangle any stands that might have crossed in the recent attack in Sweetie Belle’s mouth.
  253. “Better?” Sweetie Belle put the brush down, looking over Rarity to ensure her mane was properly brushed.
  255. “It could be better but it’ll have to do I suppose…” She ran a hoof through her straightened mane, throwing it up into a curl like it usually is. “Slightly better.”
  257. The hoof of her larger sister was already around her before she noticed as Sweetie Belle lifted Rarity off the table, bringer her over to a basket of dirty clothes. Placing her down gently on the ground, Sweetie Belle proceeded to shovel the various fabrics into the washtub.
  259. “What are you doing?” Sweetie Belle turned immediately to Rarity as she raced towards Sweetie Belle’s hoof, standing on her hind legs and holding herself up with her fore hooves on her sister’s hoof
  261. “You can’t mix colours with the white. You need to separate them first”
  263. Taking a look at the clothes already in the washtub, she could see they were all white but her next load was a pile of colours. Trying to act like she knew that already, she flicked her nose up into the air.
  265. “I knew that. That’s why only white are in there now…”
  267. Rarity didn’t buy it. She could always tell when Sweetie Belle was lying; she’d always act mature about it.
  269. “Fine… You can help me sort them.”
  270. “Wait. Sweetie Belle!”
  272. Sweetie Belle had already picked up the basket and upturned it above her, burying her in the dirty fabrics. Luckily for Rarity, they were only fabrics yet the weight on her tiny body was still great. Still, she managed to squirm her way through, attempting to find a way out.
  274. Through all her scrounging, she found herself in quite a scented piece of fabric, not a terrible scent as she could tell it was her own, but one that was much stronger due to her size and close proximity. Hoping to get past it quickly, she hurried the pace, crawling through the clothes faster until a wall of fabric stopped her in her tracks.
  276. Reaching around with her hooves, she found it a single wall, curled around her completely with the only way out to be behind her. Unable to turn around in such a small area, she began to back out, slowly as she forced her rump through the heavy clothes. There was a sudden pressure, weak pressure, on her back before her world began to spin as she fell forward, face first into the scented and slightly wet fabric.
  278. Sweetie Belle dug her hoof into the pile, pulling out a purple and white striped sock from the pile. One of Rarity’s of course. She had already washed the whites, each of them hung up on the line inside by clothes pegs. Surely, next was to wash those of both white and colour before the colours themselves.
  280. She dunked the sock into the hot, soapy water, lifting it up and dunking it again before pressing it against the washboard and scrubbing it against the metal.
  282. Rarity let out a little squeak of fear as she felt herself plummet, quickly stopping and instead covering in hot water. She tried to stand up straight but the movement of her prison and yielding surface made it impossible. She was lifted up again, the hot water seeping through the floor before she plummeted again, hot water burning her again.
  284. She was lifted from the water once more only a second or two later. As the water began to drain from the fabric again and Rarity’s breathing began to steady, she thought the worst was over. Her prison was pressed into a hard wall, a rough wall and so was she as another force pressed down on her from the other side. Her screams were muffled as fabric and water covered her face as she was roughly pushed forward and pulled back, her body running along this rough surface.
  286. It all eventually came to an end, much to Rarity’s relief when she ascended again, lifted high into the air and stopped abruptly, not longer moving safe for a soft sway side to side. Panting and soaked, she weakly got to her hooves, balancing with difficulty and reached up high, pulling herself to the light above.
  288. Rarity popped her head out of the opening of the sock, looking down as she saw she was in her own sock, hanging from the washing line. She was lucky she took very good care of her fabrics. The softness of her clothes was maybe the only reason she wasn’t smeared with the pressure against the washboard.
  290. “Sweetie Belle!” Rarity screamed, Sweetie Belle immediately turning around and looking up at the sock, her sister hanging over the edge, a small gathering of her mane drooping over her face. She blew at it from her mouth but it only seemed to flow out and splat back into her face again.
  293. “I said I was sorry…”
  295. Rarity was sitting on a small chair, one the size for a filly so it was still rather big for her own size. In front of her was a table, covered with two plates, two cups, a tea pot and a small cake. Sweetie Belle sat on the other side, lifting a tiny slice of cake onto Rarity’s plate before tipping some tea into her cup.
  297. “I didn’t mean to wash you but… at least the chores are done.”
  299. Rarity was rather sour at her sister for the near-death experience and refused to forgive her so easily.
  301. “I told you to take me to Twilight. If you did that in the first place, none of this would have happened.”
  303. Sweetie Belle nudged the cup of tea closer to Rarity with her hoof, trying to force a smile. Rarity didn’t budge.
  305. “Alright… I’ll take you to her but can we have this tea party first?”
  307. Rarity rolled her eyes, glared at Sweetie Belle and sighed. Getting to her hind hooves, she reached up onto the table top and lifted herself up, pulling herself further up onto the tea cup and taking a drink.
  309. “See? Isn’t this fun?”
  311. Rarity looked back up at her sister and frowned. “You shoved me into your mouth, buried me under dirty laundry and then washed me in them!”
  313. As those last few words left her lips, Rarity immediately regretting it as she saw a little twinkle as the sun glared off the tiny drops of water, forming under Sweetie Belle’s eyes. She knew she went too far.
  315. Hoping to avoid it at all cost, Rarity rushed to Sweetie Belle’s hoof, running her own hooves along it and looked up at Sweetie Belle’s face. “Ok. Maybe I was being a little too harsh… It wasn’t ALL that bad…”
  317. Sweetie Belle looked down and smiled. “Heh… A little…” She began to giggle, leaving Rarity confused. Taking a moment to think, it hit her. “Oh… Little… Very funny…”
  319. Sweetie Belle got to her hooves and looked down at Rarity. “What should we do now?”
  321. “You said you’d take me to Twilight… remember?”
  323. Sweetie Belle shrugged. “Twilight’s usually busy in the middle of the day. I don’t think we should bother her.”
  325. Rarity’s face began to go red with frustration again until she saw behind Sweetie Belle; the library was only a small gallop away, more like a large gallop at her current size. An idea began to form as Rarity looked back at her sister.
  327. “You know what. You’re right, Twilight is far too busy now, we should play together some more.” Sweetie Belle’s face was already lighting up as she bounced on her hooves. “Why don’t we play Hide and Seek?”
  329. Sweetie Belle was really excited about the idea and sat down; dropping her face on the table and her hooves around her head in seconds, count up already.
  331. “1… 2… 3…” Rarity quickly leapt off the table, leaping onto Sweetie Belle’s lap and down onto the ground. Running through the grass which luckily, only reached her belly, she made a B line for the library as she could still hear Sweetie Belle Behind her. “12… 13… 14…”
  333. She was less than half way when she heard Sweetie Belle shouting. “18… 19… 20! Ready or not, here I come!” Scanning the immediate area in front of her, Sweetie Belle failed to notice Rarity anywhere close by, a quick scan around her and she could see, in the distance was a small white and purple creature, running through the grass directly for the library.
  335. “RARITY!” Sweetie Belle shouted, stomping her hoof on the ground. “You tricked me!” She too began to run after Rarity, her hoof steps causing small tremors for the tiny pony ahead.
  337. Rarity had already left the grass, now running along the empty road, the door just in front of her. One she reached it, one problem arose… How was she to open it? She looked behind her and saw Sweetie Belle almost above her, it was only a few seconds before that happened and she looked quite furious.
  339. The doors suddenly swung open, gaining Rarity’s attention again. She turned to see Twilight, walking through the doors, her hooves lifting up above Rarity. Diving out of the way, Rarity jumped side to side, avoiding the giant Princess’ hooves as she absentmindedly left her home, her face buried in a book.
  341. As the last hoof trotted past Rarity, Twilight’s tail swung in from behind, slapping into Rarity. As a reaction, her hooves curled around the tail, holding on tight as Twilight left her home.
  343. Sweetie Belle ran past Twilight, stopping before the library and searching the ground. She looked up and down the tree, around the roots and in the bushes but was unable to find her toy.
  346. Rarity held onto the tail tightly as it swung side to side with the sway of Twilight’s hips. She wished she at least knew Twilight’s destination rather than holding on tightly to the never ending ride.
  348. A bell rang through Rarity’s ears. She looked around, only able to see behind Twilight but could see the door she had just entered, the door of Carousel Boutique. What was she doing here?
  350. The ride finally stopped as Twilight’s hooves stopped their momentum and remained planted on the ground “There you are, I’ve been looking all over for you today.” Twilight began. “How was-”
  352. “RARITY!” Rarity almost lost her grip on the tail as Sweetie Belle burst into the room, a few tears running down her face. “I’m sorry… I lost the doll you gave me for my birthday…”
  354. Rarity’s brain began to hurt. She obviously wasn’t talking to her, which was obvious when she ran past her and Twilight after bursting into the room. Letting go of Twilight’s tail, Rarity landing on her rump and looked between Twilight’s legs at the pony in front of her. It was had to believe, there was another Rarity in front of her, but at a regular size.
  356. “WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!” Rarity shouted, charging through Twilight’s legs and stopping in front of her, facing the normal sized Rarity. “Who are you and why are you normal size.”
  358. A crooked grin spread across the larger Rarity’s face but happiness spread across Sweetie Belle’s as she quickly scooped up Rarity, holding her against her chest.
  360. “You didn’t tell her?” Twilight asked, looking up at the larger Rarity.
  362. “Tell me what?”
  364. The larger Rarity looked down at Rarity and bit her lower lip. “Remember when Twilight said the clone would have the same memories as us and how it failed and then we passed out on the ground?” Rarity slowly nodded, not quite liking where this was going.
  366. “Well it failed because Twilight didn’t put enough magic into the spell to complete the spell. Since the clone was from a unicorn, it forced its way back inside and got the magic it needed from our own source. Had it have worked, it would have had the memories of what we were told by Twilight before the spell, and have known it was a clone created for Sweetie Belle.”
  368. “Unfortunately…” Twilight stepped in. “It sapped enough magic from you… well… Rarity to complete the spell and made her weak enough to pass out. That’s when you were created as the completed clone. Since Rarity didn’t know that’s what was going to happen, neither did you so your assumption that something had gone wrong and you were the real Rarity was to be expected.”
  370. “After I woke up and found you there, asleep, I decided to let you rest in case you really needed it. I told Sweetie Belle what you were and not to wake you herself. Then I went to Twilight who helped me figure out what had happened. She told me to tell you so you wouldn’t panic but… When I got home, both you and Sweetie Belle were gone.”
  372. Rarity’s head began to spin. She was the clone all along and it was always her purpose to play with her sister, be the gift for her sister she had intended to give her that morning.
  374. She looked up at Sweetie Belle’s smiling face and returned the smile. Somehow, she felt much better, knowing that she was meant for her.
  376. “How about that game of Hide and Seek?”
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