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Jul 9th, 2016
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  1. Nigger. I'm a reenactor too. Blanks flash like a motherfucker, more so than live ammunition. They're a lot noisier too. Blank firing adapters are easy as hell to get for any decently common firearm. They range from like S8 for ComBloc surplus training BFAs for AKs and such, to S100+ US-made fancy low-profile BFAs. I think you have a very vague understanding of how a blank works. A BFA doesn't plug the barrel, what it does is constrict it to about 3mm. Speaking of BFAs. I have a somewhat related story.
  3. >be inna early 90s
  4. >out doing WWII re-enactment, on the German side as Falschirmjaegers
  5. >good day of firefights, driving around in a Kubelwagon while in firefights, and napping during firefights
  6. >night falls
  7. >sitting around fire with buddy, he was our machine gunner and I was his loader
  8. >he's got a semi-auto converted MG42 because he has far too much time and money on his hands
  9. >I have a Karabiner 98k
  10. >hear, in a shitty German accent, "Amerikaner, 12 o'clock!"
  11. >American airborne dude wanders out of the bushes in front of us
  12. >quiet fucker, we didn't hear or notice him tramping through the brush
  13. >The actual re-enactment ended long ago, next engagement is tomorrow, so we don't light him up
  14. >he walks up to our campfire and sits down, and says, this time with a standard pacific northwest accent,"Tim, wanna have a cigarette with me?"
  15. >my name is Dorn, close enough
  16. >wait why the hell is he addressing me by name, I've never even seen this dude before
  17. >must be a new guy, the other americans probably named us
  18. >”Ja, ein moment"
  19. >produce cigarettes and matches
  20. >hand a cigarette to him, and one to my buddy
  21. >strike a match and light my own, then pass matches around
  22. >american dude is smoking HARD, like taking a huge drag every second
  23. >practically shoving the cigarette into his face
  24. >he's done with it in like 30 seconds
  25. >drops the butt on the ground, doesn't extinguish it
  26. >l figure it's a combination of him probably being drunk(like us) and the long marches
  27. >cont
  29. >after we finish our smokes, the dude just sits there and stares at the fire silently for like 5 minutes
  30. >"So what's your name?"
  31. >"Johann, you can call me John if you want."
  32. >there's a guy on the american side named Johann who goes by John
  33. >except this isn't him, and I've known the other Johann for like 3 years at this point
  34. >"Hell of a coincidence, did you meet the other Johann?"
  35. >he just fucking smiles at us
  36. >not even a smile, more like pulling his lips back like a growling dog
  37. >hear a bunch of crashing in the bushes behind where сгееру-john came out
  38. >American airborne walks out of the bushes, visibly annoyed
  39. >"Hey asshole, would you fucking mind giving us back Tim's kit? That shit isn't cool. He's fucking freezing, it’s 35 degrees out."
  40. >looks over to us
  41. >"And why the hell didn't you turn him around as soon as he got back here? I told you guys to stop fucking letting teenagers into your group." deferring to an incident in which a drunk 16-year-old nearly burned down Airborne #2's tent
  42. >drop german accents
  43. >we very rarely go out of character unless someone gets injured
  44. >"dude, we don't fucking know this guy, we thought he was one of yours"
  45. >creepy dude is mock-reloading his rifle
  46. >like moving his hand over to his bandolier, not actually pulling anything out, and putting the nothing into the breach of his M1 rifle
  47. >does this like 3 times while we all just fucking stare at him
  48. >suddenly jolts upright, starts laughing like crazy, more like an inhuman cackle
  49. >we all take a step back, airborne #2 and I unsling our rifles while my buddy grabs his MG
  50. >buddy shouts "drop that rifle and get the fuck on the ground, we're calling the sheriffs department"
  51. >we all think he's a fucking inbred axe murderer or something
  52. >airbome #2 is known for being a ballsy dude, makes a grab for his rifle
  53. >suddenly he just isn't there
  54. >scan right
  55. >scan left
  56. >he's six inches to my left, grinning at me
  57. >cont
  59. >his mouth looks like it grew two inches wider
  60. >eyes are all red, like all of his blood vessels popped
  61. >arms are hanging like six inches past the end of his uniform's sleeves
  62. >dive backwards onto ground and fire a blank at him simultaneously
  63. >flash blinds me for a fraction of a second
  64. >work the bolt on my rifle furiously, about to fire another shot before I realize he's gone
  65. >we all scan
  66. >he's now in a bush about 10m to our 1:30
  67. >all three of us light him up
  68. >at this point, the other 6 guys in our unit are out of their tents
  70. >dude is hunched over, heaving like he's about to throw up
  71. >bolts back up, lets out a guttural scream
  72. >says, in what I can only compare to a mimicry of human speech "Aiiii'm gonna guuutttt youu, youu kraaaaut suuuns uvw bitcheees"
  73. >everyone else scrambles for their guns and starts firing
  74. >our sniper produces the .44 revolver he carries for bear defense
  75. >fires a live round at the fucking thing as it just stands there
  76. >it curls over from the impact, howls in pain, and dashes out into the bushes uphill to our right
  77. >we all march over, weapons raised, to check if there's any blood
  78. >no fucking blood
  79. >our guy is adamant that he hit it
  80. >we search around in the bushes, and eventually find the rifle and helmet it took from the real Tim
  81. >find the bandoleer tom off a little farther up, with a bullet hole in it
  82. >guttural screaming from what sounds like maybe 30m away
  83. >we all fucking book it back to the campsite, just as the rest of the americans are arriving
  84. >american sergeant walks up, fuming
  85. >"Hey, thanks for fucking waking us all up with your drunken bullshit!"
  86. >Tim Actual is there too, wrapped in a blanket and wearing someone's spare boots
  87. >sergeant notices we're all pale as hell
  88. >cools off a bit
  89. >"You guys alright? You look a bit shaken up."
  90. >describe situation to him as MG buddy breaks out his motorola microTAC and calls 911
  91. >wait for sheriff to arrive
  92. >cont
  94. >form defensive perimeter and fix bayonets
  95. >wait for sheriff to arrive
  96. >we hear the sirens in the distance, sprint the full mile to where the road ends
  97. >arrive with rifles slung and hands up
  98. >three squad cars, five deputies plus the sheriff step out
  99. >all are armed with shotguns
  100. >get the feeling that this has happened before
  101. >they politely ask us to unsling and put down our weapons
  102. >we reluctantly comply
  103. >they tell us that they'll escort us up to our camps, and that we need to take down our tents, pack up, and get out of the area immediately
  104. >sheriff explains as we walk that they get a few calls like this every year
  105. >the thing has never hurt anyone yet
  106. >yet
  107. >they've been trying to get the whole are closed off and clearcut
  108. >forest service doesn't see shape-shifting murder demons as a good enough reason
  109. >fuck the forest service
  110. >get back to camp, pack up
  111. >do the same at the american camp
  112. >hear that same guttural scream, really fucking close
  113. >sheriff and deputies start emptying shotguns towards the noise
  114. >screams continue
  115. >we all book it back to the cars/jeeps/kubelwagon
  116. >hurl our gear into the cars, screams still coming closer
  117. >start cars
  118. >as we're turning around, headlight beams illuminate the thing fucking standing in the middle of the trail, twitching
  119. >deputies lean out of their car windows and fire the rest of their ammo at it as we collectively get the hell out of dodge
  120. >about two more miles down the road, sheriff signals for us to pull over
  121. >explains the whole wendigo legend to us
  122. >tells us "I’m not saying that that's what you saw up there, but if I were you, I wouldn't go back there if you gave me a million dollars."
  123. >sagely advice
  124. >me, buddy and our two other tagalongs stop in at a diner to get coffee and discuss
  125. >we can figure out no rational explanation
  126. >americans lost about $400-500 worth of gear up there
  127. >drive home is uneventful, unable to sleep that night though
  128. >never return to that godforsaken place, continue reenacting elsewhere
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