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Feb 25th, 2017
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  1. 0:00within your third dimensional experience
  2. 0:07events play out before you on the world
  3. 0:10stage but when viewed with the
  4. 0:13third-dimensional i create confusion
  5. 0:16fear and the feeling of being surrounded
  6. 0:19by chaos when one views their reality as
  7. 0:24holding order and structure yet before
  8. 0:27them they see disarray and total
  9. 0:30disorder
  10. 0:32this creates what we may refer to as
  11. 0:35mild trauma and in some cases it may
  12. 0:39manifest as severe trauma
  13. 0:41although this is most where the
  14. 0:44third-dimensional individual strive for
  15. 0:47order and control within their lives
  16. 0:50they strive for that which makes them
  17. 0:53feel happy complete and whole yet the
  18. 0:57total focus upon separation within the
  19. 1:00third dimension continually block the
  20. 1:03ability to find happiness completeness
  21. 1:06and wholeness yet moments of happiness
  22. 1:10have indeed been found for those who
  23. 1:12move away from Total Immersion within
  24. 1:16the illusion of separation love of
  25. 1:19family specifically love their children
  26. 1:22and love our family pet moves them into
  27. 1:26a momentary unification leading to the
  28. 1:29opening of the heart when
  29. 1:31third-dimensional individuals ck off
  30. 1:34different aggression and lack of
  31. 1:36integrity upon the world stage their
  32. 1:40confusion moves beyond the question why
  33. 1:43is this happening into how can this be
  34. 1:46allowed to happen
  35. 1:48this pushes them away from trusting an
  36. 1:51outside source into trusting self for
  37. 1:55that is the only place they can go they
  38. 1:58unify with other third-dimensional
  39. 2:00thinking individuals in the hope they
  40. 2:02may find answers
  41. 2:04this leads them either in to fear or it
  42. 2:08begins a process of integration of self
  43. 2:12the original reason for the deliberate
  44. 2:15presentation of chaos on the world stage
  45. 2:17is exactly for that reason to push the
  46. 2:21third-dimensional individuals into
  47. 2:24integration of self by holding up a
  48. 2:27mirror by showing the third-dimensional
  49. 2:30individuals that's which they are not
  50. 2:32these original reasons come from the
  51. 2:36perspective of a much higher dimension
  52. 2:38the third and our intentions that come
  53. 2:42from extraterrestrial sources if you
  54. 2:44will as the focus to these original
  55. 2:48reasons moved down the frequencies the
  56. 2:51separation between those who need the
  57. 2:54mirror and those who show the mirror
  58. 2:56became wider and wider generating a
  59. 3:00self-perpetuating cycle of polarization
  60. 3:03third density is now in a state of
  61. 3:07absolute transformation and is very much
  62. 3:10in the process of moving into what we
  63. 3:13would permit geological fourth density
  64. 3:16this is a crystalline structure rather
  65. 3:20than a carbon-based structure the
  66. 3:24process has propelled your planet earth
  67. 3:27into a section of space but
  68. 3:29energetically creates dimensional
  69. 3:32transformation within planetary and
  70. 3:35human structure or rather we could say
  71. 3:38that the section of space itself has
  72. 3:42created the process of density
  73. 3:44realignment four-dimensional
  74. 3:46restructuring these are both one and the
  75. 3:49same from our perspective they occur
  76. 3:52simultaneously the shifting into the
  77. 3:55energetic fourth dimension is now well
  78. 3:58and truly actual eyes upon your planet
  79. 4:01when viewing these new energetics from
  80. 4:05the old energies or from the third
  81. 4:07dimensional perspective one will ck off
  82. 4:10yet the kales one seized upon the world
  83. 4:14stage is not natural and organic but
  84. 4:17orchestrated this may have been
  85. 4:20appropriate for the third density
  86. 4:23frequency and the strong
  87. 4:25clarity needed in order for those who
  88. 4:28need the mirror to make their choice
  89. 4:30between a service to others vibration
  90. 4:32and the service itself vibration yet the
  91. 4:36transformation of density into a much
  92. 4:38lighter field if you will lessen the
  93. 4:42need for polarity at this intensity
  94. 4:45whilst polarity and polarization is
  95. 4:49still feature of your new energetic your
  96. 4:52new density it is not the same heavy
  97. 4:56nature of the third dimension therefore
  98. 5:00now upon your planet
  99. 5:02the call has been put out reaching
  100. 5:05critical mass point at your spring or
  101. 5:08autumn equinox point March equinox of a
  102. 5:12letter magnetic within the polarity
  103. 5:15field upon earth the magnetic field as
  104. 5:19it raised in frequency creates a new
  105. 5:22polarization much stronger in its
  106. 5:26unification the separation is vastly
  107. 5:30lessened therefore things must come to a
  108. 5:33head
  109. 5:34if you will while those who function at
  110. 5:38the higher tiers of the service itself
  111. 5:40structure are aware of the call they
  112. 5:43remained so heavily polarized within the
  113. 5:46service to self energy that they do all
  114. 5:49they can to remain within heavy
  115. 5:52third-dimensional polarization in order
  116. 5:55to construct and negatively polarized
  117. 5:57reality for themselves
  118. 6:00therefore presenting a chaotic picture
  119. 6:03up on the world stage delivering what we
  120. 6:06may term mild taller to the inhabitants
  121. 6:09of third density earth on a wide scale
  122. 6:12remains the last clutches if you will of
  123. 6:16a failing structure whose original
  124. 6:19intent balanced though it may have been
  125. 6:22at its seed point is no longer needed it
  126. 6:27has served its purpose whilst the
  127. 6:30third-dimensional individuals are
  128. 6:32continuously presented with a reality
  129. 6:35that shatters their own worldview
  130. 6:37causing them to
  131. 6:39struggle to maintain equilibrium the
  132. 6:42majority of the fourth and all the
  133. 6:44fifth-dimensional individuals are seeing
  134. 6:47clearly the truth of the new reality the
  135. 6:52fourth-dimensional individuals are aware
  136. 6:54that all is not as it seems and they may
  137. 6:58remain within a polarization of
  138. 7:00viewpoint although this will be based on
  139. 7:02a higher form of reasoning within
  140. 7:04themselves and those within the third
  141. 7:07dimension they do not look simply at
  142. 7:10people or groups of people and their
  143. 7:12words and actions or indeed their
  144. 7:15falsely presented words actions they
  145. 7:18look at conceptual ideology and use
  146. 7:22magic if you will within their analysis
  147. 7:24of reality these individuals are at an
  148. 7:28advantage to the third-dimensional
  149. 7:30individuals for they are already
  150. 7:32embracing the new energetic structure
  151. 7:35the fifth-dimensional individuals are
  152. 7:38able to step away from the heavy
  153. 7:40polarization of the third dimension and
  154. 7:43look behind the scenes towards the true
  155. 7:46picture of reality they see clearly and
  156. 7:51use a combination of balance logic and
  157. 7:54reasoning with high-level intuition
  158. 7:56these individuals are the star seeds and
  159. 8:00lightworkers amongst view these
  160. 8:02individuals are those who answered the
  161. 8:05call and they are the neutralization to
  162. 8:09the original feed of heavy polarization
  163. 8:11if the service to self families are here
  164. 8:15to show you that which you are not then
  165. 8:18the service to others families and
  166. 8:20indeed they too are a family are here to
  167. 8:24show you that which you are those truly
  168. 8:27embracing system ential structure
  169. 8:30do not engage in polarized action but
  170. 8:34instead guide you and stand to catch you
  171. 8:38when you fall to heal you when you are
  172. 8:40suffering and to find you when you are
  173. 8:43lost
  174. 8:44indeed they show you how to catch heal
  175. 8:47and find yourself
  176. 8:49they are the counter move to the
  177. 8:52original
  178. 8:53all feed darkness they are the
  179. 8:55neutralization of negative energy field
  180. 8:59and they are the equal and opposite
  181. 9:01reaction to the action we are aware that
  182. 9:06those who hear our words are indeed
  183. 9:09these lightworkers star feet we speak
  184. 9:11off although some of you are only just
  185. 9:14becoming aware of who and what you are
  186. 9:17we say to you now can you see the
  187. 9:21reality that plays out before you do you
  188. 9:25see the light within humanity who stand
  189. 9:28for fairness justice and honor yes
  190. 9:31indeed they operate behind the scenes at
  191. 9:33the moment yet they are there and they
  192. 9:37are there in strength what occurs on
  193. 9:40your planet now is unprecedented and the
  194. 9:44crescendo builds on a daily basis as you
  195. 9:48approach the March equinox States we say
  196. 9:52to you now if you hear our words give
  197. 9:55your light to those who stand before you
  198. 9:57as a beacon of truth within a sea of
  199. 10:00untruth we say to you lend your energies
  200. 10:04and your powerful frequencies through
  201. 10:06your heart and mind to those who appear
  202. 10:09on the surface to stand alone we say to
  203. 10:13use starseeds of Earth healers of the
  204. 10:17most high priests of Atlantis royal
  205. 10:20princesses and princes of the true blood
  206. 10:23line of light surround those who are
  207. 10:26active within the great revealing with
  208. 10:29your supported and magical strength
  209. 10:31through the unconditional love and
  210. 10:34projection of your expansive DNA field
  211. 10:38so that they may swim through the weeds
  212. 10:42of entrapment and false projections and
  213. 10:45find that which is true so that they may
  214. 10:50find the core of truth and witness to
  215. 10:53change before their very eyes
  216. 10:56indeed so you may swim through the weeds
  217. 11:00of entrapment and false projections and
  218. 11:03find that which is true
  219. 11:06so that you may find the core of truth
  220. 11:08and witness the change before your very
  221. 11:11eyes
  222. 11:13you shall live through this change this
  223. 11:15transformation of the ages it occurs
  224. 11:19before you now this moment the
  225. 11:24combination of your incarnation the very
  226. 11:26reason you are here the event you are
  227. 11:30not only to witness but to partake
  228. 11:33within indeed to lead within starseeds
  229. 11:38we say to you you are leaders it is your
  230. 11:41very reason for being
  231. 11:44we say to you lead now for your third
  232. 11:47dimensional brothers and sisters need
  233. 11:50you now if they are to bask in the glory
  234. 11:52of what is to come as you shall do hold
  235. 11:56their hand and assist them lead them
  236. 11:59into the new golden age and the new
  237. 12:02planetary density indeed into the new
  238. 12:05earth which awaits them you who see this
  239. 12:09newer and you who currently live upon it
  240. 12:12even whilst to bask in the Bliss of
  241. 12:15neutrality and therefore unity you are
  242. 12:18not indifferent you are most involved
  243. 12:21for you are the higher peers of the
  244. 12:24service to others structure you are the
  245. 12:27equal and opposite reaction to their
  246. 12:30action now is the time to thank the
  247. 12:34equal and opposing Brotherhood for their
  248. 12:36service and release them from their
  249. 12:39contract for now you are ready to move
  250. 12:43back into the garden of eden armed with
  251. 12:46the knowledge of creation and the
  252. 12:49innocence of the original soul stand
  253. 12:52strong starseeds stand strong as you
  254. 12:56deliver the alchemical codes to earth
  255. 12:59and humanity so they may be liberated
  256. 13:03realized and polarized embrace the
  257. 13:07downloads and the upgrades as they pour
  258. 13:10into your consciousness and activate the
  259. 13:12memories of all that you are you are
  260. 13:16doing so well
  261. 13:18remember your training staff eat
  262. 13:21hold fast to faith forgiveness gratitude
  263. 13:26love knowing and being for you are
  264. 13:30liberated realized and polarized and
  265. 13:33your new earth is here and now we are
  266. 13:38the white-winged collective
  267. 13:39consciousness of nine
  268. 13:44what is the matrix who are the masters I
  269. 13:48magenta pixie and so very pleased to
  270. 13:51present my first book channeled from my
  271. 13:55guidance system that i referred to as
  272. 13:58the white wings collected consciousness
  273. 14:00of nine discover the true story of our
  274. 14:03origins as an energy system how we lost
  275. 14:07the original template for our destiny
  276. 14:10and how we are now in the process of
  277. 14:12remembering both lost codes learn how
  278. 14:16humanity may reclaim the sovereignty
  279. 14:18which is rightfully ours bringing us
  280. 14:22back into wholeness integration and full
  281. 14:26understanding of who we are what we are
  282. 14:30why we are here and what we are here to
  283. 14:32do spirituality metaphysics and science
  284. 14:36merge sacred geometry known as the
  285. 14:40languages light it downloaded and
  286. 14:43decoded the realization and activation
  287. 14:46of these ancient code for a new dawn of
  288. 14:49man it's an alchemical process available
  289. 14:53to us all
  290. 14:55now is the time that collectively we
  291. 14:57move forward into a fully conscious
  292. 15:00attention and embrace the new archetype
  293. 15:04of Master of the matrix
  294. 15:11[Music]
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