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- In Depth Negotiations
- (Huge thanks to ArchiveAnon and Belgianon for their help.)
- Amadeus Trask frowned in annoyance. Despite being a little away from the main battle, the hail of shoota fire whizzing past his head forced him to enable his personal refractor field, which vexed him. Couldn't these dumb greenskins understand they were outmatched and die already so he could get a shot at his trophy? His target was the Ork calling himself Panzeestompa, whose growing warband had recently stranded upon the maiden world of Eyleniliesh. The Exodites, too few to offer resistance on a short term, had called the Rogue Trader's help in, and Amadeus had obliged them - in exchange for a hefty payment, of course. Most of the Exodites had been evacuated since the greenskins started their attack, and the humans had engaged the warband with the intent to deny them access to the Eldar settlement. At the moment, the Ork forces were weak but the appearance of Panzeestompa himself led them to attack with renewed vigor. The huge Ork led what had to be at least a thousand screaming greenskins directly toward the position of the soldiers and mercenaries loyal to Trask. "His head will be a fine addition to my trophy collection. Aim low," Amadeus ordered his men. He had acquired a special set of hotshot cells that supposedly had enough punch to kill any Ork in one shot, and as he carefully loaded them into his master-crafted long-las he recited the Litany of Accuracy. "God-Emperor of Mankind," he mumbled as he shouldered the bulky rifle, "give me the eyes of an eagle, the calm of the sea breeze, the peace of a saint, and the ability to kill the enemy from afar. Great Omnissiah, may your workings be precise and your wrath deadly."
- Below Trask, The Ork leader charged ahead, pushing over his subordinate in his eagerness to get to grips with his foe, paying no more attention to the lasgun fire flickering around him than he would to a mosquito bite. While his mercenaries constrained the bulk of the Orks, Trask carefully lined up his shot so it would go right through the greenskin's eyeball and through whatever it had that passed for a brain. Emperor willing his shot would strike true. "Yell all you want, Ork," Amadeus whispered as he set his sights on the brute's head and superbly ignored his men and the remaining orks slaughtering each other at point-blank range. "Your head will soon be my trophy!"
- Meanwhile, Autarch Kayleth of Craftworld Alaitoc soared high above the battlefield observing the carnage beneath her. When she had first received word that the Exodites of Eyleniliesh were in danger, she had been informed that their attackers consisted solely of an Ork warband. To her surprise, she also found a group of human warriors attacking the greenskin horde when she arrived on the planet. "These mon-keigh interlopers were not part of my plan," she thought, "but they may yet prove to be useful. Better they serve as anvil and take the fury of the greenskin's attack than our Guardians." As she took a closer look at the human leader, she noted that he seemed to be unusually young for an Imperial Guard commander and that his troops weren't as organized as she expected the mon-keigh military forces to be. Having faced them countless time in the past, she knew that for all their short-sightedness and adherence to doctrine, mon-keighs prided themselves on being neatly organized and working in concert to overwhelm resistance. Seeing the human leader's unusual individualistic behaviour, she made a note to herself to investigate who exactly they were once the greenskins were dealt with. While she had no reason to assume that he would not turn on her forces after the battle, the Orks were the more immediate threat.
- "Wings of Khaine!" the Autarch commanded her escort, a squad of her most trusted Swooping Hawks Aspect Warriors, as she prepared to leap into the fray, contempt and scorn for the greenskins still unaware of the Eldar's approach dripping from her voice, "to battle! Behead the snake and watch his body die!", letting fly with a barrage of plasma grenades to thin the horde's numbers as they dived straight toward the Ork leader.
- As Amadeus gently squeezed the trigger to fire what he hoped would be the killing shot, a bright blue-white flash erupted out of nowhere, spoiling his aim. The Orkish howls stopped, and were replaced by the distant shouting from the other end of the Exodite settlement . Then screams were soon replaced by the shrill squeal of jetbikes and the humming of Eldar grav-tanks entering the fray, concentrated shuriken and laser fire throwing the flank of the Ork horde into disarray. When the dust settled, the Rogue Trader saw something utterly unexpected.
- The greenskins had scattered. Demoralized by the Eldar's surprise attack, they were swiftly picked off by Trask's men or the alien jetbikes as they tried to flee. Trask attempted to find his target, and soon found him locked in combat with what he assumed to be the Eldar's commander. The blue-armored woman flew from place to place with superhuman grace and fluidity, and at the same time struck with the swiftness of a lightning bolt. Her sword effortlessly sliced through the greenskin's crude armor, and instantly turned aside his big choppa when he tried to hit back. As one missed blow followed another, Panzeestompa began to tire and eventually gave up any attempt to defend himself against her blows in a last-ditch attempt to slay her. After just a few strokes, she soared into the air and cut off the Ork's head in a single elegant slash. Trask roared in outrage: the ork's head was his prize, and looking at Panzeestompa's severed head with mouth open in a silent roar and vicious deep-set eyes, Trask angrily concluded that he had just lost a good trophy.
- Then he got a good look at the Eldar warrior that had just cheated him of his victory and almost gasped. Despite the fact that Amadeus had seen a lot of beautiful women in his decadent life as successful Rogue Trader, none of them could compare to the warrior standing atop the Ork's corpse. It was almost enough to make him forget that she had denied him his prize. Her jet-black hair was done up in a ponytail, contrasting greatly with the golden color of her eyes and making them both seem all the more striking. Despite her slim physique, she was obviously stronger than she looked if she could take on such a hulking brute on her own and survive the experience. And he couldn't help but notice that the chestplate on her armor suggested what he could only assume was an ample bust.
- The dazed humans froze as they looked at the dead Ork and the Eldar warrior, holding her at gunpoint but without opening fire. When she turned around and headed in his direction Amadeus gestured to the soldiers and bodyguards to lower their weapons, but to watch for any sudden movements. His troops were already fatigued from the greenskin onslaught, and he couldn't afford to exchange one enemy for another on such short notice. Trask quickly regained his composure, though he continued to stare with great interest at the figure of the warrior. Then, with a squeal jetbikes and Vypers appeared from the neighboring buildings and stopped behind the Eldar warrior. Though their guns were aimed at the humans, none seemed willing to fire the first shot. Trask checked his personal refractor field once more and went ahead to meet the figure.
- "Not one step closer. Tell me your name, mon-keigh." She spoke in perfect Gothic, and her voice dripped with contempt.
- Slightly squinting, inwardly bristling at the eldar's tone, Amadeus answered the xeno. "I am Lord-Captain Amadeus Trask, Rogue Trader of Clan Trask. And who are you?"
- "You're not in a position to ask questions, human. You will pay for driving our kin from this place!" The alien maiden continued to look at the human with predatory unblinking yellow eyes.
- "The Exodites, you mean? They fled from the settlement when the Orks appeared on the horizon. If I wasn't for me covering their evacuation, they'd all be dead by now." Amadeus attempted to muster all the sincerity he could manage, hoping that the xenos wouldn't try to butcher him anyway.
- "And why would you choose to show such nobility and help our brothers? I doubt you came here with peaceful intentions." Her almond-shaped eyes narrowed in distrust.
- "Oh, I'm not doing this out of kindness, it's strictly a protection of my business. For 5 years, the natives here have been willing to provide me with some fine sculptures and hand-crafted items in exchange for some of my lesser baubles and necessities from other planets. When I came here to trade, the Ork invasion was already underway. And because I' would rather not lose such a good source of profits to a band of greenskins, I landed a number of troops to the surface, helped your kin with the evacuation and held back the Orks. Were it not for your intervention at the end, I might have also claimed their leader's head as well."
- "And you think I believe that you are not a threat to our kin?" the warrior asked incredulously. The idea of this preening fool killing the greenskin in single combat seemed absolutely ridiculous; it was far more likely to her that the brute would crush him like a gnat. Even to her, with her centuries of warfare and experience in personal combat, the Ork had been a daunting opponent, strength and sheer stubbornness compensating for any lack of finesse or technique.
- "You can ask them if you don't believe me," Amadeus replied with a slight sardonic smile, his natural arrogance once more emerging as he felt gaining control of the situation. "I think I've told you enough. Now, maybe you can introduce yourself?"
- After a moment's hesitation she replied: "I am Kayleth, Autarch of Craftworld Alaitoc and leader of its War Host."
- "Alaitoc? I could have sworn the only thing they ever produced was corsairs and pirates. Not like it matters to me, since they probably couldn't even scratch my ship's paint, let alone actually threaten it. But that is beside the point right now. More importantly, I think I might have a proposition for you." Trask said, a sparkle visible in his eyes.
- "What are you hinting at, trader?" she answered, ignoring his pompous and empty boasts. The fool had no idea of the glory of Alaitoc if he believed the puny flotilla in orbit could do something against the might of the Craftworld should it be roused to wrath. And if the mon-keigh felt superior, he would be all te easier to manipulate.
- "If you're as concerned about the welfare of the Exodites here as I am, perhaps I would be willing to garrison a handful of my troops here to keep them protected. For the right price, of course." Amadeus said and paused, waiting for her reaction.
- Kayleth fell silent for a few seconds. She thought and considered her options. Given their recent history with the Imperium, the Eldar from Alaitoc rarely if ever resorted to cooperation with humans. But this haughty trader was right - the warhost's numbers were too badly depleted to protect the planet if it came under attack again. Alaitoc had fallen on hard times, though its situation was not quite as bad as Iyanden, but this battle had clearly shown that their army had lost some of its power and mobility. Kayleth for a moment seemed distracted from thinking and looked appreciatively at Amadeus.
- If this mon-keigh was as easily manipulated as he was greedy, she might be able to use him to further Alaitoc's purposes. She smiled to herself, and ordered her warriors to lower their weapons.
- "Well, I'm ready to listen to what you have to offer, Amadeus Trask," she said.
- " I suggest that we continue this discussion on my flagship. The stench of dead Orks is less than conducive to such discussions, if I do say so myself. "
- Kayleth looked at him, attempting to detect a lie or deception, but apparently the man spoke sincerely enough. She nodded.
- "Very well," said Amadeus with a satisfied smile. Then he turned to his bodyguard:
- "James, get in touch with the Valkyrie pilots, we're going to get out of here."
- The former Kasrkin nodded and turned on the vox-caster, relaying them their coordinates and requesting a pick-up. Trask turned to Kayleth and saw how she briskly walked to the other warriors of the Eldar. The Trader again found himself admiring the Autarch's sleek figure, especially her thighs. It took all of Kayleth's willpower to ignore his ogling. As tempted as she was to kill him and be done with it, he had the potential to become a useful catspaw.
- *****
- That evening, Amadeus Trask and his bodyguards awaited the arrival of the Eldar delegation within his flagship's hangar. A graceful shining ship with a solar sail aft flew in and landed, signaling to the Rogue Trader that his guests had arrived.
- Once the hangar doors were closed, Amadeus and his guards went inside the spacious hall, and met the delegation. First a few of the Eldar Aspect Warriors exited the ship; they wore blue armor and helmets with high plumes, and then from a wide hatch ship gracefully came Autarch Kayleth. She was in full armor, but this time without wings. Her power sword was sheathed but visible, as if she still expected treachery. He snickered at the irony of the notoriously deceitful xenos being so suspicious of the same betrayals they were known for committing themselves.
- "Welcome, Autarch," Amadeus greeted her. "I am glad to see you again. And I assure you, there will be no need for weapons here."
- "I can say the same about your sword," Kayleth retorted, as she pointed to the sword in a sheath hanging on the trader's belt.
- "This sword is a ceremonial weapon, but that is beside the point," retorted Amadeus with a slight grin. "Please, сome with me, we have much to discuss."
- Trader gestured to his bodyguards to follow him as he led the way out of the hangar. He was accompanied by four bodyguards with hellguns, and the Eldar followed suit. Passing through the long, pretentiously furnished corridors of the flagship, they entered the spacious meeting hall, which adjoined the private rooms of Amadeus.
- The main hall was decorated with expensive furniture from different corners of the Imperium: a long table in the center of the room was overflowing with food, the whole room was filled with fancy and extremely expensive jewelry and sculpture - in short, everything that Trask would need to impress his guests. Xeno or not, he would not give up the opportunity to show off his wealth and station. Even if the art itself was not to her liking, she would get an idea of the width and breadth of his successes; of his power and influence, of how valuable an ally he could be. In several places there were gold-plated statues of the Emperor. One of the statues represented the Imperial Saint Sebastian Thor, the most revered of the saints. And one of the statues standing beside the statue of the Emperor himself depicted Ollanius Pius, saint of the Imperial Guard who gave his life standing between the Emperor and Horus, and thus protecting the Emperor from the treacherous blow of the Fallen Son. On the wall hung a variety of pictures in exquisite golden frames. Predictably, the largest one by far depicted the Emperor, marching at the head of the mighty forces of the Legiones Astartes. His head was surrounded by a golden halo, exuding divine light all around him. The sword he wielded was surrounded by holy flames, and his very appearance was synonymous with human supremacy.
- From Kayleth's perspective, all of it looked tacky and crude, typical garish mon-keigh drivel; all angles and sharp contrast, overloaded with colors and without any subtlety. As far as she was concerned, no human artist could compare to the work of the Eldar bonesingers and she certainly couldn't care less for his depictions of the human corpse-king. However, one of the sculptures had definitely not been created by humans - when Kayleth looked closely, she realized that it was of Eldar design. The sculpture depicted an impression of Isha with her body, arms and legs growing out of the tree trunk. Her flowing hair was intertwined with dark green leaves on the branches stretching upward. Her head was bowed, and her face was nestled in the shadow cast by a nearby tree. She bore a golden cup full of silvery liquid, which she offered to the ancient Eldar warrior kneeling at her feet: Eldanesh. The shining of the cup lit his snow-white face, and his armor had a stylized arrangement according to the canons of organic geometry. His face remained to be worked out, with the exception of a thin nose and narrow eye socket. Beneath him grew roses whose thorny vines connected him to Isha.
- Noticing that the sculpture had attracted the Autarch's attention, Trask turned to her. "Surprised? I had great difficulty persuading the sculptor from Eyleniliesh to design such a wonderful creation. Amazing, is it not?" Amadeus boasted, his chest puffed out with pride.
- "Indeed it is very beautiful," she answered honestly but keeping herself in check to bemoan that such a subtle creation's beauty and underlying message was wasted on his thick, crude mon-keigh skull, "but I suggest we begin our negotiations - is that not why you invited me here?"
- *****
- The two of them had soon found themselves at an impasse. There was no way she could possibly allow him to trade directly with Alaitoc as he had requested of her, and he was too obstinate to accept any payment that was not given up front. He claimed that he was simply trying to be sure that she would fulfill her end of the bargain, but in her opinion it was just another reminder of how greed informed his every decision.
- "I have already told you far more times than I would have liked: we will not let you trade directly with the Craftworld. Will nothing convince you to work with an intermediary?"
- "I might consider it, but only on the condition that I be allowed to choose where it is. Besides, mercenary services are not cheap and attract attention from people who I would rather not deal with; the Inquisition is already suspicious enough of me for daring deal with the Eldar; and the last thing I want is risking the Administratum revoking my Warrant of Trade for consorting with xenos."
- Kayleth sighed. The debate was going nowhere, and she was at a loss as to how to convince him when the trader broke the awkward silence.
- "Now that I think of it, maybe there is one thing that you could provide that might make me change my mind, but we should discuss it in private," Amadeus said, and turned to his chief bodyguard, "James, leave us."
- The former Kasrkin was a little surprised by his employer's behavior and lack of caution. "Sir, are you sure?"
- "What have I told you about questioning my orders? I will let you know when you can return."
- "I sincerely hope you know what you're doing, sir." James turned to the rest of the bodyguards and gave them a hand sign to follow him.
- Kayleth stiffly motioned to dismiss her own guards and the Eldar Aspect warriors left the room soon afterwards. Their presence had only been necessary as a show of dominance, the massage that she was secure enough to come aboard a vessel filled with mon-keigh with only two bodyguards. If the mon-keigh believed she would be vulnerable alone and their meeting took an undesirable turn, the fool would rue the day he'd invited her aboard, for she could handle herself better than he probably could even imagine. One did not rise to the Path of Command without mastering at least two of the Aspects of Khaine, but it was likely that he neither knew nor cared about that. After scanning the room to be absolutely certain they were alone, Kayleth turned to the mon-keigh. She wasn't sure what exactly he had in mind, but with the way he was leering at her she already had a feeling what he was going to ask of her.
- "As I was saying, I might be willing to work with an intermediary, but to be sure that you won't double-cross me I need...collateral, so to speak."
- Kayleth was immediately suspicious, but out of necessity she had to hear him out at the very least. "So what do you have in mind for this collateral, might I ask? One of our relics?"
- "No, no, I'm looking for something wealth alone can't buy. You."
- At this point, the Autarch had to muster all the willpower she had to stop herself from strangling him on the spot for his insolence. The temerity... The gall, this human showed, she thought, fury welling up in her breast at the words. She was an Autarch of Alaitoc, leader of its warhosts - and yet this mon-keigh saw nothing wrong with demanding sex from her anyway, like she was nothing but a common whore!
- And yet, at the same time, the analytical part of her mind analyzed his offer. The same highly structured mind that had allowed to escape the pull of the Exarch not once, but multiple times, and granted her the clarity to walk the Path of Command considered his words with cold, clinical detachment... and found that the offer, as grotesque as it was, was acceptable. Her kin was in dire need of the strength of the Warhost, at the same time their Exodite cousins required protection: the balance was as limpid as the solution was distasteful. Serving Alaitoc required sacrifice, and if demeaning herself would bring greater benefit to the Craftworld as a result, then so be it.
- "Sleep with me," the human kept going, "and I will be more than willing to accept your offer. Otherwise, you'll just have to find someone else to do your dirty work."
- "And what will this prove exactly, mon-keigh?" she asked, her tone colder than the void of space.
- "Your... dedication to this. Baubles can be bought, arrangements can be made; all at no personal cost. Prove to me that you stand body and soul behind this, that you are not trying to pull a fast one on me like your kind is renowned for."
- With no other way to salvage the discussion coming to mind, Kayleth had no choice but to accept. "If degrading myself to mate with you is the only thing that will convince you, then I accept." she hissed, her voice full of disgust both at him for daring demand what many on the Craftworld would only dream of, and at herself for having to accept it, "Just remember that if I did not need your services as badly as I do now, I would gladly slay you where you stand."
- "Have I ever mentioned you look more beautiful when you're making threats? In any event, allow me to escort you to my personal chambers."
- Following the trader's lead, she went into his private quarters. Compared to the meeting hall, his bedroom was surprisingly plain. At the door adjacent to the wall was a large bed, and Kayleth reluctantly laid down upon it; it wasn't quite as comfortable as her own bed back on the craftworld, but it would have to do. She turned to face him expectantly, privately hoping he would get it over with quickly. To her surprise, Amadeus didn't try to just rip off her armor on the spot and ravish her, but instead took her chin in his hand and pulled her in for a kiss. His lips were much like those of an Eldar, but bigger and fuller. His tongue on the other hand felt a bit rougher than an Eldar's, as she learned when he stuck it in her mouth. The whole experience was not quite what she had in mind when she agreed; for a brutish, greedy mon'keigh he was proving himself to be surprisingly tender, showing a lot more restraint than she'd expected considering how he'd been ogling her since setting his eyes on her.
- "You do not want to take your armor off? Or would you prefer absolute protection during the process?" The trader grinned as he asked her; he always considered himself extremely witty. Kayleth only rolled her eyes in response, wishing he would just shut up rather than attempt being witty, but she brought her arms up to take off her armor.
- Amadeus watched her with a surprising degree of intensity, as if it was the most interesting thing he had ever seen, and as hard as she wanted to deny it, there was a glimmer of gratification in being the muse for his bestial, naked lust. First, she touched the bright red gems on the shoulders and after a quiet clicking removed them one by one with flick of the wrist. Then she removed the breastplate with a few movements of her hands. Under her armor she wore something similar to a form-fitting bodysuit; skintight and doing an excellent job of emphasizing her attractive shapes. Removing the bracers and gloves, she switched to the armor on the waist and legs. She touched two shining gems in the lower abdomen and then remove the plate armor covering her crotch and rear. Moving her hands on she took off her armor from hips and shin.
- If Trask had been watching her with interest previously, he now began to literally devour her with his eyes, although he made a commendable effort of remaining still and silent. The lines and curves of her body were emphasized by the bluish fitting suit, and she allowed Amadeus some time to admire her perfect body. Flattered despite herself by the intensity of his gaze, she slowly slipped out of the suit with incredible flexibility, her movements smooth, inhumanly fluid and graceful, sensual beyond what the most limber of human athlete could possibly hope to do.
- Underneath the bodysuit, she wore what looked like a blue and yellow bikini encrusted with spiritstones. Giving Amadeus just enough time to enjoy the view, she took off her bra and panties, standing before him completely bare but for the necklace that held her Soulstone. Thus unclothed, she allowed the human to take in her body.
- Try as he might, Amadeus could not take his eyes off her, spellbound by the spectacle of her alluring body, so close and yet so different to that of a human. The Autarch was glad with such predictable reaction. In a perverse way, it was immensely flattering and it confronted her idea that she could use this to manipulate the Mon-keigh in the future. "Do you like what you see... Amadeus, was it?" she asked allowing herself to smile haughtily. He was hers, whether he wanted or acknowledged it or not.
- "Indeed, Kayleth, indeed," Trask answered as his jaws began to slacken, his bluster mostly gone, and his self-restraint barely strong enough to not jump on the xeno woman. Gently, he pulled her close and they kissed again, and Kayleth clung to him as she felt the growing bulge in his pants. Pushing him down, Kayleth climbed on top of him, and then broke off their kiss again and stripped Amadeus from the waist up. After removing his shirt, she gently ran her hand over his strong chest and stomach, playing with his chest hair as she did so.
- Emboldened by her seeming eagerness, the human started to become agitated underneath her. Still, in an gesture of civility she'd never expect from a human, he seemed to be waiting for her permission to do anything. For one fleeting moment she toyed with the idea to tease him and test his limits, and with an Eldar male she would definitely have done so, but she wanted this to be over with. Noticing that he staring at her breasts she pulled his hands to her chest, and he began to squeeze and massage them.Her breasts were the first thing to get Amadeus' attention; despite the fact that they were not as voluminous as those some human females sported, they were of a very good size, filling his hands nicely; her hardened pink nipples contrasting with her perfect marble-white skin, springy and slightly firm to his touch. His careful touch elicited a soft cry from the Autarch, and a little emboldened by her reaction, he began to play with her stiffened nipples, as a few moans flew from her mouth.
- Swept up by passion, Amadeus looked down to her crotch and saw that it was smooth and hairless, and fluid was starting to trickle from between her lower lips.
- Following the direction of his gaze, Kayleth grinned. "I see you know what you want. Come and get it, then."
- Without letting him reply, she repositioned herself so that her labia were right in front of his face. Amadeus froze for a moment in surprise, but quickly figured out what she wanted from him. Licking his lips, he stretched out and planted a kiss on her moist labia. Then he gently licked and penetrated her with his tongue while massaging her clitoris with his fingers. Kayleth's sighs of contentment only encouraged him further. The sight of such a powerful woman trembling with delight with a mere touch would have aroused any man in Amadeus' position. He continued his oral ministrations, relishing in the surprisingly sweet taste of the Eldar woman's fluids.
- Although at first Kayleth merely saw this as an ordeal to be dealt with summarily and didn't want to surrender to pleasure, the human's eagerness and surprising gentleness made her reconsider. Deciding that she could afford a little amusement, she cut loose her restraint, allowed her excitement to built, and soon she pulled off his pants and underwear with a mind to return the favor.
- His member was definitely thicker and slightly longer than that of an Eldar male and as she kissed the tip, she noted its salinity. She wasted no further time sampling his member, and began running her tongue over its length to savor the taste. His moans heavy breathing caressing her labia only inspired her further, and she gently licked around the head of his shaft before tentatively taking him in her mouth properly. His flavor proved to be quite appealing, and soon she worked her way down his shaft, taking almost his whole length into her mouth. Slowly, a more primal part of her mind took over from the sharp, analytical part that disliked what she was doing, and she started to truly enjoy their bout. The longer she sucked him, the more she felt the need to feel him inside of her, to mate with him even if he was but a lowly mon-keigh.
- After a while, driven mad with need she stopped and said, "Enough. I insist that you take me right now." Again, she changed position and prepared to lower herself onto him when suddenly Amadeus said:
- "Wait, Kayleth. I think I know something you might like more."
- "You on top of me, human? I don't think so! Not only would that be demeaning, but you're big and heavy enough to hurt me."
- "Ah, but how about behind you, then?" Amadeus suggested, a big grin on his visage. "Less risk that way."
- Kayleth blinked in incomprehension before getting what he suggested. Her first reaction was to rip his tongue off for daring suggesting they mate like *animals* would, but even as she tried to deny him, the idea wormed its way into her mind and nestled there. No Eldar would ever be crude enough to suggest such behavior outside of the strictures of a mate-bond, and she realized as much as the idea disgusted her, it excited her even more.
- "Very well..." she smiled after a short hesitation, "As much as I would prefer to keep the lead, I suppose I could indulge you just this once." She was already condescending far enough to offer her body to him as it was, and as he did not seem to have anything of She-Who-Thirsts about him, merely the bestial lust of an uncouth savage. She figured nothing he could do to her would hurt her pride any further than degrading herself to mate with him, so she could at least take opportunity to indulge in the occasion to try something novel.
- Amadeus asked Kayleth to remain in the same position and then crawled out from under her and knelt behind her. Bending atop of her, he buried his face in her beautiful flowing jet-black hair and took a deep breath, enjoying the scent of her. Amadeus noticed for himself that Kaylet was slightly taller than him - under normal circumstances the fact that a woman taller than him was a little uncomfortable, but she was Eldar. Then he started kissing her neck, and massaged her breasts with both hands as he did so. Kayleth moaned with pleasure and with every kiss her moans grew louder and more frequent.
- After that, unable to wait any longer, Kayleth whispered in between breaths. "I can't wait any longer, do it now." As she said so, she felt a little ashamed - she never let herself give up so quickly to her passions. Placing another kiss on her neck, Amadeus slipped his left hand between her legs and turned his shaft to her vagina. While he was briefly tempted to tease her just a little bit longer, the urge to finally take her was too strong to resist. He'd already had to restrain himself far more than he'd believed he could, waiting for her to ease up and give him permission. When he entered her, Amadeus felt the wet and warm embrace of her folds. She was tighter than he expected, and he worked against her hips slowly, giving her the chance to accommodate his length.
- His gentleness came as a surprise to the Autarch. She had expected him to skip the foreplay entirely and ravage her on the spot. Kayleth gasped slightly as she expanded around him. Her inner muscles clamped down around his shaft, as if trying to hold it still. Grunting with the effort, Amadeus pressed as deep inside of her as he could, gently but irresistibly pushing against her resisting body, enjoying the sensation of diving in her warm and clinging folds. As he penetrated her, he with his right hand, he began to squeeze and massage her breasts, while with his left hand he took her hand and began to stimulate her clitoris. Kayleth moaned loudly, she enjoyed every second of their lovemaking. With every thrust and every kiss, her body sang with ecstasy and her soulstone felt as if it was growing warmer between her breasts, resonating with the pleasure that filled and overwhelming her. Even if this was supposed to be nothing more than a means to an end, the least she could do was enjoy herself in the process.
- Then suddenly Amadeus kissed the tip of her ear and Kayleth gasped violently. Slowly, he lowered his head and began sucking on her ear, exploring its curves with his tongue. As he softly nuzzled and suckled on her ear along its whole length from earlobe to the sensitive tip, Amadeus enjoyed every of the Eldar's moans and sighs of joy. It seemed that his contact hadn't lied, and that the Eldar's ears were very sensitive, and he intended to exploit that.
- He licked his ear with a force along its entire length and Kayleth's breath sank for a moment, then she let out a shaky breath. She began to tremble and writhe beneath him, her breath coming in soft ragged gasps. Chuckling loudly, he began to knead her breasts deeply and massage her clitoris more strongly. Then he increased the pace of his thrusts and began to caress her ear with lust, still uttering that maddening, chuckle of male possessiveness. Kayleth tried to suppress a shriek and her breaths became sharp and short. The Autarch felt that she should not be so self-indulgent, especially not with a human, but at this point it was far too late for her to restrain herself. Nor didn't she particularly feel like doing so anyway; for all his human lack of finesse, he was hitting all of her most sensitive spots with his strong but careful actions, and she fully welcomed the warmth swelling within her.
- As if sensing that she was growing closer to an orgasm, Amadeus's pace grew faster and Kayleth began to moan without stopping. Every time their bodies clashed, the room was filled with loud slaps, squelches and sharp moans of pleasure. Kayleth's melodious voice was like honey, encouraging Amadeus further. The Rogue Trader prided himself on being a ladies' man and a good lover and had been determined from the start to make sure the proud, haughty Eldar woman would enjoy herself. Sensing he was close to his goal only spurred him further on. Squeezing her left breast, he felt her frantic heartbeat racing far faster than his own, or any other human's possibly could. Her warm juices, proof of her excitement, oozed profusely from her pussy, thoroughly soaking the sheets beneath them as she shivered and shook in his tender grasp.
- Trembling with arousal, Kayleth twisted her head towards the Rogue Trader and kissed him with all the passion she could muster, their tongues almost entwining in a knot as he answered with equal strength. In response, Amadeus put all of the force he could into his last thrust and Kayleth felt the head of his penis reach deeper than before. "By Isha, it's wonderful," she thought as she reached a climax, arching her back as waves of bliss surged through her body. She screamed into the mouth of Amadeus, unable to restrain herself in spite of her best efforts. Overwhelmed by the spectacular clenching of her folds around his member, he could no longer hold himself back and a few seconds later, he erupted inside of the Autarch, filling her with his seed as her inner walls continued to quiver around him, as if they tried to pull him even further in.
- "If only all of my trade agreements could end this way," Amadeus thought after a moment of catching his breath, musing on how a proud warleader of the Eldar had so readily agreed to lie with a mere 'Mon-keigh' like himself. Kayleth was no less pleased with the current turn of events; it had been a while since she had last found release, and now that the human had been placated he was sure to be more amenable to her requests. As fatigue overtook him, Trask realized something; he had never thought about other women with whom he conducted business as anything beyond business partners. But looking at the Autarch, he realized that he might be falling in love with her. As he kissed Kayleth once more, she knew that she might be able to use his affection to her advantage in the future. And to be fair, he did prove himself to be an adequate lover with his combination of bestial eagerness and careful attention.
- *****
- "So would you be willing to establish those trade routes, then? I should hope that I have given you enough reason to accept now." The Autarch went back to her old businesslike demeanor the following morning, as if nothing had happened between them.
- "You certainly have. I expect that we should make our first stop close to Alaitoc within the next six months, assuming that all else goes well. Shall I escort you back to your ship, then?" It seemed only fair to Trask that he should extend this courtesy to Kayleth, given what they had done just a few hours earlier.
- "I am perfectly capable of finding my own way back, but I suppose I should be grateful that you bothered to ask."
- "Maybe, but I shall in any case accompany you. I trust you more than I probaly should in this case, but it does not mean that my guard trusts you and your warriors too," Amadeus said. After a pause he added "Maybe I'll be able to make the first deliveries for Alaitoc somewhat earlier than six months; I must admit I would be intrigued to see your Craftworld for myself, even if only from afar." As he spoke, Trask did not look away from Kayleth as she donned her form-fitting suit once more. "Also, I trust you would be open to further 'negotiations' in the future?" His grin and emphasis made it clear that he was not referring to trade routes in this case.
- Kayleth hesitated. She still wasn't quite sure what in Asuryan's name had possessed her to agree to his 'offer'. Sleeping with him seemed so degrading at first, but now part of her almost relished the idea of sharing his bed with him again. The possibility that she might be falling for him briefly crossed her mind, but she dismissed the thought almost as soon as it occurred to her. He was a means to an end - an admittedly enjoyable one, but nothing more than that.
- "If you follow the terms of today's agreement, I would be willing to do so. But if you don't hold up your end of the bargain, that will be the least of your concerns."
- "Why would I go back on my word now after all we've done? A man does not live long in this line of work if he has a reputation for cheating his partners." Amadeus chuckled. It was something of an exaggeration, the line between a Rogue Trader and smugglers or pirates was sometimes very thin, but he himself lived by the words of his sire: "A satisfied customer is a happy customer that will call upon you again." This reputation for not backstabbing his partners had led him to gain the trust of the Exodites and ultimately this pleasant evening, and he was sincere when he said he had no intention of throwing all this out of an airlock on a whim.
- When Kayleth was again in full armor, Trask continued: "Well, let's not make your kin wait - it would be rude of us to do so."
- As the Autarch boarded her ship, Amadeus said his farewells. "It was a pleasure doing business with you, Kayleth. I look forward to any further ventures you have in mind."
- Kayleth said nothing, merely sharply nodding in reply. His company did prove to be quite pleasant, but it would be unseemly to delay their departure any longer.
- Amadeus watched the ship as it rose out of the hangar and disappeared from sight, then the trader left to prepare the extension of his trade routes. There was much work to be done, but he had no doubt in his mind that he would be all the better off for it.
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