
Анисимов - Грачи прилетели [ENG]

Jun 15th, 2014
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  1. The "Rooks" have arrived (song about Su-25 Frogfoot)
  3. As usual, our fly is urgent
  4. Our comrades attacked, that's for sure
  5. We fly in day and in night
  6. On our eternal risk and peril
  8. I put on the mark in the tablet
  9. There, in the square, as if in a cage,
  10. Our scouts in distress,
  11. In this damn mountains.
  13. We have the task,
  14. But I not sure about our luck
  15. We must hurry otherwise
  16. There will perish whole platoon
  18. I start engines without pre-flight check
  19. The technician in old coveralls,
  20. Will slam my plane by wingtip
  21. Two "rooks" going to take off.
  23. We do not look at the surrounding landscape.
  24. We must always be on guard.
  25. Making turns between the mountains and rocks.
  26. "Hey, bro, do not fall behind!"
  28. I flew through the hillock
  29. And looked around
  30. Wow, what a battle
  31. Well, wingman, be prepared
  33. Hey below, hold on, guys
  34. We're starting our work
  35. "From right, 30, machineguns!"
  36. Shouts from the ground by radio
  38. Turning on the target and drop the HE bombs
  39. And after this, strongly
  40. As if I'm going on potholes
  41. My plane started shaking.
  43. Enemy tracers like a spider web
  44. I actively maneuvering
  45. It's very tableau.
  46. Like the Savrasov's "Rooks"
  48. We arrived, to rescue
  49. Enemies "salute" us here.
  50. But again the "land" is not responding
  51. Come on, scouts, answer to me!
  53. I spinning and tumbling
  54. For the hundredth time I renounce,
  55. Upon arrival on base - I quit.
  56. I don't want to die here.
  58. Why I went to Katcha?
  59. In Ulyanovsk all very different.
  60. I would have good house, car, a lot of money
  61. And I would piloted an Airbus.
  63. "Rook", poor plane, it mutilated.
  64. They will respond for this!
  65. And the bright red balls
  66. Flying towards me
  68. Miracles still happen
  69. I am still alive, although they hit me
  70. Sweat corrodes my eyes
  71. And nowhere to hide from the heat.
  73. Very hot, not just warm!
  74. Send down "gifts" for them
  75. Not so easy to do my work
  76. Under the boiling plumbum
  78. VPU like a tank cannon
  79. Roar of shots, shivers
  80. I like a mouse in the tincan
  81. On which struck with a hammer!
  83. Would not want to die today
  84. Not want to be mourned
  85. I was really in a skillet
  86. All ammunition is depleted.
  88. Simulating attacks,
  89. It's time to go out of the fray
  90. Because fuel tanks nearly dry
  91. And my craft have torn side
  93. Befall me fear,
  94. "Rook" is wearily down the nose.
  95. So my life is hanging by a thread
  96. My plane is just a flying wreck.
  98. But it's alive, still working!
  99. As if someone is holding it
  100. And I hear in my headphones:
  101. "Flyers... thank you!"
  103. We took a course
  104. Back to base
  105. Shells, bullets, it's in the past.
  106. Bernoulli's theorem
  107. Holds my "rook" in the air
  109. It flies on its last legs
  110. And I have a nosebleed
  111. So again I'll swallow pills
  112. In the infirmary.
  114. I'm approaching, by the base
  115. Touched the runway.
  116. Parachute poped sonorously
  118. I will stop in the parking
  119. Leave aside
  120. And do not touch me.
  122. Somewhere there is a fight.
  123. But it's somewhere
  124. Cuz' such beautiful summer...
  125. Technician will give me a cigarette
  126. Hey guys ... we live.
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