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Sandbox Big Brother Rules

a guest
Feb 15th, 2017
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  1. Strikes
  3. 1) Strikes are meant to be a punishment. They will be handed out for several things that will be explained in other points.
  4. 2) Getting Three (3) strikes means you will be automatically ejected from the house.
  5. 2.1) Participants getting ejected for striking out will not be part of possible returnees or future seasons.
  6. 3) There may or may not be ways to remove your strikes eventually, but chances are that they will be permanent.
  7. 4) If a participant were to strike out early on in the game, there's a possibility that a new houseguest will be added to the game
  10. Housechat (Copy-pasting, behavior, leaving etc)
  12. 1) Hosts will be copying and pasting events that happen in the housechat and posting it in the Sandbox Big Brother thread.
  13. 1.1) Hosts will only do that with the housechat. Alliances and Diary Rooms will be kept secretly.
  14. 2) Quoting someone with the skype message is not allowed.
  15. 2.1) Needless to say, screenshots, recordings, etc is also not allowed.
  16. 2.2) Copy pasting conversations is allowed, as they are easily alterable.
  17. 2.2.1) Copy pasting from your Diary Room is NEVER allowed.
  18. 2.3) Breaking this rule a few times may earn you one (1) strike.
  19. 3) Questionable material such as Pornography, Gore images, etc will not be allowed, and it will earn you one (1) strike.
  20. 4) You are allowed to talk about sexuality and other controversial issues, but it must never be too explicit.
  21. 4.1) Hateful comments will be treated like in Sandbox Lobby. Saying some slurs and other racist/homophobic/sexist/etc comments is allowed but discouraged.
  22. 4.2.1) The excessive use of these however will earn you a warning, and the second warning will come along one (1) strike
  23. 5) Discussions and drama is one of the main fuels of this game, and won't be stopped by the hosts.
  24. 5.1) Unless things are going too out of hand, such as actual threats to one participant or the sort. In that case, it will be discussed and one or both parties involved in the discussion may end up getting strikes or direct ejection from the game.
  25. 5.2) As a houseguest, of course, you may do your best to try to stop the drama or not.
  26. 6) Leaving the main Housechat is not allowed.
  27. 6.1) Leaving it one time will earn you a warning, and the second time it will come with one (1) strike.
  28. 6.2) If there is an special reason for you having to leave the housechat, please let the hosts know and we will try to arrange something.
  29. 7) The housechat shouldn't be muted.
  30. 7.1) We encourage you to just use the "Do Not Disturb" option on Skype if you are busy and can't deal with the notifications.
  31. 8) You must NOT add anyone to this chat. Doing so will earn you one (1) strike.
  32. 9) Do not attempt to do calls in the Housechat.
  33. 9.1) Doing it several times will earn you a warning, and it may end up getting you one (1) strike.
  36. HoH and PoV competitions
  38. 1) The competitions are obligatory for every houseguest
  39. 1.1) You can, however, abstain, but you will have to make it explicit on your Diary Room.
  40. 1.1.1) You can not claim to have abstained after the competition results are revealed if you did not say anything on your Diary Room.
  41. 1.1.2) Abstaining a lot of times may result on you getting one (1) strike, so it's only reccomended to abstain when you absolutely can't do the competition.
  42. 2) Not participating nor abstaining will earn you one (1) strike.
  43. 3) In almost every competition, some kind of proof that the work is yours will be asked.
  44. 3.1) The proof needed will be informed by the Hosts in every competition, if needed.
  48. Votings
  50. 1) Voting to evict one of the houseguests is mandatory for every houseguest considered.
  51. 1.1) The HoH as well as the two people nominated can not vote.
  52. 1.1.1) There may be some kind of occurrence in which someone else may not be able to vote, but it will be announced by the hosts.
  53. 1.2) You can not abstain from voting.
  54. 2) Not voting will earn you one (1) strike.
  55. 3) Along with your vote, you will be asked to send a goodbye message to both nominated people. These will be revealed to the person evicted after they are gone, but not the other one.
  56. 3.1) It is up to you wheter or not to reveal any voting information in them.
  60. Houseguests & Hosts
  62. 1) It is mandatory you add every host on skype (SirAmelio, Zeezo, Stove, TennisBallBFDI2).
  63. 1.1) If another host ends up joining the team at some point, you will also be required to add them.
  64. 1.2) It is not mandatory, but reccomended, that you rename the hosts and add a "(Host)" to the end of their name. ie: SirAmelio (Host)
  65. 2) It is strongly reccomended that you add every single one of your houseguests as well.
  66. 2.1) It is also reccomended that you rename them and add a "(SBBB)" or "(Houseguest)" to the end of their name.
  67. 3) As you don't know the cast for now, you have to know that you may run into some people you don't like, as well as some people that are complete strangers to you, and agree with it. (If you don't like someone in the cast, then you may try to go against them in the game, and get them out!)
  71. Activity
  73. 1) It is required that all houseguests are active enough in the main chat.
  74. 2) Not speaking at all in the main chat may earn you one (1) strike after a certain amount of time decided by the hosts. (But somewhere along 24 and 48 hours)
  75. 2.1) Speaking very little just to prove you are around may also earn you one (1) strike if it happens too often
  76. 3) If for any personal reasons you won't be around during a certain period, please consult the hosts in your Diary Room to reach an arragement.
  77. 3.1) Going inactive without explaining will earn you the respectives strikes and may easily end up in your ejection for striking out
  78. 3.2) Having to leave for a long period will, sadly and most likely, end up in your ejection as well.
  82. Alliances
  84. 1) You are allowed and encouraged to make smaller groups with only certain houseguests, however it's mandatory that all the hosts are added to them.
  85. 2) You are allowed to have private conversations with other houseguests.
  86. 2.1) However, if you make a Final 2 (f2) pact, or they are someone you talk to about the game a lot, then you must also make a conversation with them and the hosts.
  87. 3) Every alliance conversation must have a picture and be named to something plus adding a "(SBBB)" at the end of it.
  88. 4) Hosts will not speak in alliances unless talked to directly or to make some kind of announcement.
  89. 5) In the case you get evicted, you must leave every alliance.
  90. 6) You are also free to leave an alliance at any time, no need to even mention it.
  94. Diary Room
  96. 1) You are not allowed to copy paste anything from the Diary Room
  97. 2) You are expected to send confessionals every few days (or more often if you want!)
  98. 2.1) Confessionals may include anything, how you're feeling about the house and the houseguests, things you like and don't like about the game, etc
  99. 3) You are reccomended to favorite your Diary Room
  100. 4) You must not add anyone to this chat. Doing so will earn you one (1) strike.
  101. 5) You are encouraged to NOT leave this chat if you get evicted.
  102. 5.1) Leaving your Diary Room after getting evicted will not make you elegible for a potential returnee.
  103. 6) The hosts will tell you every important announcement through here, such as HoH and PoV competition, voting, etc
  109. Returnees & New incorporations
  111. 1) A new host may be added at any time at discretion of the hosts.
  112. 2) A returnee is a person that got evicted by the house but was allowed back in the game by the hosts.
  113. 2.1) Someone that got ejected because of striking out or other reasons other than being evicted by their fellow houseguests is not eligible to be a returnee.
  114. 2.2) Returnees may or may not happen throught the season.
  115. 2.2.1) If for some reason, a few people end up getting ejected, returnees are almost guaranteed.
  116. 2.2.2) However, there may or may not be returnees as a twist.
  117. 3) A new incorporation may be added to the house in very special circumstances.
  118. 3.1) It will only happen within the first three weeks of the game.
  119. 3.1.1) If the circumstances are given later than that we will lean towards a returnee.
  120. 3.2) The circumstances are: Someone striking out during the first week OR several people striking out during the first three weeks.
  121. 4) Both Returnees or new incorporations will be added after the HoH competition but before the HoH gives out the nominees.
  122. 4.1) However, the returnee or new incorporation will be immune to nomination that week.
  125. Jury
  127. 1) The final 9 people of the house will be known as Jury.
  128. 2) The people ranking 9th through 3rd will be the Jurors.
  129. 2.1) Jurors will decide who wins the game out of the final 2.
  130. 3) The final two will have to give an opening statement explaining their whole game and why the deserve to win it.
  131. 4) The Jurors will be able to ask questions about anything and everything in order to determine who should win
  132. 5) It is encouraged for Jurors to vote who they think that deserves to win instead of just for whoever they like the most.
  133. 6) Jurors must not explicitely say who they are voting for at any point, except in their Diary Room once they are ready after the final two answered their questions.
  134. 7) Getting ejected for something other than your houseguests evicting you, will get your Jury privileges away to the 10th place and so on.
  135. 8) Jurors will be added to a special Skype Group as they get evicted, with the hosts and every other juror.
  136. 8.1) Logs may or may not be shared to the Jurors by the hosts once the game has reached the Final Two stage.
  137. 9) The most voted person out of the final 2 will win Sandbox Big Brother
  141. Evicted players
  143. 1) Once evicted you are not allowed to talk to people still in the game.
  144. 1.1) At least not about the game.
  147. Formalities
  149. 1) Hosts reserve the right to change any of these rules at any time.
  150. 1.1) They will be informed to the houseguests.
  151. 1.2) Unless its a twist for the week or something!
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