
The Natural world.

Jan 6th, 2014
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  1. * Q sets modes [#theborderhouse +o SerCorbieGeisha]
  2. <Boilerplate> Hi SerCorbieGeisha
  3. <Boilerplate> Well today I was searching through Bloody Disgusting and I stumbled across this:
  4. <SerCorbieGeisha> And it's about?
  5. <Boilerplate> well read the article and find out...
  6. <Boilerplate> Although the link title is pretty much self-explainatory where the tone it's leading to though
  7. <SerCorbieGeisha> It amuses me how Western authors have difficulty can't fathom something where magic and science aren't at odds
  8. <Boilerplate> I guess this same problem can be found in the WoD as well especially Mage: The Acension with the whole Traditions (Magic) vs Technocracy (Science) going on especially with the whole "Romanaticism vs Enlightenment" dichomatomy:
  9. <SerCorbieGeisha> ArcanumL Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
  10. <Boilerplate> Those are actual titles?
  11. <Boilerplate> It is
  12. <SerCorbieGeisha> Yes
  13. <Boilerplate> So why did you referance it? It's a example of doing magic and science correctly perhaps?
  14. <SerCorbieGeisha> No
  15. <SerCorbieGeisha> Magic and science literally cannot exist together in that game
  16. <Boilerplate> Ah so it's another example you gave along with Mage: The Acensison and such
  17. <Boilerplate> Hmmm...there must be something about Western Writers who can't fanthom that Magic and Science are at odds....hmmm I wonder where this mentality comes from.
  18. * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)
  19. * Boilerplate already in use. Retrying with BoN...
  20. * BoN sets modes [BoN +i]
  21. * Now talking on #theborderhouse
  22. -Q- [#thepostmortem] Welcome to the IRC channel of The Postmortem, the definitive Blood site.
  23. <BoN> Sorry I was disconnected
  24. <BoN> Of course though, it seems there is this idea that Magic and Science are "seperate paradigms" that "conflict with each other"
  25. * Boilerplate has quit (Ping timeout)
  26. <SerCorbieGeisha> Well, yes
  27. <BoN> I guess this also has to do with the mentality that "It's either your religious or scientific atheist you choose one or the other"
  28. <BoN> So how do you things right from here? Well rather how can Magic and Science cohexist and what has western authors missed the point on?
  29. <SerCorbieGeisha> I believe i talked about this before
  30. <BoN> Well I don't think I remember what you said actually
  31. <BoN> and I didn't save the logs back then like I should have at the time
  32. <BoN> Well back then I didn't know how at the time and unfortunetly they're long gone
  33. <BoN> Since HexChat or XChat seems to overide the scrollback history or something
  34. <BoN> So you can you tell me again perhaps? Of course this time I'll save it so you don't have to again.
  35. <BoN> However I do remember some stuff like I remember you saying that can be religious and scienfintic at the same time though but other than that's what all I can remember honestly
  36. <BoN> SerCorbieGeisha are you still here?
  37. <SerCorbieGeisha> I took a shit
  38. <BoN> oh
  39. <BoN> probably on the authors from the article I guess
  40. <SerCorbieGeisha> No
  41. <SerCorbieGeisha> A real shit
  42. <SerCorbieGeisha> Out the anus
  43. <BoN> I was joking actually
  44. <SerCorbieGeisha> I know
  45. <SerCorbieGeisha> Actually
  46. <SerCorbieGeisha> I don't
  47. <SerCorbieGeisha> I don't know!
  48. <SerCorbieGeisha> I don't know if I know or not
  49. <SerCorbieGeisha> I am confusing myself
  50. <BoN> Hmmm...I thought you knew
  51. <BoN> or jokes on you I guess
  52. <BoN> or me rather
  53. <SerCorbieGeisha> I dont' know
  54. <SerCorbieGeisha> I am confusing myself
  55. <BoN> Anyway I'm still struggling to remember what you told me before though, can you help refreash it?
  56. <BoN> However though, if you look at the mystical/religious based comsologies like for example the "World Tree", "World Turtle" or simple "realms" and also magic itself, perhaps it first appears to be reasonable that magic and science are two seperate things since I don't think science allows you to shoot fireballs/lightening bolts and summoing spirits and reaiminting corpses (necromancy) which is perhaps
  57. <BoN> their 'point' I guess
  58. <SerCorbieGeisha> But to people back then,magic is a science
  59. <SerCorbieGeisha> Take Daoism
  60. <SerCorbieGeisha> Many of the ideas now are disproven
  61. <SerCorbieGeisha> But back then
  62. <SerCorbieGeisha> Daoist elemental theory influenced a lot of science
  63. <SerCorbieGeisha> Some schools were more mystical than others
  64. <SerCorbieGeisha> But some schools are more scientific minded
  65. <SerCorbieGeisha> Modern Daoism has tried to update itself
  66. <SerCorbieGeisha> Taking into account nuclear energy and electromagnetism
  67. <BoN> So maybe Mage: The Acension did get things right perhaps? Also the reason why they are 'disproven' is because they are no longer accepted by the consensus and the Technocracy enforces them. I think that's where the whole idea comes from.
  68. <BoN> Also consensus reality is actually a real concept:
  69. <SerCorbieGeisha> Also, Saraswati is a goddess of learning and the significance of her carrying the vina is that it's considered the most advanced musical instrument
  70. <SerCorbieGeisha> I know it's a real concept
  71. <SerCorbieGeisha> A lot of scientists are also religious
  72. <SerCorbieGeisha> Remember the Golden Age of Islam?
  73. <SerCorbieGeisha> Lots of scientific discoveries
  74. <SerCorbieGeisha> You even had scientists inventing musical robots for the heck of it
  75. <BoN> Well I heard that Jewish Rabbi in Prague created a Golem in Prague to protect the Jewish people or something and it is said that Golem till this day is in some Synagagode in Prague...Of course Golems and Robots are different constructs perhaps?
  76. <SerCorbieGeisha> Robot is a modern word
  77. <SerCorbieGeisha> Originally appeared in a Polish play about synthetic people used in labour
  78. <SerCorbieGeisha> THe word originally meant "slave"
  79. <SerCorbieGeisha> And basically
  80. <SerCorbieGeisha> Science refers to understanding of nature
  81. <SerCorbieGeisha> If magic is a part of your world
  82. <SerCorbieGeisha> It would therefore be a natural phenomenon
  83. <SerCorbieGeisha> If demons exists in your world, why would you not think of it as a part of nature but you think of cats as such
  84. <SerCorbieGeisha> The idea of nature is that it is reality
  85. <SerCorbieGeisha> As in
  86. <SerCorbieGeisha> Um
  87. <SerCorbieGeisha> Spontaneous reality?
  88. <SerCorbieGeisha> Shit
  89. <SerCorbieGeisha> I don't know how to explain it clearly
  90. <SerCorbieGeisha> But basically
  91. <SerCorbieGeisha> Nature is what happens because this is how the world works
  92. <SerCorbieGeisha> That's why dying from old age and sickness is considered natural deaths
  93. <SerCorbieGeisha> And murder is unnatural because it is an emotionally motivated thing
  94. <SerCorbieGeisha> It is real, but it doesn't exactly exist within an order
  95. <SerCorbieGeisha> Whereas if we're primitive humans
  96. <SerCorbieGeisha> And a human kills another
  97. <SerCorbieGeisha> Actually
  98. <SerCorbieGeisha> Forget that
  99. <SerCorbieGeisha> Let's keep it modern
  100. <SerCorbieGeisha> Say, killing someone in self defense
  101. <SerCorbieGeisha> That's natural, because it's only natural for things to react defensively
  102. <SerCorbieGeisha> And let's say the killer is killing for resources
  103. <SerCorbieGeisha> Well,
  104. <SerCorbieGeisha> There's debate about that
  105. <SerCorbieGeisha> There are some theoreis which suggests that humans are not instinctively warlike
  106. <BoN> Well rather wars come from material conditions...well maybe the marxists like Loyalthird and tethra here can explain that perhaps.
  107. <SerCorbieGeisha> And sodomy. You know how it often gets called unnatarual? Because it is seen as a violation of existence
  108. <SerCorbieGeisha> I know how war occurs
  109. <SerCorbieGeisha> So the whole point of my unclear block of text is that
  110. <SerCorbieGeisha> There really is no reason to see magic as unnatural if it coheres accordingly with the cosmic order of things
  111. <SerCorbieGeisha> But if said magic behaves in a way which is outside of the order
  112. <SerCorbieGeisha> Then it would be "unnatural"
  113. <SerCorbieGeisha> For example
  114. <SerCorbieGeisha> Let's say when people die, they all go to Deadland
  115. <SerCorbieGeisha> But someone dies
  116. <SerCorbieGeisha> And they don't go to Deadland. They just come back to lfie and become pro wrestlers
  117. <SerCorbieGeisha> That's unnatural
  118. <BoN> Like the Undertaker...
  119. <SerCorbieGeisha> Yeah, I was making an Undertaker reference
  120. <SerCorbieGeisha> On the flipside
  121. <SerCorbieGeisha> If the way of the world is that dead people usualyl come back to life depending on certain circumstances
  122. <SerCorbieGeisha> That wouldn't be seen as unnatural
  123. <SerCorbieGeisha> Although my personal view is that there's no such thing as unnaturalness
  124. <SerCorbieGeisha> Because technology refers tot he application of natural principles
  125. <SerCorbieGeisha> Nuclear power plants weren't built out of thin air. It evolved from studying the world around us
  126. <SerCorbieGeisha> And then applying that knowledge to our use
  127. <SerCorbieGeisha> So I wouldn't consider the Undertaker unnatural. His ability to return from the dead would be a technology
  128. <SerCorbieGeisha> He is applying his knowledge of the natural principle of thanatosian movement
  129. <SerCorbieGeisha> Yes, I made that up
  130. <BoN> Oh wait about the Golem BTW... "Although the Golem has been an element of Jewish folklore for multiple centuries, one of the most famous elements of the story, that of the Golem rescuing Jews from a blood libel in 16th century Prague, was more or less created in a 1909 novel by a Rabbi Yudl Rosenberg. Rosenberg basically did a Literary Age
  131. <BoN> nt Hypothesis in which he claimed he was editing a much older work found in a (nonexistent) library and skillfully mixed in actual sources/traditions with elements of his own invention. While the novel is little known today, it was really influential and pretty much all subsequent tellings of the Golem legend contain facets original to Rosenberg."
  132. <BoN> sorry about that block of text there
  133. <BoN> So basically magic would be natural...of course what about the term "Supernatural" then?
  134. <SerCorbieGeisha> Look up the etymology
  135. <SerCorbieGeisha> Because
  136. <SerCorbieGeisha> I don't really know the etymology
  137. <SerCorbieGeisha> Also
  138. <SerCorbieGeisha> Even so
  139. <SerCorbieGeisha> The word might not translate to the same idea in other languages
  140. <SerCorbieGeisha> If you want, you can see it the same way as the word "superhuman"
  141. <BoN> "he supernatural (Medieval Latin: supernātūrālis: supra "above" + naturalis "nature", first used: 1520–30 AD)[1][2] is that which is not subject to the laws of physics, or more figuratively, that which is said to exist above and beyond nature. In philosophy, popular culture and fiction, the supernatural is associated with the paranormal, religions and
  142. <BoN> occultism. It has neoplatonic[citation needed] and medieval scholastic origins."
  143. <SerCorbieGeisha> It's human, but beyond
  144. <SerCorbieGeisha> Not every culture might see supernatural things as beyond nature
  145. <SerCorbieGeisha> Not everyone might define physics as the laws of nature
  146. <SerCorbieGeisha> Well
  147. <SerCorbieGeisha> The sole law of nature
  148. <SerCorbieGeisha> There's chemistry
  149. <SerCorbieGeisha> Biology
  150. <SerCorbieGeisha> Psychology
  151. <SerCorbieGeisha> Mathematics
  152. <SerCorbieGeisha> Studies of different aspects of nature
  153. <SerCorbieGeisha> But biology has a lot of relation with chemistry
  154. <SerCorbieGeisha> Chemistry with physics
  155. <SerCorbieGeisha> Psychology can help in understanding certain biological functions
  156. <SerCorbieGeisha> Where the line is drawn between an area depends
  157. <SerCorbieGeisha> if you want to define nature as things which can be explained with physics
  158. <SerCorbieGeisha> Then ghosts would be above nature
  159. <SerCorbieGeisha> Or outside of nature
  160. <SerCorbieGeisha> But let's say
  161. <SerCorbieGeisha> We manage to prove that there are a previously undiscovered law of physic which allows for the existence of ghosts
  162. <SerCorbieGeisha> THen what?
  163. <SerCorbieGeisha> Basically, there is no right answer
  164. <BoN> Of course if you catched the last thing "It has neoplatonic and medieval scholastic origins." so the term "Supernatural" is entirely a western concept perhaps?
  165. <SerCorbieGeisha> It's all about how you want to think of things
  166. <SerCorbieGeisha> And that's why I find it amusing that Westner authors always only have the one idea
  167. <SerCorbieGeisha> Mayb,e maybe not
  168. <SerCorbieGeisha> I don't know everything
  169. <SerCorbieGeisha> I'm not a god
  170. <BoN> I think western authors are stuck within their own neoplatonic/scholastic mindsets perhaps?
  171. <BoN> Since they're simply products of their societies superstructure
  172. <BoN> Hmmm....well I remember once linking to that Shadownessance thread that someone said about the "difference" between 'western and eastern philosphy' is that western philospher tend to treat the "Supernatural" as seperate from nature (which they linked it to Individualism) while Easterners treat it as part of nature (which they linked it to Collectivism) while trying to explain why "Kuie Jinn are more
  173. <BoN> Powerful than Kindred"
  174. <BoN> Of course though I also remember you telling me something about that the "Eastern Supernaturals are more Powerful than Western Supernaturals" is entirely bullshit which is rooted in orientalist thought but I don't exactly remember the details though.
  175. <BoN> With the whole "Asia is mysterious" thing
  176. <BoN> Of course though probably thinking about it that if "Eastern Supernaturals of Asia" are a part of nature while the "Western Supernaturals" are not I guess it get's to show how adsurd the idea really is?
  177. <BoN> Also another thing I remember that "Eastern Supernaturals seek harmony and transcedance" while "Western Supernatrual are Woe is me and seek redemption from God" which is another thing I remember them saying
  178. <BoN> So....
  179. <QueenOf> so you think you're untouchable
  180. <QueenOf> word life
  181. <QueenOf> this is basic thuganomics
  182. <QueenOf> this is ba basic thugamoics
  183. <QueenOf> word life
  184. <QueenOf> i'm untouchable but i'm forcing you to feel me
  185. <QueenOf> word life this is
  186. <QueenOf> wow john cena is a terrible rapper
  187. <QueenOf> Whether fightin, or spittin, my discipline is
  188. <QueenOf> Unforgiven
  189. <QueenOf> Got you backin up, in a defensive position
  190. <QueenOf> An ass-kickin anthem, heavyweight or bantam
  191. <QueenOf> Holdin camps for ransom, the microphone phantom
  192. <QueenOf> Teams hit the floor, this the new fight joint
  193. <QueenOf> Like a broken needle kid, you missin the point!
  194. <SerCorbieGeisha> It's why he only has one WWE album and R-Truth has a rap career
  195. <BoN> who are you referancing?
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