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Jul 7th, 2012
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  1. The .WAR provided in the downloads section(version 4.6) can be deployed as a Tomcat site. I use Apache Tomcat 6 and the Oracle Java 6 Runtime binaries on a x86_64 Scientific Linux 6 system, it treats me well. If you wish to build any of the other versions(including the Windows installable) then you will need to do that yourself.
  3. I have not pulled in any of the changes to my repo from Subsonic's SVN since 4.7-beta1 was released, but I might be able to do a pull+merge tonight if you'd like something newer.
  5. I don't do much Java work myself, I provide this repository in the interests of complying with the GPL when the upstream dev does not ;-). There are other forks of the Subsonic project on github, but I feel that they have diverged too much(adding features, modifying behaviour) from the base product to suit my tastes.
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