

May 12th, 2013
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  1. >Day Love and Tolerance in Equestria
  2. >Be Anon and on a romantic dinner with Pinkie Pie. Pushing a stack of breadsticks to her, she picks two up and sticks them into her mouth like fangs. “I vant to suck your crumbs!”
  3. >Giving her a little smile, you fork up some noodles and chew on them.
  4. >The waitress mare comes up and refills your drinks, “Care for some dessert?
  5. “Oh yes, that would be great, can I have..”
  7. *sigh* “Applejack, why am I not surprised.”
  8. >Sure enough a few tables away, Applejack sits and screams into a bullhorn “PONY AN HUMAN RELATIONS ER WRONG!! REPENT SINNER!!”
  9. >The mare looks confused before looking over at you,
  10. “I’m so sorry, she harrases us everywhere. We’ll leave.”
  11. >”Aww, but I wanted dessert.”
  12. “We’ll get some ice cream at home. C’mon.”
  13. >The two of you get up, toss more than enough bits, and head for the door. Applejack tries to pursue, but gets cut off by angry staff.
  14. >Outside, you and Pinkie keep up side by side, and look around for Applejack.
  15. “Think we lost her.”
  16. >”Sorry Anon.”
  17. “It’s not your fault.”
  18. >”I was apologizing for Applejack, she means well, she’s just..old fashion.”
  19. >Reaching your home, there are several signs and graffiti plastered all over your walls. “Fornicator!” “Celestia hates bestiality!” “Your going to hell!” the entire one color of the intolerant rainbow.
  20. >You shake your head and begin to pull down the signs, Pinkie helps you too.
  22. >The next day, you wake up in bed to the faint sounds of screaming outside. Looking out the window, Applejack staged a protest…again.
  23. >Big Mac, Granny Smith, and Applebloom hold signs of human hate, while Applejack drones on with her megaphone. Spouting her usual crap, you close the blinds and walk over to the bed.
  24. >Shaking Pinkie awake, she rubs her eyes and smiles “Morning.”
  25. “I think you need to go.”
  26. >”Protest?”
  27. “Yeah. Use the backdoor.”
  28. >Walking out the front door, they begin to pelt you with rotten apples, and old pies. The only one not into it was Applebloom, the only ally you had in the Apple Family.
  29. >Having run out of fruit halfway into town, they retreat for more rotted apples. Applebloom stayed behind to “keep an eye on you”
  30. >Sitting at a bench, she sits next to you and tries to smack some of the mush off your shirt. “Sorry about mah sister Anon.”
  31. “It’s all right.”
  32. >”Ya know she is plannin on crashin yer party, right?”
  33. “I had assumed as much, she follows me everywhere else…thanks for the heads up.”
  34. >Applebloom nods and hops off the bench, “Ya might wanna go, I’ll tell them ya gave me the slip.”
  35. “Thanks.”
  36. >Later that night, you read a book in your living room when you hear more of Applejacks chanting. Peeking through the window, you see a large burning wooden apple, and a pony in a white robe, complete with face hood. Next to the pony is a sign that reads “There goes the NEIGHborhood.”
  37. “I’m gonna punch that bitch right in her hick throat.”
  39. >The day of your birthday party, you hire security to keep a watch for any redneck party crashers. It wasn’t cheap, but it was the full package. Air, land, magic, and poisons experts. They had the entire perimeter under full lockdown.
  40. >Dressed in formal wear, they mix and blend in with the crowd. You scan the area yourself; for once that mare has you on edge.
  41. >Today was more than just a party; it was the day you would announce to everyone you and Pinkie were getting hitched, and getting a kid. Just what that speciest hated the most.
  42. >In the crowd stands an orange mare. Her short golden mane waves in the wind, and she does her best to not let her blue silk dress ride up, parting her mane from her eyes, she looks around.
  43. >Walking to a sheeted table, she knocks over a cup and reaches down to pick it up. Under the sheet, Applebloom pops her head out. “All right, did ya set tha thing?”
  44. >”Applejack, I dun wanna do this.”
  45. >”Ya gotta AB, we can’t let Pinkie make tha biggest mistake of her life. Scoot yer boot Applebloom its almost time.”
  46. >”Hooo.”
  47. >She disappears under the table and Applejack gets back up, nobody noticed, so she walks away quickly still looking around. She slams into a black and white splotched stallion, and her detonator falls out from her dress.
  48. >”Ow!” Rubbing her forehead, she looks at who she hit. A stallion sits on the ground rubbing his face, he glances up at her, and the two lock eyes. He has bright blue eyes, and a defined snout. His broad shoulders are clearly visible under his suit, as well as a patch that says Clover Arms Security and his black mane is long and fine.
  49. >”Oh, I’m so sorry umm..let me help you up.”
  50. >He picks himself up, and offers his hoof to help her up.
  51. >”Thank ya.” The two of them up, Applejack plays with her mane, and looks him over. She had never seen such a stud before, and she honestly could feel her cheeks burning red. “Ah...ah gotta go.”
  53. >Applejack gets some distance between her and the stallion, and calms herself in a corner. Her heart is racing, and she even has the distinct feeling of butterflies in her stomach.
  54. >You take the center stage with Pinkie Pie, and try to get everyone’s attention.
  55. “Excuse me! Thank you all for coming, and I’d like to say..”
  56. >”Oh no ya don’t.”
  57. >Reaching into her dress, she fumbles around for the detonator but can’t find it. She panics and searches harder, but draws nothing.
  58. >She goes back and looks in the area where she fell, but sees nothing. Making a split second choice, she leaves the party.
  59. >At her home, she glares up at ceiling in her bed. Brooding over having not stopped you, her thoughts slowly turn to the stallion she had met.
  60. >Who was he? What was his name? Where does he live?
  61. >Her hatred of you slowly gets overshadowed by her longing for a stallion. After all, its not she lives solely for hating.
  62. >Applejack really changed after that party, she no longer followed you everywhere, and there were days that you didn’t see her at all.
  63. >The days she would show, she would lazily hold signs and always look off into the distance. As if lamenting about something, not that you minded, gave plenty of time for you and Pinkie to go out and enjoy yourselves.
  64. >One day, there is a knock at your door. Opening it up, you see Applejack on the other side.
  65. >”I can’t take it anymore; Anon…I need yer help.”
  66. >She sits on your couch while you bring her a cup of tea, sitting across from her, you sip and place it down.
  67. “So let me get this straight, you met a stallion at my party, that you WERENT invited to, don’t know who he is, and now you need my help to figure out who he was.”
  68. >”I aint proud of it, but I got nop0ny else tah turn to.”
  69. “If I do this, promise me you’ll never bother me again.”
  70. >”I swear.”
  72. >After getting a description from her, you realize she is talking about one of the security. You take her to their firm, and wait on them to return from another mission.
  73. >Sitting down, you look over at her new hairdo,
  74. “Short hair works on you.”
  75. >”Tsk.”
  76. “What do you got against me anyway? You have tons of friends of all races.”
  77. >”Aint got no problem with races or you, just dun approve of gettin together with different kinds.”
  78. “I see, I just thought you blindly hated on me.”
  79. >”Nah, yer all right, you and Pinkie, you go together well. I just don’t want you two be together.”
  80. >The door chimes open as the 4 stallions come walking in. Applejack and a stallion lock eyes and they instantly remember who the other was.
  81. >”Hi.”
  82. >”Hey.”
  83. >”I didn’t see you at the party after you left.”
  84. >”I had tah go listen, would ya wanna go out sometime?”
  85. >”Uhh..sure. I’m free this weekend”
  86. >”That’d be swell, I’m good fer that.”
  87. >The two carry on, and you pick yourself up,
  88. “Well, I’m taking off.”
  89. >Leaving the office, you take one last look back. With a little smile, you go continue on your way to home.
  91. >At a fancy little restaurant, Applejack and her stallion friend sit at a table and make small talk.
  92. >Applejack, wearing her mane short, and a nice little white dress, sits across from the stallion with his tuxedo.
  93. >”You’re an amazing mare, I’ve never met anyp0ny so successful but so young. Tsk, best I could do was being a rent a cop.”
  94. >”Ah I dun care about money, I like tah judge a pony on who they are.” She smiles; “So..this may be a little forward of me, but ya wanna take this meal back home?”
  95. >”…I live with my mother.”
  96. >”That’s fine. I live with my grandama. We could get a room?”
  97. >The stallion locks eyes with her and smiles.
  99. >In the hotel room, Applejack and the stallion lie in bed together. The sheets and their manes a mess, from the intense bucking AJ gave him.
  100. >Applejack stretches and cuddles with him. “Nop0ny has plowed my fields like that before.”
  101. >”Really? Cause I wasn’t even sure I was doing the plowing.”
  102. >”So why do ya live with yer ma? If ya don’t mind me askin.”
  103. >”Well, I kinda had to move here to take care of her.”
  104. >” What about yer pa?”
  105. >”He’s gone.”
  106. >”Sorry to hear that.”
  107. “Its all right, it was a long time ago, besides, I don’t know much about him, other than he was a zebra, and made a good living.”
  108. >”…whut?”
  109. >Somebody slams on your door in the middle of the night, when you open it Applejack stands before you.
  110. >”You set me up!”
  111. “What?”
  112. >”He was half zebra!”
  113. “..oh..HAHAHA. Enjoy your zigger baby.”
  114. >You then slam the door, and go back to bed. Applejack later gave birth to a healthy baby filly, and kept her zebra heritage a secret. She never did anything racist again.
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