
Copyright is Racism, SAY NO!

Jan 27th, 2012
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  1. Copyright is Racism, SAY NO!
  2. Forbidden knowledge to everyone since 1996
  3. ████▓▓▓▓╬╬▓█████╬╬╬╬╬╬███▓╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬╬█
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  25. Be polite, neat walk, learn to speak. Respect the police, vote on leaders and keep silent in church. Pay the taxes and then make a donation. We obey the laws of an invisible school in which we never ask to be enrolled. And what you get in return? In fact, the first lesson you have learned in life is that what the world asks of you, not what the world gives you.
  26. These rules exist because society has the basic function of protecting the interests of individuals that form it, or protect itself. This makes the whole society is by definition reactionary and all change poorly.
  27. Remember that in ancient times was considered a foreigner crime. During feudalism was considered a crime to be indebted. In the Middle Ages was a crime to disobey the Roman church. In the Cold War was a crime to be a communist in the U.S. and not in Communist Russia. In the sixteenth century was a crime to be homosexual (in some places still is. MashaAllah!). And there are less than 200 years to free slaves was a crime too!
  28. This last example is important. If you have an ancestor who fought for freedom in the abolitionist movement he was for many years considered an outlaw. And recently in the U.S. several websites dedicated to sharing information were closed! Why? Because today is a crime to share knowledge for free.
  29. Brief chronology of abuse
  31. Napster - Tried and forced off the air in 2000.
  32. TorrentSpy - closed and fined $ 110,000 in 2003.
  33. ShareReactor - thanks for the Swiss police to close in 2004.
  34. Jammie Thomas - citizen and Americans fined $ 222,000 for downloading 24 songs on the Internet in 2007.
  35. TorrentSpy - closed and fined 110 million by the U.S. government in 2008.
  36. BtChina - closed by the Chinese government along with over 530 other sites in 2009.
  37. PirateBay - closed in 2010 by the Swedish justice.
  38. Wikileaks.org - taken down in 2011 and arrested its editor in chief.
  40. In 2012 there was an acceleration in the process:
  41. Megaupload - Closed and the owners and employees were arrested.
  42. FileServe - Closing and no longer sells premium accounts.
  43. UploadStation - Locked in the U.S..
  44. FileSonic - is currently under FBI investigation.
  45. FilePost - erasing any material, except executables,. And PDFs. Txts).
  46. Videoz - closed and locked the countries affiliated to the United States.
  47. 4shared - excluding files with copyright and waits in line at the FBI.
  48. MediaFire - summoned to testify in the next 90 days and will open its doors to the FBI.
  49. Rapidshare - only with premium term and tied to its tax liability to upload files greater than 100 Mb (or whoever splinter with the FBI's you).
  50. Uploaded - outlawed in the U.S. and the FBI went after the owners, who had vanished.
  51. MediaFire - Called to testify in the next 90 days and will open the doors to the FBI.
  53. The situation is global. The European Union has already delivered the names of all hosters euro zone for the FBI to go after those responsible. China has its own dimensions of cultural censorship and control. The Brazilian government, as always, do not have an official position on the matter.
  55. And why is this of interest?
  56. As much as society has the basic function of protecting the interests of individuals who are, in practice the result is another. In practice the condition of the individual is placed in the background in relation to maintaining the status quo, that is, keeping people in the exact situation they face. To say that means just keeping the rich richer and the poor get poorer is a gross oversimplification and ignorant. This means keeping people docile and eternally satisfied with business as usual. This means leaving the culture and creativity in the hands of those who can afford it.
  58. We are Anonymous.
  59. We are legion.
  60. We are everyone.
  61. We are everywhere.
  62. We are you.
  63. We do not forgive.
  64. We do not forget.
  65. Expect us.
  67. Source: Morte Súbita.INC
  68. The brothers in Brazil http://anonopsbrazil.blogspot.com/
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