

Aug 22nd, 2012
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  1. Daedolon> posty is blowing my head up
  2. [15:02] 18<MoonStalkeR> Corpus made it clear that he doesn't rape women
  3. [15:14] 18<Corpus_C> i made it clear that the thought has never entered my mind to do that
  4. [15:14] 21<Corpus_C>21 Boilerplate, you really are going full retard on this
  5. [15:15] 18<Corpus_C> force == make someone do something or endure something against their will
  6. [15:15] 18<Corpus_C> and it happens all the time outside of sexual circumstances
  7. [15:16] 23* 23ny00123 has quit (23Signed off23)
  8. [15:16] 18<Corpus_C> you need to learn how to seperate out the different elements and not get everything all confused together
  9. [15:17] 21<Corpus_C>21 Boilerplate, but since you are admitting that you are "one of those" types of feminists..... the sexist, man-hating ones.... i guess there's no point in talking to you
  10. [15:17] 18<Corpus_C> men are evil and should have there inherent drives curbed by cutting of their nutsacks
  11. [15:18] 21<Corpus_C>21 <Boilerplate> Corpus, people like you are the reason why women DO think of all men as rapists. "It's only NATURAL I don't listen to women and rape them! YOu know testosterone and all that bullshit that's been proven away by MODERN medical science!"
  12. [15:18] 18<Corpus_C> that whole statement is just full of so much fail and stupidity
  13. [15:18] 18<Corpus_C> several times you say the exact opposite things about me that i've said
  14. [15:18] 18<Corpus_C> and science proves testosterone has the same effect on women that it does in men
  15. [15:19] 19* 19ny00123 ( has joined #thepostmortem
  16. [15:19] 18<Corpus_C> problem is, you don't have much, therefore you have no empathy for men
  17. [15:19] 18<Corpus_C> and NONE of this has to do with rape
  18. [15:19] 18<Corpus_C> and stop being a damn hypocrite and quit supporting Blood
  19. [15:22] 18<Corpus_C> your man-hating heroes would be very disappointed in you for supporting a game that features people sodomizing each other to death
  20. [15:22] 18<Corpus_C> or maybe not, since its man on man violence
  21. [15:22] 31<Boilerplate>30 There is no evidence that Blood supports rape, Your now just using the Tu Quque fallacy (since Sodomy is a flexable subjective term). Also, I never said I was a man hating feminist.
  22. [15:22] 18<Corpus_C> and they don't care about humanity as a whole.... just women
  23. [15:22] 18<Corpus_C> women are not supreme beings just cuz they have MUCH lesser sex drives than men
  24. [15:23] 18<Corpus_C> it says ANAL MADNESS
  25. [15:23] 18<Corpus_C> that makes it VERY clear
  26. [15:23] 18<Corpus_C> the text for killing somebody says GAVE THEM ANAL MADNESS combined with "SODOMIZED" from the vocal announcer
  27. [15:23] 18<Corpus_C> you wouldn't fucking be here if it wasn't for sex
  28. [15:24] 18<Corpus_C> everything you are saying, is saying that you are a man-hating feminist
  29. [15:24] 18<Corpus_C> if you hate a mans sexuality you hate a man
  30. [15:25] 18<Corpus_C> you CANNOT seperate it, without mutilating his man parts
  31. [15:26] 18<Corpus_C> and..... don't forget this part
  32. [15:26] 18<Corpus_C> a mans sexuality HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RAPE in a normal man
  33. [15:26] 18<Corpus_C> thats a psychopath
  34. [15:28] 18<Corpus_C> you will NEVER EVER be happy in a heresexual relationship with this kinda of thinking. unless you find the rare man that is asexual, or has woman levels of testosterone. thats bloody unlikely has hell
  35. [15:29] 18<Corpus_C> you will have to come to terms with a mans sexuality in order to achieve a mutually beneficial relationship with one
  36. [15:32] 18<Corpus_C> *heterosexual
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