
Trash to Treasure

Jun 27th, 2015
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  1. 22:33 Salesman was fixing his tie in a small mirror on the counter. "What do you think of this new look Greg, I think the Vest works"
  2. 22:34 *** Bud is now known as HoboJohn
  3. 22:36 Salesman "Don't say anything bout the hat, I'm keeping it
  4. 22:36 Salesman "
  5. 22:37 Greg_ looks. "Good clothes. Very good. Uh huh." Greg didn't pay much attention to it. He kept trying to adjust his hands around a chunk out of a wooden plank as if he was molding it. He's trying to change it. "How long did it take you to learn Alchemy, Sales?"
  6. 22:38 Salesman "Few years, didn't make me first Golem till I was out of high school"
  7. 22:40 Greg_ "So it took you a while... How long do you think it will take me?" Greg looks over again at Sales adjusting himself.
  8. 22:44 Salesman "Well, that depends, I had stuff like normal school, jobs, being a kid to distract me. Magic may be a family tradition, but there was no set time to learn it. You don't have that either, but I will tell you now, forcing it won't help. I've read that learning the original version of Alchemy helps with the magic variation. But.."
  9. 22:48 Salesman "Original Alchemy, is just chemistry, and i doubt either of us have the time, money or patience to teach/learn that'
  10. 22:48 *** MGFY joined #covenger_rp
  11. 22:49 *** McGoFuckYourself quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by MGFY)))
  12. 22:49 *** MGFY is now known as McGoFuckYourself
  13. 22:49 Greg_ looks at the wood. He starts sliding it off the desk and back into his hands as if he was playing with it. "I know my Chemistry. I've been living off metals my entire life... Tungsten, Zinc, Silver, Aluminium, Sodium... all of that and other things."
  14. 22:50 Greg_ "... I might not know about the other chemistry workings, though. I get confused reading about it." Greg adds.
  15. 22:51 Salesman "neither do I greg"
  16. 22:55 Greg_ creates a metal orb. The metallic ball raps around the wood. Greg thinks if he does this, it will probably work. "Maybe if this is done like this, I could change the hoo-dicky about it or something. Make it different." Greg asks.
  17. 22:56 Salesman "I'll sure you get Alchemy one of these days Greg." Sales slaps gregs back, hurting his hand "..ow'
  18. 23:00 Greg_ concentrates to the point where there's strain on his face. "Maybe." He responds. "Anything we should be doing around the shop?" Greg asks still trying to turn the wood into something else.
  19. 23:03 Salesman "no, not really. its been slow for the past few days'
  20. 23:06 Greg_ "How's the rent? Is that demon man around anymore? I've sworn to've seen him maybe a week ago..." Greg notices some change in the wood. There's a small, black chunk, some type of rocky material. It's coal. "I DID IT!" Greg shouts in pride. "Sales, I did it, look!" He starts pointing at the wooden chunk.
  21. 23:07 Salesman "Fantastic Greg, see, told you you'll get it."
  22. 23:13 *** HoboJohn is now known as Bud
  23. 23:13 Greg_ concentrates on the wood more. Determined. "I just thought of coal, and it changed it, did I do it right?" Greg seems a bit overhyped about it. "What other things can I get out of wood? Diamond? Gold?" Greg's overthinking it.
  24. 23:18 Salesman Alright, lets calm down, you can't just jump from on to another so fast, finish making the wood to coal"
  25. 23:22 Greg_ tries to, but his joy can't be contained. Greg was always told stories by his father about wizards and their potential. "Is there other forms of magic I could learn from this? Maybe like that Golem Summoning magic you use?"
  26. 23:25 Salesman "whoa, Golem Summoning, did you not hear me earlier? Golems are a entirely different league of Alchemy
  27. 23:25 Salesman "
  28. 23:29 Greg_ "I heard you, but what if you used alchemy to make big metal Golems, or even Crystal ones?" Greg's imagination is spreading at the very idea of magic. He didn't have much faith in those with Magical Abilities, due to his bleak understanding of things, but now that he seems to be able to pull off something he's on levels upon levels of interest.
  29. 23:31 Salesman "I don't know all about that, the big guy behind the store is really the largest I've made, and he can probably be taken down with a well placed leg shot. come tumbling down"
  30. 23:42 Greg_ "Maybe..." The charred, black material starts to form around the wood more. Greg is undoubtedly excited, but he feels if that he starts to get giddy, the change in the wood to coal would stop, even if the coal wasn't being made as fast as you'd expect it to be.
  31. 23:44 *** Eri joined #covenger_rp
  32. 23:57 Salesman "but don't let that get you down Grego, You'll get alchemy, you'll get golems"
  33. 00:02 *** Isidora joined #covenger_rp
  34. 00:03 Salesman "man, slow day huh?"
  35. 00:06 *** Eri is now known as Fawn
  36. 00:06 Greg_ "Yes. Slow. Veeeery... Slow... Uh huh." Greg is looking at the wood continuously change into coal. "Do you think there will be any customers?"
  37. 00:07 *** Bud is now known as Drathagan
  38. 00:08 McGoFuckYourself There's a ding as the door opens, and a lovely young lady walks into the store. She's looking rather bored, boots thudding on the floor as she strolls through the shop, hands in her jacket pockets. Roxanne yawns, shark teeth visible for half a second as the dim lighting shines off of her metal skin.
  39. 00:09 Salesman "Oh, afternoon miss! how can we do far you, got something to pawn, or looking into magic?"
  40. 00:09 Salesman [for*]
  41. 00:09 McGoFuckYourself "Uhhhhh." Oh shit people are talking to her. "Dunno. Just browsing, I guess. Can't say I've been here before. What kinda stuff you got?"
  42. 00:10 Fawn enters the scene, antlers colliding with the doorframe multiple times before allowing her entrance. She appears unfazed.
  43. 00:10 Salesman "Minor magical items, runes, wands, Small Golems, oh, hello to you as well!"
  44. 00:11 McGoFuckYourself "Oh, neat. I guess." Yawns again, holding a clawed hand up to cover her mouth. Slow as hell day. She keeps walking the store, taking note of that other lady what walked in. "So, you guys do fortune telling, too?"
  45. 00:12 Greg_ looks up at Roxanne. The thing he notices first is her skin. "O, slava mne..." Greg mumbles. He stares for a while awkwardly putting the half coal half wood chunk on the desk. He leans forward with both arms balancing him on the desk.
  46. 00:15 Dragomir walks into the store looking a bit unimpressed, he scans the everything within sight, displeased.
  47. 00:15 Salesman "nope, sorry." Sales looks at greg then Roxanne again, small smile. "You run the Counter Greg" He then walks around, making things are in place, priced correctly and such
  48. 00:16 Fawn browses the shelves, leaning back so her antlers touch nothing. Her hair is matted with bramble and dead gray leaves.
  49. 00:16 Salesman "See anything you like, I'm guessing by the antlers you're already magic in nature, literally"
  50. 00:18 Fawn turns to the young man. "The nature of magic is to be the magic in nature, youngling."
  51. 00:19 Dragomir picks up am advanced looking book on a shelf and runs through it quickly, the pages moving on their own as the book it self floated in front of him, his eyes picking up every word. He drops it solemnly, "I had not known they allowed infants to begin majick arts."
  52. 00:20 Greg_ focuses his attention on Dragomir. "Is that why you're here?" He asks. "Shouldn't you have someone to mind you?" Greg is actually concerned with the blue child in the shop by himself.
  53. 00:21 Salesman "Hm? Oh, getting a lot of magic kind here, but Greg has a point young one, you have a parent near here?"
  54. 00:22 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne raises an eyebrow, looking over a shelf at the two bickering. Five minutes in the store and already it looks like fight was gonna break out. Hell, at least it wasn't her fault, this time. And the last time she tried calling a kid out for being homeless, she got bitched at by her boss for it.
  55. 00:23 Dragomir "I mind myself. I need not anyone else. This is very ok establishment..."
  56. 00:23 Salesman "Why thank you, but do you have a number or anything?"
  57. 00:24 Greg_ "Why do you mind yourself? Are you lost?" Peaks over the desk to see what book he has.
  58. 00:25 Salesman lets Greg deal with it. "So anything you're really looking for miss?" he turns back to Fawn
  59. 00:26 Dragomir involuntarily cools the air around him, "Have you not the senses to hear my words? I am independent!"
  60. 00:26 *** Isidora is now known as BankFairy
  61. 00:27 Greg_ "That's a very, very hard book, little one. Are you buying it for someone you know?" Greg doesn't entirely notice the overall temperature around the child changing. "Maybe pick out a simpler one."
  62. 00:29 Fawn shakes a jar of eyeballs before setting it down again. "Looking. Waiting. Watching. My presence is for the purposes of study. Do you have any blank tomes or forgotten grimoires?"
  63. 00:30 Dragomir scowls, "I was only curious as to the other mages in area. Coin mage gave me list. 'Shopkeep Guy'........that was all he had on the list..."
  64. 00:31 BankFairy didn't make much of a noise as she came in, simply a yawn and look around with her droopy, half awake eyes. One of her pointed ears twitching, she started looking around. Salesman was likely the only one who could have recognized her, one of the few competitors in the business of selling magical things in this city
  65. 00:31 Salesman "I think we have a few tomes, nothing ancient or mind destroying, simple stuff"
  66. 00:31 Salesman "You can't sell apocalyptic items in a simple store"
  67. 00:32 McGoFuckYourself "Question. If they're being sold here, wouldn't that make them, uh. Not forgotten?"
  68. 00:32 Greg_ "Coin Mage...? Coin Mage... Coin... Oh, you're talking about funny man who throws coins around? Wells, yes? What's on the list?" Greg changes his body to fully face the child. "Do you do magic, little one? Look what I've been doing." He shows Dragomir the wooden chunk with half of it being coal. "Pretty amazing, huh?" He says proudly.
  69. 00:33 Salesman "I...remind me to change the sign above it"
  70. 00:33 Dragomir reaches for the counter, just an inch higher than him and lays a piece of paper in front of the clerk, "Cute. I request you tell me of all wizards, warlocks, and any of magical kin in the area."
  71. 00:33 Dragomir grips his staff, "I am on business of urgency."
  72. 00:35 BankFairy seemed to be looking inquisitively through books, her care with them almost worryingly sloppy. No damage was ever done in her care but it always looked like she was one slip away from breaking something on accident from her tired way of movement.
  73. 00:36 Greg_ "Oh?" Greg takes the piece of paper and looks at it for a while. "Well, the owner of the shop there is what I'd call... a Wizard, His name is Salesman, and... He does a bunch of things. The others? There's that... Deer looking one over there, she seems to have an interest... There's... her..." Greg looks over at Roxanne again. "S-She might know something."
  74. 00:37 Salesman "Hm, oh checking out the competition? Sales walks to Bank Fairy, places a hand on her shoulder, "But seriously, how have things been?"
  75. 00:37 Greg_ "But I'm afraid that I'm not aware of any other wizards or warhaveits. Maybe ask Salesman." He gives the list back to Dragomir.
  76. 00:38 Dragomir walks to the tall merchant as the list burns into black. "Your services are most welcome."
  77. 00:39 Fawn "Oh." Fawn said before pausing. The metal woman had a point. After a fleeting moment of confusion, she flashed that same jagged smile and turned back to the shelf. "Is there anything here on the art of... 'self-help'? Another of you humans said I would benefit from one."
  78. 00:40 BankFairy didn't even seem to be at all paying attention, her long ears drooping just as low as her eyelids. Only a moment after he put a hand on her shoulder did he bother reacting. "Meh, not really. Just been around town, remembered this was a thing. Easy to forget sometimes.... " Was she serious? "I've been keeping storage as usual"
  79. 00:40 BankFairy 'Might pick some stuff up. You got like, snacks around here or somethin?"
  80. 00:43 *** MGFY joined #covenger_rp
  81. 00:44 *** McGoFuckYourself quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by MGFY)))
  82. 00:44 *** MGFY is now known as McGoFuckYourself
  83. 00:45 McGoFuckYourself (I miss anything after that angel line?)
  84. 00:45 Salesman "few different candies, oh, one sec." The problem with being a store owner, everyone needs to talk. "No, dont think so, check the local library." He looks down at the blue boy. "You know, looking at you, hmm, you related to Mi-Isidora?"
  85. 00:47 BankFairy blinked. "Didn't say whats in the candies though. I- I don't come to a place like this for normal stuff, yeh?" Her eyes drifted over to Drago as the two talked, smiling while she tilted my head. "Hehehe- Knew it. One pops up, they all are gonna"
  86. 00:48 Dragomir tugged the store owner's shirt, "You."
  87. 00:48 Dragomir "I request your attention."
  88. 00:49 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne nods, walking along the aisles. She starts humming the theme song to Smurfs as she goes.
  89. 00:49 Salesman "you have it, what do you need?"
  90. 00:49 *** BankFairy quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  91. 00:50 *** BankFairy joined #covenger_rp
  92. 00:52 BankFairy mumbles something about him holding out on her as she goes in search of the candy, not thinking to give what would probably be a massive helping hand in the boy's search as she really didn't pay attention
  93. 00:53 Dragomir "I haven't a clue who you are referring to. But my concern is something." He summons the paper back into his hand. "How many mages live in this city. You seem to be the one aware of this sort of thing. This is of urgency."
  94. 00:53 *** Breakdown joined #covenger_rp
  95. 00:58 Salesman "oh, well, I wouldn't call myself a mage, I'm a Alchemist, My ,uhhg, brother is, fluent in the dark arts, apparently he is in the city, thankfully he hasn't found my store, Hmm Greg is learning alchemy, I think the women with the antlers is magic, she talks riddles so she has to be. not sure of who else, magic is a recently uprising art, few are true masters.
  96. 00:58 Salesman I'm not even a full master Alchemist, you don't see me making lightning golems."
  97. 00:58 Fawn goes on to browse through whatever reagents the store has, almost knocking scraping the roof with her antlers.
  98. 00:59 BankFairy has found the candy, chuckling underneath her breath as her long ears twitch and eyes glow for a moment.
  99. 00:59 McGoFuckYourself "I ain't magic though. Just a genetic fuckup. And a window shopper."
  100. 01:00 Breakdown , taking a brief break from his usual patrol of the city, pulled into the lot of Salesman's shop on his motorcycle. It was always interesting to see the kinds of things Sales had come up with. Maybe there was something he could use in a side project here or there... That and he could use a snack. Strutting his way inside, he began to scope things out
  101. 01:01 Dragomir looks around disappointed. "Few indeed..." He leaves the clerk in the middle of their conversation to Fawn, who he felt might be more helpful.
  102. 01:01 BankFairy peeked her head back over. "Whatchatalkinabout- Doesn't matter, how much for the candy. The storage got a lot of shit, but candy runs out quick..."
  103. 01:02 Fawn suddenly whiffs the scent of youngblood as the blue child waltzes over to her.
  104. 01:04 *** MGFY joined #covenger_rp
  105. 01:04 *** McGoFuckYourself quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by MGFY)))
  106. 01:04 Greg_ "I can say without a doubt that you and I have a lot in common." He responds to Roxanne. "Except the Window Shopping. I only browse Catalogs if I want something." Greg takes notice of Breakdown's presence. "Lot a people coming in here..." Greg whispers to himself.
  107. 01:05 *** MGFY is now known as McGoFuckYourself
  108. 01:05 Dragomir scans the strange lady. "I sense you are no......greehorn in the arts. You smell like a tree of many decades....maybe much more."
  109. 01:05 Salesman "Breakdown, good to see you, been awhile"
  110. 01:07 Fawn bends down to Dragomir. "Scents evoke memories. I am made of enough primordial memories to bring your race back to the age before flame." She takes a moment to sniff herself, before grimacing. "It... is not pleasant. Of which arts do you speak?"
  111. 01:07 *** F021 joined #covenger_rp
  112. 01:08 Breakdown turned to Salesman with a smile and a nod. "Sure has, Sales. Finally got myself a moment today and thought I'd swing by. How's business?" He asked, drawing up his red-tinted goggles
  113. 01:08 BankFairy prods Sales' face without much care with a single finger. "Candy. How much"
  114. 01:08 *** F021 is now known as Tectonic
  115. 01:08 McGoFuckYourself She raises an eyebrow. "Really. So outside of the whole skin thing, whaddya think we have in common?"
  116. 01:08 Salesman "As you can see, good"
  117. 01:09 BankFairy is shoving her finger in his cheek lazily
  118. 01:10 BankFairy "I'm not gonna stop you know"
  119. 01:10 Tectonic walks in, attracted by the weird sign on the top. She got her week off from both work and training, and today seems to be a good time to explore Neon City. So why not?
  120. 01:10 Breakdown squints slightly, looking at the person poking Salesman in the cheek. "T-Tania?" he asked
  121. 01:10 Salesman blushes slightly. "What is it you need Tani?"
  122. 01:10 Dragomir blushes a bit, in a strange sense of respect, still trying to maintain a stern face in front of the possibly oldest person in the room. "I-I. D-Do you know of a mighty wizard who vanquished my kind to the depths of the planet? Y-You seem er, k-knowledgeable. I am on the quest to look for him."
  123. 01:11 BankFairy "How much. For the candy"
  124. 01:10 Tectonic walks in, attracted by the weird sign on the top. She got her week off from both work and training, and today seems to be a good time to explore Neon City. So why not?
  125. 01:10 Breakdown squints slightly, looking at the person poking Salesman in the cheek. "T-Tania?" he asked
  126. 01:10 Salesman blushes slightly. "What is it you need Tani?"
  127. 01:10 Dragomir blushes a bit, in a strange sense of respect, still trying to maintain a stern face in front of the possibly oldest person in the room. "I-I. D-Do you know of a mighty wizard who vanquished my kind to the depths of the planet? Y-You seem er, k-knowledgeable. I am on the quest to look for him."
  128. 01:11 BankFairy "How much. For the candy"
  129. 01:11 Greg_ "That I have mentioned, and the fact that you like to cut to the chase, as they would say. I like that in a person." Greg smirks with great joy. "You don't come around here often, though, do you?"
  130. 01:11 BankFairy then pauses as her name was called.
  131. 01:11 *** MGFY joined #covenger_rp
  132. 01:11 BankFairy "Oh.... Oh hey. Shit. Weird place to meet again, huh?"
  133. 01:12 Breakdown Hah, tell me about it. So how've you been?
  134. 01:12 *** McGoFuckYourself quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  135. 01:12 *** MGFY is now known as McGoFuckYourself
  136. 01:13 Tectonic "oh. metal man, some weird dudes, an elf, some other weird people... this is how I'd imagine Neon City's people." she mutters to herself.
  137. 01:15 Fawn stands to her full height, rather tall that it is, and sighs. "I have known and owned many a whimsical wizardling looking to make themselves a pet or a familiar. None quite so powerful as to banish a race, but I always was partial to overconfidence." She winks at the child before tapping her chin. "One moment. When you say your 'kind', what is it you mean? You smell different."
  138. 01:15 BankFairy stood herself up, putting the bag of magical candies under her arm. "Slept a little more. Kept the storage the same. Really its kinda monotonous, yeah? Guessing you've had more excitin' things happen"
  139. 01:19 McGoFuckYourself "...." Hoo boy. "No. Not really. Day off, so I figured I'd wander about, see where I ended. Big city and all."
  140. 01:19 Breakdown " Even the exciting Vigilante life can get routine to a degree. Had some business out of town some time ago that I'd rather not discuss in public, but other than that it's been business as usual. Good to hear you've been sleeping better, though. I remember that being an issue."
  141. 01:20 Dragomir removes his hat and shows off his white hair, "I am unsure of my race at the moment. The smell might be very much gone. Plus am a halfbreed. It was the Alas. Mischievous race that the old witch summoned to ruin the lives of mortals. Average bed time story. деда smite them all, and raised me himself. But he is gone now, and I will find him."
  142. 01:21 Dragomir puts on his hat, and the smile he had in mention of деда faded. "I would go in detail, truly the story was of the greatest, but I am busy."
  143. 01:22 Greg_ "Ahh. Understandable. This place only got attention now. And a lot of it. I was quite surprised at first, nice to see kind faces, though." Greg adds. "My name is Greg, Greg Claskovic. Yours?"
  144. 01:23 BankFairy "Yeah, hmmmm... You still do that shoulder massage thing yeah? I remember that the best from that day. Shits /fine/..."
  145. 01:23 BankFairy offhandedly grabs Sales by the neck of his shirt, lifting him up with a strength unnatural in a short, lithe and weak looking girl. "Salesboy, candy, if you dont give me a price I'll just steal it or something"
  146. 01:24 Salesman "Well, what did you take, candy has different prices, the tax, I need to do some calculating"
  147. 01:24 BankFairy "I mean like... A lot. Of everything"
  148. 01:24 Tectonic is still wandering across the store, seemingly uninterested in the chats that has been going on before she came in. Maybe it's because of her earphones plugged in and playing some hardcore music, or maybe she just don't care at all.
  149. 01:25 McGoFuckYourself "Roxanne. Roxanne Daniels."
  150. 01:25 Fawn eyes the boy hungrily. "Mmmm. Ala. Of the weather calamities. You are still around?" She took a moment to sit on the floor, hooved feet showing through the bottom of her long, dragging skirt. "Fascinating, how much has survived since the Great Hunt. This realm has become like a boiling pot."
  151. 01:25 Salesman "Riiight, put me down and I'll charge it"
  152. 01:25 McGoFuckYourself "Yeah. You could say that again, sister."
  153. 01:26 BankFairy drops Sales down, yawning under her breath and rubbing one of her eyes
  154. 01:27 Salesman goes to the counter, let me see the bag please"
  155. 01:27 BankFairy puts over the bag, filled with what the fairy had just lazily thrown a bit of everything into
  156. 01:27 Breakdown chuckles a bit and tugs at his collar at the Tania's impressive show of strength. Just then a mental note was jotted down to not get on her bad side. With a clearing of his throat he replied "Yeah, I'd be happy to do that for ya."
  157. 01:28 Dragomir "As far as I am concerned, I am all that remains. The rest sleep. And they best stay asleep. They are nothing but calamities indeed. But they are irrelevant. деда is the only subject. Have you any knowledge of god-like wizards in the area?"
  158. 01:29 Greg_ "That's a nice name, has a ring to it. So, how'd you come to be metal?" Greg asks. "Or were your born like you are now?"
  159. 01:22 Greg_ "Ahh. Understandable. This place only got attention now. And a lot of it. I was quite surprised at first, nice to see kind faces, though." Greg adds. "My name is Greg, Greg Claskovic. Yours?"
  160. 01:23 BankFairy "Yeah, hmmmm... You still do that shoulder massage thing yeah? I remember that the best from that day. Shits /fine/..."
  161. 01:23 BankFairy offhandedly grabs Sales by the neck of his shirt, lifting him up with a strength unnatural in a short, lithe and weak looking girl. "Salesboy, candy, if you dont give me a price I'll just steal it or something"
  162. 01:24 Salesman "Well, what did you take, candy has different prices, the tax, I need to do some calculating"
  163. 01:24 BankFairy "I mean like... A lot. Of everything"
  164. 01:24 Tectonic is still wandering across the store, seemingly uninterested in the chats that has been going on before she came in. Maybe it's because of her earphones plugged in and playing some hardcore music, or maybe she just don't care at all.
  165. 01:25 McGoFuckYourself "Roxanne. Roxanne Daniels."
  166. 01:25 Fawn eyes the boy hungrily. "Mmmm. Ala. Of the weather calamities. You are still around?" She took a moment to sit on the floor, hooved feet showing through the bottom of her long, dragging skirt. "Fascinating, how much has survived since the Great Hunt. This realm has become like a boiling pot."
  167. 01:25 Salesman "Riiight, put me down and I'll charge it"
  168. 01:25 McGoFuckYourself "Yeah. You could say that again, sister."
  169. 01:26 BankFairy drops Sales down, yawning under her breath and rubbing one of her eyes
  170. 01:27 Salesman goes to the counter, let me see the bag please"
  171. 01:27 BankFairy puts over the bag, filled with what the fairy had just lazily thrown a bit of everything into
  172. 01:27 Breakdown chuckles a bit and tugs at his collar at the Tania's impressive show of strength. Just then a mental note was jotted down to not get on her bad side. With a clearing of his throat he replied "Yeah, I'd be happy to do that for ya."
  173. 01:28 Dragomir "As far as I am concerned, I am all that remains. The rest sleep. And they best stay asleep. They are nothing but calamities indeed. But they are irrelevant. деда is the only subject. Have you any knowledge of god-like wizards in the area?"
  174. 01:29 Greg_ "That's a nice name, has a ring to it. So, how'd you come to be metal?" Greg asks. "Or were your born like you are now?"
  175. 01:29 BankFairy still didn't hear Drago, must have been something in her big ears. Oh well, can't help can she~? The fairy put on a smile. "Well- Good. Great. You know where my place is right? You should like, do that sometime" Once more she kept her dirty jokes in her head.
  176. 01:31 McGoFuckYourself She keeps walking around, peering at the knick-knacks and odd stuffs in the store. "Like I said. Genetic fuckup. Born this way."
  177. 01:35 Greg_ "Well, I wouldn't refer to it as that." Greg adds. "Most people would just look at it like that. But when I came here, People didn't mind it. I could imagine that you weren't born anywhere near here, right?"
  178. 01:36 Fawn licks at her lips before shaking her head. "Ah. No. I am familiar with only the trappings of this place. The confinements of the physical limit both my freedom and my knowledge." For a moment, she sniffs at the air, but it passes and her hungry gaze returns to the boy infront of her. "My only advice to you is that of my hunt-warden's wisdom. 'Follow the scents, and follow the trail they burn.' The abusers of the aether
  179. 01:38 Breakdown "Yeah, I can find the Bank alright. How's your Saturday?" He asked with a smile after briefly considering his schedule for a moment. Being a rogue meta made for a rather flexible schedule. Still, he relished this opportunity before him, even if they had only met for fifteen minutes or so months ago.
  180. 01:39 BankFairy "I don't do anything, so, yeah works. Just me and a bunch of old artifacts and books and whoever wants to take or deposit any given point of the day"
  181. 01:40 Salesman finishes the bagging. "Wow, this is A Lot of candy, $34.56"
  182. 01:40 Dragomir um, processes that to the best of his ability, "Y-Yes. I....understand." He feels he shouldn't continue this interview. "I thank you for the wisdom..." He slowly walks away, pulling his hat further down his face in fear. But who else was there to address on this matter. The rest of the people here didn't seem too, magically inclined.
  183. 01:41 BankFairy "Really don't think many people care for that stuff, just a few wizards, witches, maybe some rogue demons..."
  184. 01:41 *** MGFY joined #covenger_rp
  185. 01:41 BankFairy "Really only stay here because its ancestral crap. If I could I'd move it out somewhere nicer n' all yeah?"
  186. 01:41 *** McGoFuckYourself quit (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by MGFY)))
  187. 01:41 *** MGFY is now known as McGoFuckYourself
  188. 01:42 Fawn sniffs deep, standing up to her full height again. She coos to Dragomir as he retreats. "Haaa. Run along now, little calamity. Speak to those who meet your eye but catch not its gaze. Secrets in plain sight often follow the inquisitive."
  189. 01:43 Dragomir catches word of wizard terminology, which meant the person who said them, must be a wizard. деда taught him well. He approached the rather plain looking elven looking lady with a curious eye. "You don't seem like a wizard..." he says to the Bankfairy without warning.
  190. 01:43 Breakdown I can see where you're coming from. I struck out on my own for quite some time, but still... family obligations brought be right back to Neon. Heh... Got yourself a bit of a sweet tooth eh? Good to know.
  191. 01:44 McGoFuckYourself "Neon General Hospital. Halfway across the city, but I wouldn't call that 'nowhere near here'. And let me tell you, high school kids are a hell of a lot more judgmental than most folks."
  192. 01:45 BankFairy "Hey, sweet crap helps get me through the day. Not like its gonna get to my body so I'm fine" Was she bragging or was she just too tired to bother lying? Then one of her ears twitched as Drago looked at her, tilting her head again
  193. 01:46 Greg_ "I couldn't imagine a place like this being very judging of such a person. It must've been very hard for you." Greg plays with the wooden chunk again. "Although I'll admit, other than my arrival here, a lot of people haven't accepted me either."
  194. 01:46 BankFairy "Fairy, actually. And a witch I guess. Same business... Why you going around in that? You want to get picked out for being Aloviti or somethin'? Its working" She talked casually and with a yawn, but the knowledge behind it was certainly anything but casual or common.
  195. 01:50 Dragomir held his staff in a defensive position, "She knows! B-But how!?" The blue skinned, white haired, yellow eyed boy with a faint chilling presence who had just told a shirt story of his upbringing and race, hadn't a clue how the women knew he was an Ala. "What do you know of деда!?" he said with threatening suspicion.
  196. 01:50 Breakdown Gesundheit.
  197. 01:52 BankFairy scratched her head. "I mean, like... I run a place in the city, magic storage, even the greatest thief couldn't steal from there. Hold a lot of old shit... No idea who this деда is as you call it, buuuuut... Way your dressed is a bit familiar"
  198. 01:54 BankFairy "Since you one of them blue-spawn, and you ain't locked up, either you just got out like the other two or the guy kept you around"
  199. 01:54 Dragomir "Other two!?"
  200. 01:54 Dragomir "Guy?"
  201. 01:54 Dragomir "Other two!?!?"
  202. 01:54 Salesman [^ how does she know of Cveta?]
  203. 01:55 BankFairy (scrying)
  204. 01:55 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne pauses, looking over at Papa Smurf and the Fairy. Dude's sounding heated. "Shit sucked." More off-handedly now.
  205. 01:56 BankFairy (keeps a watch on happenings)
  206. 01:56 Tectonic [oh my.]
  207. 01:56 Salesman [but, the only people who know is trance and Dora, and Dora and her fought out in the middle of the ocean]
  208. 01:57 BankFairy "Listen, I don't know much... but I know you ain't the only blue one around. And after doing some looking there might maybe be another, can't say, the visions were blurry. Always knew that they'd pop up in groups"
  209. 01:57 Fawn [There are silent eyes in the world of magic]
  210. 01:57 Breakdown draws his goggles back down over his eyes at the sight of this guy getting increasingly more erratic. He'd rather this didn't escalate, though if it did, he was going to be ready for it
  212. 01:58 BankFairy "And the guy... off the top of my head, blanking, but I could show you some old ass scrolls if that helps"
  213. 02:00 Greg_ looks over. He doesn't want people getting violent in the shop. He gets up. "What's going on here? Why are you shouting?" Greg looks down at the small blue kid holding a stick up looking as if he just seen a ghost. "Little man, please put the stick down... I'll give you something nice, for free!" Greg's horrible at negotiations.
  214. 02:00 Salesman "No we wont"
  215. 02:01 Greg_ "Just go with it, I'll give him that wooden block.."
  216. 02:01 BankFairy "Its a kid... the hell you guys riled up about?"
  217. 02:01 Dragomir gets a bit nervous, the air around him begins to get mistier, something he probably inherited from Wells, just by association. "T-They are back? But деда. Where is he?"
  218. 02:02 Breakdown In this city, you can never be sure.
  219. 02:02 BankFairy "No clue. If we're thinking of the same person, all I got is scrolls from whenever he was still around"
  220. 02:02 BankFairy "Few centuries, maybe. Could have some clues but dunno.."
  221. 02:02 Salesman "Tania, mind paying?"
  222. 02:03 BankFairy blinked, then remembered she was buying something. "Oh, right, yeah, that stuff. Was hoping you'd forget and I'd get it free" The fairy then fished for her wallet.
  223. 02:03 Dragomir darts his eyes around, scared, "May I see them? I know of no other force able to vanquish my kind."
  224. 02:04 Salesman "$34.56, if you forgot"
  225. 02:04 Tectonic -- Bored, she left. Just walked out of the door. She is broke and have like, 25$ on her wallet right now. Maybe next time, but she's not sure.
  226. 2:05 BankFairy just throws $40 bucks. "Do something with that. Don't stiff me on change I'll know"
  227. 02:06 BankFairy "And, uh... Yeah. You'd have to come to the storage though. Not too far from here. You plannin' on getting real clothing though or we renaissance fair?"
  228. 02:06 Salesman "I never do. There you go, $5.44"
  229. 02:07 BankFairy takes her money and just sorta lazily stuffs it in the wallet.
  230. 02:07 Dragomir "This is my culture.....but деда had some really cool looking robes and stuff...."
  231. 02:07 BankFairy "My culture involves like, wearing nothing but when in Rome, yeah?"
  232. 02:08 Dragomir "I never thought to wear them myself...I seem unworthy of the privilege. Bu, I have been wearing these for centuries..."
  233. 02:08 BankFairy "....Yeah, like, get some new threads"
  234. 02:08 Salesman blushes slightly, "{will that be all?"
  235. 02:08 Drathagan flowed into the store silently, so silently it would appear that the door didn't even open. Because it didn't. He walked through it and slowly made his way to some nearby oddities, drawing as little attention to himself as possible. This task could be considered hard due to the incredibly flamboyant robes that covered his body in whole with golden
  236. 02:08 Drathagan little stars on top of a solid purple. An oversized but matching hat, very long grey beard, and pair of what looked like high-fashion designer sunglasses probably also didn't help to make a silent statement.
  237. 02:09 Greg_ "Sales, tell me, what's going on? I can only catch onto the blue one's sayings, but I'm still confused..." Greg whispers as he watches Drathagan emerge from the door.
  238. 02:09 McGoFuckYourself "It usually get this crowded in here?"
  239. 02:09 Salesman is smiling, "No, not often"
  240. 02:10 BankFairy slings the candy under her arm. "Yeah. I think that'll be all, unless like, you want to give free stuff. Because that'd be really cool"
  241. 02:10 Fawn "What interesting colours you humans come in."
  242. 02:10 Greg_ "Not as much as it is now, no. Business isn't as... you'd say, great, here."
  243. 02:11 Salesman "magic is a rare art, and we give free Translation Runes to foreigners who don't speak English, only"
  244. 02:11 Dragomir looks at the newcomer, and feels something in his throat. He cannot find anything to say. He grips is staff a lot harder and the air around him becomes a lot colder.
  245. 02:13 Greg_ "Can I help you?" He starts observing the old man's fashion. "We've a wide range of things here."
  246. 02:13 McGoFuckYourself "All kinds of colors, shapes, sizes, and alloys."
  247. 02:13 BankFairy "Ah, laaaaaame" Muttering she then rested against the counter, her head nodding off a bit as she struggled to stay awake. Then she looked to Break. "Sorry 'bout that, ain't always I find actual magic types like my folks want me to"
  248. 02:13 Breakdown turns to the floating exaggeration of a wizard entering the store. He drew his goggles back up quickly to ensure he wasn't seeing things. At the feeling of the sudden chill, he noticed the awestruck Dragomir. "You alright, kid?" He whispered kneeling down to his level
  249. 02:13 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne eyes the new guy
  250. 02:14 Drathagan examined objects and books upon the displays as he went, looking them over slowly and silently as if searching for something. Anything he searched was placed neatly back into their respective places. "I am looking for..something. Yes, something old. Something gold. A golden book. Do you have one?"
  251. 02:15 Greg_ "A... Golden Book." He ponders for a minute.
  252. 02:15 Salesman "As in solid? no"
  253. 02:17 Dragomir keeps staring in awe at the stranger. The grip he had on his staff would shatter it if weren't made of super strong majicks n shit. The ground beneath him froze over until he felt his pants go damp. He wet himself.
  254. 02:18 Fawn hisses, a foul stench now on the air. "Disgusting."
  255. 02:18 Greg_ sniffs the air. "Jesus, what smells like...?" He looks at the kid. "Oh jesus christ..."
  256. 02:19 Salesman "Oh Great! Sigh, Golem! Get the kid a new pair of pants and underwear, and a mop"
  257. 02:19 McGoFuckYourself "Hey, what's tha-oh my god!" She takes a step back, holding a hand over her mouth. "Like, /ew/"
  258. 02:19 Drathagan "Unfortunate. Perhaps you have...hrm...unfortunate indeed."
  259. 02:20 Greg_ "Definitely like Wells, I'd say..." trying to make light of the situation.
  260. 02:20 Salesman A large golem hands Dragomir a pair of pants and undies, then points to the bathroom
  261. 02:22 Salesman "uhg man, Greg get me some warm water, and make sure that kid doesn't leave, don't worry the bathroom has no window"
  262. 02:23 Greg_ "On it." He heads into the small room behind the counter.
  263. 02:24 Breakdown spending some time in a Medical field has exposed him to alot worse smells than this. He simply reached out and places a supporting hand on Drago's shoulder. "Hey, don't be scared. It's gonna be alright. Do you need some help?"
  264. 02:24 Dragomir loses all emotion in his face, probably broken by the rush of embarrassment and shame. Without a word he is shrouded in black fire and whisked away, out of the door, the uh, stain leaving along with him, and in it's place black scorch marks and note addressed to the BankFairy. "I wouldn't mind taking up the offer for new 'threads'-Dragomir"
  265. 02:25 McGoFuckYourself "Well. That just fucking happened."
  266. 02:26 Salesman "Oh come on! as if one type of mess on the floor wasn't enough. Tania, make sure that kid has a parent, I want to have a word"
  267. 02:26 BankFairy was sleeping. Legitimately had her head hanging over while she snored under her breath. Only a moment later did she wake up again. "What"
  268. 02:26 Greg_ enters the shop again with a small bucket and a mop. "Kid messed up his pants. Probably happens all the time." He sighs.
  269. 02:26 Salesman "Tania, make sure that kid has a parent, I want to have a word"
  270. 02:26 Drathagan examines the marked floors, assessing the magic of the poor lad. "How odd."
  271. 02:27 BankFairy "I dunno. Like, I think his mom is a few miles beneath the earth. And his other mom is like, dead. Or maybe he had a father. I forget how that went. Definitely had an adoptive father or something... I dunno where he is, dude"
  272. 02:27 BankFairy is just rambling.
  273. 02:27 Greg_ "Should probably go easy on him, Sales... He doesn't seem, right in the head... I would say." He gets the mop out of the bucket. "Who's cleaning?"
  274. 02:28 Salesman "Right right, just a little kid, hopefully he at least comes to say sorry. Just hand it to a golem greg"
  275. 02:28 Breakdown stood back up to his full height after Drago barreled out the door. "Poor kid. Gonna take a while to live that down, I'll bet."
  276. 02:29 BankFairy "I already forget what happened, it'll be fine"
  277. 02:30 Drathagan went back to rifling through every display like a calm crack addict robbing a house
  278. 02:30 Greg_ hands the mop to the Golem. "Could somebody please explain to me what happened over the course of... I don't know, a minute or so? Why'd that kid get so stuck up?"
  279. 02:30 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne shook her head. This fucking city. She turned and went back to INTENSE PERUSAL.
  280. 02:31 Salesman "Hes a kid, maybe he realized he was alone surrounded by strangers?"
  281. 02:31 BankFairy "More likely he thought it was the guy he was looking for..." She said it like she had no idea what she was talking about, but she did
  282. 02:32 Breakdown This magic stuff is a ways over my head. Moreso than I'd like at times.
  283. 02:33 McGoFuckYourself "It's a damn pain to deal with."
  284. 02:33 Greg_ "Doesn't explain why he made the mess directly after he was surrounded by strangers. Plus, he was looking at that old man." Greg looks over at the old man.
  285. 02:33 BankFairy shrugged
  286. 02:33 Salesman "He say anything bout a parent or something Greg?"
  287. 02:34 Salesman [thousands of miles away, Cveta laughs]
  288. 02:34 *** Dragomir is now known as Wells
  289. 02:35 Drathagan doesn't stop his intrusive rifling and organizing despite surrounding company speaking of him.
  290. 02:35 Salesman "You have anymore detail about this book sir?"
  291. 02:35 Greg_ "Well whoever is the parent of that kid better explain while he just pissed himself in the middle of a shop." Greg looks over at the Bathroom door.
  292. 02:37 Wells walks in nonchalantly, drinking a soda, "This is why I prefer downloadable kids..."
  293. 02:37 Salesman "Hm? Oh hey Wells, you see a blue kid, smoke out of here?"
  294. 02:37 Wells looks around, looking for something, albeit halfassedly.
  295. 02:37 BankFairy took a little note, putting it on the counter. "Give it to the kid when he next pops over. He can show whenever he likes" On it, the address of the storage was written
  296. 02:38 Drathagan "Yes, I do. It is golden in cover and page, fine leaf used for every print in the paper. Upon the cover is the crest of a maple leaf and several elemental language writs. You would not happen to possess it, would you?"
  297. 02:38 Salesman "Right, f he ever does come back
  298. 02:38 Salesman "
  299. 02:38 BankFairy "I gotta go eat some candy and catch a marathon. If y'all need me, you know where to find me"
  300. 02:38 Wells turns his head to the Clerk, "Yo!" He assesses the commotion he had not at first noticed upon arrival. "....Blue kid? Elaborate."
  301. 02:39 McGoFuckYourself "Kids, man." She casually picks a wand off of a shelf, giving it a once over. She might just have wandered in out of boredom, but she /does/ have money. "Looked like a little smurf with a staff?"
  302. 02:39 Wells "Looks like a....small storm hit the shop.."
  303. 02:39 Salesman "Blue, white hair, what Rox said, old clothes, peed on the floor then poofed into flames and flew away"
  304. 02:40 Greg_ "We don't even have a golden book, sorry. Kid's about this tall, has a... bandage on his nose. Just pissed himself."
  305. 02:40 Breakdown I'll keep an eye out for that kid while I'm out on patrol in th meantime." He said pulling out a small notepad and a pen from inside his coat. Scribbling down his number, he rips off the page and offers it to Tania. "See you Saturday, then?"
  306. 02:41 Salesman "Now Now Greg, we might, if its soild gold so maybe I changed the cover"
  307. 02:41 Wells processes the given clues and comes to recall a short magical blue kid with white hair proficient in Magic he recently adopted whilst traversing Serbian mountains.. He shrugs. "Lost me."
  308. 02:43 Greg_ "You realize I can make gold, right? Why take the cover?" Greg sets the things and bobs Drathagan quickly sorted through in place properly on the shelves.
  309. 02:43 BankFairy took the number, grinning tiredly. "Seeya Saturday, then. Don't need to bother with the rubbers I got my own" With that she just casually left with a wave to the others. The last bit was clearly a joke, she was just so exhausted she forgot to put a filter on the filthy sense of humor sometimes
  310. 02:43 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne laughs. "Somebody's gettin' lucky."
  311. 02:44 Drathagan looks at Greg, his eyes completely hidden by the shades. "Very well then. The book is not here, I'll have a once over and be upon my way."
  312. 02:44 Salesman frowns slightly. "Wait, Let me check the back, we keep the stronger magical items there, and I said change greg"
  313. 02:44 Salesman "Practice is always good"
  314. 02:46 Wells obnoxiously drinks his soda simply eyeing the place.
  315. 02:46 Breakdown tugged at his collar again with a surprised laugh. "Straightforward as always. Ee-yowza." He said, the joke hitting him like a punch in the gut
  316. 02:46 Wells "Magic. Weird ass shit.....That kid is gonna be a ton trouble." he says to himself.
  317. 02:47 Salesman goes to the back, brings out a very heavy gold book. "Yep, here it is, big and old, give it to you for a reduced price if you can magically fix the floor"
  318. 02:49 Wells slips out of the store leaving a check behind on the crime scene, with a reasonable amount of reparation money, his presence almost ghostlike.
  319. 02:49 *** Wells is now known as A-pex
  320. 02:50 Drathagan quickly glides over to the counter. Not literally, it just looked as if he did due to the robes. He quickly opens the book to examine the pages that all seemed to be in gibberish to those that peeked at it. "Where did you obtain this?" he directed to Salesman
  321. 02:50 A-pex sticks his nose through the ever so slightly ajar door of the shop
  322. 02:51 A-pex "A scent drew me here..." he whispered to himself. He crawled slowly into the store, on all fours.
  323. 02:51 Salesman "My brother, even though we dont get along, sends me magical items while hes on the road, some dark magic teleportation spell, it usually corrupts the items, this seems safe but I'll be careful"
  324. 02:51 McGoFuckYourself "Was it urine? I bet it was urine."
  325. 02:52 A-pex "Urine!? More like competition!"
  326. 02:52 Breakdown Oh god please, no
  327. 02:52 A-pex "Someone dare boldly mark their territory in my presence!?"
  328. 02:52 Greg_ "If you're looking for the kid, he just left. The puddle /was/ there." He points to the slight yellow stain on the ground.
  329. 02:53 McGoFuckYourself "I swear to god if a literal pissing match starts here I'm leaving."
  330. 02:53 A-pex "Unacceptable."
  331. 02:53 Salesman Two large golems stand near him. "I agree with Rox, except these two will make you leave"
  332. 02:53 McGoFuckYourself Roxanne sets the wand down. This is gonna get really fucking weird, really fucking fast
  333. 02:53 Greg_ "If you even think about marking your territory, I will break you." Greg had enough with the smell of piss around.
  334. 2:54 Breakdown grabs a magazine off of the rack and rolls it up before batting A-pex across the... nose(?) "No! Bad! Geddout!"
  335. 02:54 Drathagan ignored the new entry, his full attention locked to the book in front of him. "Dark magicks? You do not understand corruption to an item like this. What is your price?"
  336. 02:55 Salesman "well, seeing how with alchemy and greg around gold is meaningless, so, 140? we are a pawn shop too"
  337. 02:55 A-pex ignores the noise around him, "I will leave my signature here, and personally kill the one who boldly challenge me." He begins scratching the floor with his claws.
  338. 02:55 Salesman "no NONONO"
  339. 02:55 McGoFuckYourself "Going!" Get out get out get out get out
  340. 02:55 Salesman "Brick house!"
  341. 02:56 Salesman the entire house shakes, a huge hand made of bricks grabs A-pex through the door
  342. 02:56 Greg_ "Hey, no, get off the ground!" He rushes to retain A-pex. He grabs him by the shoulder and pushes him towards the edge of the shelf. "I don't know where you think you are, but it isn't the fucking jungle."
  343. 02:57 Fawn sniffs at the jair with renewed interest. New quarry. New interest to be had. "Is that the scent of wolfsbane and dandruff I smell?"
  344. 02:58 A-pex sinks his claws into the floor as he is dragged out. "I smell.....Venison." He smiles widely. "Shame I did not come here for a meal."
  345. 02:58 Salesman "Sorry for having to squish you with BH here, a kid peeing in my store is understandable, but a grown man? No"
  346. 02:58 Drathagan takes the books within his hands as the others are distracted, flipping the pages and feeling the materials. "One forty...One...forty.."
  347. 02:59 Greg_ "Seriously, I mean it, Get out. If you know what's good for you. We've already had a kid make a mess, I don't want to make one out of you."
  348. 3:01 A-pex smiles at the metal man, "I will not rest until blood is spilled, for your territory, I do this." He is finally pulled out of the store but not without marking his scent everywhere, a present for the cryptic antler sporting dame talking Shakespearean in the back.
  349. 03:02 Salesman "Uhg, sorry about this folks"
  350. 03:02 Breakdown Augh... Did we just get Napalmed?
  351. 03:04 Salesman "Uhhg MAN, sorry everyone but I think I'm going to close early"
  352. 03:04 Greg_ "Trust me. I don't spill blood. And you won't get this 'territory'. Feel free to try, if you want." Greg is slightly confused by the guy in the ...costume? acting like an animal. He is prepared.
  353. 03:05 McGoFuckYourself "Can't even get a day off without shit getting weird." This is what she gets for walking into the first fucking store she sees.
  354. 03:07 Salesman "Mind speeding the payment up Wizard, as you can smell I have some cleaning up to do"
  355. 03:07 Drathagan suddenly holds the book high in one hand and speaks in another language. "EI NATH" erupts from him, blanketing the entire book in a flame that quickly settled without seeming to do harm.
  356. 03:09 *** Breakdown left #covenger_rp
  357. 03:10 Salesman looks at Drathagan . "So uh, 140$ please"
  358. 03:13 Drathagan quickly throws two $100 bills onto the counter from his satchel and tucks the book close under his arm, satisfied that the flames confirmed it as genuine. "You've been a grand boon in my search, young man."
  359. 03:14 Greg_ sighs out of the pure smell of piss. Today hasn't been a good day. "I'll probably go back to watch more of that show again..." He reminds himself. He almost forgot about something, though. "Hey, Roxanne?"
  360. 03:14 McGoFuckYourself "Eh?"
  361. 03:16 Greg_ "Look, Today hasn't been the most pleasant of days. for all of us, at least, I can imagine. But I think I'd like to get to know you better. Does that sound good with you?"
  362. 03:21 *** BankFairy quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  363. 03:22 *** A-pex is now known as Dragomir
  364. 03:22 *** Dragomir quit (Quit: ChatZilla [Firefox 38.0.5/20150525141253])
  365. 03:22 McGoFuckYourself "Uhhhhh." She scratches the back of her head, rather unsure of what to say. "I dunno man, this day's just been too damn weird for my tastes. I got some friends I was planning on hanging out with later, and my schedules packed tight as hell. Days like this are a fucking commodity, y'know?"
  366. 03:24 Salesman smiles at Greg, wishing him luck, walking to fawn. "Excuse me, I hate to do this but I need to close early, if you have anything to buy please do it now"
  367. 03:27 Fawn looks to Salesman with a blank expression, seemingly coming out of a trance-like stupor. "I have no want for even more material trappings. A trip to see, but not a trip to be. This was a mere venture of folly." She tips her head, antlers softly rattling as she backed out of the store. "Walk safely, warmling."
  368. 03:27 *** Fawn quit (Quit: Nettalk6 -
  369. 03:28 Salesman "I live here, so that would be easy, have a nice day." He sees a small check, picking it up. "huh, That Wells, hopefully he makes a good dad"
  370. 03:28 Drathagan extends his hand into the empty air, summoning a hand carved staff that was encrusted with several jewels along the rod that appeared from a small puff of smoke. "Relacatium Nath' Sho" he speaks before vanishing in a larger puff of smoke that quickly disappeared from the store. The burned floor seemed to be cleaned now as well.
  371. 03:29 Salesman "Oh, nice, I'll still keep the check however, payback"
  372. 03:30 Greg_ "I understand. Maybe if you have some free time on your hands, think about coming around again. I promise it won't be as strange as it was today, alright?" Greg was really unsure of the circumstances of that happening. "I guess I'll talk to you in time. Store's closing." Greg looks around at the damage done at the shop by A-pex. He was definitely unsure.
  373. 03:30 McGoFuckYourself "Yeah. I'm, uh, gonna go now." She turns and makes a hurried pace out
  374. 03:33 Salesman shuts the door and switches the sign from Open to Close. "Get me the bottle with the small rock with a upside down triangle on it greg"
  375. 03:34 *** Drathagan is now known as Bud
  376. 03:34 *** Eri joined #covenger_rp
  377. 03:35 Greg_ grabs the bottle Sales told him to get. He puts it down on the counter and thinks for a minute. "Today's been rough, wouldn't you agree?"
  378. 03:37 Salesman "Yeah, sorry you lucked out with Rox." He opened the bottle. "Come on little guy, its ok" Tthe water jumped out with the almost perfect circular rock still floating in it. It started cleaning up the piss
  379. 03:39 Salesman "Its weird, elemental golems have, emotions, at least when compared to the slandered Clay. Some can be Shy, like this water golem, or angry, lazy...evil."
  380. 03:42 Greg_ "Yeah?" Greg responds. "Seems as if I remember you telling me once that those other Golems you have can't have emotion or something..." Greg looks over at the one that had the mop. "Why is that?"
  381. 03:45 Salesman "Thats why its weird, original alchemists think because there are no clay elementals, they have no connections, but this little water guy has a connection to Water Elementals, who are as 'human' as you or me"
  382. 03:48 Greg_ "That's interesting to know. What time is it? Seems pretty early to close down the shop..." Greg looks for a clock or Sale's answer. Whilst doing so, he looks at the shelves to see if anything has been stolen or misplaced.
  383. 03:49 McGoFuckYourself (I'd say he has more of a connection to the Urine Elemental, now)
  384. 03:49 Greg_ (Prolly need a Air Elemental for that whiff A-pex was clouding)
  385. 03:50 Bud (Urine can be used for golems because of elements in it.)
  386. 03:56 Salesman "Its fine Greg, lets just let the golem clean, maybe go check out a movie"
  387. 04:00 Greg_ "Alright. I guess, good night Sales." Greg opens the door behind the counter and goes upstairs.
  388. 04:02 Salesman goes to follow, but gets distracted in the mirror, fixing his tie
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