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Black x F Serperior

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Mar 26th, 2013
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  1. I remember when I ran into N at Mistralton City. We’d encountered each other and battled many times before, and he had seen my pokemon. He saw that they were happy. It perplexed him, and I just couldn’t get it through his head then that pokemon could truly be friends with humans. At Mistralton, though, it was the first time he talked to my pokemon, and he talked to Serperior.
  2. He may have been surprised when she told him that she trusted me absolutely, but it came as no shock to me. I’d been with Serperior since she was a snivy, in fact, she was the first pokemon I had. It was tense at first; snivies tend to be stand-offish and even condescending at times. She followed my orders, which I thought was more or less a miracle with how cold she came off to me and the other pokemon sometimes.
  3. But eventually, as we traveled together more, she warmed up a little. When the team ate dinner, she would sit closer to me and the rest of the pokemon than she normally did. By the time she was a servine, she would smile when I complimented her, and she started to laugh from time to time. It wasn’t a scathing laugh, but a genuine good natured one, something I’d never seen when she was a snivy.
  4. And now there she stood as a serperior, saying I was her close friend. Even N could see that a trainer and a pokemon could actually have a deep bond. At that moment I felt prouder than you’d even imagine. But looking back on it, I can see then that I didn’t know how deeply the bond between Serperior and I could actually go.
  5. I found out one day, a little after I had battled N for the last time in his castle and stopped Ghetsis’s plot. I had returned home for a bit. Now I like traveling a lot, but after more or less saving the country my pokemon and I could use a little R&R. It was early afternoon, and my mom had gone out for the day, so it was just me and Serperior. When I’m at home, I let her out of her pokeball and we share the room together, like we were then.
  6. Now, I had noticed that Serperior had been acting kinda strange recently. I don’t mean like she was sick or distressed or anything, but that she seemed to be a bit more affectionate. It wasn’t like we hadn’t hugged or anything before, but she would come close to me and stay there a lot more often, and she always seemed a bit upset when she was in her pokeball a long time. It’s pretty obvious now, looking back on it, but I didn’t think too much of it.
  7. So there we were, in my room, and I was just lying on my bed. Serperior was over near the corner, and I couldn’t help notice that she seemed a bit; she kept looking back and forth like she was checking for someone. That was something I couldn’t ignore.
  8. I sat up on my bed and asked, “Serperior, are you ok?” She gave a small “Ser...” and I was even more concerned. I started to get up.
  9. “Serperior? What’s the matter?” She didn’t answer, but instead slithered to my door and opened it.
  10. “Hey, Serperior!” She went down the hallway and when she got to the stairs she peeked under the railing, scanning the living room like she was looking for something. I was about to ask what she was doing when she slithered past me and back to my room. I stood there a bit confused for a moment, and she used a vine to make a ‘come here’ gesture.
  11. I followed her in, and when I did she motioned for me to shut the door. I did, but she still kept pointing at the knob, until I finally figured out she wanted me to lock it. I didn’t know what was going on but she was my friend so I obliged. She seemed satisfied and slithered over next to my bed.
  12. “Serperior,” I said walking over to her. “What’s going on?” I was next to her, and before I knew it she had pushed me onto the bed. She kept me close, and when I opened my mouth to ask what was going on, she kissed me. Well, kissed me the best a snake could, but she had her tongue in my mouth so it was more or less that.
  13. It was then that it clicked in my head. My pokemon, my best friend, Serperior was attracted to me—no, more than attracted. She wanted to go all the way. The way she was anxious, that was her checking to I have to admit, I was more than a little freaked out; who’d ever heard of a pokemon coming onto their trainer? I’d heard stories of trainers having sex with pokemon, but they were few and it was usually some sicko abusing his pokemon. But was this really like that? And I was wondering, why was my heart beating faster?
  14. She broke the kiss and looked me in the face. She looked longingly at me in the face, and quietly said her name, a soft, affectionate way. I know Serperior was my best friend, but right then and there I just wanted to get up.
  15. “Let me up,” I said, and to my surprise she did. I sat up on the edge of my bed, catching my breath. My mind was running a thousand different ways, but Serperior stayed next to me. I saw that she looked kinda hurt when I did that, and it kinda tugged at me. We were close. I wanted her to be happy, and part of me just couldn’t bear seeing her that way. Maybe that’s why I gave in, but really, I probably would have anyway.
  16. I had to ask her, though. I thought, maybe it’s a heat cycle or something, but I had to know.
  17. “Serperior,” I whispered. I swallowed a lump in my throat, not knowing why I was so anxious to ask. “Do you—are you in love with me?”
  18. She nodded. I’m not N so I can’t talk to pokemon, but even then her message was crystal clear. I felt red in the face, and my heart was pounding in my chest. I told myself that it was fear or stress or something. It took a lot to ask the next question, even though the answer was obvious.
  19. “And you want want to have sex? With me?”
  20. She didn’t say anything, but she coiled around me—not tight like she was trying to crush me but like some sort of hug on steroids—and I just stuttered. I mean, what else could I do? This wasn’t something that was supposed to happen; it was wrong, disgusting. And yet, there was the warmth of her body against mine, enveloping me. I put my hand on her instinctively, on the back of what I guess you would say was her neck, and I don’t know why but I didn’t want to move it. I’d touched her scales before, multiple times, but now the smoothness between leaves and snake skin felt entirely new. If you’ve ever had something you just liked touching, you know what I mean.
  21. I only just remembered myself, remembered what was actually going on. I didn’t move my hand though. I didn’t want to be like those sickos that abused their pokemon. Serperior and I had more than that.
  22. “And you’re sure you want this, Serperior?”
  23. Serperior responded by using one of her vines to tug lightly but firmly on the waist of my pants, and that settled it. My pants were getting tight anyway, so I figured there was no more reason to rationalize it. Don’t get me wrong, I still found the whole thing kinda weird, but I didn’t care. Serperior wanted it and I wanted it too.
  24. I moved her vine out of the way and unzipped my pants myself, but I let her actually pull them down. She was quite enthusiastic to do so, it seemed. And there I was, sure enough, standing fully erect. There was no going back now.
  25. I have to admit, I’m a bit jealous of how snakes can be as flexible as they are. She still had enough to maneuver herself under my arm and bring herself to my crotch. She smirked and glanced up at me before licking my erection. She wasn’t quite equipped for a full-blown blowjob, but her licking my cock up and down and around the tip was still doing a damn fine job, and she used her vines to grasp it to boot.
  26. I was in to it, but then I thought, Why should I be the only one getting serviced? I mean after all, she was the one who wanted it from me, and you don’t leave a friend in need. To my left rested on the bed her tail end, and I could see her slit lying there unattended. And that simply would not do.
  27. I reached over and rubbed my hand against it, and I’m not ashamed to admit I was more than eager to feel her sex. I took two fingers and slid them into her vagina, wet and warm, and slid them in and out, rubbing against her quivering inner walls. I was a bit worried, actually, that I wouldn’t be pleasuring her correctly, since I’d never done that before and certainly not with a pokemon, but the relaxed sigh and quiet “Ser...” told me that I was doing a good enough job.
  28. We were at this for some time, but I didn’t want to cum then and there. I wanted to be inside her—funny how it was me who was wanting things, then. She had the same idea, it seems, as she stopped licking my member.
  29. “Hey, Serperior?”
  30. “Ser?”
  31. I removed my fingers from her vagina, covered in her fluids. “Are you ready to move on?”
  32. “Serperior!” She gave an enthusiastic nod and released me to coil around me in a way that I could enter her. I don’t think either of us could wait. Serperior lowered herself slowly onto my cock, and that was heaven for me. We continued on then, me thrusting into her best I could and she raising and lowering herself on me, first slowly, but with all the hormones rushing through the both of us it didn’t take long for us to speed up.
  33. I noticed Serperior wasn’t making a lot of noise, but she shuddered sometimes, and while she was trying to keep a collected face I could tell she was gritting her teeth. I was worried that I was hurting her, but she was pushing into my thrust more than I was thrusting into her, and not barring the fact that she could easily smack me around a bit if I was actually hurting her, she tightened around my cock in increasingly more frequent spasms. I had to smile. Here she was, having sex for the first time, and she was still trying to look regal. It was just the cutest thing, but a moment like that, I didn’t want her to be stressed about anything that would hinder her enjoyment.
  34. I slid my hands up her back some and tilted my head forward so it was just under hers. “It’s alright,” I said. “It’s just us.” I couldn’t see her face for her reaction, of course, but I know she knew what I meant. She started to pant, ever so slightly, and she would make quiet noises, a small “Ser...” here and there. I could feel the shudders when they coursed through her body, and to be honest I got them myself a few times. She coiled about me a bit tighter, not enough to squeeze or hurt but like a firm embrace.
  35. She pulled her head back so that we could look each other in the eyes, and they were the most gorgeous pair of eyes I’d ever seen. Those eyes weren’t holding back anything either; she had dropped the air of dignity, that regal look serperiors always had, and she was just smiling, a frank, honest smile, one that had given into instinct and affection and had zero regrets about it.
  36. I could feel myself building up between my legs, and I knew I wasn’t going to last for much longer. Serperior was even closer than I. She rested her head on my should, nuzzling against my cheek, then let out a small cry—not a loud one, but louder than any noise she’d made so far. I could feel her squeezing on my cock for everything it had, and I obliged, cumming hard in her.
  37. We rode out our orgasms, then, with me still inside her, we both fell back on the bed with a conspicuous thump and squeak, but neither of us cared. We laid there for awhile, a bit shaky and trying to regain our breath. We kissed, still a bit awkwardly but much more affectionate now that we were working together on it, and held each other. My mind finally was clear enough from the euphoria for me to figure out what to say.
  38. “Serperior?”
  39. “Ser?” She looked at me with those beautiful eyes.
  40. “You’re the best partner, no...” I hugged her tight then. “You’re the best lover a guy could ask for.”
  41. She stared at me for a bit, then started to laugh. I didn’t know what to make of that, but she gave me another affectionate nuzzle.
  42. “I...guess that was kinda cheesy, huh?
  43. “Serperior.”
  44. I had to chuckle a bit at the cheesiness too. “Heh, alright, alright, I’ll have better lines in the future. But it’s true. I love you.” How long did it take for me to just say that? I’d adventured across the country with her, battled with her, more or less saved the world alongside her, and just now I was coming to realize we could be more than just friends?
  45. Well I guess it didn’t matter; we were lovers now and that was that. We had to get up and clean ourselves eventually, mind you—that wasn’t something I wanted to explain to my mother on my brief stay at home—but even though we couldn’t go again we slept together that night. As I laid up against her and drifting to sleep, I wondered if N, for how much he was with pokemon, could ever have imagined something like us.
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