
(2) Applebloom has crush on gaynon, but it's ironic 'cause yeah

Jan 6th, 2015
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  1. >Be Anon
  2. >Gayer than ever
  3. >Things are still good between us, I've even gotten to know the rest of their clique better
  4. >One day at school
  5. >Applejack invites me over to her house
  6. "Yeah, I guess I can manage to swing by. What do you wanna do?"
  7. >"Probably just hang around with all of us, maybe you can help me out with my chores too"
  8. "Is that your ulterior motive?"
  9. >"Oh come on anon, you're a fiarly strong guy"
  10. >See, told you I wasn't feminine
  11. >"Oh, and don't bring any weed with you this time. My little sister and her friends are over today."
  12. "Fine. Message recieved."
  13. >Show up to her place
  14. >"Howdy anon!"
  15. >"H-Hi"
  16. >etc
  17. >etc
  18. "Wassup girls?"
  19. >I feel something latch onto my arm
  20. >"You must be anonymous!"
  21. >It's a someone with red hair and yellow skin.
  22. >"That's just my little sister Applebloom" says Applejack
  23. "Well, it's great to meet you Applebloom."
  24. >"It's great to meet you too!" she responds with a massive smile on her face and the enthusiasm of someone who was just released from prison
  25. >"Those are her friends Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle."
  26. >"Hi anonymous!" they smile and wave
  27. >I just shrug off Applebloom's behavior as some kind of passive interest. I had a little sister, I knew how girls were. Even at a young age, they were interested in dating and trying to be like everyone else. But it never resulted in everything.
  28. >Applejack shows me to her living room
  29. >We're watching TV, 5 of them are sitting on couches or chairs, me, Pinkie, and Applejack are on the floor.
  30. >It's some show called Steven Universe
  31. >Now I don't usually watch cartoons, but this was pretty good.
  32. >Pinkie PIe was getting an absolute kick out of it.
  33. >"Hahahahaha" she laughed qutie nasally, "That fat kid is so silly!"
  34. >It was pretty entertaining.
  35. >"Applejack!" Granny Smith called upstairs "Did you get yur chores din' yet?"
  36. >"No granny! I'll start 'em now!" SHe turned to me and smiled. "Might need your help anon, you don't mind do you?"
  37. "I guess I could"
  38. ---
  39. >Now Applejack is pretty strong, and by that I mean she could probably outlift any guy at our school.
  40. >Even flash sentry
  41. >That was a joke, that kid is skinny
  42. >Anyway, we had to feed the chickens, shovel the hay, and feed the pigs.
  43. >In other words, I had to lift two 25 lb. bags of chicken feed, move these massive piles of hay with my own two arms, and carry huge tubs of liquid crap about a quarter of a mile.
  44. >I was about to pass out
  45. >Applejack, however, had barely broken a sweat.
  46. "Man AJ.... how do you do it?"
  47. >"Aww come on Anon, don't tell me you're tired already! I've been doing this kind of work since I was little!"
  48. >I'm being emasculated by a farm girl
  49. >Great
  50. >I feel a tug on my shirt sleeve
  51. >It was Applebloom
  52. >"Hey Anon! I brought you and Applejack some lemonade!
  53. "Oh thanks Applebloom."
  54. >I took the glass
  55. >Notbad/10
  56. "This is pretty good!"
  57. >"Th-thanks Anon". She blushes a little and looks off to the side. "You've been working really hard, you know, it must be pretty tough."
  58. "Yeah it is. I really appreciate it."
  59. >She hands Applejack her glass and dashes off somewhere back into the house
  60. "You're sister is sweet"
  61. >"I think she's taken quite a likin' to you Anon" Applejack smiles and says playfully
  62. "Yeah, I suspected as much. It's swet isn't it. Pretty ironic too."
  63. >"The irony isn't lost on me, believe me"
  64. "Are we done yet?"
  65. >"Almost. We just got harvest a few apples first. Follow me"
  66. >We make our way down to the nearest orchard.
  67. >And that's when I saw him
  68. >Big Macintosh
  69. >You remember when I said I was pretty masculine, well, for the most part anyway... this dude was like.... woah. That's all I could think.
  70. >"Anon, this is Big Macintosh, Bic Mac, this is anon."
  71. >He grips my hand
  72. >Hard
  73. >"Pleasure to meet you, Anon!"
  74. "The pleasure is all mine"
  75. >Geroge Takei: OH MY!
  76. >How lewd.
  77. ---
  78. >We proceed to harvest the apples.
  79. >They go about it by swing sledgehammers afainst the trees to knock them down. My job is to pick them up off the ground.
  80. >These two are just swing these things like twigs
  81. >One hit and the apples fall to the ground
  82. >Now the backet is getting heavier, at least 50 lbs. now.
  83. >I'm struggling to carry it.
  84. >But we're not even done yet.
  85. >By the time we're done, it's like 125 lbs.
  86. "Umm, Applejack... I don't think this basket is going anywhere...."
  87. >Big Mac scoops up the other handle in his hands and nods at me.
  88. >Between the two of us it's still pretty hard, well for me anyways, but at least now the basket is moving
  89. >We load it onto the cart
  90. >Applejack and Big Mac pull the cart back to the barn.
  91. >I spend a good 3 minutes just staring at Big Mac, admirin' his.... physique
  92. >I'm snapped awake by Applejack
  93. >"Anon, are you alright?"
  94. >It's all good, I know how to play things off, I've done it before
  95. "Just really tired is all"
  96. >"You look dazed, I think the heat is getting to you, let's get you inside"
  97. >The living room is now empty
  98. >I don't know where everyone else went but at this point I don't care.
  99. >I just lay with my head propped against the back of the couch when I hear a familiar voice chime in.
  100. >"Hey Anon!"
  101. >It's Applebloom again
  102. >"Is it okay if I call you Anon?"
  103. "Yeah, that's fine"
  104. >"Good, I didn't want to be rude or anything. I just wanted to see if you were doing alright. You've been working so hard. I saw you out of my bed room window, working your..... strong muscles." She said with a smirk.
  105. "I'm not that strong, actually, your sister is much stronger than me."
  106. >"Yeah, but you may actually give her a run for her money"
  107. >No one has ever thought I was this manly.
  108. >This has reached new levels of irony.
  109. ---
  110. >All of a sudden she puts her hand on my thigh
  111. >Oh shit what are you doing
  112. >Applejack suddenly comes in with some water on a tray.
  113. >"Here anon, I brought you some.... Applebloom! What are you doing? Leave Anon alone. Go on, git!"
  114. >She scurries away down the hall.
  115. >"I hope she didn't bother ya too much Anon."
  116. "It's fine, she's just trying to be friendly."
  117. >"Yeah, but she's getting kinda clingy"
  118. "Yeah, I think you're right, we may need to give her some breathing room for a little while. Wanna go to the mall or something? We can invite the rest of the girls."
  119. >"That sounds like a great idea! I'll call them up now and let them know."
  120. >Well alrighty then
  121. >45 minutes later Rarity shows up with her car
  122. >"Get in you two!"
  123. >We head off to the mall.
  124. >After letting the girls browse around a little I head into Pacsun
  125. >I'm looking at the T-shirts when all of a sudden
  126. >"HI ANON!"
  127. >Awww snap
  128. >A wild Applebloom appeared!
  129. >What do you want to do?
  130. >FIGHT
  131. >BAG
  132. >PKMN
  133. >RUN
  134. >I would run, but she would just follow me.
  135. "Applebloom, what the crap are you doing here?!"
  136. >"We decided to follow you guys tho the mall!"
  137. >We?
  138. >Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo emerge out from inside a clothing rack.
  139. >"Hi anon" sweetie belle says
  140. >"It was Applebloom's idea to spy on you guys by the way" adds Scootaloo
  141. "Does Applejack know you guys are here?"
  142. >"N-no. My brother dropped me off."
  143. >B-big Macintosh? Was he here now?
  144. "Is he still here?"
  145. >"No, he just dropped us off"
  146. "Well, we better get you back to you sister"
  147. >I grab her by the hand
  148. >"Gasp, Anon, y-you're h-holding my hand!"
  149. >I rolled my eyes
  150. "Come on you two." I called out to her two friends
  151. >They followed us back to the upper level where Applejack and her friends where
  152. >"Applebloom, what're you doin' runnin' round the mall unsupervised?! Who knows what could've happened to you?!"
  153. >"I'm not a baby anymore! I don't need anyboy to watch over me!" she resopnded angrily.
  154. ---
  155. >"Wh-what? How can you say that? You're barely old enough to walk to school by yourself, let alone go to the mall!"
  156. >Things are getting heated
  157. >I decide to be the peacekeeper
  158. "It's alright, AJ. At least her and her friends are okay now."
  159. >She calms down a little.
  160. >"I-uh.... I suppose you're right"
  161. "Yeah, see. Why don't you call Big Mac up and he can take them back home"
  162. >"Alright fine! Y'all are lucky Anon is looking out for you today! Now just wait here until Big Mac comes and picks you guys up."
  163. >Applebloom discretely turns around and winks at me.
  164. >"Thanks anon!" she says under her breath
  165. >Great
  166. >Now she's got the wrong impression of me.
  167. >Maybe I should tell her that I.... don't roll in that direction.
  168. >But she might get the wrong idea, like I don't like her.
  169. >It might offend her
  170. >I just smile back at her.
  171. "No problem" I tell her quietly
  172. >Now I'm stuck humoring her
  173. >Big Mac shows up.
  174. >"Thanks for scooping them up for us Big Mac."
  175. >"Eeyup." He responds
  176. >I'm just staring at him now
  177. >At his body
  178. >Lost in my imagination
  179. >I think the girls begin to notice
  180. >Applejack elbows me
  181. >Big mac and the girls take off
  182. >"Now what was that all about?" asks Applejack
  183. "What was what?" I ask, trying to play it casual
  184. >"You know" Rainbow Dash adds. "The way you got all cray eyes when Appejack's brother came by."
  185. >I was blushing a little now
  186. >"YEAH, YOU WERE ALL WOOH, WOOH, UHHHH...." Pinkie Pie adds.
  187. >I don't know what to say
  188. "Whatever, you guys wanna keep shopping? We'll head off to Gucci next"
  189. >"OOOH YES YES YES YES!" Rarity says excitedly.
  190. >She blushes a little
  191. >"I mean, um... yes, let's go, shall we?" she says trying to regain her composure.
  192. >And then we're off.
  193. >Gotta be more careful next time
  194. >Can't go and act too stupid around these girls.
  195. ---
  196. >Driving home now.
  197. >I'm in the front seat with Rarity
  198. >She drops me off at my house first
  199. >At least now I won't have to go back to Applejack's place and make an idiot out of myself anymore
  200. >Arrive home
  201. >Say ggodbye to the girls
  202. >Go into my living room
  203. >Laptop on the table
  204. >Open it up to check my Facebook®.
  205. >1 new friend request
  206. >From Applebloom
  207. >And 10 new messages
  208. >From Applebloom
  209. >
  210. >Video related
  211. >How did she find me?
  212. >Well, through Applejack obviously
  213. >This is getting out of hand
  214. >I may need to cut this off before things get complicated
  215. >I may just need to tell her the truth.
  216. >Then that settles it
  217. >Next time I see her I'll tell her I'm not into girls like she thinks I am.
  218. >I don't want to make her upset though
  219. >Better break it to her gently.
  220. ---
  221. >Wait a few days
  222. >At school
  223. >Ocassionally see Applebloom in the hallways
  224. >"Hey anon!' she'd tell me
  225. >She would grab my arm
  226. >"You mind taking me to class today?"
  227. >Usually I would tell her that I was late for class and had to get going
  228. >"Oh, a-alright anon."
  229. >Then, I had it with her.
  230. >It was time to break it off
  231. >"Hey anon, would you mind walking me to class today?"
  232. "Sure, where to?"
  233. >Her face lit up like a kid on Christmas
  234. >"Chemistry! In the north wing!"
  235. >Now I could get a chance to talk to her a little
  236. "Hey, Applebloom..."
  237. >"Yeah anon?"
  238. "Can you meet me by my locker after school? I need to tell you something"
  239. >"Sure thing anon!" She was comepletely ecstatic.
  240. >Alright, step 1
  241. >The bell rung
  242. >Damn, I was late for class
  243. >Ah, whatever, not like I'm missing anything important
  244. >I figured I would just skip class and chill on my phone or something.
  245. >I pull it out of my pocket
  246. >Then I notice something
  247. >Someone has been on here
  248. >That's what I get for not putting a password on it though
  249. >There's a bunch of pictures on my camera roll
  250. >Applebloom took a bunch of pictures on my phone
  251. >Delete
  252. >Delete
  253. >I can tell she went through my texts too
  254. >Okay, I think I'm doing the right thing now.
  255. >Then I look up and notice Big Mac walking in the hall towards me
  256. >I decide to muster up a little courage and talk to him.
  257. "Wassup Big Mac" I say with a casual wave
  258. >"Heya anon."
  259. >He continued walking on
  260. >Well then....
  261. >He probably wouldn't reciprocate the feelings I had for him because he probably wasn't into guys
  262. >I've had this problem before
  263. >Totally misjudge someone's sexuality and make a total idiot out of myself.
  264. >Yep
  265. >Some call it gaydar
  266. >But I don't
  267. >That's just dumb
  268. >And we wonder why people are so weirded out by us
  269. >Would it be wrong of me to go and shoot down Applebloom out of my own selfish desires
  270. >To have someone like you....
  271. >But not have them like you back
  272. >Man, I don't want to feel that feel
  273. >Maybe she deserves another chance.
  274. >*BZZT BZZT*
  275. >New text
  276. >I open it up
  277. ---
  278. >It's from Applebloom
  279. >"Hey anon! It's me Applebloom! Guess how I got your number lol"
  280. >Crap
  281. >This really is reaching a creepy level
  282. >But that feel doe
  283. >But it's a little unnatural for her to be so dedicated to talking to me.
  284. >Or is it? She is a young girl after all.
  285. >I just chill for the rest of the time, listening to music, going on reddit, shitposting on 4chan
  286. "OP is a faggot"
  287. >The irony alone makes me laugh
  288. >The bell rings after a while
  289. >I go about my day.
  290. >Final bell rings
  291. >Go out to my locker
  292. >Applebloom is there
  293. >Welp, crunchtime
  294. >What do I do?
  295. >She waves at me when she sees me
  296. >"Heya anon!"
  297. >Alright
  298. >I go up to her
  299. "Hey, Applebloom, listen"
  300. >She perks up
  301. "I know that you really like me and everything...."
  302. >She blushes a little
  303. >"W-what're you talking about anon?"
  304. >She trys to play it cool
  305. >I smile a little
  306. >That's cute
  307. "Anyway, you may think that somebody likes you back. Well, you see, I don't really like girls."
  308. >"Well that's silly anon, if you don't like girls, then what do you like?"
  309. "Well, I like guys, Applebloom."
  310. >She looks weirded out for a second
  311. >"Wait, what?"
  312. "Yep, it's true"
  313. >She understands now
  314. >And then I see it in her face
  315. >She looks crushed
  316. "Listen Applebloom, I'm really sorry..... but I just don't like you in the same way you like me. You're a nice girl and everything, but even if I did like girls, you're a little young for me."
  317. >She just looks at the ground sadly
  318. >I put a hand on her shoulder
  319. "You okay?"
  320. >Y-yeah. I'm fine"
  321. >I grab her and give her a hug
  322. "You'll be okay"
  323. >I let her go
  324. "And besides, I bet if you found someone you're age they'd be all over you!"
  325. >"Really, you think so anon?"
  326. "Of course I do! You're a great girl, I don't see why anyone would even consider denying themselves the honor of being your boyfriend!"
  327. >She smiles a little now
  328. >"Thanks anon"
  329. "So you sure you'll be okay?"
  330. >"Yeah, I think I'll be alright"
  331. >She sounds a little unsure
  332. >But then she gives me another hug
  333. ---
  334. >She lets go.
  335. "Listen, I gotta get going now. I guess I'll see you around."
  336. >"Yeah, later anon."
  337. "Alright bye then"
  338. >"Bye anon" she just responds quietly
  339. >Alright, I've just succeded in ruining my own day, I feel terrible now
  340. >But I've probably just ruined Applebloom's week
  341. >Protip: life is hard.
  342. >Applejack's probably gonna give me an earful
  343. >But she knows it's for the best
  344. >And I do to
  345. >Well I will anyway
  346. >With time
  347. >As I get over the fact that I'm a complete jerk.
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