
blah lbah blah

Aug 31st, 2017
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  1. Speak no dream, but have all the things in the world... I feel like we've lost that somewhere in the world. I really do. We're all too focused on the little things, but really? It's just anothewr excuse not to face reality, whatever that may be in anyones perspective. It may be just me thinking out loud, but I don't know any other way to be, and I'm tired of being made to feel as if my thoughts aren't worth having, or writing down. Now, I'm not complaininhg, well, maybe a little bit, in fact, fuck logic, I love coffee, but it doesn't usually pan out that way, not does it?
  2. [12:31 AM] Elmo: Same
  3. [12:33 AM] Morgan Gavin: I mean sure, we could just fuck around and do things as we are wont to, but where's the fun in that? Where's the excitement? Where the part of life that truly matters? The thirll of trouble, the fear and excitement of being caught? the actualization of one's innermost desire come out to play? Reality is what you make of it, though few could argue the counterpoint to that. I mean yeah, every chat is just a message board, regardless of how fast one replies. think on it? I mean, we post messages, wait for a rpely, and then go on to post more messages. Seems kind of trippy when you aren't truly thinking about it.
  4. [12:33 AM] Elmo: Yeah dude same(edited)
  5. [12:35 AM] Morgan Gavin: I mean, even these long ass rambling posts I do on occassion, this is speak easy, and all everyone does is mainly just parrot the easiest thing to say, just being fucking lazy is what? this is how I 'Speak easy' and I don't really mind. One word answers piss people off, because it tries to explain a complex answer inone or two letters, or just an emoji. But there's that sudden disconnect, that lack of emotional connection that you get from face to face or voice to voice interactions... Just seems a bit too out of place, a bit more robotic and unfeeling.
  6. [12:37 AM] Morgan Gavin: Are we so lost in internet culture that we'd rather spend all day trying to make someone that may not even be aware of our existence happy? I mean, yeah, there's always a chance you could get recognized, but at the same time, the moment you deviate away from what they recognized you for... Your presence simply ceases to be in their eyes. Or maybe they just get bored of reading the same tripe over and pover again, so they want to do something new and exciting.
  7. [12:38 AM] Morgan Gavin: I don't mean to point finger, or maybe I do... I'm very inconsitent with the message of these things, although, I don't really like have one single message be the point of a multiparagraph blog post, though you could consider this just to be a long iwnded chat message broken up into multiple parts as to not fuck over the 2k character limit.
  8. [12:41 AM] Elmo: Morgan
  9. [12:41 AM] Morgan Gavin: Which I guess has some merit to it in a way, it breaks things up into bit sized relatable pieces and for one reason or another, lets a person take in what they've just read. Memorize it in it's entirety or not at all, simply because the topic just doesn't interest them. Or any number orf reasons. Complex conversations often don't lead in a straight line, but rather a zig zagging shit storm of potentially useless thoughts catergorized into simply "This is fucking boring, where is the spongebob meme!?" and "Well, I have a thought on this, butwill it be replied to in such a way as to bring about a conversation?"
  10. [12:41 AM] Elmo: Why
  11. [12:41 AM] Morgan Gavin: Because I'm bored.
  12. [12:41 AM] Elmo: Fair enough
  13. [12:42 AM] Morgan Gavin: I used to write blogs all the time, but somewhere along the line, it became more andm ore about what I wanted to say, what I was feeling, being self centered instead of writing about what others were interested in. I'm not a particularl fan of writing about useless trends or keeping up with plastic celeberties as if they were our only source of oxygen.
  14. [12:43 AM] Morgan Gavin: I more or a person that just meanders through life, smacking my head about random light poles until someone tells me that's not a healthy way to go about things. Intellectualism only resonates when a conversation happens through organic means, and must be sustained... If not, I get bored and pretty much move on.
  15. [12:45 AM] Morgan Gavin: If I don't really rpely, my mind is elsewhere, I've already gotten bored of talking about it, or I'm usually in the process of doing something else. Maybe I'm just parroting the thing I was talking about not doing? Maybe I just like talking in corcles? Maybe I've just felt the need to post a relentless stream of stupidity for just the fuck of it? I dunno, I don't, I've already moved on to whatever the fuck else is on my mind. Like playing games, organizing my Evolving Server or writing another addition to Birth of Change.
  16. [12:47 AM] Morgan Gavin: I don't know. I just like writing stream of thought BS. I used to be really good at writing blogs, but I got lsoppy, bored, and generally lost interst in it after I realized that my hits were artificial, or a vast majority of the hits were just one person hitting CNTRL+R a thousand times for the hell of it, just so I'd feel like I was worth something.
  17. [12:47 AM] Morgan Gavin: Annnnd cupcakes are my favorite food
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