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Sep 28th, 2016
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  1. Mesopotamia -- [3500 BC]
  2. The Two Egypts -- [3100 BC]
  3. The Middle Kingdom -- [2000 BC]
  4. The Hittites -- [1600 BC]
  5. The Founding of Rome -- [753 BC]
  6. The Hellenistic World -- [330 BC]
  7. Res Publica -- [200 BC]
  8. The Reign of Augustus -- [27 BC]
  10. The Roman-Parthian War -- [56 AD]
  11. The Rise of the Sassanids -- [244 AD]
  12. The Barbarian Invasions -- [395 AD]
  13. The Decline of Western Rome -- [450 AD]
  14. Justinian -- [500 AD]
  15. Charlemagne -- [770 AD]
  16. The Old Gods -- [867 AD]
  17. The Holy Roman Empire -- [962 AD]
  18. The Bridge of Stamford -- [1066 AD]
  19. The First Crusade -- [1095 AD]
  20. The Kings' Crusade -- [1190 AD]
  21. The Mongol Invasion -- [1210 AD]
  22. The War of a Hundred Years -- [1337 AD]
  23. The Grand Campaign: Renaissance -- [1399 AD]
  24. Varna -- [1444 AD]
  25. The Portuguese Age of Discovery -- [1460 AD]
  26. The New World -- [1492 AD]
  28. The War of the League of Cambrai -- [1508 AD]
  29. The War of Eighty Years -- [1549 AD]
  30. Elizabeth -- [1558 AD]
  31. The Tokugawa Shogunate -- [1603 AD]
  32. The War of Thirty Years -- [1618 AD]
  33. The Peace of Westphalia -- [1648 AD]
  34. The Age of Reason -- [1685 AD]
  35. The War of the Spanish Succession -- [1701 AD]
  36. The Kings From Hanover -- [1714 AD]
  37. The War of Seven Years -- [1756 AD]
  38. The American War of Independence -- [1775 AD]
  39. The French Revolution -- [1789 AD]
  40. The First French Republic -- [1792 AD]
  41. The Napoleonic Wars -- [1802 AD]
  42. The Bourbon Restoration -- [1814 AD]
  43. Victoria -- [1836 AD]
  44. The Mexican-American War -- [1846 AD]
  45. The American Civil War -- [1861 AD]
  46. The Franco-Prussian War -- [1870 AD]
  47. Edward -- [1901 AD]
  49. The Great War -- [1914 AD]
  50. Interwar -- [1918 - 1939 AD]
  51. The Second World War -- [1939 AD]
  52. The Early Cold War -- [1947 AD]
  53. The Height of the Cold War; the Cuban Missile Crisis -- [1960 AD]
  54. The Information Age -- [1975 AD]
  55. The Decline of the USSR; the Reunification of Germany -- [1990 AD]
  56. The Great Recession -- [2008 AD]
  57. The Present Day -- [2016 AD]
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