
Post SGDQ thoughts

Jul 9th, 2017
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  1. Hey hi I'm on the train home from the airport and I think I'll start my pastebin. I'll probably break it up into arbitrary categories. Disclaimer I'm on my phone so autocorrect is bound to own me at least once.
  3. Marathon Stream: This marathon was solid but not mind blowing. I found a few runs surprisingly amazing and some others surprisingly painful to watch. Earthbound as a closer was a drag imo but I don't really care for that game anyways. Ff7 was comfy as frick and it's quite possible I'll be watching the VOD (which I almost never do for GDQ).
  5. Hotel: Bad for a lot of reasons. Rooms weren't guaranteed so we had a single king bed for the first few nights. Not too bad since everyone hadn't arrived but still kinda sucked. Service was poor, waited an hour and a half for towels after calling 3 times. Location is good except after 7pm everything closes. Hotel restaurant was the best thing about the hotel. Happy hour wings owned.
  7. Marathon rooms: These seemed underwhelming. I found myself not spending time in the practice/casual rooms very much and noticed they were generally less full than at other marathons. The arcade was decidedly meh. The lack of rhythm games outside of jubeat was disappointing. Arkanoid was cool for about an hours worth of playtime. Same with puzzle fighters. Personally didn't spend much time in stream room since watching over hotel tv system was much more enjoyable.
  9. Outside events: Before I get into specifics about events I want to say that if you want to get an event to happen it takes planning. Winging it and just hoping people will show up is destined for failure. Everyone at these events has a crazy schedule and if you want to find a time that works for most people you actually have to do some leg work. That being said, sushi dinner owned a TON. Putter there/zoo/fair was fun as well and I'm glad I went. Didn't go to the mall this time but I'm not really bothered about it. Clubbing also owned I'm glad I picked it over casino this year (mostly because it's much less taxing on my wallet)
  11. Side thoughts: this was the GDQ of real conversations and I think that's a good thing. I know I had a few serious conversations with some friends and despite the topic being serious, I think overall it was really nice to be able to have those conversations because it says a lot about the friends I've made. I'm a fan of sitting down and having a solid chat 1 on 1 with people.
  13. Conversely, I feel like some people were really distant this GDQ. I know people have their reasons for avoiding others but it kinda hurts to see people just able to completely ignore the fact that we don't get to see each other often. I also understand that it's hard to hang with everyone so I'm not judging anyone in particular. I'm sure I did it as well, even if unintentionally.
  15. Going forwards: This is a hard one because I was already considering skipping next SGDQ for Anime Expo. And now there's a realistic possibility that I'll be missing next AGDQ as well. I wish there was a way to balance hanging with friends more often, but in shorter chunks of time. I'll keep people posted.
  17. I'm excited to get home and stream. Probably short PUBG stream tonight or maybe some Breath of the Wild DLC since I played the entire flight home lmao. I have a new speed game I want to try so I'll be doing some off stream learning and maybe do some runs of that. Depending on which category I pick it might have to be a weekend thing.
  19. Short burst thoughts:
  20. -Jordan's show was actually godlike. I was so blown away and so happy I went.
  21. -Tied for second at putter there
  22. -Won IRL BotW bingo (thanks hagspam for being my guide)
  23. -Clubbing owned even if it was the weirdest clubbing experience
  24. -Final night hangout was REALLY fun
  25. -Platinum Lounge was godlike I wish I took more advantage of it
  26. -I'm happy for friends who had runs go well
  27. -I'm happy for friends who had some heart to hearts with other friends.
  28. -Shoutouts to friendship.
  29. -Sumi sang snake eater LMFAO
  30. -sumi also took a dumb but hilarious video of me look out for it on twitter dot com
  32. Here's 2 songs:
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