
BaNL Chapter 3, First Days (WIP)

Sep 6th, 2013
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  1. Medic POV (Point Of View)
  3. Medic followed Twilight into the library, yawning along the way, only to jump as Spike runs up to Twilight, "So how'd the experiment g-" He cut off when he noticed Medic, but he didn't stop smiling, "Are you an alien from another world?"
  5. The Medic blinked a couple of times before wiping his eyes with his gloved left hand and replying, surprised by the newest appearance, "Ja, It vould seem zat I am, as you say, an alien to zis world," Medic lowered his glove from his eye before asking, "And vat, I must ask, Are you?"
  7. "I'm Spike, The dragon, What are you?" Spike asked him in return, his smile still unwavering.
  9. "A dragon? Zis world vill never cease to amaze me vill it?" The medic thought silently before replying, "I am ze Medic, But you can call me Medic for short, And I am a Homo-sapien, Also known as a Human," Medic stated
  12. "Human? That's a weird name for a species," Spike commented, Causing the Medic's to smirk, which he hid feigning another yawn, Only to have said smirk turn into a wince as Twilight scolded the baby dragon loudly.
  14. "SPIKE! It's RUDE to make fun of somepony else just because of how their name sounds, ESPECIALLY guests!" Twilight said to the little dragon before turning to The Medic with an apologetic smile on her face, "I'm SO sorry about that, Spike can be a little quick to speak, often before he thinks about what he's saying," Twilight explained to Medic, A little hastily, The medic noted.
  16. "Ach, It's no problem, Twilight... Opinion and curiosity are perfectly understandable, especially when speaking to a species previously unknown," The Medic replied, "And besides, That's one of the least offensive things I've heard said in my time as a field medic," The medic continued before yawning once more.
  18. "Oh right, I almost forgot... I don't think any pony beds will be big enough for you, Medic, so I'm afraid your options are either A, the couch or B the floor, I can get you some blankets and a pillow though to help you get comfortable whichever your choice may be though," Twilight said to The Medic before she levitated down a pillow and a couple of blankets, which snapped The Medic out of the middle of a yawn.
  20. The Medic, having not seen Rarity Using magic earlier to get the measurements for The Spy's suit and being unaware any of them could USE magic, Said to Twilight in as calm a voice as a man of science can manage while watching magic being used, "I Vill Have to ask you later... How it is zat you DO ZAT..." The Medic stated before taking the blankets and pillow out of the air
  22. "What, Don't they have magic where you come from, Medic?" Twilight asked as Medic worked on regaining his composure, "It's not an uncommon thing here in Equestria, Any Unicorn can use magic, really."
  24. "Ja... Ja, zere are zose in my world zat can use magic, But it is a highly uncommon thing where I come from..." The Medic replied, momentarily thinking about a certain magician that had caused all manner of chaos in his world, before continueing, "Most humans do not even BELIEVE in magic, much less know how to use it..."
  26. "Oh? What about those who do know how to use it? Have you met anypony who could?" Twilight asked, her curiosity having peaked, and her paper and quill now levitating in front of her while she continued taking the notes she started on earlier while The Medic spoke to Spike.
  28. "Ja... I have met one of zem, But I do not wish to speak of him. He caused me and my friends nozing but harm..." The Medic replied with a frown while he laid out the first blanket on the ground, Having determined the couch to be too small for him to use, "Some harm more permanent than ze rest."
  30. Twilight, On hearing this, frowned herself before replying, "I'm sorry to hear that... I hope that the magicians of Equestria can help you forget all of those bad times, I promise that nopony would do anything to hurt you unless given good reason to," Twilight said, helping even out the blanket on the ground with her magic and giving Medic a hopeful smile.
  32. "I... do not zink zat anyzing will ever wash away all of the bad memory's left behind by ze incidents zat magician caused, "The Medic replied, causing Twilights smile to fade slightly before continuing, "But, I cannot let zat make me form an opinion on zose who practice it here." The Medic finished, returning her smile for a moment before flopping down onto the blanket with a sigh.
  34. "Well, I'll just leave you to get your rest, I've got a few things I need to do today." Twilight told Medic, looking out at the mid-day sunshine, "Spike, don't bother Medic unless he wants to talk to you, I'll be back in a couple of hours, I have to go check on the others and get a replacement for the window the CMC busted out while trying to get their "Ultimate frisbee" cutie marks..."
  36. "See ya later, Twilight, I've still gotta finish cleaning up the mess you left upstairs last night..." Spike replied as Twilight went out the door and shut it behind herself, before heading upstairs.
  46. Screen pans over to The Engineer, who is currently walking alongside The Heavy and Applejack, frowning uncomfortably under the stares from all of the ponies who had been walking around outside, "Pardon me, But how far away did ya say your farm was again?" Engie asked Applejack, eyes darting around under his goggles at the ponies walking the streets, most of which were, of course, watching him and the giant of a man he was walking with.
  48. "Land sakes alive, You asked me that four times before and ya'll are gonna get the same answer every time, It's on the other side of town," Applejack replied, obviously getting annoyed at The Engineer's Asking of the same question over and over again, And silently grateful for Heavy's silence, Although a little uncomfortable under the nervous looks The Heavy would occasionally give her.
  50. "Sorry for bein' a pest, But the folks 'round here're lookin' at us like we're some kinda freakshow," The Engineer responded, drawing a chuckle from the Heavy who simply turned and gave the Engineer a slight grin.
  52. "Engineer, We ARE freak-show. Look around, No one like us is here, We are two of the nine only humans here, To them, we are freak-show. Like small child who receives toy, First they are excited, Over time they grow used to us until we are like everything else," The Heavy said, Drawing a surprised stare from the Engineer, to which Heavy replied, "What, Heavy is not allowed to be deep thinker too?" Heavy asked, arching an eyebrow at The Engineer
  54. "Just... Didn't expect ya to say somethin' like that, with how ya normally are, Well, didn't know ya had that in ya Heavy," The Engineer replied, Causing the heavy to laugh loudly, "Now what is so got dang funny, Heavy?" The Engineer asked as Heavy quieted down his laugh.
  56. "I am man of many surprises, Engineer, many a man think they can outsmart me, maybe they can, but this does not mean Heavy is stupid," Heavy told the Engineer, His laughter now fully controlled and gone and replaced by a large smile.
  58. "...Ya'll are certainly strange, whatever ya are," Applejack stated before mumbling to herself, "I get the feelin' Applebloom is gonna just LOVE ya'll..." She suppressed a shudder at the thought of what the little filly might do with the new arrivals.
  60. A short time later they come to the gate to a farm, In the center of which stands a large, red barn that towered over them and cast a shadow over them, shielding their eyes from the mid-day sun, and drawing an impressed whistle from the Engineer.
  62. "Might' fine farm ya'll got here," The Engineer commented, Taking the moment to take in his surroundings, taking note of the fields around him as well as the orchard that no doubt got them their name-sake, "Must take ya'll a pretty long time to get all of those apple's, I wager."
  64. "Me and Big Mac can handle it jus' fine by ourselves," Applejack replied, leading them to the house while she spoke, "Unless Mac hurts himself again, I mean, Then there can be some problems that come our way, But that's not a problem right now..." She continues before opening the door to the house and leading them in, The Heavy having to bend down in order to fit through the doorway.
  66. "If its all the same, I think Heavy and I will just wait here, Applejack... I dont think this house was made with someone his size in mind..." The Engineer told her before cracking a grin as said giant man bonked his head on the door frame.
  68. "Da... Heavy can barely fit through tiny door..." The Heavy replied before hitting his head once more on the door frame in his attempt to step back outside, Swearing under his breath in Russian as he did so, Drawing out the laugh The Engineer had been trying to contain.
  70. "проклятие дверь..." The Heavy muttered, holding the spot on his head where he had banged it on the door frame twice and thinking to himself, "Heavy thinks this world just doesn't like him..."
  72. "Alright, Just try not to break our door while I go ask my Granny Smith," Applejack said to them, eyeing a crack in the wooden door frame from where heavy had hit his head prior before walking further into the house.
  74. There was silence for the most part, aside from the noises of the birds singing not much else was heard until The Engineer broke the silence, "Been one hell of a day so far, hasn't it," The Engineer half asked half stated with an unreadable look on his face, "First, we try to escape to another continent, only to have it backfire and send us here instead, a world we know next to nothing about so far... next, most of us get into a fight with those ponies and get our asses handed to us, Now we're potentially moving in with them and working new jobs," The Engineer continued, now seeming somewhat unsure of what his future may contain.
  76. The Heavy, noticing this, replies to him with words that hold as much comfort as the large Russian man can muster, "If there is one thing that war taught me, it is that no matter how much you believe things to be as they seem, everything can, and will, change," The Heavy said, thinking for a moment before continuing, "What matters is not how things change, what matters is how we handle changes."
  78. The Engineer looks at the Heavy again and remains silent for a moment before responding, "When did you become this wise, Heavy?" The Engineer asked, obviously curious as to how the man in front of him changed from what he was known for to the wiser giant in front of him.
  80. "Thing's changed for Heavy when he saw his friends torn apart like carcass by desert vulture," Heavy replied before looking up at the sky for a moment, Remembering the comrades he lost to the robots before shaking his head and looking back down at The Engineer and continuing, "But, Heavy will not let that bother him, Much like this, Reaction is all that matters."
  82. The Engineer blinked a couple of times under his goggles before looking down at the ground in awkward silence, only to have that silence broken moments later by Applejacks return, for which The Engineer was silently thankful.
  84. "Alright, Granny Smith said it's fine with her, so long as you don't mind doing a little work around the farm, That alright with ya'll?" Applejack asked the two of them, receiving a simple "yes" from the heavy and a "much obliged" from The Engineer, bringing her to the next order of business, "Alright, now, lets see what the two of ya can do, I already got a few ideas for Heavy, but I'd like t'see what ya got, Engie," Applejack stated.
  86. "Alrighty then!" The Engineer stated, putting as much enthusiasm as he could muster into getting as good a standing point as he could, "I guess if Im gonna be here a while, if not forever, might as well do my best to make a good situation for myself," The Engineer thought to himself while following Applejack, who was now moving towards a nearby apple tree.
  88. "Alright, Engie, I want you to try and knock as many apples from this tree as you can," Applejack said before walking up to another tree and facing her back legs to it, "like so," She then proceeded to raise herself up onto her front legs only and slam her back legs into the tree behind her, shaking down the apples and landing them all perfectly in a large basket placed at the base of the tree.
  90. "What in... actually, never mind..." Engineer muttered while staring at the basket before turning to face the tree in front of himself and clenching his gloved right hand into a fist, the rubber squeaking slightly as he does so, "If I tried kicking the tree I'd likely end up hurtin' myself... Instead, I'll just use my little "advantage" that I have hidden under this glove..." The engineer thought silently to himself before drawing his right hand back, questioning how well this would really work silently before slamming said fist into the tree as hard as he could, creating a dull thudding noise.
  92. The tree shook ever so slightly, a single apple falling out of it and bouncing off of Engies hard hat before landing in a basket placed under the tree he was at similarly to the one under Applejack's tree, Leaving the Texan slightly red faced.
  94. "That could have been better, I wont lie," Applejack stated, struggling to stop herself from smiling at the look of absolute embarrassment on the Engineer's face as he looked down at the apple in the basket, "But at least ya got one... Though I wager it might be faster for ya to just pick the apples if you tried harvesting 'em..."
  96. The Engineer just continued staring down at the apple in the basket, noticing out of the corner of his eye that heavy was currently hunched over in laughter at the sight of the Engineer's failure and the look of shame he wore on his face.
  98. That was when Engineer had an idea, which he quickly spoke up about, "Y'know, I think this is a job better suited for a kind of guy like Heavy over there," the Texan stated before gesturing towards the large man who was laughing too hard to hear or see what he was doing.
  100. Applejack gave him a knowing smirk before replying, "I reckon you're right," Applejack proceeded to walk, the engineer following not far behind, over to The Heavy who was now getting his laughter under control, and having been holding the spot where he had been bucked in the ribs previously.
  102. Before they could even reach the heavy, however, they were met with a rather loud trio of three little fillies voices, all screaming in unison, "CUTIE MARK CRUSADERS MONSTER CATCHERS! YAY!"
  104. "Oh no..." Applejack muttered as three small, overly hyper little ponies ran around the heavies legs quickly, Causing the large man to snap to attention and look down in surprise, alarm and confusion.
  106. "The rope, Applebloom, get the rope!" The orange filly with pink hair shouted to her friends, The yellow one with the red hair having pulled a rope from seemingly nowhere and tossed one end to the Orange filly.
  108. "Uh... I think-" Heavy started to say before he was cut off as the rope was quickly wrapped around his legs by the orange and yellow ponies, and knocked over as the last one, A white filly, Jumped upwards and smacked into his face, causing him to fall backwards and land on the ground with a loud "THUD".
  110. "We got it we got it!" The yellow one cheered, unaware that Applejack was there, let alone aware of the annoyed look she had on her face as she walked towards them silently. Applejack barely got halfway there, however, by the time the heavy, much to everyones surprise, began to laugh.
  112. "What in tarnation..." Applejack said, giving the heavy a look of bewilderment and possible worry for the large mans sanity, while the engineer was standing there, eyes twitching under his goggles and wondering what heavy was laughing about, whereas two of the three fillies responsible were now staring at heavy, wide eyed and backing away, while the brown filly remained in place, just looking down at him in a confused manner.
  114. "Hey, what're you laughing about when you just got captured, you... whatever you are... what are you anyway?" The little filly asked, poking at one of heavys hands with a hoof, "and what're these things on the ends of your hooves?"
  116. "I laugh because," heavy started before taking a moment to catch his breath, his face having turned slightly red from lack of air, "Because such itty bitty ponies brought down the giant man, when dozens of men could not!" Heavy finished.
  118. The Engineer, after hearing that, couldn't help but crack a grin at that as well. "Ya'll have a point there, heavy, Maybe Grey should've hired them instead of those tin cans," Engie said to the, still on his back, giant man, who began laughing once again at that thought.
  120. "...I knew it, Ya'll are weird," Applejack stated, rather bluntly, before directing her attention to the three fillies in front of her, "What in tarnation is wrong with you three, Attacking our guests out of the blue like that, You could have hurt someone like that!"
  122. The heavy, having finally gotten over his fit of laughter, spoke up for them. "Is Okay, Applejack, They did not harm me, and to them I looked like, as they put it, a monster," Heavy said before trying to get up, momentarily forgetting that his legs were still bound and being forcefully reminded by the ground that he still was.
  124. "I think it might be best if someone unties my friend here before he ends up eating a part of your farmland," The engineer stated, gesturing towards the rope on his legs.
  126. "I'll get it!" The brown filly half shouted before untying the rope with what should have been impossible speed for something with hooves, which left the engineer with an arched eyebrow and many questions on his mind suddenly, whereas the heavy had only one thing on his mind.
  128. "Heavy can breathe again!" The large man proclaimed, standing up and spitting out a small piece of dirt with some grass in it, "What relief!"
  130. "Well, If you forgive them I guess I will too, but I still don't want them runnin' around and ropin' random ponies..." Applejack commented, Looking at the nervous yellow filly next to her, "'specially guests on our farm."
  132. "Sorry, big sis..." The tiny yellow filly said, kicking a dirt clump that had been at her hooves away before her eyes suddenly lit up, "Hey, If they're stayin' on the farm, they can help me and the girls find our cutie marks! Crusaders, Introductions!"
  134. A simple groan and a facehoof was all Applejack could get out as the three little ponies in front of them suddenly gathered together in a single-file line, each smiling brightly as the brown filly spoke up, puffing out her chest and giving a confident smile.
  136. "I'm Scootaloo, future fastest flyer in all of Equestria, just like Rainbow Dash!" She stated confidently, "Just... I kinda need to learn how to fly in the first place..."
  138. 'That one's got fire in her eyes... reminds me of a certain fast running, quick mouthed, hard headed member of my team...' The engineer thought silently before shaking his head and re-focusing his attention on the fillies in front of him.
  140. Next up was the palest among the group who gave a large smile that was accompanied by a squeak the engineer was visibly confused by the sudden appearance of.
  142. "Hi, my name's Sweetie Bell!" She stated in an squeaky, yet still adorable, voice, "Rarity is my older sister, but some times it's kinda hard to tell since she's so scared of messing up her mane or getting her hooves dirty..." She continued, giving a slight giggle as she spoke that nearly melted the heavy's heart upon hearing it
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