

Apr 4th, 2009
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  1. [22:06] * [Dune]Yano sees that Garnet has dived away from her captor, and mentally speaks an order to Anima as she recovers from her cringing:
  2. [22:07] <[Dune]Yano> Anima, try to get to Garnet and free her of her bindings, now!
  3. [22:14] * [nfty]Garnet tries to squirm away from the peasants as best she can.
  4. [22:14] <[huh]Peasant> Oh, no you don't!
  5. [22:15] * [huh]Peasant though a bit off-balance, goes to capture the escaped captive.
  6. [22:17] * [Dune]Yano 's familiar picks herself off of the ground and then darts over to Garnet and changes into her large earthen form.
  7. [22:18] <[nfty]Garnet> What..?
  8. [22:24] * [huh]Peasant heedless, smashes through the earthen barrier, and seizes Garnet with his bloodied fist.
  9. [22:24] <[huh]Meliel> You guys...
  10. [22:25] * [huh]Meliel looks relieved, despite his protests to your coming.
  11. [22:26] * [Yano]Anima staggers for a moment and then reforms, roaring and facing and in the midst of striking the peasant away from Garnet
  12. [22:26] * [Dune]Yano winces again as she stands on the rooftop, the damage to her familiar paining her.
  13. [22:27] * [Spi]Kaz cups Meliel's face in her hands and whispers concernedly; "Are you okay, Master?", then hurriedly looks toward the roars "...I don't think this is going to look good in the morning, what do you want me to do?"
  14. [22:29] * [huh]Peasant yells as the spirit impedes him.
  15. [22:30] <[huh]Meliel> I guess... as long as you're here...
  16. [22:30] <[huh]Meliel> THe number one priority is to save Garnet.
  17. [22:31] * [Yano]Anima brings down one of her stone claws, and the peasant...
  18. [22:32] * [huh]Peasant blocks it with his free arm, sustaining another nasty wound. However, he stands firm.
  19. [22:33] * [Spi]Kaz releases her grip on Meliel and pushes herself to her feet with arm a plenty. She nodes gravely, with a look of steely determination, which shifts into a gormless grin as she bows neatly, turns, and charges toward the ensuing combat, feet thumping the floor heavily with every bound~
  20. [22:33] <[Spi]Kaz> (nods too!)
  21. [22:33] * [huh]Peasant sees the approaching enemy, and motions to his ally. "You take that one".
  22. [22:39] * [Yano]Anima , frustrated at the lack of success with the blow, viciously whips around her other (blunted) claw to strike at the threatening peasant!
  23. [22:39] * [huh]Peasant turns back just in time to receive the vicious blow by Anima. His ally turns to the great spider in heasitation, but is easily swatted aside.
  24. [22:42] * [nfty]Garnet tries to work on getting free of her bonds now.
  25. [22:42] * [Dune]Yano looks on from her rooftop, and while she is glad that Kaz is now helping, she closes her eyes and her breaths become heavier as the stress of her familiar's combat assails her.
  26. [22:44] * [Spi]Kaz smiles disconcertingly toward her new found friend, balling her fists and weaving them threateningly infront of herself, in what she probably considered to be an impressive stance of boxersque proportions; "How you doing, Garnet?"
  27. [22:46] * [Yano]Anima roars directly in the peasant's face, as she picks him up with her claw and tosses him aside at full force.
  28. [22:47] <[nfty]Garnet> Not too great...
  29. [22:48] <[nfty]Garnet> ... I, just make sure the Master's alright, ok?
  30. [22:49] * [Spi]Kaz darts neatly aside as the peasant attacks, drawing his attention with her arms and leads him across, making her way toward the stricken Garnet; "I already did, he's worried for you~"
  31. [22:50] <[huh]Meliel> [If you look, you see that Meliel is indeed simply sitting, looking at you rather timidly.]
  32. [22:52] * [nfty]Garnet looks a bit surprised, then wiggles around. "I could use a hand here.."
  33. [22:53] * [Spi]Kaz pauses on her progression towards garnet, shifts her express to a wide smile, and neatly applauds toward Garnet
  34. [22:53] * [Yano]Anima proceeds with her initial order, striding over to Garnet and cutting loose her bonds.
  35. [22:54] * [huh]Peasant lands heavily, slowly getting up. He seems to nearly spent though...
  36. [22:55] * [nfty]Garnet gets up carefully as her bonds are removed, keeping an eye on the scene.
  37. [22:57] * [huh]Peasant and hill ally seem to be back on their feet, and are menacing toward the group.
  38. [22:58] * [Yano]Anima turns around and sees the advancing peasants, bracing herself in front of Garnet.
  39. [23:00] * [Spi]Kaz faces the peasant pair, and rolls her eyes, placing the majority of her hands to her hips and waves a finer with the free one
  40. [23:00] * [nfty]Garnet sort of hides behind the earth spirit, unarmed and rather helpless.
  41. [23:00] * [huh]Peasant smiles, then motions. He charges forward, but his ally turns and runs for Meliel.
  42. [23:01] <[Spi]Kaz> Is there -really- any further need for this? I mean come on, this is bad enough as it is.
  43. [23:05] * [Spi]Kaz stamps a foot and fumes, transforming into spider form and making to fire a line of web towards the peasant heading for Meliel
  44. [23:06] * [Yano]Anima rumbles, and then charges forward to ram the peasant in front of her.
  45. [23:08] * [huh]Peasant is overtaken by the charge, and lays, for the second time today, bleeding unconscious in the dust.
  46. [23:10] <[nfty]Garnet> Good shot!
  47. [23:11] * [huh]Peasant 's friend is also taken down easily, deftly caught in sticky strings of web.
  48. [23:12] * [Spi]Kaz reels her webbing in, advancing methodically forward on her many legs, chirruping a chorde of discontent
  49. [23:13] * [huh]Peasant 's friend quails under Kaz's gaze. "I... I'm sure we can work something out?" He suggests.
  50. [23:15] * [Spi]Kaz hauls him upwards, and returns to, for lack of a better word, normal form; proferring a candy coated smile through closed eyes "Heee~"
  51. [23:15] * [Yano]Anima moves to her now-unconscious target and begins carefully dragging him towards Kaz.
  52. [23:16] * [nfty]Garnet looks to see who else is around, looking for any stragglers or hidden enemies.
  53. [23:16] * [huh]Meliel now timidly approaches the scene.
  54. [23:17] * [nfty]Garnet goes to meet Meliel."Master..."
  55. [23:18] * [Dune]Yano opens her eyes and carefully climbs down from the rooftop, then walking over towards everyone else.
  56. [23:18] * [huh]Meliel embraces Garnet.
  57. [23:18] <[huh]Meliel> Oh, I'm glad you're alright...
  58. [23:22] * [Yano]Anima turns back into a sparrow as Yano draws near, and flies over to rest on her summoner's shoulder.
  59. [23:22] <[nfty]Garnet> I'm sorry.. it was my fault this all happened..
  60. [23:23] <[huh]Meliel> Uuuu... no, it's my fault they targeted you in the first place...
  61. [23:24] * [Dune]Yano now stands among the group and smiles lightly, though she is also outwardly tired.
  62. [23:24] <[nfty]Garnet> no, no, don't say things like that. Come on, we need to get home.
  63. [23:25] * [Spi]Kaz hums to herself whilst proceeding to mummify the lower body of the peasant
  64. [23:27] <[huh]Meliel> You're right... let's all go ho-
  65. [23:27] * [huh]Meliel notices Kaz.
  66. [23:27] <[huh]Meliel> Wait, what're you doing?
  67. [23:28] * [Spi]Kaz 's eyes bulge momentarily, and she shifts her weight to infront of the peasant, simultaniously scratching the back of her head, twiddling some thumbs and waving a hand in a dismissive manner
  68. [23:28] <[Spi]Kaz> "Nooothing~?"
  69. [23:28] * [Dune]Yano looks over to Kaz as well, her face taking on a curious look.
  70. [23:29] <[nfty]Garnet> Ah... is there some reason to have to do that to him?
  71. [23:29] <[huh]Meliel> You are doing something, aren't you?
  72. [23:29] * [huh]Meliel :|
  73. [23:31] * [Dune]Yano sighs, but speaks almost in Kaz's defense.
  74. [23:31] * [Spi]Kaz looks around guiltily "...'s jus n'ff'n."
  75. [23:31] <[Dune]Yano> well, we couldn't have him up and attacking us, now could we?
  76. [23:32] <[huh]Meliel> That's... true...
  77. [23:34] <[Spi]Kaz> "What are we going to do about all this though? I mean, they're just going to say more horrible things about us when we go..."
  78. [23:35] * [Dune]Yano walks over to inspect the unconscious and bleeding peasant that Anima was defending against earlier.
  79. [23:35] <[Dune]Yano> actually, i was thinking of that a little during the fight, and so requested that Anima here use blunt attacks.
  80. [23:36] <[nfty]Garnet> Well... perhaps we should be more proactive in the future?
  81. [23:36] * [Dune]Yano uses her right hand to pet Anima's head lightly, as she continues speaking.
  82. [23:36] <[Dune]Yano> yes, probably...
  83. [23:36] * [Dune]Yano sighs.
  84. [23:36] <[Dune]Yano> but i also thought we could treat this one as a show of goodwill.
  85. [23:36] <[Dune]Yano> although he'd still probably become a problem again.
  86. [23:36] <[Spi]Kaz> "I don't mean like that, I mean that... well, they can say anything, right? And everyone else was asleep... they're just going to think magic was used, and well... it was."
  87. [23:37] <[huh]Meliel> Uuuuu... you're right...
  88. [23:37] * [huh]Meliel frets.
  89. [23:37] * [nfty]Garnet nods. "Well, what were they saying earlier...?"
  90. [23:38] * [Dune]Yano lowers her head in introspection, but first answers Garnet.
  91. [23:38] <[Dune]Yano> basically that they were dissatisfied that Meliel has done nothing to aid their condition, and that they will not tolerate the 'evil plans' that we're endeavoring for.
  92. [23:40] <[nfty]Garnet> Hmm. That's a strange reason to go through all of this for...
  93. [23:40] <[huh]Meliel> They're wrong, though! I don't have any evil plans... I don't...
  94. [23:40] * [Dune]Yano smiles lightly as she walks over to and pats Meliel on the shoulder.
  95. [23:40] <[Dune]Yano> We all know you don't.
  96. [23:41] <[Dune]Yano> what we need to figure out is how to show these...
  97. [23:41] * [Dune]Yano gestures with her other hand towards the sleeping crowd around them.
  98. [23:41] <[Dune]Yano> people the truth.
  99. [23:43] * [nfty]Garnet nods.
  100. [23:43] * [Spi]Kaz hefts her half caccooned friend to eye level and grins wickedly "Maybe we could have them over for dinnerr~"
  101. [23:43] * [huh]Meliel :|
  102. [23:43] <[nfty]Garnet> I think we need friends in the populace Kaz, not more enemies.
  103. [23:44] <[Spi]Kaz> "My cooking isn't that bad!"
  104. [23:44] * [Dune]Yano turns around to face Kaz and makes a sort of half-grimace.
  105. [23:45] <[Dune]Yano> you don't even cook, Kaz, breakfast was my work.
  106. [23:45] * [nfty]Garnet cant help but snicker at that.
  107. [23:46] <[huh]Meliel> Now, now, stop fighting...~
  108. [23:46] <[Spi]Kaz> "Tsk, to think of yourself at a time like this. And that's not a very nice thing to say about 'Cia~"
  109. [23:46] * [Spi]Kaz rolls her head toward Meliel
  110. [23:46] <[Spi]Kaz> "Sorry, Master~"
  111. [23:48] * [Dune]Yano 's recoil at Kaz's comment is barely visible, but shows plainly on her face for those who look.
  112. [23:48] <[Dune]Yano> I...didn't mean anything like that.
  113. [23:48] * [nfty]Garnet looks tired.
  114. [23:48] <[huh]Meliel> Ah, Garnet? Are you alright?
  115. [23:49] <[nfty]Garnet> Oh, come on, let's not get in an argument in this sort of place.
  116. [23:49] * [Spi]Kaz had already returned to her webbing, ignoring the bickering continuing
  117. [23:50] <[Spi]Kaz> "What do you want to do, Master?"
  118. [23:50] <[huh]Meliel> Let's... go home, for now.
  119. [23:51] * [Spi]Kaz scuttles to Meliel's side and holds his hand in a few of hers "You must be tired, it's been a long day~"
  120. [23:52] * [huh]Meliel sighs.
  121. [23:52] <[huh]Meliel> Yes, even with my youthful vigor, I'm getting a bit tired...
  122. [23:53] <[nfty]Garnet> I agree, it has been a long day.
  123. [23:53] * [Dune]Yano 's face and body tense themselves as Yano regains her previously militaristic demeanor, though behind that she thinks:
  124. [23:53] <[Dune]Yano> this has definitely been the most...eventful birthday i've ever had.
  125. [23:54] * [Spi]Kaz grips meliel's back and gently rubs; "It's a lot to have to deal with on one person's shoulders~" then bends backwards in her worrying fashion to face Yano: "and someone deserves a nicer day~"
  126. [23:57] * [Dune]Yano blushes for a moment before she catches herself, smiles slightly, and responds.
  127. [23:57] <[Dune]Yano> thank you, Kaz...
  128. [23:59] <[huh]Meliel> Oh, yes, and it's Yano's birthday, too...
  129. [23:59] * [huh]Meliel turns to Yano.
  130. [23:59] <[huh]Meliel> I'm so sorry...
  131. [00:00] * [Spi]Kaz beams her stupid open smile at Yano before whipping around behind Meliel to avoid obstruction, shifting back to her grin
  132. [00:00] * [Dune]Yano speaks strongly though some sadness shows in her face.
  133. [00:00] * [Dune]Yano closes her eyes as she speaks, and then reopens them.
  134. [00:01] <[Dune]Yano> it's alright, master...
  135. [00:06] <[Spi]Kaz> "Perhaps it would be better to discuss this at home? I'm sure we can arrange for some treats for Yano on our return!"
  136. [00:06] * [Spi]Kaz turns to Garnet; "Say, do you like magic tricks~?"...
  137. [00:08] * [Dune]Yano doesn't hear Kaz's whispering, but still blushes a little.
  138. [00:09] <[nfty]Garnet> ahhh.. magic tricks?
  139. [00:09] <[nfty]Garnet> what kind...?
  140. [00:09] * [Spi]Kaz places a hand on Garnet's shoulder
  141. [00:09] <[Spi]Kaz> "I'll tell you all about it on the way home~"
  142. [00:10] * [Dune]Yano perks up as she hears Kaz's mention of 'magic', and then turns around and speaks quickly.
  143. [00:10] <[Dune]Yano> a-ah, please don't~!
  144. [00:10] * [Dune]Yano blushes a little further as she speaks.
  145. [00:11] <[nfty]Garnet> hunh...?
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