
This is my life now

Jun 9th, 2018
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  1. “Sssso, have you ever...y’know?” Exy asked, unzipping her hoodie.
  3. “What, had sex?” Izuku fumbled with the buttons on his shirt. “N-no,” he admitted, already starting to blush.
  5. “Oh! That’ssss good, because I haven’t either!” Exy said happily. Now naked, she flopped down on the bed.
  7. That admission made Izuku feel a little better, though he was still nervous. Once he undressed, he joined Exy on the bed, towering over her, his palms just above her shoulders “ this fine?”
  9. “Yesss…”
  11. “Alright, here we go…” Izuku slowly lowered his hips, wanting to make sure he got in correctly. His tip gently teased Exy’s slit. Once he was sure that he wouldn’t miss, he thrusted in.
  13. “Aaah!” Exy cried out, feeling the cock inside of her.
  15. “Oh god, did I hurt you?” Izuku panicked, quickly pulling out.
  17. “N-no! It’s ok! K-Keep going!”
  19. Izuku nodded, sliding his shaft back in. His thrusts in and out were slow, as if trying to pace himself, all the while constantly asking if Exy was ok.
  21. Exy nodded each time Izuku asked, sometimes adding a satisfied shudder.
  23. Izuku eventually stopped asking, letting his thrusts do the talking instead. He lowered his body into a more comfortable position, his hands on Exy’s shoulders to help him move his hips in a somewhat irregular rhythm.
  25. Exy gripped onto the bedsheets, her toes curling as Izuku continued, the lust building up in her in small waves. At first they were just little moans, but the longer it went on, the louder she got. “Aaaah! Sssso good!”
  27. Izuku’s thrusting started to get faster as he started to get the hang of it, he didn’t have to think too hard about what he was doing anymore, and his thrusts got smoother the less he thought about them.
  29. Exy started to drool on the bedsheets, unable to control her impulsive shouts. “AH! RIGHT THERE! YESSSS! LIKE THAT!” Those small waves of lust started to grow into something she wasn’t sure how to explain, but knew had to be something good.
  31. Izuku closed his eyes, his cock throbbing as he continued his pace. He had been trying his best to control himself, wanting to stay on this erotic high for as long as possible, but his fortitude was slowly but surely dwindling.
  33. “F-FUCK! SSSSSSO CLOSE! I-I’M GONNA!” Exy gasped, grabbing onto Izuku’s shoulders, her entire body trembling.
  35. Hoping to finish together, Izuku focused some of his energy into what was important, making his shaft glow bright, and released with one definitive thrust.
  37. What happened next was something neither of them could have planned for.
  39. Creeper biology is complicated. Human Creeper biology even more so. Exy couldn’t handle all the sensations and pleasure that came with an orgasm, and her Creeper instincts overwhelmed her, causing her to do what Creepers do best.
  41. All that energy that Izuku had put from using the smallest bit of All For One’s power had to go somewhere, and while some of it went into Exy, the rest had to be spread out throughout the room.
  43. Naturally following an explosion in a public residency, authorities were quickly called. Luckily, one was already swinging by to check on the damage. Spider-Man landed at a distance from the house before approaching to investigate.
  45. “Jeez, what a mess...” He muttered to himself. Spider-Man started assessing the scene. The neighbors reported an explosion that blew off one of the walls. As he got closer, he saw two familiar figures in the blown-up bedroom.
  47. “Oh, uh...h-hey, Spider-Man!” Izuku quickly sputtered out, frantically looking for something to cover the unconscious Exy with, while also trying to keep whatever was left of his dignity.
  49. Spider-Man quickly put the pieces together.
  51. “Oh. Ohhhh… Wow, that’s...yeah.” Spider-Man quickly looked away. “I’ll else,” he said, turning around and walking away, letting someone else deal with the aftermath.
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