
Taliban short stoires (AiE)

Sep 14th, 2012
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  1. >Day taliban in Equestria
  2. >You were ready, you had your feet washed and the plan was solid
  3. >You walked into the castle and got in the line
  4. >Hours passed and finally you were in front of the princess
  5. >C: "Greetings human"
  6. "Hello Princess...coughinfidelcough"
  7. >C: "Oh caught a cold?"
  8. "No..."
  9. >C: "Anonymous, why is that a new robe?"
  10. "Yes, robes are best. Zippers can be heard by goats from behind"
  11. >C: "Inter-"
  12. >You detonated
  13. >Good End
  14. >You awoke feeling so light
  15. >You saw a golden door, a door that has your 72 virgins waiting for you
  16. >You pushed it wasn't what you expected
  17. >Allah has tricked you
  18. >In front of you was 72 virgins...all male
  19. >some had neckbeards, some were fat, and some...were lanky
  20. >"Hey guise...I want to cum in Rainbow Dash haha"
  21. >"Oh wait...maybe...just maybe in a mouse Equestria...brilliant isn't it?"
  22. >"I want to cum in Chronicler"
  23. >"Hey guise we need more clop"
  24. >No this isn't heaven...its damnation
  25. >The door behind you vanishes leaving you stuck here, forever
  26. >Bad Afterlife
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