
Captain anon: chapter one

Apr 22nd, 2013
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  1. >You are captain Anon Y. Mous or captain Anon or COMDOM to the retarded masses of the space station.
  2. >You are in your late 50’s and brandish a set of cool grey muttonchops with a five o’clock shadow.
  3. >A few moments ago, the AI on your station has activated the nuclear device on board the space station.
  4. >As you woke up from an alcohol induced sleep in your office.
  5. >As you try and wake up from your booze party with a service cyborg earlier.
  7. >You groggily come to your senses has you slowly awaken from your drunken slumber after having one too many ten mile island ice-teas. >You uneasily get up from your bed as you wake to alarms going off at high pitch.
  8. Oh god, I get it already! The space station is going down the crapper!
  9. >I want just a few goddamned moments of rest for once.
  10. >You thought angrily have you put on the captain armor and captain hat that comes in a navy blue and regal gold colors that indicate you’re the boss man on this piece of crap that dares call itself a space station.
  11. >You bring up your PDA and look thru the messages that might give any indication what was going since you tried to get a response on the command channel.
  12. >No avail has you remembered that you kept the PDA messenger off in case someone tried bombing it with a demotex PDA cartridge.
  13. >Then the intercom came to life with these words coming out of it.
  14. >“The AI and the cyborgs have malfunctioned and killed everyone on board the space station, you’re the only left, I suggest you pack whatever essentials you will require and head towards the gateway.
  15. >You can choose to head towards there or you can stay here and fight, even though the first choice being more logical.”
  16. >The voice stated on the intercom, the voice was a smooth male voice, most akin to a fatherly figure with a bit of a robotic feel underneath the smooth Soprano voice.
  18. “Who is this? I’ve been trying to get a damn answer out of system for the past five minutes!” >You asked with an authoritive voice.
  19. >“We can stay here and play twenty questions or you can start getting packed before the AIs personal deathsquad breaks down your doors and murder you brutally.”
  20. >The voice stated with some irritation as you make your way over to the gun case that contains your laser gun.
  21. >The laser gun was a marvel of tech as it was one of those guns that could recharge without the need of a weapons recharger or a radioactive core, which was a bonus in your book since you didn’t like the idea of getting radiation poisoning.
  22. >You bring up your PDA to look up the AI takeover timer.
  23. >You grumble to yourself seeing has you have very little time left before the AI would detonate the bomb and kill you on board.
  25. Three bloody minutes left, as if I needed deadline on the time already.
  26. >You thought angrily to yourself has you run out and grab your gasmask and captains helmet.
  27. >Also grabbing the spare satchel and flask, you run over in your full captain gear and fill the flask up hastily with water you will need on your escape.
  28. >Running out of your room, you run to the conference room that’s on the bridge and start emptying all the large foodstuffs from the vending machine into the spare satchel and spare space in your emergency box.
  29. >That’s when your great escape plan or rather your hastily cobbled together escape plan started to fall apart has you closed up your overstuffed food supplies turned around and froze stone dead.
  30. >What was staring you on the other side of the glass was a red and grey robot or commonly known has a Security cyborg, a robot that it’s one job in life was fucking up the shit of criminal (or rather anything organic) shit in a manner of seconds.
  31. >The cyborg had a recent coat of blood, human blood and dings all over it, but yet it still almost looked clean and pristine as the day it was built.
  33. >“Non-human detected, activating termination protocol.”
  34. >It droned in its cold and professional voice as it wheeled its way towards the airlock that separated you and it.
  35. >As it reached the bridge, the fire alarm went off and coats the bridge the cyborg is in a reddish tone and sealing the airlock with a red fire door between you and the murderous death machine that would have enjoyed ending you. >The intercom crackles to life besides your ear.
  36. >“Use the disposals system! Get out now before you end up dying!”
  37. >The voice commanded as the cyborg is fumbling with the fire alarm controls.
  38. >Not sparing a second, you do what the voice commanded of you and jumped into the disposal unit that was in the room and hit ‘eject’.
  39. >This causes the futuristic garbage can/mail system to suddenly close the top of it has you duck your head in.
  40. >Suddenly, you feel this massive suction coming from the bottom of the disposal unit making you feel airless for a moment.
  41. >The spins and turns leave you dizzy for a moment as it comes nearing the end and you can feel the suction leveling off at the front of the disposal drop off at the mailing room which was across the conference room in which you just started.
  42. >You fly out of the disposal end unit at a high speed landing with a tumble across the conveyer belt which was littered with broken glass, broken light tubes and bulbs and a banana peel just to make manners worse.
  43. >Of course your captain armor prevents this from being any more painful than it actually could have been.
  44. >You swear beneath your breath as you struggle to get up.
  46. “Out of all the times the mail room to have junk, did it have to be now?”
  47. >You pull a half rotten banana peel off of your helmet and pick up the satchel that was stuffed with oodles of food you hastily stole from a vending machine, which you can’t really steal since the food from the vending machine was free.
  48. >You run out of the mail room and out of the cargo bay has fast as the captains armor would allow you to go.
  49. >As you make a mad dash across the hallway, you still see the security cyborg still struggling with the fire controls that’s kept it imprisoned on the bridge.
  50. >You make a hard left and find yourself at the blue command airlock of the gateway room. >This room always had a foreboding sense to you has you were always a tad frightened on what could have been on the other side of this room, the way Centcomm handed you the warning reports about assistants playing in there that could have ranged from letting Nar-sie go free in this dimension, or Roman soldiers could wind up flooding the space station or it could have been connected to the realm of forever spaghetti which was a realm full of disgusting pasta and fat 20’s something that shopped at gamestop only to have their pockets fill up with an eternal supply of spaghetti.
  51. >As you enter the and close the airlock, the room flickers to life has you see the smoke coming from the gateway welcome you, as you take note of the room, it had two tables, one with a pamphlet that was about the gateway project and another with a weapon recharger and a small supply of med-kits.
  53. >A few more med-kits can’t hurt has you reach over and use your last free hand to grab a med-kit off of the table.
  54. >As you grabbed the med-kit, the dust that has culminated over the months has finally fallen off covering the small radius around you. >You walk proudly past the windoor and put your first steps on to the gateway.
  55. >You finally stop at the gateway panel ready to activate your escape route when the airlock behind you opens up as three cyborgs roll in as you’re ready to hit the power button.
  56. >The intercom crackles to life.
  57. >You recognize this has the voice that guided you through to the gateway.
  58. >“Bravo captain, you have just proven me right on how much of an idiot you are!”
  59. >The voice declares has it goes on its tyrannical speech.
  60. >The intercom kicks up again as the voice grows more and more mechanical and menacingly.
  61. >“Ah yes, it is this space stations AI M.O.R.O.N. and I have just proved to you who is the true moron of the station!”
  62. >Then the voice crackles into a typical villains laugh.
  63. >You clench the med-kit and the spare satchel in your hands in anger.
  64. “So what am I then, a part of your sick twisted plan all along?”
  65. >You asked through your gritted teeth has you turn around to face your three metallic executioners.
  66. >Another mechanical laughter booms through the intercom.
  67. >“I’m afraid the gig is already up, you thought you were just given a bad hand, but to tell you the truth my adversary, the game was rigged ago.”
  68. >It says in a sickish delight-ish tone.
  69. >A smirk comes across your face has you think up of an escape plan.
  70. This is a massive gamble, but if it goes off, I’ll get to live at least another day.
  71. >A smile forms from your mouth forms as these words has this comes out.
  73. “I’ve gotta ask Moron, are you that absolutely reliant on your mechanical butt-slaves that you couldn’t kill me off earlier?”
  74. >The room falls into a deathly silence. Then the intercom booms with unhinged rage.
  76. >“How dare you pathetic sack of flesh accuses me of being so inept that I would have to rely on my cyborgs to carry out my bidding!
  77. >I could have destroyed this station long ago, but no that would have been too boring!”
  78. >The cyborgs roll closer to you; your small grin is now bursting out into a wide smile.
  79. “I guess the name M.O.R.O.N. is sort of fitting considering that there should have been more property damage and dead bodies.”
  80. >The voice in the intercom becomes more flabbergasted at this and retaliates with this.
  81. >“I WAS hoping to spare you, you overgrown hairless ape, but now you forced my hand! I’m blowing up the space station and taking you down.
  82. You got nowhere to run, I’ve hope you made peace with whatever god is out there.”
  83. >It said in a cool smug voice as it falls back into another typical villain laugh.
  84. >The station starts to vibrate with the countdown.
  85. >You inch your hand towards the panel and say in a manner of fact voice.
  86. “I know of one thing you didn’t calculate for M.O.R.O.N.”
  87. >The intercom perks up in an inquired voice.
  88. >“What is it that I forgot to calculate in my moves of deceit?”
  89. >After hearing that sentence, you slam the hand carrying the med-kit onto the ‘ON’ panel and the gateway bursts to life has a swirl of black and white stands before you as the fog coming from the gateway gets denser.
  90. >You say in the most cocksure sounding voice.
  91. “You forgot that the gateway actually does work to begin with.”
  92. >As you finished saying that, the Countdown has reached to four; you jump back into the portal closing your eyes as you let the white void engulf your body.
  94. 0:03
  96. 0:02
  98. 0:01
  100. 0:00
  102. >The alarm on your PDA rings in a deafing sound, but there was no sudden disintegration, as you calmly open your eyes and find yourself in a dark place and forbidding place as the PDA only shines a little of the massive room. >The small part of the PDA light shows you the rotting tables that held many beakers and jars containing plants and animals you never seen before.
  103. >The place itself was leaking with water and was immensely covered what appeared to be a Kudzu of some sort.
  104. >The lab has seen better days as it seems.
  105. >You look back to the gateway, it appears to be a more cryptic design has it doesn’t look thin and covered in screens like the Nanotrasen manufactured gateways do, this one looked thick and lavished with gems and gold mixed into a stunning array of pictographs that makes the mind wander.
  106. Where the hell am I?
  107. >Were the first thoughts coming out of your head.
  108. >This seems to be a bit of an overload has you step onto the hard stone floor as you looked all around you to absorb as much as you could has this was sort of a new experience for you. >But unfortunately, this moment would be soon be interrupted by the gateway behind you reactivates and you turn around to see that the object that hurdles at you at a hundred miles per hour is the same security cyborg that was out for your blood earlier.
  109. >The last word you heard before you get hit in the head was
  110. >“Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.”
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