
When I Lost the Magic Duel (Twilight x Trixie R63 Fapfic)

Nov 28th, 2012
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  1. I awoke with splitting headache and the room was too bright. My eyes remained shut but still they burned, I wanted to go back to sleep. I wasn't so lucky as to even avoid nausea.
  3. "Barb?" What was no more than a mutter felt like screech banging the inside of my head with a rock. I desperately hoped my faithful dragoness assistant was awake, "Barbera? Ow..."
  5. No answer. I was not comfortable. I wasn't even in my bed. Wait a second...
  7. My eyes popped open, wide as dinner plates. I was not in my room, I wasn't even in the library!
  9. "Where am I? Hello!? Barbera!" My shouts echoed but I received no answer.
  11. I was in what appeared to be a bedroom. It was high class, there was no doubt about that. Lush red curtains draped over open windows, drifting in the cool night breeze. The floor was of stone, an expensive looking rug laid upon the floor between a king sized bed and a fashion salon that would be too big for any average pony's home. Lit candles-lamps on the desk and a chandelier above gave the room a warm bloom.
  13. This was a room fit for a king, or maybe a prince. I don't believe I'd seen Prince Solaris' bedroom now that the situation brought the topic to mind.
  15. The room seemed relaxed and inviting but there was a foreboding wind in the air that made the furs on my neck stand on end. I had no idea where I was and I was alone. Perhaps the worst part was that I couldn't move.
  17. My heart skipped a beat and a cold sweat formed on my brow. Above me, my hooves were bound by a thick ribbon, a black band with white frills; it reminded me of a maid's outfit. I was sat upon a soft red pillow as big as any typical armchair, it would have been nice to sit in on another occasion. My legs dangled freely over its edge, tapping the sold floor. I could just use my magic...
  19. My efforts died upon the realization that I could not use magic. I felt cold as I looked above myself, my face twisting as I tried to get a look at my horn. I could barely see it but there was ring on it. I could feel it holding back me back, like a cork on a shaken bottle of wine.
  21. I was helpless.
  23. "Somepony! Help!!" My breath was running wild in a mild panic. I tried to hold my composure. I was failing. "Oh god, what if there really is a psychopath in Ponyville..."
  25. "Well, Well, Well, if the prodigal pony isn't awake!" A obnoxious yet oddly charismatic voice charmed it's way into the room. At the door, entered a stallion of a light blue coat and a lighter mane, his cutie mark was a wand before a crescent moon. Around his neck hung a dark amulet of an appearance that just screamed 'darkness'.
  27. "It's about time, dearest Dusk Shine~" The stallion smirked at me with a grin that only one pony could make so infuriating.
  29. "Trixter!" I didn't like this, "What's going on? Where am I? What are you planning?"
  31. He raised a hoof, he cleared his throat with a delicate cough before making a grand gesture in the air, "Behold! The One, The Only, The Great and Powerful Trixter, has brought this lowly unicorn, Dusk Shine, to his quarters to do with as the fine pony pleases!" He froze in an exaggerated stance, locking his violet eyes with mine in boastful glare and a raised eyebrow, "Do you not remember you foal? You have been bested in a contest of magic against The Great and Powerful Trixter!"
  33. I was dumbfounded. How could I have been beaten by this fool! I was the prized student of the Prince of Equestria, this was an insult! I was about voice as such when my eyes caught a closer look with the menacing amulet. I've seen that amulet before and, somehow, I knew I should be afraid of it. A chill ran down my spine as I was suddenly reminded of the events before.
  35. "Y-Yes, I remember now! You came back to Ponyville," The memory was as clear as day, it was like I had a cartoon of the moment running in my head, "Then, you started attacking my friends and challenged me to your stupid duel!"
  37. "And you lost!" He chuckled victoriously, "And, as per the rules of our grand contest, you were banished from Ponyville!" Trixter looked pretty damn proud of himself, raising his nose in the air and crossing his legs like he was some sort of champion.
  39. "All because," I continued, "You've got a real stick up your ass about me for some reason!"
  41. He stumbled from his pose and shot daggers at me in his eyes, "You humiliated Trixter and ran him out of your silly little village with neither home nor reputation."
  43. I rolled my eyes, "Oh get over yourself! You ran yourself out of town because you failed, you ‘Great and Powerful’ idiot!" I sighed, savoring the scathingly furious expression on Trixter's face, "And stop talking in third-person, you sound like you belong in elementary school, and I mean the 'special' kind for 'special' little snowflakes like yourself."
  45. I held a smirk and Trixter looked like he was about to explode in a ‘Great and Powerful’ fit of rage. However, things didn't quite turn out as I expected. Suddenly, he smiled. Then he laughed.
  47. "Oh Dusk Shine, this is why I like you; I may have bested you in magic but you remain a formidable opponent." He chuckled and turned away, approaching the curtain-draped window. The moment he turned his back, I frantically tried to pull myself free of the ribbons and escape. "You have not been banished from Ponyville, however, everypony else thinks you have."
  49. It was no good, without my magic, I was as good as stuck; the ribbon was tight. Was this thing made out of iron or something?
  51. Suddenly, my flailing hind legs were held to floor by a glow of magic, Before I knew it, Trixter stood above me, his forelegs dug into the red pillow besides my shoulders; his violet eyes locked with mine with a deep gaze that entranced me in a way that hooked something primal within me.
  53. "Now," The show-pony purred before with a slight grin curving on lips, "I have you all to myself."
  55. There was a lump of coal in my stomach, something was going very wrong here. "Wh-What are you going to do with me?"
  57. Trixter didn't say anything. Instead, he answered with his hooves. He eyes didn't leave mine for a second while his hoof playfully twirled a circle on my chest, smoothly dragging down my barrel to between my legs.
  59. No...
  61. To put it bluntly, he cupped my balls in his hoof and jolt of panic shot up my spine.
  63. Oh god.
  65. "HELP!!" I desperate wished someone heard me.
  67. "Now, now, it wouldn't be any fun if you were hollering the entire time, now would it? Trixter teased as he levitated another ribbon in the air, it was the same black and white frilly ribbon binding my forelegs.
  69. "No! Noo-mmph!" My mouth was forced shut by his magic and the ribbon wrapped around my snout, neatly tied with a pretty little bow. To top it off, he then patted my head. Bastard.
  71. With all four of my hooves pinned, my thrashing about was limited to just firmly shaking head. Unfortunately even that was put to a stop when Trixter pressed a hoof to my cheek, keeping me still, "Cease your struggling, Dusk Shine; The Great and Powerful Trixter treats all his boys right." He cooed as his hoof slid to my quivering chin.
  73. My heart pounded in my chest and I couldn't stop trembling, my vision was getting blurry. Was I going to faint again?
  75. No, it was just tears in my eyes. Crap, first sign of sexual contact from a stranger and I was already crying. This was just too embarrassing.
  77. "Ooh, aren't you a sweet pony," Trixter giggled to himself with a hoof held to his chin; damn that shit-eating grin of his.
  79. Trixter lifted my face to meet his. Our noses were less than an inch away and I felt his warm breath on my face. He kept staring into my eyes, trapping me. I had to admit, he had a way with those eyes of his.
  81. Before I could even process what I had just thought, he pressed his lips into mine. I couldn't back out nor resist, my lips just quivered as his nipped on mine, trying to work his way into forcing a kiss out of me. I shut my eyes, an exasperated tear rolling down my cheek as I sat still for him. He grunted coarsely and rubbed his hooves along my withers, coaxing quiet moan to escape me.
  83. I felt violated but that wasn't what bothered me; it was that I stopped trying to escape.
  85. He pulled away and I didn't dare to look at him. I heard him huff smugly. Then, he held my shoulders and licked my cheek, where the tear had fallen.
  87. My eyes shot open and I was captured in his stare once again. This time, however, something was different. Trixter's eyes were red and his amulet glowed, as it had during the duel.
  89. From my cheek, his tongue traveled to the nape of my neck. We broke eye contact but at this point, it didn't matter. He pushed and I felt nibble on my skin. A gasp escaped me and my cheeks burned with a blush.
  91. Trixter's hooves slid down my flanks, his tongue dabbing along my stomach. He was only halfway down my body and I already felt out of breath. My body shaking with an excitement I didn't want, I stared at him pleadingly the desperate eyes.
  93. The light blue stallion caught my expression and smiled warily up at me, "You really don't like this?" His hooves traveled between my legs, teasing my nethers.
  95. I could only shake my head. The ribbon was making my nose itch.
  97. He chuckled teasingly, "The Great and Powerful Trixter can hear you trying to say 'No'." To my shame, the stallion found my erect cock and held in his hooves before me, like he were displaying a trophy; the very touch of his hooves along the throbbing organ made me squirm "But your body is telling me 'yes'"
  99. I nickered and looked away, staring at the floor. I scowled and bit my lips, trying to ignore him.
  101. "Do you think I'm being unfair?" He tilted his head briefly, his ears twitched and he started poking the glands with hoof. the very touch was lie a spike of electricity, make me bare my teeth just a slightly more with each tap.
  103. "Perhaps if Trixter cared about being fair," He began to squeeze the gently, playing with it like here molding clay and let out a drawn out groan, "Dusk Shine might have won this little duel."
  105. He began to caress the length, from the pulsing head to the base throbbing base, each stroke sending waves of pleasure swimming in my gut. Through the pleasurable haze, I snorted a laugh, of course he didn't play fair; this was Trixter I was dealing with.
  107. He apparently didn't like that laugh, so he pressed a hoof firmly to the underside of the glands, eliciting a muffled yelp from myself. He laughed mockingly at me when a thick glob of precum spilled from my tips. He demanded my attention and all I could do was watch him silently.
  109. He leaned in and kissed the tip of my cock, letting his teeth lightly graze the edge along with a light suckle, "You know you like it." He pulled his suckling kiss away, a string of the viscous fluid connecting my tip to his lips. He smirked at me such a dirty grin as a he licked his lips clean. it made me shudder.
  111. My lips was quivering again,, this time from need. I pouted and begged him with the cutest eyes I could think of, trying not to be ashamed about giving in to him.
  113. With that, he took me in, his warm and wet lips caressing the glands in a circular motion. He was delicate, tickling just the right spots, enough to get me going but so little that I craved more.
  115. I let a moan ring in the back of my throat, I couldn't help but give a little buck when began to suckle on the head, bobbing in place, his tongue lapping at the very tip. He was treating me like a piece of candy, the kind you rubbed it between the tongue and the roof of your mouth, trying to the chewy center. He was blowing my mind, so to speak, with his technique; Trixter knew exactly what he was doing and it would was no match for him on arena of sex, fair or not
  117. I was inching closer, little by little, to the edge. I threw my head back; eyes squeezed shut as he continued to lap at me. I wanted him to keep going, at this rate, I wasn't going to last long and I was starting to enjoy every second of it...
  119. My hooves curled in their restraints while Trixter's tongue dabbled the underside of my shaft. I mumbled incoherently and bucked slightly, just begging for him to keep going. When he arrived at the tip, he suckled on it gently again, lapping up the trails of pre.
  121. He began sucking me in earnest, taking me completely in, managing to take my member in almost completely. A quick breath escaped my throat when I pushed against the back of his; amazing how in control of his gag-reflex he was. Along the ride, his tongue massaged my length for every inch it was worth.
  123. Pressure was building within me and I hungered for more. The closer I got, the more my breath quickened. I think Inside my head, I muttered some curses and cantrips. I was almost finished and Trixter knew it.
  125. Suddenly, he stopped, letting me pop out of his lips. Rivers of pre leaked from my horse-hood, trails down its length and along the veins. He only began rubbing the insides of my legs and the only attention he gave to poor Little Dusk Shine was a sweet little kiss on the head.
  127. What!? Don't stop now, I was so close. I frowned at him, I was ashamed but I started whimpering. Why was I so pathetic, whining like I was caught in a guilt ridden confession? I didn't like it but dammit, how could he leave me hanging like this, trembling on right on the edge? Life was suffering.
  129. "Oh? So you DO like it?" He was getting far too much joy out of this, "Perhaps..."
  131. He leaned in but simply above the head in such an agonizing display of denial, he cooed, "But maybe I don't feel like it."
  133. Oh no, he couldn't do this to me! I felt like I was going to cry again. I tried to sneak in a buck but I was only met with air, I couldn't that last bit I needed.
  135. "Trixter doesn't see why he should be pleasuring YOU, Dusk Shine." He stood up and turned away for the door, "The Great and Powerful Trixter could just as easily find some random mare or stallion from Ponyville and enjoy his time with them."
  137. I was in disbelief, after all that, he was really going to just leave me like this, tied up and no way to finish myself off! I slouched and looked at my poor, needy self in pity.
  139. "Unless..."
  141. I perked right back up.
  143. "...Dusk Shine admits that The Great and Powerful Trixter is truly the most talented unicorn in Equestria!" Once again, he stood tall, looking damn proud of himself.
  145. I stared at him blankly, frustration screaming in my eyes. This is terrible! This is villainous! This is criminal! Is this really why he's doing this!? To prove himself over me.
  147. Without missing a beat, the bow around my muzzle glowed, undid itself, and the ribbon slid from my snout. Sweet freedom. I bit my lip and took a breath. I just had to say it. I don't have to mean it. Got to sound convincing.
  149. "..Oh Marvelous and Magnificent Trixter, you truly ARE the most gifted and talented Unicorn in Equestria!"
  151. He smiled the biggest smile I'd ever seen on a pony. "Oh?” He approached me, looking at me expectantly, "And?"
  153. 'And?' Oh, of course. What an ass...
  155. "...And is a superior unicorn to Dusk Shine in every possible way." I hoped he was happy. Please be happy!
  157. "That's what I like to hear, my dear boy." He didn't return to between my legs. He sat on the red pillow beside me, scooting me over just a slight. He snaked a hoof behind my back, holding my in a tight, one-legged hug. He 'booped' his nose against mine.
  159. "Now kiss me like you mean it." His caught mine again and like an animal with a learning disability, I fell for the trap again.
  161. My cheeks burned and and I considered it, I was so close, that was all I had to do. Just kiss him.
  163. Trixter remained still as a statue, waiting for me. I puckered my lips and found his. I didn't know if I was a good kisser, I sucked his upper hip and dabbed my tongue across it, beckoning this Great and Powerful Wizard to claim he boasts he can.
  165. He gave a curt chuckle before returning the kiss. His one hoof rubbed my withers and the other crawled it's way to my pleading. He rubbed it from the balls to the tip and a wave of ecstasy rippled over me, leaving goose bumps under my coat.
  167. We held our kiss for a long time, occasionally splitting for a quick breath before re-coupling. Meanwhile, his hoof rubbed me off, bringing back to the edge, my hips bucking in rhythm, my body begging for release.
  169. A sharp gasp escaped me and I could feel the burning ecstasy rising. He immediately broke our kiss and returned to suckling on the head, tongue swirling around the glands and driving me wild, all the while stroking my cock in his hooves. It was all over.
  171. I gasped again and I arched my back, biting my lips in a strained moan. A heavenly feeling spilled throughout my body as I reached a satisfying orgasm. Trixter grinned at me maliciously with red eyes and his amulet glowing as he continued to suck on my head, my cock spurting hot pony seed on his caressing tongue.
  173. I had a big load for him, big enough that some leaked past his lips and dribbled down the length of my pulsing cock and pooled on my stomach. One pump, two pumps and I was already a mess but I was only halfway though. Trixter pulled my spurting cock from his cum-stained lips and, with an evil glint in his evil, squeezed the tip between his hooves.
  175. With the next squirt, I shot myself in the eye. I groaned helplessly, I don't think I have ever blushed as hard as I did in that moment while Trixter was in complete stitches, laughing at me. My pulsating cock spilled my cum over all over my chest, it's dying streams leaving white trails over my body.
  177. By the time the pumping finally ended, I was left a quivering mess, sensitive to the slightest tough.
  179. Chuckling naughtily, he licked his lips clean and let my spent horse cock slip fall and flop against my mess of a belly.
  181. Trembling and panting, I struggled to bring myself together. Before I had a chance though, Trixter leaned above me once again and, without warning, licked the cum dripping from my chin and moved into a kiss I, admittedly, wasn't too pleased with having to taste myself that but, somehow, it didn't stop me from returning the kiss in full, fueled by the heat of the moment.
  183. It was all over almost as abruptly as it started.
  185. He pulled away, holding on to my shoulder for support. I expected him to be grinning or to say something to taunt me but, staring in his, now violet eyes, he remained silent. In the afterglow, staring at each other, something went unsaid. I couldn't put my hoof on it on what exactly but something was there.
  187. I was even more surprised that he kissed me again. This time, it was soft and gentle, alluring and driven. He rubbed one hoof against the back of my head the other on my chest; Trixter was spinning a web and I was caught in its hold, like his little insect.
  189. When the kiss ended, it was slow and drawn out. I don't know what was suddenly going through this stallion's head but I was completely lost. I wanted to say something.
  191. "Humph, it is as I said," He spoke in his loud, obnoxious, and showboating demeanor; just like that, moment was gone, ",The Great and Powerful Trixter treats all his boys right!" He announced in gusto as a rag was hovered above me and began wiping my body clean. My hind-hooves were finally free again but my fore-hooves remained bound.
  193. Trixter hopped up from my my side and trotted for the door.
  195. "W-Wait! Where are you going?"
  197. Trixter gave me presumptuous glare, "Foalish Dusk Shine! Trixter is still a show-pony. He must put on a performance for his audiences!"
  199. "So, you're just going? C-Can't you untie me? This kind of sucks." I figured I could ask.
  201. Trixter stifled an uppity laugh, "We're not finished yet, Dusk Shine, you can wait until whenever I am ready to use you!" With that, Trixter left the room and the silence he left behind was all the more apparent for it.
  203. "Well...shit." I was still stuck like this, in this strange, fancy room. At least I got some sex out of it.
  205. My thoughts drifted to Ponyville, I wondered what had changed since I lost the duel. "I hope my friends are okay." I stared out the window, to the night sky. I was tired, I still can't use magic and I'm still bound; don't really have much choice other than sleep.
  207. So I slept.
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