
Micro Anon Sleepover

Feb 1st, 2015
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  1. >Be Anon.
  2. "Uh, I don't really know if I wanna come to your sleepover, Pinkie."
  3. >"C'mon, Nonny! It'll be tons of fun!"
  4. "Pinkie, how tall would you say I am?"
  5. >"Ummmm, you're about as tall as my hand?"
  6. "And how tall are you and the other girls?"
  7. >"About...12 hands tall?"
  8. "Exactly. Don't you think it'd be a bit dangerous for me to go over to a big, unfamiliar house at night with a bunch of people who aren't used to having me around?"
  9. >Hell, the only reason you're even able to attend school is because Pinkie's essentially your bodyguard the entire day.
  10. >"I'll be there though! It'll be my job to make sure nobody squishes you, just like here."
  11. >She's usually the one who comes closest to squishing you.
  12. "Not to imply that I don't trust you or anything Pinks, but this is a fuckin' bad idea."
  13. >"Language! And I won't take 'no' for an answer."
  14. "Well you're not getting a 'yes' so you're out of luck. Now let's get to class, I actually did my math homework for once."
  16. >As the final bell rings you wait for Pinkie to finish talking to the teacher before she walks over and scoops you into her hair for the walk home.
  17. >Out of all the perks for your size, the transportation's probably the best.
  18. >You relax for the short walk home.
  19. >...
  20. >Short as in 5 minutes, not 10 in the opposite direction.
  21. "Pinkie, my house is the other way."
  22. >"I know~"
  23. >Singing’s never a good sign.
  24. "Didn't I tell you no unscheduled bakery runs! You never give me a chance to grab money for those cupcakes I like."
  25. >"We aren't going to Sugarcube Corner~"
  26. "Then where are we..."
  27. >Surely Pinkie wouldn't live in a pink house, right?
  28. "This better not be what I think it is."
  29. >"I already asked your mom for permission, she said a sleepover was a great idea!"
  30. >S
  31. >H
  32. >I
  33. >T
  34. "This is kidnapping you pink maniac, I want off the ride!"
  35. >She just laughs at your panic
  36. >You're too young to die
  37. ___________________________________________________________________
  38. >Of course you’re both about 5 hours early for the actual sleepover.
  39. >”This’ll give us plenty of time to give you the grand tour!”
  40. >And grand it is.
  41. >At half a foot tall the entire house is a goddamned city to you.
  42. >Pinkie doesn’t seem too concerned though.
  43. >”As long as you stick with me everything will be A-OK.”
  44. >Like she’s reading your mind.
  45. “If I have to take care of business in the middle of the night?”
  46. >“I’ll move the litter box into my room.”
  47. “You have a cat!?”
  48. >Animals aren’t your cup of tea at this size.
  49. >”Nope!”
  50. >Why does she have a litter box and no cat?
  51. >”And this is my sister, Maud.”
  52. >A straight haired, dumpy girl who looks to be Pinkie’s complete inverse is standing in the middle of a room that’s equally drab.
  53. >”Hello little green man.”
  54. >Sounds like Pinkie’s complete inverse too.
  55. “Hello large gray girl,” you monotone back at her.
  56. >”I’m normal sized.”
  57. “What is normal?”
  58. >The stoic girl glances into space for a moment.
  59. >”Excuse me Pinkie, I have to write that down.”
  60. >She shuts her door.
  61. “Yea I dunno about her.”
  62. >”What? You two got along great!”
  63. >You rub a hand along your forehead.
  64. _____________________________________________________________________________
  65. >With the tour of the house out of the way Pinkie takes you into the kitchen for “preparation”.
  66. >”You get to help me bake all the snacks for today, Nonnie!”
  67. “That’s what I like to hear, Pinkie.”
  68. >Comfy hair and all the sweets you can stomach.
  69. >Having Pinkie around worked out in your favor more often than not, maybe tonight would be alright.
  70. >You’ve baked with her before too, and she lets you have all the cookie dough you can stomach.
  71. >Usually less than a spoonful so everybody wins.
  72. >You take up your usual task of minute decoration.
  73. >Sprinkle and chocolate chip application, shaping the dough into all sorts of shapes and sizes that a regular sized person wouldn’t be able to do without some serious effort.
  74. >Horses with fully realized facial features and bridles, multiple people with different outfits and hairstyles, an eclectic assortment of undersea creatures.
  75. >After Pinkie’s rolled out plenty of dough she just watches you work, occasionally fetching the necessary ingredients that you ask for.
  76. >While she’s grabbing you some red glitter sprinkles you take a seat on a small pile of dough you had her set aside to act as a chair.
  77. >Baking’s serious business.
  78. >You hear her approach from behind your doughy throne.
  79. >”Nonners, I’ve only got something called shots?”
  80. >She stops just out of your sight.
  81. >”Anon? Where’d you go buddy?”
  82. >You don’t bother getting up just yet, you’re enjoying your short rest far too much.
  83. >Rather than continuing to look for you, she leans down and takes a big whiff of the dough you’re sitting on.
  84. >She better not.
  85. >”I’m sure he won’t mind if I have a little bit too…”
  86. “Yo, Pinkie wai—“
  87. >As has happened countless times in the past, you’re partially engulfed in her maw.
  88. _______________________________________________________________________________
  89. >It’s almost sickening that you know to hold your breath to avoid inhaling her sugary sweet breath and have a signal that indicates she’s fucked up.
  90. >You kick her chin three times while and squeeze your eyes shut as her tongue runs over your face.
  91. >She stops licking you and grabs your legs, sucking off a fair amount of saliva and cookie dough as she pulls you out of her mouth.
  92. >”Oh! Sorry about that Nonny.”
  93. >She already knows exactly how you feel about this happening so you don’t bother responding.
  94. “You have, like, a doll shirt I could use? For some reason this one’s all sticky.”
  95. >While she runs upstairs you continue working on the unbaked dough.
  96. >By the time you’re finished she’s returned with a stiff pink tee that has a crappy heart design on it.
  97. >She comments on your cookies, impressed with intricacy you’ve managed to decorate them with.
  98. >A pretty big compliment considering the stuff you’ve seen her make.
  99. >Maybe she’s rubbing off on you.
  100. _______________________________________________________________________
  101. >With the cookies in the oven baking you’ve got maybe an hour before the “early show-ers”
  102. “Will I know anybody?”
  103. >”Rainbow and Sunset are coming.”
  104. >Good shit!
  105. >”And Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity, and hopefully Twilight too!”
  106. >Those four?
  107. >Being much closer to Pinkie, Sunset, and Rainbow you understand how those three would mesh well together
  108. >But you’d never experienced the full group dynamic of the seven
  109. “What do all of you have in common anyways?”
  110. >”The magic of friendship!”
  111. >Nasty.
  112. “Hey, you distracted me with delicious treats earlier. What do girls even do on sleepovers? I’m not much for makeovers or…sexy pillow fights.”
  113. >”Don’t worry, I’m sure you won’t have to do either if you don’t want to. Besides, Rainbow doesn’t like the girly stuff either so you and she can ‘chill’ like the cool cats you are.”
  114. >Damn straight you and Rainbow are cool.
  115. >Although you’ve got that lowkey on lockdown while she’s nice ‘n loud
  116. >You strike a pose to drive the point home and Pinkie giggles while shooting you fingers guns.
  117. >Bless her heart, she tries.
  118. “Well I wasn’t looking forward to this before, but you’ve convinced me. I’m ready to have a good time.”
  119. >Pinkie pumps a fist in the air just as a knock can be heard at the door.
  120. >”Oh! That’s probably Twilight, she’s always early for everything. You sit tight while I go answer the door.”
  121. >She bounces out of the kitchen and you sit on the island while the smell of cookies begins to permeate the air.
  122. >If it wasn’t for that pink, human shaped ball of energy your social life would probably be non-existent.
  123. >Pinkie’s guess is right on the money as Twilight enters the kitchen.
  124. >You stand up and dust yourself off, no reason to look all gooey for your first real meeting with the girl.
  125. >”Twilight this little guy is Anonymous.”
  126. >Her eyes widened when they came upon you.
  127. >”Amazing! It’s very nice to meet you, Anonymous.”
  128. >You bow ironically.
  129. >Being the only one in on the joke is alright with you.
  130. >Twilight holds her pinkie out and you take it in both hands and give it a (relatively small) shake.
  131. >Pinkie giggles and says her name under her breath while shaking
  132. >”Hmm…did you have to hold back your strength right there?”
  133. “I don’t think so?”
  134. >”Interesting. And you’re not cold right now wearing just that tiny shirt and jeans?”
  135. “Naw I’m alright.”
  136. >”That doesn’t make any sense though.”
  137. “I mean I did just help Pinkie bake some cookies. Oven keeps things pretty warm.”
  138. >”But you should be frozen solid right now. Based on the square-cube law not only should the proportion of the surface area of your muscles…”
  139. >Holy shit.
  140. >Pinkie has her moments where she talks nonstop, but at least what she’s saying is understandable.
  141. >But this?
  142. >This is straight indecipherable.
  143. >”...which is why the bone structure of large animals is so different from that of smaller ones. So at your size—“
  144. >You fall onto your face, not even bothering to brace yourself.
  145. >”Oh, did that hurt, Anon? At your size—“
  146. >”Let me show you where we’ll be sleeping, Twilight!”
  147. >As Pinkie ushered Twilight toward the stairs she leaned down to whisper,
  148. >”Sorry about that, I’ll talk to her.”
  149. >You gave her a thumbs up without moving.
  151. >Damn did I actually fall asleep on this counter?
  152. >Getting up and stretching your limbs you notice the timer’s about to expire for the cookies.
  153. >Which means you were out for anywhere between 10 minutes and 40 depending on whether or not Pinkie put in another batch.
  154. >Looking around doesn’t immediately reveal anything different from earlier.
  155. >Pinkie does know that you’re completely at her mercy in terms of getting around the house, right?
  156. >As you slowly spin on the spot a large, teal eye enters your field of vision.
  157. “Yipe!”
  158. >”Oh, I’m sorry!”
  159. >Jumping and screaming out of shock, that’s a little embarrassing.
  160. >You start coughing in an attempt to cover it up.
  161. “Hey no worries, just spooked me is all. Fluttershy, right?”
  162. >She nods, trying to hide behind her hair.
  163. “C’mon now. Out of all the people to be shy around I’m probably the least intimidating.”
  164. >She squeaks out some response you can’t make out.
  165. >Oy vey.
  166. >Having Pinkie around would be a boon right now
  167. “Hey, Pinkie’s supposed to be helping me get around the house, but I think she got distracted by everybody arriving for the sleepover. Would you mind helping me get upstairs?”
  168. >”Of course I’ll help you!”
  169. >She literally jumps to pick you up.
  170. >What happened to shy?
  171. >One small request and she’s moved to downright intimate.
  172. >Holding you very close to her bosom.
  173. >Warm hands cradling you in such a way that not only do you have next to no mobility, she’s touching everything you have to offer.
  174. >Combine all that with some berry scented hand lotion and it makes you glad you’re wearing jeans.
  175. >You start to wiggle in an attempt to at least cover up your crotch but just end up humping one of her fingers.
  176. >Full sails ahead, captain.
  177. >Fluttershy must be worried you’ll wiggle out of her grip as she climbs the stairs because her grip tightens as she presses you very snuggly against her chest.
  178. >Each step bounces you against some warm bit of flesh and you’re glad she can’t see your profuse blushing.
  179. >The dam is fit to burst
  180. >Your first interaction with Fluttershy is fit to be tarnished by you cumming in your pants because she was too friendly carrying you up some stairs
  181. >You should’ve known meeting Fluttershy would end in disaster
  182. >Before you get a chance to throw yourself into this Bad End with reckless abandon, the steps end and plush, cushiony carpet reigns supreme once more
  183. >Fluttershy sets you down on a nightstand and you quickly turn away from her
  184. >There’s no way she couldn’t feel you through your pants during that whole ordeal, but you can sure as hell act like it didn’t happen
  185. “T-thanks, Fluttershy.”
  186. >”N-no problem.”
  187. >She scurries out of the room and her footsteps are drowned out by a voice greeting her
  188. >You turn around to survey what should probably be Pinkie’s room and find Twilight and Pinkie staring at you
  189. >Twilight opens her mouth to speak and Pinkie winks
  190. >”Sorry about earlier, Anon, I didn’t mean to—“
  191. “No worries.”
  192. >She smiles
  193. >You smile
  194. >Pinkie smiles
  195. >Fluttershy reenters and smiles trailed by two others
  196. >”What’re y’all smilin’ at?”
  197. “Twilight just told a pretty funny joke.”
  198. >The other girl responds instead of the country one
  199. >”Twilight told a funny joke? This I’d like to hear.”
  200. “What’s the difference between peanut butter and jam?”
  201. >”What?”
  202. “I can’t peanut butter my dic—“
  203. >”OK GIRLS, let’s all go to the kitchen to see the cookies Anon made!”
  204. >Count on Pinkie to ruin your fun
  205. >It’s not too hard to deduce that Applejack’s the cowgirl and Rarity’s “The Pretty One”
  206. >Applejack waves on the way out while Rarity flashes you a brief smile
  207. >Of course since Pinkie’s ushering her friends out of the room, you’re once again left to your own devices when it comes to getting downstairs
  208. “Pinkie wait up I need a…and they’re gone.”
  209. >You look over the edge of the table you’re on and start the laborious process of climbing down when Rainbow walks in
  210. >”Uh, where’d everybody go?”
  211. “Rainbow?”
  212. >You try to turn around to look at her and end up losing your grip on the drawer handle, falling the remaining foot to the carpeted floor
  213. >Rainbow walks over and the sickening scent of feet hits you harder than the drop
  214. >”Whatcha doing on the ground, Anon?”
  215. “I smelled you and got so dizzy I fell off the table.”
  216. >She laughs and lifts an armpit
  217. >”Yea, just got back from practice, need to ask Pinkie if I can use her shower.”
  218. >Rainbow’s always had a weird thing about her feet, so you won’t mention that it’s not her BO that’s making you nauseas
  219. “Yea yea, they’re all in the kitchen. Gimme a hand would ya?”
  220. >While you wish she would’ve just picked you up, instead she places a sneaker next to your supine body
  221. >You cover your nose and hop onto her shoe
  222. >Dear God you would’ve preferred to walk there yourself
  223. >You tie an extra bit of the lace around your waist as Rainbow bounces down the stairs to meet up with the rest of the girls
  224. >The world is spinning from fumes and the bouncy ride down the stairs
  225. >Fuck stairs
  226. >Rainbow picks you out of her shoelaces and immediately cringes
  227. >”Woah, Anon, and you thought I smelled bad!”
  228. >You shoot her a dirty gesture
  229. “Tell Pinkie not to give you any of my cookies”
  230. >”Yea I’m gonna eat as many cookies as I can get my hands on”
  231. >Both of you chuckle as she sets you in front of everybody munching on cookies
  232. >A few of them stifle gags
  233. >Rarity spits out what’s she’s chewing on and turns to you
  234. >”Um, Anon, I don’t mean to be rude, but…?”
  235. >”Don’t worry Rarity, I’ll get him all sorted out”
  236. >A hand closes around you
  237. “Ah, Ms. Shimmer to the rescue.”
  238. >She lightly taps your head and turns back to the damned stairs
  239. >”You stink”
  240. “I blame Rainbow”
  241. >”You should know to stay away from her shoes. I think she’s had those things for years, plus she practices in them.”
  242. >You shudder and lean back into her palm
  243. >Sunset’s a girl who’s got Tiny etiquette down
  244. >”Hey, don’t get too comfy. If my hand smells after this I’ll put you on top of the fridge.”
  245. “You don’t have the juevos senorita.”
  246. >She walks into the bathroom at the top of the stairs
  247. >Didn’t even realize you were going up them, +1 for her
  248. >She gently sets you on the sink and squirts a liberal amount of soap into her hands
  249. >You probably didn’t leave that much of an imprint, the drama queen
  250. >Then she reaches over toward you and starts to pull off your ill-fitting t-shirt
  251. “Uh?”
  252. >”You’ll take too long to wash yourself up”
  253. “While I appreciate the concern Shimmer, I’m a grown ass man”
  254. >”Right, go ahead and turn on the water”
  255. >You begin to climb over to the single knob controlling the water and slip, banging your shin against the chrome of the faucet
  256. >”Mhmm”
  257. “That was just unlucky lemme get another try”
  258. >”I don’t think so, c’mere”
  259. >You finish removing your shirt and walk over to her
  260. >”Pants too lil guy”
  261. “I refuse”
  262. >She shrugs and reaches for you
  263. >You could’ve struggled
  264. >Gotten all soaped up and slipped out of her grasp
  265. >Jumped to the floor and ran
  266. >Wedged yourself into an inconvenient area under the faucet
  267. >Hell, just bitten her
  268. >But the best case scenario would be you staying funky and cooped up in the bathroom for the rest of the night
  269. >Worst case scenario, physically maimed or dead
  270. >So you stood there
  271. >Making sure to voice your displeasure
  272. >Which only caused her to smirk
  273. >A smirk that didn’t budge as she slid your pants and boxers off
  274. >Even though she had the “decency” to look up while you were nude, she channeled Helen Keller and used her hands to see everything
  275. >Warm water, smooth, slippery hands, being completely at the mercy of a condiment-haired cutie
  276. >You didn’t stand a chance
  277. >Picking you up and running you under the tap, Sunset got to work
  278. >She could’ve just as easily been washing her hands pretending you were a bar of soap
  279. >Rubbing you in between her palms she worked up a good lather, effectively blocking all of your bits from view
  280. >Then you were laid out onto one hand while she took each of your extremities between two fingers and gently scrubbed them
  281. >Both arms and your legs below the knees were quickly scrubbed free of any lingering odor
  282. >She took a bit more time than necessary cleaning the inside of each thigh, her thumb brushing up against your growing arousal
  283. >Probably on purpose
  284. >Flipping you over she kneaded your back with both thumbs, giving you a back massage at no extra cost
  285. >Relaxed and comfortable
  286. >When you’re flipped back onto your back the suds aren’t nearly strong enough to hide how much you’re enjoying yourself
  287. >Against your better judgment you crack a single eye to glance at Sunset
  288. >She’s got a soft smile on her face, a single finger trailing down your chest to the spot in between your legs
  289. >Your cock twitches with anticipation
  290. >Sunset doesn’t disappoint
  291. >She takes you between her thumb and forefinger and gently massages your already fully erect member
  292. >If you hadn’t been holding back with all the willpower you possessed, that probably could’ve been all she wrote
  293. >But you grit your teeth and hold out
  294. >Sunset proceeds to run her index finger under your dick, moving in a circular pattern beneath your balls
  295. >It actually kinda tickles and you start to squirm under her touch
  296. >She snakes her fingers around your legs, cock, and arms and begins to gently undulate them
  297. >”Alright Anon, we’ve been up here for a few minutes now and should probably finish up.”
  298. >Her voice is the honey on top of toast right now
  299. >”So I would really appreciate it if you’d stop holding back.”
  300. >Her coaxing you physically and vocally is almost painfully pleasurable
  302. >”Come on little guy.”
  303. >She giggles after her pun and puts a small, whiny emphasis on ‘on’
  304. >She then squeezes your entire body as her free hand pulls you up and out of the fingers you were woven into
  305. >You blow your load all of her fingers as each silky smooth ridge in her hand caresses you on the way out
  306. >Your ragdoll-like form is then rinsed under the tap once more and dried off with a towel that could give Pinkie’s plush carpets a run for their money
  307. >While you huddle up in the comfort of the hand towel, Sunset quickly rinses off her hands
  308. >”That wasn’t so bad, huh?”
  309. >You’re still a bit high from a few seconds ago and only giggle
  310. >”You wait here and I’ll see if any of the others have something for you to wear for tonight, ok?”
  311. >You give her a thumbs up with so much force that you fall backwards
  312. >’This is a soft towel.’
  313. >You start to make snow angels while you wait for her to come back
  314. >When was the last time you felt so peaceful?
  315. >Care free?
  316. >Completely laid back?
  317. >You’ll have to thank Pinkie for inviting you based on this feeling of complete relaxation alone
  320. >”So that was a super fun time last night, right Anon?”
  321. “It had its…ups and downs.”
  322. >From the top of Pinkie’s head you spot Sunset and give her a wave
  323. >She returns it in what you’re going to interpret as flirty
  324. >”Yea, like what?”
  325. “I’ll fill you in, but this stays between us, alright?”
  326. >She mimes the very familiar motions of a Pinkie Pie Swear
  327. “I’ll go from high to low, which means we’re gonna start with Rainbow…”
  329. >Back at the party
  330. >Everyone’s been asleep for the past 20 minutes
  331. >Except you
  332. >Your position under Pinkie’s bed was earlier determined to probably be the safest place for you to sleep
  333. >Unfortunately her room wasn’t really large enough to accommodate 6 other sleeping bodies
  334. >Meaning you were sharing the space with a guest
  335. >Namely, Dash’s feet
  336. >Still clad in their sneakers, giving you a headache from their smell
  337. >If you hadn’t gotten used to the smell by now, it probably wasn’t gonna happen
  338. >You crawl out of your small pile of blankets intending to wake her up and get her to move
  339. >She’s sawing logs like a goddamn lumberjack
  340. “Yo, Dash.”
  341. >You poke her cheek
  342. >Nothin
  343. “C’mon you smelly bish, get up.”
  344. >You turn her cheek into a personal set of bongos
  345. >”*Snrkt* Huh, huh, wha?”
  346. “Dash. Anon. Get your feet out from under the bed.”
  347. >”Hey man. Do you not have enough room or something?”
  348. >Do you have it in you to play this tactfully?
  349. >Maybe if you weren’t seriously sleep deprived and on the edge of getting a migraine
  350. “Look, I know you’ve got some weird thing with feet, but yours smell like ass. No, not even ass because I can stand the smell of ass, you’ve got some strain of super-ass bacteria down there and it’s making me sick.”
  351. >She stares blankly at you
  352. >Then her face contorts into something vile
  354. >”I think the lack of sleep’s getting to your head dude.”
  355. “Dash, you hang around Applejack and Pinkie so much that I can read you like a book. You should see your face right now.”
  356. >She grabs you in her hand and stands up, heading for the door
  357. >”What’s your problem?!”
  358. “No problem, just need you to move your funky feet out from under the bed so I can sleep.”
  359. >After scooping you up and out of the room she has the audacity to look bashful
  360. >”They can’t be that bad?”
  361. “I have literally never smelled something so terrible.”
  362. >She sets you down on a coffee table and sits on a nearby couch
  363. >”Well, I do sports and stuff so I’m gonna—“
  364. “Shouldn’t be this bad.”
  365. >Rainbow stares off into space, seemingly lost in thought
  366. >”I have an idea. You know how when you got cold as a kid your parents would tell you to stand outside, then when you came back in you’d be warm?”
  367. “Never happened to me.”
  368. >If you’d been more awake you might’ve seen where she was headed with that and reacted accordingly
  369. >Instead, the act of her propping her feet on the table and unlacing her shoes caught you completely off guard
  370. >”Well consider this a learning moment then.”
  371. >One foot slipped out of her shoe as the sneaker fell to the floor
  372. >Your choke back the taste of bile that’s accompanying the smell that assaults you
  373. >You open your mouth to insult Rainbow and the taste of the air around you forces you to bend over and expel the contents of your stomach
  374. >Even Rainbow seems a bit unnerved by the smell of her own socked feet
  375. “Jeez, you’re gonna hate me for this, but you should be able to sleep afterward.”
  376. >Still hunched over in pain you feel her foot before you see it
  377. >When you do glance up you immediately empathize with Link’s final moments as his entire world is crushed by the moon
  378. >Or maybe the giants’…
  380. >You put both arms up to prevent Rainbow from smothering you with her foot
  381. >Your hands sink into the cottony bottom of her sock
  382. >If she really wanted she could easily overpower you
  383. >Instead she was toying with you
  384. >Gradually increasing the force that she was pressing into you with
  385. >When you felt your legs shaking with the effort to hold her back her other foot made its appearance
  386. >Sweeping your legs from behind and providing a comfy (albeit smelly) cushion for you to land on
  387. >You put your arms out once more in an attempt to stave off the impending doom, but she wasn’t in the mood this time
  388. >She quickly muscled your arms aside with her toes and fit them snuggly around your head
  389. >You let out a muffled scream as she gently rubbed her feet together, giving you some kind of corrupted, inverse foot massage
  390. >Your shouts only succeed in giving you a mouthful of tainted sock
  391. >Rainbow wiggles her toes across your face and lets out a small hum
  392. >”The girls made it seem like this would feel cooler.”
  393. >Her words don’t even register
  394. >The soft material of her sock is mixing wonderfully with the natural dampness that comes with wearing shoes all the time
  395. >The only drawback being the awful smell that was permeating every pore of your body
  396. >At your height you’ve been around just about every part of a person’s body before
  397. >And you literally cannot remember a single instance where personal hygiene was as neglected as it has been with this girl
  398. >Giving your tiny body one last squeeze Rainbow removes her foot to give you a chance to breathe some (fresher) air
  399. >”See, I bet you can’t even smell my feet right now.”
  400. >You’re busy gulping in air
  401. >”Actually, we don’t want to risk anything, do we?”
  402. >What’s this chick talking about now?
  403. >You start trying to crawl off her foot to safety when she lifts you up over her sock
  404. >When did she take that off?!
  405. >She drops you inside and you tumble down into darkness
  407. >Luckily the smell isn’t any worse than it was when you were sandwiched between her feet
  408. >The gap at the opening of the sock disappears as a blue foot begins its descent toward you
  409. >While this specific scenario’s never happened to you before, you have wondered what you’d do if it did
  410. >Turns out that no amount of forethought prepares you for the muscle-freezing panic that the underside of toes apparently instills in you
  412. >Be Rainbow
  413. >You’re feet aren’t nearly as sweaty as they usually get, so Anon shouldn’t be bathing in your foot sweat
  414. >But it’ll definitely be kinda squishy for him
  415. >Speaking of, he’s a lot softer than you would’ve expected
  416. >Kinda cold though
  417. >You know exactly what to do to fix that
  419. >Back to Anon
  420. >Full front-to-foot action
  421. >Of course Rainbow didn’t want you to miss out on as much contact with her foot as possible
  422. >Once again you’re fully unprotected face gets to be intimate with a naked sole
  423. >You try to flip over and at least be mashed against her sock but your squirming just causes her toes to squeeze your tiny form once more
  424. >Your forced to deeply inhale from the dankest part of her foot, but her earlier ministrations have dulled the scent
  425. >Still musky, but no longer unbearable
  426. >The unpleasant remains
  427. >You move your arms up to push yourself back and accidentally let them slip in between her toes
  428. >She squeezes them in place and you feel a moment of weightlessness as she lifts her foot in the air
  429. >She isn’t going to start walking is she!?
  431. >That would actually be dangerous, and she isn’t nearly absentminded enough to know that she could do some serious damage if she’s not careful
  432. >Your fear is assuaged as something soft presses into your backside
  433. >This girl has a thing for sandwiching you between her feet
  434. >Every part of you sinks further into her fleshy sole as she rubs you against herself
  435. >After who knows how long, you’re finally starting to unwillingly enjoy the feeling now that the smell isn’t overpowering
  436. >Your member begins to prod a lower portion of her foot
  437. >Considering yourself a pretty vanilla guy by sexual standards you curse the fact that feet are turning you on
  438. >…again
  439. >The foot pressing against your back moves off of you and you think that Rainbow’s finally decided to let you go
  440. >Then the feeling of toes pressing against your ass lets you know that she’s felt your excitement
  441. >Now you’re being forced to hump her foot with your head still pressed firmly into the underside of her toes
  442. >The natural moisture of her foot mixes easily with the sweat of your body as the sock becomes warmer and warmer by the second
  443. >Her toes stop the non-consensual humping and her big toe presses into your backside
  444. >As she moves it in a circular motion you’re now grinding against her sole
  445. >It feels wonderful, but you’re still pissed that it’s happening
  446. >When you’re afraid that you can’t hold back any longer all motion stops
  447. >The backside pressure lets up and you feel fingers peel you off the bottom of her foot
  448. >It wouldn’t surprise you if a slight indentation marked your place
  449. >Deftly maneuvering you through her sock, Rainbow turns you sideways and places you entirely underneath her toes
  450. >Out of all the ways for it to happen…
  452. >The toes curl over you
  453. >You’re not sure how, but your dick is perfectly positioned to be stroked as she clenches and unclenches around you
  454. >The damn bursts
  455. >You grunt and splatter the space in between her toes with a decent amount of splooge
  456. >Her toes cradle you while you spill yourself and release you when you finish
  457. >She pulls off her sock and the cold air burns your back
  458. >You actually try to curl into her toes to escape the cold and her giggle causes your entire body to shake
  459. >She picks your sweaty form out of her toes and places you into the opening of her shoe
  460. >”Smell anything?”
  461. >Nothing but embarrassment, maybe a little shame
  462. >You shake your head
  463. >”Cool, guess we can go back to bed now.”
  464. >You nod
  465. >She leaves you in her shoe as she pulls her sock back on
  466. >”Haha, dude the inside of my sock is soaked and I’m pretty sure they weren’t all that sweaty.”
  467. >You start to crawl further into her shoe to leave her sight
  468. >”I’m playing with you Anon! Hey, if you don’t tell I won’t, alright?”
  469. >She must’ve assumed your silence was agreement as she picks her shoe up and journeys back to Pinkie’s room
  471. >”Wait, did you break a promise!?”
  472. “Naw, never agreed not to tell, did I?”
  473. >Pinkie grumbles and crosses her arms
  474. >”I still think this counts…”
  475. “Alright alright, she might not be cool with me sharing, but I got the short end of the stick! Now no more interruptions or storytime is over”
  476. >”Fine, but you have to apologize next time you see Rainbow.”
  477. “I can do that. Anyways, if Rainbow was the worst, second would probably be Applejack…”
  479. >”…and then any leftover apples can be picked by folks who wanna visit the farm and get some real, home grown apples for themselves!”
  480. “How do you manage all that farm work and school?”
  481. >She beats a hand against her chest a couple times and smiles
  482. >So…she’s strong?
  483. >You’re gonna go with strong
  484. >Over the course of your conversation she manages to beat you at whatever racing game you’ve been playing
  485. >Again
  486. “Applejack, that makes three games in a row. I’m no masochist, so I think it’s time for me to take a break.”
  487. >”Sure thing, think it’s about time we all started settlin’ down anyways.”
  488. >You look around to see the rest of the girls were one step ahead of you, all of them starting to change into their pajamas
  489. >Right in front of you
  490. >Oh ho ho
  491. >Orange blocks your vision and you’re reminded of the smell of warm applesauce
  492. >”I don’t think you wanna see what’s goin’ on in there.”
  493. >The orange connects to an Apple
  494. “I can assure you, Applejack, there is nothing I wanna see more than what’s behind your foot right now.”
  495. >You’re (sort of) joking, but Applejack squints at you regardless
  496. >But it turns into a smile
  497. >”Well I think that’s a mite strange, but I can respect ya for bein’ honest.”
  498. “I’m surprised you’re being this understanding about—“
  499. >A wet squelch accompanies the raising of Applejack’s foot
  500. >We’re on carpet!
  501. >A neat imprint of her recently vacated foot could be seen if one were to look down, but you were more concerned with the view above you
  502. >Feet shouldn’t ever be that slick with sweat
  503. >Just like cowboy boots shouldn’t be worn without socks
  504. “I think there’s been a bit of a miscommunication here, Applejack!”
  506. >”Y’all can just call me AJ.”
  507. >Her foot begins to lower
  508. “Is the bottom of a foot considered behind it when looking from the side now!?”
  509. >She pauses for a moment which gives Pinkie Pie enough time to notice what’s about to happen
  510. >”Applejack! Don’t you dare step on Anon!”
  511. >Her exclamation has the opposite of its intended effect
  512. *SQUELCH*
  513. >”I dunno what you’re talkin’ about.”
  514. >She twists her foot on the spot, spinning to face Pinkie
  515. >”Applejack!”
  516. >”What? He was tryin’ ta peep!”
  517. >”I don’t care, come over here.”
  518. >Applejack obliges and walks the short distance over to Pinkie
  519. >Fluttershy takes that moment to interject
  520. >”What’s going on?”
  521. >”Applejack stepped on poor Nonny just because he was in here while we were changing.”
  522. >”Oh dear! Is he ok?”
  523. >”See for yourself.”
  524. >She placed her hand out and Applejack lifted her foot into it
  525. >You were plastered to the bottom of it
  526. >Fluttershy gasped and quickly removed you
  527. >”Oh you poor thing!”
  528. >Applejack rolled her eyes and received a glare from Fluttershy in return
  529. >Slightly dazed you shook your head trying to clear it before smacking your lips
  530. “I don’t know how, or why, but you taste like warm apples.”
  531. >Applejack beamed
  532. >”Apple Family secret.”
  533. >”Do you feel alright Anon?”
  534. “Yea, when you hang around Pinkie as much as I do you experience worse.”
  535. >Pinkie’s face hovered dangerously close to yours
  536. >”I only baked you into my Super-Extra-Dough-Cakes twice!”
  537. >She got a whiff of your smelly form
  538. >”You DO smell like applesauce!”
  539. >The three of you look in Applejack’s direction
  540. >”I’ve got nuthin’ to say.”
  541. >Pinkie rubs her chin in contemplation before beckoning to you and Fluttershy
  542. >She takes the both of you over to a corner of the room
  544. >Be Applejack
  545. >Pinkie is whispering furiously to Anon and Fluttershy, one of whom is gesticulating wildly in return while the other just attempts to cover a rapidly spreading blush
  546. >They’re the best friends a gal could ask for, but a lot of the time you don’t understand ‘em
  547. >Any further musings are interrupted as Rainbow punches your arm
  548. >”What was that all about?”
  549. ”He thought he was bein’ funny so I brought him down to size.”
  550. >”And you don’t think that stepping on him for telling a joke was a bit much?”
  551. ”Dash, you two may enjoy that type of humor but where I’m from we like to treat our friends with a bit more respect.”
  552. >She rubbed her eyes and gave you a hard look
  553. >”Ok. Let’s try this: think of Apple Bloom and Big Mac.”
  554. ”What for?”
  555. >”Just do it.”
  556. >You glance into space
  557. >The thought of your siblings brings a small smile to your face
  558. >”Now, how much bigger is Big Mac compared to Apple Bloom?”
  559. ”You know Mac towers over Bloom.”
  560. >”Right. So if Apple Bloom says something to try and get him riled up, it won’t even bother him because…?”
  561. ”Because he’s a grown man and she’s a little girl?”
  562. >”Because he’s bigger than her!”
  563. ”Anon’s big enough to know how to treat people proper.”
  564. >”Ugh, I’m not doing a very good job of explaining things. I’ll get Fluttershy, Twilight, or Sunset to say it better.”
  565. >As she dashes off (heh) to find the missing partygoers Pinkie and company return to you
  567. >”Soooo Applejack.”
  568. >She held out her hand so that Anon would be eye level with you
  569. >”Anon wants to ask you something.”
  570. >The lil guy stared down at Pinkie’s palm instead of meeting your eyes
  571. >“I just wanna say that this was Pinkie’s ide—“
  572. >She flicked him in the back of the head
  573. >“OUCH, I meant this was completely my idea and doesn’t involve Pinkie or Fluttershy at all.”
  574. >Fluttershy ran her thumb over the place Pinkie flicked him, giving him a pitying look
  575. >”Oo, don’t stop doing that ‘Shy. Anyways, you’re a baker, right AJ?”
  576. “I bake.”
  577. >”Me too. I would like your help baking something for the rest of our fantastically friendly friends.”
  578. “Hmm, our ‘fantastically friendly friends’ huh?”
  579. >His grin was so forced it looked painful
  580. “Alright, I’ll humor ya. Let’s go bake a lil somethin’ for the gang.”
  582. >Be Anon
  583. “Pinkie, you’re a pretty weird girl.”
  584. >”You won’t think I’m weird once you’ve tasted the apple-cinnamon muffins you two are about to bake!”
  585. “You know what I should be focusing on instead of your fetishes?”
  586. >”It’s not a fetish!”
  587. “Why is dear, sweet, vanilla Fluttershy is ok with this?
  588. >”Oh, umm, I’m curious about whether or not this will work.”
  589. >You tap your head
  590. “The mind of a scientist, I can respect that. Still weird, but respectable.”
  592. >Applejack’s waiting for you in the kitchen
  593. >Pinkie drops you off and winks while giving a thumbs up
  594. >Fluttershy gives a hesitant smile
  595. >Man this is weird
  596. >”Alright sugarcube, let’s get bakin’!”
  597. “Right. Uh, could you grab that bucket that’s in the freezer?”
  598. >”Sure thing.”
  599. >Applejack grabbed the bucket and looked inside, turning to give you a strange look
  600. >”Is this a bucket full of dough?”
  601. “It’s Pinkie’s.”
  602. >”Why does she…?”
  603. >She lets herself trail off, probably thinking better of the question
  604. >”Actually, don’t answer that. Did’ja just want my help formin’ the shapes since the dough’s already done?
  605. “What I need you to do is step on the dough.”
  606. >”Mmhm?”
  607. “Yup. You know how those old-timey places make wine by stepping on grapes in big buckets? That’s sort of what needs to happen right here. To, uh, warm up the dough? Yea.”
  608. >There’s very little chance she’ll buy that
  610. >”What’s really up, partner?”
  611. “Pinkie promised not to tell the real reason until I got the OK.”
  612. >She sighed
  613. >”I’ve learned not to question Pinkie’s quirks, but now she’s roped you into this?”
  614. >You sigh
  615. “She makes really good strawberry muffins.”
  616. >Applejack falls silent and preps for some bucket stomping
  617. >She places it on the ground and steps in with what could be described multiple ways
  618. >Pinkie might say it was a satisfying squish
  619. >You don’t envy the dough
  620. >Applejack puts her other foot into the bucket and turns to you, continuing to step up and down
  621. >”Y’know we make grape juice like this back at the farm.”
  622. “I thought you were an apple farm?”
  623. >”We do a lil bit o’ everything.”
  624. >The idle chitchat continues for a couple more minutes until Applejack stops mashing and lifts a foot into your view
  625. >”Well I’m gonna need to rinse these puppies off now.”
  626. >The entire bottom of her foot is hidden from view, replaced with a layer of unbaked deliciousness
  627. >As she starts to scrap as much as she can back into the bucket, Pinkie makes her grand appearance
  628. >”Applejack wait!”
  630. >Applejack freezes on the spot, one foot hovering in the air
  631. >”Don’t waste the dough like that!”
  632. >AJ blinks
  633. >”By…putting it back with the rest?”
  634. >”By taking it off your feet!”
  635. >Applejack looks to you for explanation but you can only shrug
  636. >You knew what the end goal was, and this part of the plan was never mentioned
  637. >”Alright Pinkie, what should I be doing instead.”
  638. >The amount of leeway this girl has with her friends…
  639. >”You just sit up on the counter next to Anon and let Pinkie take care of everything.”
  640. >AJ hops up next to you and lets her dough covered feet dangle off the edge of the island
  641. >She lifts a finger and you fist bump it
  642. >Welcome aboard
  643. >Pinkie skips over and kneels at Applejack’s feet
  644. >You’re sure if anybody else was in that position your mind wouldn’t be where it is right now
  645. >”Pinkie, y’aren’t about to do anything untoward now, are ya?”
  646. >She’s voicing what we’re all thinking
  647. >”You know what’s worse than breaking a Pinkie Promise, AJ?”
  648. >”Wut?”
  649. >”Nothing! But, wasting perfectly good cupcake dough is definitely a close second.”
  650. >With that she let her large tongue grace the bottom of a (not entirely shocked) Apple calyx
  651. >Applejack let out a loud guffaw as Pinkie’s tongue removes a significant portion of the dough in one swipe
  652. >”OH. MY. GOSH.”
  653. >Pinkie dances her fingers across her chin
  654. >”Anon you were right, Applejack is delicious!”
  655. “I didn’t say that!”
  656. >Applejack’s finally come down from her giggle fit and lifts a foot onto the counter next to you
  657. >”If you enjoyed yourself so much.”
  658. “Do you girls usually lick each other’s feet on sleepovers? Is this something that happens at all sleepovers, or just the one’s Pinkie hosts?”
  659. >She shrugs
  660. “Well I appreciate the offer, but I think I’ll pass.”
  661. >”Suit yourself.”
  662. >Pinkie takes Applejack’s other foot back into her mouth and begins to loudly slurp at it, causing Applejack to burst out laughing once more
  664. >You watch events unfold with nothing more than mild curiosity
  665. >Apparently Applejack has very ticklish feet
  666. >And Pinkie has a prehensile tongue
  667. >Watching it cover every inch of that foot
  668. >Swirling over the heel, slaloming in between her toes acting as a dough magnet
  669. >There’s a slight twitch in your pants
  670. >Undoubtedly because one cute girl is licking another
  671. >Yup
  672. >Occasionally Applejack’s laughter will shake her whole body, causing her to curl her toes around Pinkie’s tongue
  673. >Whenever that happens Pinkie’s laugh join in
  674. >Two completely platonic friends just having a grand old time with a little foot worship
  675. >Now that you’re giving it some thought, this entire situation is making you physically uncomfortable
  676. >With one foot done after who knows how long (maybe a minute), Pinkie starts to move over to the other
  677. >What was once caked in dough is now shiny with slobber
  678. >Applejack isn’t making any move to stop her and you’re all set for round two to commence when a shadow looms over you
  679. >Fluttershy’s decided to join the party
  680. >”Fluttershy you have GOT to try this!”
  681. >She hemmed and hawed for a moment, but even you could see that it was just for show
  682. >Pinkie relinquished her position in deference to the timid girl and took a seat next to you, kicking her legs with barely restrained giddiness
  683. >Applejack was taking a much more relaxed approach to the tag out
  684. >”I’m a little ticklish down there, Shy, so I’d appreciate it if ya took it easy on me.”
  685. >”Where’s the fun in that!?”
  686. “Quit backseat driving, Pinkie! I wanna see what sort of dynamic these two have together.”
  687. >”You’ve been spending too much time with Twilight, I just want her opinion on the appul-cinnamony goodness that is AJ’s feet!”
  688. >The mention of apple cinnamon seemed to flip a switch for Fluttershy, the argument between you and Pinkie taking a backseat to the much more enticing venture of breakfast muffin soles
  690. >Her first lick was a tentative one, barely a flick of her tongue to the side of Applejack’s sole
  691. >Whatever argument you and Pinkie were on stopped immediately as you both freeze waiting for her reaction
  692. >She takes a second, much longer drag of her tongue along the same side of AJ’s foot
  693. >AJ stifles a giggle smirks, taking some kind of strange pride in people enjoying the taste of her feet
  694. >Pinkie’s legs are kicking wildly as she begins shouting at Fluttershy
  695. >”Isn’t that the most fantabuliscious flavor combo ever!?”
  696. >”It’s like the perfect combination of apple and cinnamon…”
  697. >She went back to gently lapping at a very small portion of Applejack’s foot
  698. >Pinkie leaned down toward you conspiratorially and began to “whisper” loud enough for the entire kitchen to hear
  699. >”Flutttershy LOVES apple cinnamon muffins.”
  700. >She giggled at the not-secret and hopped down next to Fluttershy to double team an unsuspecting Applejack
  701. >The dichotomy between Pinkie’s hectic licking and toe sucking combo vs. Fluttershy’s comparatively docile nomming was sending her into fits
  702. >Both sets of tongues periodically flicked toward the center of the sole and math (probably) dictated that they were bound to meet at least once
  703. >When the (mathematically) inevitable happened, the blush on Fluttershy’s face would’ve put Rudolph’s nose to shame
  704. >Applejack had long since lost the ability to feel anything but tickle and relief, the short respite welcome no matter the reason for its occurrence
  705. >Pinkie had a blank look on her face
  706. >As she opened her mouth to say something you say your opportunity to strike
  707. “I want in on this.”
  708. >Three sets of eyes turned to you
  709. >Were you curious?
  710. >Sure
  711. >Curious enough to be super eager to do this?
  712. >No
  713. >But your charisma stat was high enough to know that a little social lubricant was needed to avoid some potential awkward
  714. >”Are you sure?”
  715. >Fluttershy better not have picked up on your hesitance
  716. >Time to ham it up
  717. “Definitely! With the way you two have been, uh, going? How could I resist…”
  718. >Man, you did not finish strong there
  719. >Flutters opens her mouth to probably pick away at your very weak plan, but Pinkie literally jumps to cut her off
  720. >”Great! Look, we didn’t touch the juiciest part of her foot, saved the best for you!”
  721. “That might’ve been the most horrible description for a body part you’ve ever heard
  722. >You’re scooped up and quickly platformed on top of Pinkie’s hand in front of Applejack’s foot
  723. >Despite your earlier trepidation it really does smell good
  724. >In a sate-one’s-hunger type of way
  725. >You lean forward and lick a tiny bit of dough
  726. >It’s actually pretty good?
  727. >Against all better judgment you lean in and lick the now exposed portion of her sole
  728. >While the doughy bit was a sweet mix of cinnamon and apple, her sole carries much more of her namesake and livelihood
  729. “A sugary, cinnamon-y outside with a sweet apple chaser…like a cinnamon-apple cowtale?”
  730. >Pinkie gasps dramatically before quickly covering her mouth and whispering something that sounds very close to “remind me to make those later” to Fluttershy
  732. >Whatever she whispered doesn’t really matter anyways
  733. >You had a sweet tooth before meeting Pinkie, and her presence only augmented it
  734. >Right now the only thing that mattered was lapping up as much of this very strange treat as you could
  735. >As energetic as you were now going at her foot, even Fluttershy’s timid licks from earlier had more of an effect on Applejack
  736. >She giggled, but it was probably at your energetic and sudden change of heart as opposed to any physical sensation
  737. >Although your enjoyment was having a very different effect on the two girls whose spots you had taken
  738. >A glint of envy would’ve been easily noticeable if you or AJ had made a high enough perception roll
  739. >Your only sign that you had company were the warm puffs of air that were now occasionally striking you
  740. >Looking over showed a meek tongue attached to a meek girl
  741. >Your other side was joined by a monster of a tongue, the pink girl wielding it not bothering to take it easy and already slobbering over you and Applejack’s foot
  742. >It was difficult to truly appreciate just how wet things were down here until you got up close and personal
  743. >With Pinkie and Fluttershy licking away at either side of you there wasn’t much room to maneuver, so you inched over slightly closer to Fluttershy in an attempt to avoid Pinkie’s tongue
  744. >You bury your face into Applejack’s foot appreciating the intoxicating smell
  745. >Another lick reveals that any flavor in this spot has been used up leaving you licking a bare foot
  746. >The two making up your cohort must be encountering similar problems because their tongues have started moving uncomfortably close to your position
  747. >It’s gotten to the point where every other motion involves them covering just as much of you as they do Applejack
  748. >As long as you think of them as rather large, warm, wet, clumsy people bumping into you it’s not so bad…
  750. >But getting smushed between those two warm bodies wasn’t nearly as ignorable
  751. >Math once again conspired to have the two tongues meeting in the center, this time with you acting as a buffer
  752. >When you turn to move Pinkies tongue aside it drags completely across the front of you
  753. >Not again.
  754. “Pinkie, cut that out!”
  755. >”But I think there was some dough on you.”
  756. “There isn’t.”
  757. >There’s only a small bit of dough left on Applejack’s foot, which Pinkie picks off and rubs on you
  758. >”There’s some right there.”
  760. >”Wait Anon, I already know what happened at this part, I was there!”
  761. “True, but if I stop mid story it’ll break my flow and I won’t be able to finish. You do want me to finish, right?”
  762. >”Well yea, but I don’t want to be bored while you talk about something I already know about!”
  763. “How about I switch up the narrative voice so you get to see things from my point of view?”
  764. >”Hmmm...You’ve got yourself a deal.”
  765. “Cool, let’s keep going then.”
  767. >So there I was, you’d just covered me in dough and planned on removing it the only way you knew how
  768. >But instead of sucking off all the dough like I know you probably wanted to, and have before
  769. >(“Guilty!” she said with a giggle)
  770. (“Stop interrupting!”)
  771. >You pawned me off to dear old Fluttershy to do your dirty work
  772. >Now Fluttershy and I weren’t nearly as friendly as you and I were when you handed me off
  773. >Everybody in the room knew that so you decided to play dirty and pretend Applejack needed help finding the bathroom to rinse off her feet
  774. >So you whisked off Applejack and only left Fluttershy with a wink and a dough covered me to contend with
  775. >She wasn’t able to meet my eyes and I realized that Pinkie’s cruelty knew no bounds
  776. >Making sweet, sweet Fluttershy engage in such debauchery?
  777. >For shame
  778. >(“Hey!”)
  780. >Now, being the magnanimous guy I am, I decided to help myself and Fluttershy out
  781. >Gave her my shirt and asked her to “take care of it for me”
  782. >Wasn’t expecting her to take to the task quite so energetically though
  783. >And by energetically I mean her eyes lit up when I handed her my shirt and she gave out a high pitched hum when she popped it into her mouth
  784. >It was cuter than it was unsettling
  785. >Thanks to you though, I still had dough on my pants and I managed to get some on my chest when I took my shirt off
  786. >Fluttershy noticed, cause she’s super observant for some reason, and that’s when things really got weird
  787. >She tried to nonchalantly point out my pants and was very insistent on helping out after I told her not to worry about it
  788. >Then she started blushing like mad and offered to do for my pants what she did for my shirt, but I was quite a bit more hesitant to have that happen
  789. >For as shy as she was acting earlier in the night, she wasn’t taking “no” for an answer!
  790. >The complete change in character actually caught me off guard and I ended up telling her she could go to town as long as I got to keep my pants on
  791. >And that allowance lead to her bending much closer to me and starting to slowly open her mouth
  792. >When I say “slowly”, I mean she spent, like, 30 seconds just silently sniffing me with her mouth barely open
  793. >Almost like she wanted to savor the moment
  794. >…And now that I’m reminiscing, what happened later in the night is making a lot more sense
  795. >Does she have some weird thing for tiny people?
  796. >(“Maaaaybe.”)
  797. >Well, she finally got around to licking off what little dough I had on my person
  798. >Kind of like when a cartoon character gets licked by a big dog
  799. >That was me
  800. >Left me about as moist too
  801. >And now that you’ve strongly hinted that Flutter’s has some hidden…”passions”, her suggestion to dry me off makes more sense
  802. >(“Was this when I came back in to the sock thing?”)
  803. (“Sure was”)
  805. >”I’m sorry about that, Anon! Oh, let me help dry you off.”
  806. “Sure thing…I think I saw some paper towels near the sink.”
  807. >”But paper towels are so rough on the skin! We should use something much softer for such a…tiny…fellow…”
  808. “Sure.”
  809. >”Maybe even something to warm you up at the same time…”
  810. “I’m very on board with what you’re saying, but the way you’re saying it is worrying me.”
  811. >If she hears me she doesn’t acknowledge my words, bending down just out of my sight
  812. >There’s a soft thump as something hits the floor
  813. “You alright down there?”
  814. >I looked over the edge to see that she’d removed one of her boots
  815. “I could see Applejack wearing boots. Maybe even Rainbow in some weird, punk-rock kind of way. But you, Fluttershy? I didn’t see this coming.”
  816. >”Well the shelter I volunteer at has a lot of animals and they, um, tend to leave ‘presents’ around. I wouldn’t want to accidentally ruin a pair of good shoes.”
  817. “So are these shoes covered in dooty?”
  818. >She giggles at my lighthearted term
  819. >”Oh no, I wash these every few days and made sure to get them nice and clean before I came over.”
  820. >Why am I talking about boots?
  821. “Not to rush you or anything, but being shirtless and wet is good for making me chilly.”
  822. >”Right, I offered to warm you up. And dry you off.”
  823. >She held her palm out in invitation and I stepped on only to be transported to the floor
  824. >You’d think I’d be more aware of people whose interests don’t quite line up with mine and see situations like this coming
  825. >But they honestly don’t happen that often
  826. >So when I found myself at the mouth of one of her now vacated boots, the only thing I was was curious
  827. >The heat radiating from her boot was pretty nice
  828. “You know this is unconventional, but it gets the job done.”
  829. >”Y-you actually like…my boot?”
  831. “Sure.”
  832. >I raised my arms and turned in a circle to warm as much of my body as I could before rounding on her quickly
  833. “But not in a weird way! It’s warm and I’m cold, nothing more.”
  834. >”Of course!”
  835. >She sounded breathless, staring down at me standing at the opening of her boot
  836. >The second one was quickly removed and placed beside me, creating a faux tunnel of warmth for me to bathe in
  837. >Whatever lotion she used for her hands must have been put to use on her feet too, her berry scent accompanying my drying
  838. >”Would it be alright if I…well, I mean, if it’s ok with you…could I maybe…would you like…I’llberightback!”
  839. >Fluttershy skittered out of the room and left me to my own devices long enough for me to turn my back on her departure
  840. >Just as I started shimmying she padded back in with Pinkie in tow
  841. >”Hey, Anon! I’m here to help give you the full spa recuperation treatment!”
  842. “That sounds unnecessary.”
  843. >”It’s an unnecessarily friendly gesture, you’re right.”
  844. >Fluttershy nodded in agreement
  845. >Rather than argue with the two of them I rolled my eyes and decided to play along
  846. >What’s the worst that could happen?
  847. “Fine girls, I’ll play spa for now. What’s first, mani pedis?”
  848. >Fluttershy gave a squeak of excitement but was shushed by Pinkie
  849. >”Nope! First we’ve got to relax your tired muscles with a soothing massage.”
  850. “I do like soothing massages…but they’re sort of clumsy at my size. Fingers lose a lot of their dexterity when they try to maneuver around something of my stature, y’know?”
  851. >”What if we were able to get two Anon-sized pillows and squished you between them?”
  852. “That would probably work.”
  853. >”Perfect! C’mere Flutters.”
  854. >Pinkie pulled Fluttershy closer and sat her down in front of you, making sure the puffy pink socks she was wearing were on full display
  855. “So where these pillows at?”
  856. >A pink hand ran over the socks, making Fluttershy giggle
  857. “Oh.”
  859. >I was feeling pretty drained by this point in the night, so there was no fight left in me
  860. >The only thing I was feeling was confusion over the eagerness I could read in Fluttershy’s body language
  861. >Socked toes wiggling
  862. >Trying to hide a smile
  863. >A blush coming through
  864. >Even Pinkie seemed to be feeding off her energy, hardly able to stand still and grinning like a madman
  865. >If these two had been Applejack and Rainbow, you might be worried that something unpleasant was about to happen
  866. >But given their demeanors…
  867. >I shrugged
  868. “Ok, go for it.”
  869. >”Really?” they asked in unison
  870. “Sure, I trust you two not to do anything unpleasant.”
  871. >I walked up and put a hand on Fluttershy’s big toe lovingly
  872. “Besides, what kind of friend would I be if I didn’t trust you two?”
  873. >At that comment they both clasped their hands and “aww-ed”
  874. >It was a very touching moment
  876. >”Don’t worry Anon, I’ll be very gentle.”
  877. >Man, that sounded a lot more lewd than it probably was
  878. >I think that I’d be unconsciously stalling up until this moment, so I took my position a couple steps away from Fluttershy’s feet and stood at attention
  879. >Fluttershy let her right foot inch toward me and her big toe caressed my cheek before moving down my naked torso and stopped at the lip of my jeans
  880. >”Hmm.”
  881. >Her foot removed itself from my person and she whispered something to Pinkie who nodded
  882. >”Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to remove your pants to better immerse yourself in the spa experience.”
  883. >I raised an eyebrow but did as I was told
  884. >Fluttershy was positively giddy watching me strip to my boxers
  885. >Again, no fight left
  886. “I don’t know of any spas with such horrible towel etiquette, so I’ll keep my underwear on this time.”
  887. >Pinkie looked at Fluttershy who nodded, answering whatever unspoken question had passed between them
  888. >Signaling to me that Fluttershy was the one pulling the strings behind my current situation
  889. >I stood with my hands in front of myself to hide the slight twitch in my pants
  890. >The thought of a timid girl like Fluttershy feeling strongly enough about something to take charge of a situation?
  891. >Somebody better open a window to let out some of this hot air
  892. >Fluttershy’s foot once again began to explore my body and all of her movements felt strangely intimate
  893. >I couldn’t help the blush that came to my face and turned away from her probing toe in an attempt to hide it
  894. >My motion caused her to stick her big toe right in my face, which caused me to move away again
  895. >She playfully followed my head and I stuck my face right into her sock
  896. >Did not want to play that game
  897. >I was immediately greeted by that not-so-subtle berry scent again, and the origination of the warmth inside her boots
  899. >Each of her toes roamed over my face briefly as she repositioned her foot so that I was centered in front of it
  900. >”Pinkie, if you could.”
  901. >”Sure thing Fluttershy!”
  902. >I brought my face out away from her foot to see what she was talking to Pinkie about, but the energetic girl was nowhere to be seen
  903. >I turned around to give the room a quick 360 and saw just where she’d gotten off to
  904. >Now sitting opposite Fluttershy, Pinkie’s own sock (a very thin, pink one) mirrored the one I’d just left
  905. >Using her sock as a puppet Pinkie said in a slightly higher pitched voice, “Nice ya see ya,” and bobbed her toes up and down in greeting
  906. >The berry scent of Fluttershy’s feet didn’t quite match the oddly sweet scent of Pinkie’s
  907. >”Ready Flutters?”
  908. >She hummed in agreement and their feet met, with me in the middle
  909. >Fluttershy’s extremely fluffy sock provided a warm cushion for my back while the thin material of Pinkie’s sock almost felt non-existent
  910. >”Oh hoho, Anon, you’re enjoying this quite a bit aren’t you?”
  911. >Pinkie’s words were accompanied by a slight increase in pressure along my bottom half
  912. >She must’ve been able to feel my slight arousal from thinking about Fluttershy earlier on
  913. >Having her push into me certainly wasn’t diminishing the effect
  914. >Following Pinkie’s queue, Fluttershy also pressed forward with her foot
  915. >What little light that had managed to get sandwiched between their feet with me disappeared as their scents mixed and the heat began to increase comfortably
  916. >I closed my eyes as Pinkie’s foot began to move up and down my front, the smoothness of her socked sole doing wonders for me and my growing excitement
  917. >”Let’s turn him around Fluttershy, I want you to feel something.”
  918. >Pinkie, you’re selling me out!
  919. >A rush of cold air hit me as their feet separated and Pinkie nudged me to face the opposite direction as my hands went over my lap once more
  921. >Fluttershy’s socked toes scooted along the floor and up my body, bringing my arms away from their defensive position and moving them above my head
  922. >Darkness once again surrounded me as their feet gently moved in a circular pattern around me
  923. >”I can’t feel anything through these socks Pinkie.”
  924. >”Well then you’ve gotta take em off.”
  925. >Cool air filled my lungs as their feet parted once more and I took the chance to speak up
  926. “I can sort of buy super cottony sucks as being comparable to pillows, but bare feet?”
  927. >”Anon, what do they say about soft socks?”
  928. “Uhh…nothing?”
  929. >”Soft soles!”
  930. >We both grinned
  931. >Alliteration
  932. “Do people say that?”
  933. >”Let’s find out.”
  934. >She reached over and peeled off Fluttershy’s sock for her, revealing yellow soles with pink nail polish
  935. >It pressed itself against me and instead of the fuzzy bottom of her sock I got the bare bottom of her sole
  936. >A much more sensitive surface than before
  937. >”Oh my.”
  938. >No doubt about it
  939. >Now they were both in the know
  940. >Fluttershy maneuvered her toes so that she could see me through them
  941. >”Anon, would you like us to stop? This must be so embarrassing.”
  942. “It’s too late for me Fluttershy, I plan on going down with this ship.”
  943. >She nodded and her toes once again blocked my vision as I was rubbed between their feet
  944. >The change from sock to bare foot was a pleasant one for me, as her foot was just as soft as before with the added benefit of being much less ticklish
  945. >As they began to press a bit more vigorously against me it felt like special attention was being paid to my waist
  946. >The weight and motion seemed to be centered on it, the grinding and pushing essentially working to dry hump me with softness
  947. >A very familiar pressure began to build up and I unconsciously began to mirror the movements of Fluttershy’s foot
  949. >Now unquestionably humping it I took in a deep breath, letting the scent of Fluttershy and Pinkie’s feet fill me
  950. >I began to pant a bit as my gyrations increased, fully committing myself to creaming my pants and thinking up a suitable explanation later
  951. >All at once all motion stopped and I felt the sensation of being lifted up into the air
  952. >I was resting fully on Fluttershy’s foot and could hear the sound of another sock being removed behind me
  953. >Momentarily taken out of my horny fervor, I glanced back to see Pinkie’s rainbow colored toes approaching as I was lowered to my previous position
  954. >Their toes interlocked with my head in the middle
  955. >The scent was much muskier than before, still holding the sweet remnants of before
  956. >The moisture level in between both of their toes also provided a satisfying squish as they clamped around me
  957. >It was enough that I didn’t even need to start pumping against Fluttershy’s sole anymore
  958. >I buried my head into a gap between their toes and felt the sweet relief of ecstasy flow through me
  959. >The grinding continued all over my body while I came
  960. >When I was finally spent and relaxed, their feet held me for a moment while I caught my breath before opening me to the world anew
  961. >”How was that?” Fluttershy asked looking down at me
  962. >I gave her a tired grin and a lazy thumbs up
  963. “Very relaxing.”
  964. ------------------------------------------------------
  965. “Pinkie, remember how you’d insisted I try to get to know Twilight a little better?”
  966. >”I only gave you two a nice room to talk in.”
  967. “You locked the doors and told us we couldn’t leave or eat until we were friends.”
  968. >”I think we should agree to disagree on what I said.”
  969. “Deal. This took place while we were ‘talking amicably’ then.”
  971. “I have to admit Twilight, I wasn’t sure you’d be able to convince me that modular arithmetic could be fun or useful, but I was wrong.”
  972. >”Pinkie was actually the one who reminded me that it could be used for ciphers, I just used it to tell time.”
  973. “Well you learn something new every day. I’d say that we’re nice and friendly after being in here for…”
  974. >”25 minutes.”
  975. “There it is. I’ll start shouting for Pinkie then.”
  976. >”Actually, I was wondering if I could ask you something sort of personal before we left?”
  977. “In the spirit of our newfound friendliness, let it rip.”
  978. >She takes a steadying breath
  979. >”I’d like to wear you around in my shoe.”
  981. “Not you too!”
  982. >”What?”
  983. “Everyone’s been getting weird with me and feet since last night. I’m starting to have very conflicted feelings about feet in general because of you girls!”
  984. >Feelings of amorosity
  985. >24 hours previously you never gave feet a second thought, but after this sleepover…
  986. >You pushed the thought away and tuned back into Twilight who had been talking while you mused
  987. >“…figured it would be the best way to test it”
  988. “Test wha?”
  989. >”I see why you and Pinkie get along so well…”
  990. “And I see you want to be snarky instead of helpful. Count me out of your freaky foot fun.”
  991. >She put a hand on her chin in thought
  992. >”Hmm, you said each of the girls have done something with you and their feet?”
  993. “Everyone except Sunset and Rarity.”
  994. >”And did they give a reason for their activities?”
  995. “Not to me specifically. Applejack stepped on me for retributive reasons, Fluttershy might have some hidden interests regarding, uhhh, things that get her going. Pinkie was helping Fluttershy, and Rainbow…I don’t wanna talk about what happened with her.”
  996. >A grimace accompanied Twilight’s next words
  997. >”I can only imagine. She put her shoes on a table at my house once and I had to disinfect it twice to get rid of the smell.”
  998. >You both shiver out of remembrance, although the tingle in your spine isn’t entirely unpleasant, which only makes you more annoyed
  999. >Twilight was the first to shake off the thought and continue
  1000. >”Anyways, I don’t want to wear you around for pleasure or some weird execution of justice, I’ve got science on the mind.”
  1001. “This sounds like some crooked science. Would the NIH approve of this ethically dubious experiment?”
  1002. >”You’re familiar with the National Institute of Health and their practices?”
  1003. “Pinkie and I talk about all kinds of things.”
  1004. >Your haughty response was perfectly concluded by sticking your tongue out in Twilight’s direction
  1006. >She had the decency to look slightly embarrassed
  1007. >”I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to insinuate that your or Pinkie didn’t have intelligent conversations or—“
  1008. “It’s fiiiiine, keep saying your science thing.”
  1009. >”Well…ok. Were you hurt when AJ stepped on you?”
  1010. “Only my pride.”
  1011. >”Interesting. And there was never any discomfort with the other girls?”
  1012. “Little wet a couple times. Sorta stinky.”
  1013. >”But no pain?”
  1014. “Naw.”
  1015. >”That’s what I’d like to test then. It sounds like they were either being gentle with you or you’re stronger than you look, and AJ doesn’t do gentle.”
  1016. “I don’t have super strength or anything though. You don’t see me hopping around the hallways like the Hulk, do you?”
  1017. >”Like the what?”
  1018. “Like a grasshopper.”
  1019. >”Well it wouldn’t make much sense, but you may have some kind of intrinsic durability that doesn’t translate to increased external force.”
  1020. “So I’m hard to squish for reasons?”
  1021. >”Exactly.”
  1022. “As interesting as this sounds, I don’t want to find out what happens if I’m NOT unsquishable, y’know?”
  1023. >”I understand and that’s why I suggested I step on you. I can apply more pressure if I’m standing, assuming things go well, and it’s one body part that’s sensitive enough to feel if you start to struggle or panic.”
  1024. “Well that rebuts my biggest complaint. Lemme think about it for a second.”
  1025. >”Of course.”
  1027. >Once again you’re in a not-so-compromising position
  1028. >Willingly enter a situation that has (historically) gone fairly well for you?
  1029. >Or leave before your luck changes and this encounter becomes the exception
  1030. >You know which one you’d WANT to do
  1031. >But greed is a bane and hubris fucked over Greeks greater than you
  1032. >On the other hand, anybody can turn in unfavorable situation on its head with enough smarts…
  1033. >As long as you can keep relative control of the situation you shouldn’t have anything to worry about
  1034. “Ok Twilight, I think we can try this out.”
  1035. >She looked up from the deck of cards she had laid out on the floor and gave you a smile
  1036. >”Great! Let’s get started then.”
  1037. “Wait, you brought cards in here with you and didn’t whip them out while we were locked in here?”
  1038. >”Pinkie wanted us to talk.”
  1039. >You would have much preferred you two had played cards in relative silence the entire time
  1040. “Don’t let me forget to grill you about this later but we have other business to attend to right now.”
  1041. >”Right. Unlike Rainbow I actually have pedal hygiene.”
  1042. >To prove her point she slipped off her loafer (slipper? Moccasin?) and presented a nylon clad foot for your approval
  1043. >The pleasant aroma of lavender reached you
  1044. >It’s actually kind of nice
  1045. >You place a hand on her outplaced nylon
  1046. >Soft
  1047. >Not quite Fluttershy level, but close
  1048. “You might as well be trying to crush me with a pillow. You’re feet are too soft, and I mean that in the most derogatory way possible.”
  1049. >She gave a short laugh
  1050. >”That will probably be better for you anyway. I don’t want to hurt you after all. Why don’t you hop into my slipper and we’ll get started?”
  1053. >You walked over and crawled into the purple slipper, turning around to make one last remark before things got started
  1054. “Is it weird that Pinkie color codes the slippers she gives you girls?”
  1055. >”You’re stalling.”
  1056. “I’m ready for anything you can throw at me chicka, I’m King Los!”
  1057. >She moved her foot toward the opening of the shoe
  1058. “How was my Spanish accent?”
  1059. >”Better than mine.”
  1060. >You rolled over onto your stomach her Twilight’s toes reached your feet only for her to stop
  1061. >”Uhh, a supine position would let you push into me so I know when I’m going too hard, Anon.”
  1062. >You sigh
  1063. >She’s not wrong
  1064. >You roll over and can’t help but watch as her toes drag themselves over you
  1065. >Scrunching and unscrunching as they inch over your legs
  1066. >Chest
  1067. >Head
  1068. >You close your eyes and inhale deeply
  1069. >A muskier lavender that’s making your head swim
  1070. >Getting drunk off a scent?
  1071. >As long as things don’t get any more intimate than this you should be ok
  1072. >There’s hardly any pressure on you as Twilight’s voice comes through her slipper
  1073. >”Ok Anon, give a short push upwards if everything’s alright on your end, and push as hard as you can for as long as you can if you need me to stop.”
  1074. >Your arms are actually still at your sides so you can’t push up with all the force that your upper body would provide
  1075. >You pitifully attempt to raise your arms anyway
  1076. >”Could you push up any harder?”
  1077. >You give out a bark of laughter
  1078. >Only one way to push up harder in this position
  1079. >You raise your hips with your fists and give a short, powerful thrust into the bottom of her foot
  1080. >”Perfect! Ready to get started then?”
  1081. >If anyone was around to see you you’d roll your eyes or sigh but give another thrust instead to indicate your ability to continue
  1083. >Sticking her foot in the air to avoid stepping on you, Twilight stood up
  1084. “Woah!”
  1085. >Showing reflexes that would impress the two athletic members of the group, Twilight managed to catch you just as you slipped out the opening of her slipper
  1086. >”I was afraid that would happen.”
  1087. “I didn’t sign up for sky diving sans parachute Twilight.”
  1088. >”No harm, no foul, right?”
  1089. “I’m gonna turn of the jokes for a second and say I really don’t want that to happen again.”
  1090. >”Don’t worry, I’ve got a quick fix for this.”
  1091. >With her free hand she reached down out of your view and you heard the telltale sound of fabric sliding against skin
  1092. >Placing you on the ground she created an “inviting” opening into her nylon
  1093. >Heh
  1094. >You walked halfway in before encountering another hurdle and walking back out
  1095. “It’s a little warm.”
  1096. >She looked at you
  1097. >You looked at her
  1098. >She glanced at the wall
  1099. >You looked at her
  1100. >She looked back at you
  1101. >”Ok.”
  1102. “Well what’s the solution to this puzzle?”
  1103. >”I don’t think you need my help figuring this out.”
  1104. >The Man Upstairs must have a sense of humor
  1105. >You shake your head and chuckle to yourself, raising your hands in defeat
  1106. “Yea I have an idea or two. Don’t watch.”
  1107. >She closes her eyes as you strip down to your skivvies, disbelief billowing from your belly in the form of laughter
  1108. >Apparently this was meant to be
  1109. >If Twilight notices your laughter she doesn’t comment on it, dutifully giving you an opening into the waiting darkness
  1111. >You run an arm along the inside of the smooth fabric feeling very relaxed
  1112. >It’s like a dark, aromatic sauna and you’re glad you don’t have too much clothing on diminishing the feeling
  1113. >The toe section was readily felt when you entered it, the air growing warmer and heavier around you
  1114. >The nylon shook and you fell onto your rump as Twilight repositioned her sock to look in at you from the top
  1115. >”Same deal as before, ok? Quick push for ‘yes’, long push for ‘no’ or ‘stop’.”
  1116. >You give her the thumbs up and she nods in return
  1117. >”Ok, here I go. Make sure you’re face up too.”
  1118. >Her face leaves your vision as five toes replace the opening left by its absence
  1119. >You’ve only been on the receiving end of a barefoot a handful of times but the usual trepidation has been almost entirely replaced by excitement
  1120. >Almost
  1121. >There’s an exhilarating mix of fear and anticipation inside of you as you put your trust into Twilight to not make this the shortest experiment in recorded history
  1122. >You lay down on the slightly moist fabric and are subjected to Twilight’s bare toes inching their way across your mostly bare body
  1123. >Scrunched as they move over you, the smooth nail of one of her middle toes drags up the middle of your body only to be followed by the comparative roughness of her sole
  1124. >As the rest of her toes pass you by your final resting position is completely beneath her sole, your own toes brushing against her heel and your head right under the ball of her foot
  1125. >Her toes spread somewhere above you as she got used to the feeling of you underneath her
  1126. >The feeling of fingers through the fabric gripped your body as you were dragged slightly to the right so that your head was now in the crease of her foot
  1127. >Sensing that was as comfortable as she was going to get with you, Twilight pulled her nylon taut against her foot out of habit, pressing you deep into her sole
  1129. >”Oh, sorry about that Anon!”
  1130. >She released her hold and the pressure around you decreased dramatically, giving you a chance to breathe again
  1131. >You began to wiggle around to see just how much mobility you had causing Twilight to giggle and quickly stomp against the carpet
  1132. >”Oh, sorry again! I’m not quite used to this yet but I’ll try not to have too many knee-jerk reactions.”
  1133. >You don’t bother responding
  1134. >”I’m going to put my slipper back on and then we’ll get started. Don’t forget to let me know if you need to stop.”
  1135. >A “Yes” thrust that feels a lot more lewd when there’s only one layer separating you from her
  1136. >She raised her foot slowly to avoid causing your stomach to drop and slid on her slipper
  1137. >The heat increased noticeably and you were slightly surprised to find the stench from the shoe was worse than from her foot alone
  1138. >Once she’d slipped you and her foot into the slipper, Twilight began to gingerly apply her usual amount of pressure
  1139. >She had to resist the urge to apply all her weight at once, your form providing cushion for her insole
  1140. >From your point of view the downward pressure increased, then stopped
  1141. >It wasn’t unpleasant
  1142. >You were still able to breathe fairly comfortably, although rolling over was out of the question
  1143. >As you went from ‘comfy’ to ‘snug’ you assumed the “test” had started
  1144. >Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad…
  1146. >Be Twilight
  1147. >Anon’s firmly under your foot and has finally stopped trying to wiggle around
  1148. >You’re standing regularly and he hasn’t signaled you to stop yet
  1149. >Pinkie’s fuzzy slippers are good for keeping your feet warm, but they inevitably lead to sweaty feet if you don’t air your feet out every once in a while
  1150. >With Anon’s body providing extra heat, you can feel the beginnings of sweat starting to accumulate around where he is
  1151. >If the heat starts to feel too bad you’ll take him out of your nylons, but as long as he’s ok with things getting a bit warm and wet, you have no problem continuing
  1152. >You figure you’ll start by pressing down harder and harder before doing quick bursts of applied pressure
  1153. >That’s all you currently have planned, but if he’s still ok after all of that, you’re sure you can think of more to do
  1154. >Be Anon
  1155. >As Twilight put more weight onto you things went from ‘comfy’ to ‘snug’
  1156. >Not much worse, honestly
  1157. >Was starting to get a little toasty in here though
  1158. >Your small amount of perspiration began to mix with hers and you couldn’t help but think about analogous scenarios of intimacy
  1159. >Aaaand there’s the stiffy
  1160. >Luckily you’re way too small for Twilight to be able to feel you starting to grow
  1161. >Should flex your legs anyway to keep it from getting any bigger
  1162. >Feels like she’s done pressing down anyway
  1163. >You weren’t expecting things to go so quickly, or so smoothly, but you aren’t complaining
  1164. >Relaxing your legs you weren’t prepared for Twilight to start rocking her foot, suddenly taking the evenly spaced pressure and targeting specific parts of your body
  1165. >As she rolled her foot back and forth your head was pressed firmly into her sole
  1166. >Then your head was released only for your waist and legs to be forced up into Twilight
  1167. >The rolling and grinding motion of Twilight’s foot on top of you was putting you in a world of pleasure she wasn’t even aware of
  1169. >Back to Twi
  1170. >Anon’s either incredibly resilient or unconscious
  1171. >You think you may feel him trying to get your attention with his…finger?
  1172. >There must be less room to move around than you thought
  1173. >To be sure that he’s trying to tell you to stop so you try to position your foot such that you’re pressing into his finger as flush as possible, but it keeps wiggling around
  1174. >He must be on the verge of blacking out if he’s that fatigued!
  1175. >You slide your foot out of your slipper and put a finger on Anon to hold him steady while you take off your nylons
  1176. >The finger that was pressing into you goes limp and is accompanied by a concerning release of something wet
  1177. >But the only ‘wet’ part of a finger would be under the skin…
  1178. >Now terrified you may have seriously injured Anon, you quickly peel back your stocking and toss the sweaty garment aside
  1179. >Anon’s stuck to your foot so you have to slowly remove him, something sticky getting on your fingers in the process
  1180. “Are you ok, Anon!?”
  1181. >Holding him up in the palm of your hand you quickly inspect his body, paying close attention to the intactness of his extremities
  1182. >The cursory inspection doesn’t reveal any immediate injuries so whatever you felt wasn’t some traumatic gaping wound
  1183. >Giving him a closer once-over to locate where something wet might have come from you see that there’s a dark patch on his boxers
  1184. >The poor guy must have gotten scared and lost control of his bladder
  1185. >Seeing as he’s asleep anyway, the least you could do is make sure he’s not stewing in his own filth while he rests
  1186. >You start to remove his underwear and see a long strand of something still attached to his hoo-hah
  1187. >Pee doesn’t do that though
  1188. >The only substance that would and comes from down there is…
  1189. >Oh
  1190. >You begin to blush and slowly pull his pants back up to restore a small shred of his dignity
  1191. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
  1192. >Enter Anon
  1193. >The last thing you remember is Twilight’s foot getting frisky with your manhood and your sticky rebuttal
  1194. >You don’t remember taking off your boxers, cleaning crusty spunk off yourself (again), and tucking in to your makeshift bed
  1195. >By the sound of laughter you hear close by, you probably weren’t out so long that you missed the rest of the sleepover festivities
  1196. >On a sad note, you’ll probably be crashing whatever’s going on nude because Twilight (or whoever cleaned you up) neglected to leave behind a fresh set of anything
  1197. >A table’s been set up right next to the bed and there’s a couple people sitting at it so you’ll have some cover before braving the entire group
  1198. >You get closer to one of the chairs and see a white foot with immaculately done purple nail polish bouncing against one of the leg rests
  1199. >The paint job is so well done that you can’t help but take a moment to admire it
  1200. >While you’re at it, might as well admire more than the nails too
  1201. >Rarity’s toes are longer, more slender than the rest of the girls who have…younger looking feet you suppose
  1202. >Even her feet seem to ooze maturity, refinement, grace
  1203. >You allow your gaze to begin drifting up her shapely gams and fail to notice the slow movement of her legs stretching out toward you
  1204. ~~
  1205. >We Rarity now
  1206. >It’s finally come to the best part of the night and you couldn’t be happier
  1207. >Gossip Time
  1208. >Each of the girls have finally calmed down enough to sit still for a few precious minutes that you most certainly planned on taking advantage of
  1209. >There was one topic in particular you wanted to squeeze as much life out of as possible
  1210. >Figuratively that is
  1211. “So girls, has anyone seen Anonymous recently?”
  1212. >You nonchalantly looked at your recently done nails to give off the impression that you were just making conversation
  1213. >No need to make your interest in this particular topic quite so well known
  1214. >Yet
  1215. >While most of the girls denied having seen their tiny friend, Twilight’s blush and aside glance were more than enough to indicate she knew something
  1216. “Twilight, dear, is everything all right?”
  1217. >Your voice is almost sickeningly sweet
  1218. >Anyone but Twilight would easily notice
  1219. >She might’ve been able to play off her behavior if you hadn’t called attention to it, but as soon as the other girls noticed your work was done
  1220. >”Y’know now that Rare’s is mentionin’ it, yer lookin’ mighty red there, Twi. Got somethin’ ya wanna say?”
  1221. >She fidgeted and avoided looking anyone in the eye while she responded
  1222. >”I…may have seen him a little while ago…”
  1223. >”Even I can tell we’re not getting the full story here, Twi,” Rainbow declared, her interest piqued by Twilight’s reticence
  1224. >You allow yourself a small smile and stretch your legs out, feet bumping into something beneath the table
  1226. >”Well, the last time I saw Anon he was helping me out with an…experiment.”
  1227. >While Twilight grudgingly began her tale you spread your toes over the offending object beneath the table
  1228. >”What kind of experiment are we talkin’ about, Sugarcube?”
  1229. >Your big toe ran over a smooth part while your other toes explored the contours of the object
  1230. >”I was testing his durability…”
  1231. >You gripped whatever was beneath you tightly as the implications of her words hit everyone around the table
  1232. >”He’s dead!?”
  1233. >The squirming in between your toes went unnoticed
  1234. >”N-no! I stepped on him and found out he’s incredibly durable. We just had to end a bit sooner than planned because he…well…
  1235. >You unconsciously began to roll the squirming object under and around your feet while you waited for Twilight to finally spit out what she was trying to say
  1236. >”Well he produced a certain fluid that people do when they really enjoy something.”
  1237. >He…what?
  1238. >The movement of your feet slowed as the squirming finally entered your consciousness
  1239. “Instead of getting hurt stepping on him produced tears of laughter?”
  1240. >”No Pinkie, a much LOWER happy fluid.”
  1241. >She gave an “oh” of understanding
  1242. >You slowly uncurled your toes and felt tiny hands push up against them
  1243. >Looks like Anon’s come back for seconds
  1244. >You place the ball of your foot above where the hands are gently pushing against you and quietly stomp down
  1245. >If the little perv wants to peep on your feet, you’ll give him more than he can handle
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