

Jan 5th, 2012
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  1. Hey /x/. I need your help with something. I usually just lurk on here, so forgive me if this isn't weird enough for you. Basically, I've found a creepy journal, and I was wondering if you could make sense of the entries.
  3. BACKSTORY: A couple days ago, I was flying back from a holiday vacation. I sprang for first class because I had an upgrade available, if that matters. Midway through the flight, I dropped my phone into the pocket of the seat in front of me and had to go digging to find it. Tucked in there, I found a diary.
  5. It's some store bought artsy looking thing. It doesn't look incredibly old, though it does seem well travelled, and I'm pretty positive it belonged to a woman based on the entries and writing. The entries don't have dates but rather numbers that go up, and there are sometimes notes or numbers written in the margins. There's no name in them, and the places/people/things are given letters or codenames (H, CLO, Orb, etc).
  7. It might be total horseshit and just left by some /x/phile to creep a poor soul out, but there are so many entries, and they all follow specific patterns. After spending some time reading through them, I was wondering if you could make any sense of them for me. I've become a little obsessed with it.
  9. If you give me a minute, I'll copy down some of the more interesting entries and see if I can get some pictures without stalking info in them.
  11. (These are the first entries.)
  13. 17
  15. I would be in so much trouble for this but fuck it. I have no one to talk to but decom snf iyd noy like they ever(?) help. Flew to big 17 today. Big fuss over the outro in NOLA. I don't see why. It's not good but clearly noone's asking questions. They're all too worried about checks and tourists which is all CC wants. Who ever heard of Pearl??
  17. 18
  19. Tasking me for grade up. SUCKS!!! Just want to sleep for ages. Miss mom. Can't do dad's bday this year and she sounded sad.
  21. (Note: Not my break, she starts back on 33)
  23. 33
  25. Finally out of tasking! The heads are such twats. No I don't have any contacts. No I'm not a spy. Why would I tell you anyway?
  27. Celebrated with H and E at dinner. Best Cantonese I have ever had in my life. Remembing KRY St and get the noodle tower. It was so good to see them and talk like normal people, though weird to see E out of a suit. Wish I didn't have to fly out tomorrow, but it's the big one out at DB. I guess I should be excited, but they make everything so bland that I've pretty much fallen into their state of mind. I don't know if this is a good or bad thing.
  29. (She breaks again, but I'll skip ahead to the good stuff since most of the entries from here are normal stuff. She complains about some chick named B and talks about missing her parents a little more. These are the entries that really start to freak me out.)
  31. 68
  33. I've decided that my favorite moments are spent in the air, particularly overseas flights. There are times when it's dark outside and everyone else is asleep. All the lights are off, and it's just the sounds of the plane and the stars. I wonder if this is what being a collective is like. Knowing that there are others around, sensing them but feeling the isolation of your own mind baring down on you.
  35. I'm probably full of shit. Anyway.
  37. I just haven't been able to get the Tivs out of my head. I understand that it was no one's fault, sure. I know they say there's nothing left of them inside of there, and it's all some new mass, but seeing their blank eyes blinking when I close my own eyes just makes my skin crawl. Imagine being stuck like that. Do they see the lifelines? Or is it just like this with pinpoints of distant light in all that darkness?
  39. 70
  41. Got a warning for wearing a dress that was too bright. How ridiculous is that? Then again, I guess they don't recruit for looks. When I see the teams lined up, everyone's so nondescript. No one is beautiful and no one is ugly. We're all as run of the mill as possible. I guess that's by design. Still, I miss colors and dressing up. The faces are the only ones who get to go to the balls and parties. Unfair, but maybe someday.
  43. Not sending the dress back though. I love it, and I got it on sale! It'll just travel with me. Someday I'll have somewhere to wear it.
  45. (Skipping ahead again. This is one of the pages with numbers on it. The numbers are along the side.)
  47. 19 3765 2280 1
  49. 101
  51. I saw my first CLO today. Three of them. H and I were on an escort with one faces through the DCB, and four of the handlers led them through. Two must have been pretty old. They were wearing the full wrap with long red-orange robes. The last one might have been young. He had a shorter green robe, but his mask was amazing. It was all gold and jewels with that neutral expression they keep around strangers.
  53. I don't think I would ever be able to work with the CLO. There's no way I could stay objective. There's just something about them, vibrations or something, that draws me to them. Especially that young one. He turned to look at me, which I guess is rare. H said he was just looking off, but I could feel his attention centered on me. It's like a drug. They're so graceful too. Maybe it's the mystery they surround themselves in.
  55. H hates them. He should probably be a handler.
  57. 102
  59. Called A and mom. They sound good but the pooch is sick. He's old. Hope I can visit before anything bad happens. I would be sad if I missed saying goodbye.
  61. 103
  63. Travel day. Shoot me now.
  65. (There are some doodles after this of flowers and a stork.)
  67. 104
  69. Dear HQ,
  71. Don't give us the equipment if you don't want us to use it. Assholes.
  73. Love,
  74. H and I
  76. In other news, I had another dream about the green CLO. I don't know how I know it's about him, since it's usually just those obstract colorful dreams you barely remember, but it feels like the same vibrations.
  78. I feel crazy just writing that.
  80. The only thing I really remember is his mask. It has the same gems as before, and it's gold, but this time it's smiling. I can almost see his eyes behind it. They shine.
  82. 108
  84. True to fucking form, HQ decided to send us after a hoarder. They said it was random assignment, but H and I call bullshit on that one. We talked to the locals, and H had too much fun playing his detective part. I told him no more CSI ever again, but at least he wasn't moping about the Braves for a few hours.
  86. The smell was horrible. You can't imagine how bad it was. Shit everywhere, looked like it had pets at some point but there was no other sign of them. Maybe it just collected the shit. H says they do that. It made the nest in the master bedroom closet, and we found it up there. Fun fact: One of the old guard said that yellow slime just oozes out of their skin. I believe it.
  88. Took it in, but not before it pissed all over H's legs. No idea what they're going to do with the apartment. Burn it, I hope. Need a shower and a chemical peel.
  90. (This is the same day but different entry. There's a line between the two.)
  92. Another dream about the CLO. Almost saw his face. Ask old guard tomorrow.
  94. (There's a grocery list in the margins of this one.)
  96. milk
  97. flour
  98. razors
  99. cereal
  100. k bars
  101. cumin
  102. chicken
  103. clementines
  105. 109
  107. Ask one of the old boys about the CLO. He said he's only had dealings with a small cell in the LA hold. Swears he saw its face when it flashed its mask, but it was putting on the angry look at some screw up with the handlers. When they get angry like that, custom is to not look. Doesn't know what green robe means, but he might have some disease. He says their skin cracks when they're out too much, and they have to get ritual lotion or something to fix it. Didn't tell him about the dreams.
  109. We got another hoarder. Joy.
  111. 110
  113. Hoarder wasn't as bad as we expected. It like toys for some reason, and the smell wasn't nearly as terrible as the last one. I lured it out of a bathtub with my bracelet. Good thing it was cheap because I'm never putting that back on. The thing looked like an old lady and gummed the bracelet while I led her out. H bitched about me not getting pissed on. I can't help it if I'm good!
  115. Except maybe I shouldn't be good. If I have to do hoarders forever, I'll shoot myself. Yes, decom, I'll shoot myself.
  118. 111
  120. Pooch died. Didn't get to say goodbye. Travel tomorrow. I'll beg for Thanksgiving. I think they have to give it to me. Maybe they'll send H along as my boyfriend. He can cry to my dad about baseball.
  122. (Still messing with the phone, but while I do, here are a few more. More numbers at the top:)
  124. 192 1 11 191 82991 w/left
  126. 115
  128. Almost saw his face this time. Think I need to just suck it up and talk to decom, though the dreams don't bother me. Just curious.
  130. 117
  132. GOT THANKSGIVING!! Had to stop myself from crying and calling mom on the spot. I'm such a baby. No idea how long it's been but yes!! Two months away and I'm already planning the menu: Brine turkey, baked sweet potatoes, and have to have those yeast rolls.
  134. So happy!
  136. Also retcom for the MN camp tomorrow. Dared H to ask if we'll be doing team building exercises. He won't do it, but it does remind me of those stupid retreats I went on in school. If I had to cross lava with a plank and a piece of string one more time...
  138. Idea: Lava shoes
  140. (Along the bottom:)
  142. DON'T FORGET 9/24!
  144. (It breaks here. This is the next entry from 117)
  146. 125
  148. Wow. I can't believe something like the MN camp even exists. If anything could convince someone of the power CC and the faces have, it would be this. Rows and rows of pillboxes, and NSTATs processed at almost 50 a day. We started by taking a tour of some of the main grounds, and we had a whole day devoted to detainment. I think that was to send a message. They had two Theta strung up on the posts while we were walking through. They were making these horrible sounds, and I swear it was their version of crying. It had to be.
  150. The F block has the biggest Tiv I've ever seen. 40-60 maybe? They're all on top of each other, so there's no real way to count. We saw one of the newer ones being drawn in. It was like skin moss. He kept opening and closing his mouth. The suits said he was gone, but I don't believe it. I'm never going near one of those things if I can help it.
  152. They did have me hang out with a RomTom that was cute as hell. It liked my hair. It kept repeating, "All the time. All the time. And we want it all the time." Maybe it heard a song?
  154. No dreams the entire time I was there. The land is beautiful but the forests around it are almost empty aside from birds and squirrels, so it's too quiet. I got to back to the AR camp next time. H says if he gets close to getting out, he'll ask for camp work. Says it pays well. I don't want to be that close to a Tiv if I can help it, and no way could I do the processing. I'll stick with this. Shorter lifespan is no big.
  156. 127
  158. Flying. Sometimes I wonder what singled me out of this. It's not like they showed up on my doorstep or anything, but they must've been recruiting from the start. Who knows how far back. It seems like most of us have the same profile though. We were socially capable but alone in a crowd. We had no roots, but we felt a calling that pushed us down the road. We were brave only because of our logic.
  160. I can't look up at the stars anymore without seeing something staring back. That's one thing I really miss. I never thought I'd want to sleep in one bed and wake up to a real breakfast. I definitely never thought I'd miss people I never knew.
  162. I'll ask decom about the CLO dreams after Thanksgiving. I don't want them vetoing because I'm tainted or something.
  164. (Sorry about the delay. My net shat itself again. I'm hoping this works. If not, I'll just take the photos down. This is the cover.)
  166. 128
  168. Went out with B, H, E, and J. B is still a bitch. What a shocker. Had some amazing pad thai though, which only makes me miss cooking more. Can't wait for Thanksgiving.
  170. 129
  172. Of course 7/22 was our fault. Of course it was. Somehow knowing that just makes me bitter. Also, we're going back to DCB in a couple of days. A part of me is nervous, and a part of me is excited, and a part of me is even more nervous because I'm excited. I'm sure I won't see anything. I worked here how long and never saw a single CLO?
  174. 130
  176. Got word from HQ that we're getting diverted. Great. Apparently there's soem big issue down below, and they need a few teams to check it out. I don't know why they're taking the time and effort to fly us in, but who am I to argue with how they spend mony? Besides, it's not like we know how many teams there are. H says we should be honored. I said he was a kiss ass.
  178. (Numbers at the bottom with a drawing that might be a plane?)
  180. 77 288 12 3 294 + exo!
  182. (I don't think anything in here mentions the occult, at least not directly. If anything she seems to be of a scientific mind. Maybe that's just me reading into things. This is the most mystical entry I've read, IMO.)
  184. 132
  186. The old boys say you never forget your first experience with the SP. Guess they're right. I didn't even deal with a hat and I'm still weirded out.
  188. We ended up in NYC below the city. We split into groups of 4 and 6 and took some dogs with us. Just finding your way in that maze is almost impossible. I can't tell if we made these tunnels or someone else did. The lower you get, the warmer it is, and there are roaches all over the place. Rats too. One of the other women was scared of the rats and kept breathing like an ape trying not to freak out. H asked if she was giving birth back there.
  190. We were in the SE block and told to hang the lights at certain points to lure them out. I didn't get it until we saw the first one. They like to skitter around corners and stand in the middle of entries, and in order to even have an SP, you have to have light/dark. So we stand around until one shows up. Had that feeling of dread everyone talks about and it got really cold. H and the other guy had their lights go out. The dogs went nuts. The line was pretty much dead, but luckily they took that as a signal to send a team down and haul our asses out.
  192. Apparently one of the other teams broke the cardinal rule and got split up. A few SP showed up and one of the pairs panicked and went running in what they thought was the way out. We got signals from them here and there, and they send some people with dogs in to find them. The guy was sobbing at one point. Think he saw a hat.
  194. That's it. Stopping here if I want to sleep tonight.
  196. DCB in 2 days now.
  198. 133
  200. They warned us about the SP in decom, but apparently I'm just one of the lucky ones. I keep seeing things out of the corner of my eye now, and objects on the walls look like they're moving. Also hearing whispers. Funny thing is, I asked decom if it was all in my head or they were tagging along, and got no straight answer. Typical, but really not comforting. H offered to come to my room and order a pizza, so we watched some terrible scifi movie and ordered overpriced beer from room service. Thanks HQ!
  202. It helped, but soon as he left the whispers started again.
  204. (Same day but a few line breaks)
  206. They're crawling around in my head. Hate this
  208. 134
  210. On the plane today, a woman struck up a coversation with me. She talked about her kids forever and how her husband is in Iraq. Then she asked about me and what I do. Sometimes I make up really interesting stories like I'm a florist or a baker, but this time around I was tired so I just told her I was a desk monkey. She asked SO MANY questions! All I could think was that someone needs to recruit this woman for processing. H and E said she must have been a really fat spy. In the end she just gave me this polite but way too stiff smile and didn't speak to me for the rest of the time.
  212. It was really awkward, but honestly it just highlighted the gap between us and them now. It's worse when I talk to my parents. They're always supportive and love me, but I can hear worry and disappointment in their voices. They must think I'm a drug runner or something. They ask why I'm not dating anyone sometimes. Can you imagine sitting down and telling a guy "My job involves everything bad you don't know about" over coffee?
  214. (little stars drawn along the edge of the page)
  216. 136
  218. Back at DCB. No sign of the CLO today. I can't tell if I'm on edge because it's all in my head or...because it's all in my head. At lunch I sat near two suits asking where the CLO put all their masks. I think they keep them in the big sleeves or that draping in their front of their outfits, but I have no idea how they change them so quickly. They're so fast!
  220. CC and HQ wanted a full report about the SP incident in NYC's SE block. How's that for alphabet soup? Apparently the guy didn't come back and now there's a big stir about it. No one likes the SP but there's so little intel on them that there's next to nothing anyone can do. CC will just posture till the suits are satisfied. It's not like they actually care anyway as long as things stay quiet. NOLA was a fluke.
  222. 137
  224. SPs stopped! Yay for a good night's sleep!
  226. 138
  228. What a day. Too exhausted but don't forget to write about the machine elves and V. Also DO NOT forget to book Thanksgiving flight!
  230. (She never writes about the machine elves or V. Do you want the stuff about Thanksgiving? It's mostly about her family and doesn't have anything to do with her work. It feels kind of wrong to post that stuff.)
  232. (Numbers at the top)
  234. 192 1 17 284 32844
  236. 151
  238. Talk of reassignments soon. I'm hoping they don't split us up. I don't think they will since CC keeps hammering on how trust is of the utmost importance and communication is key. It's taken long enough, but H and I are really in sync. Plus going through all the in processing for a new pairing would be a huge pain.
  240. 152
  242. They lost H's bags! HAH! Worst travel day ever. Baggage claim in ATL was so rude, and half the people behind us acted like they'd never seen a line before. We're not supposed to pull rank or anything, but H just about got on the phone with HQ he was so pissed. We got them eventually though. I'll never understand why the faces and suits get to fly private and we don't. The last thing you want is someone losing their mind up there. Plus, we don't get to sit together. Most of the time we're not on the same flight period.
  244. We're heading to CO camp after this, and I am really not looking forward to it. I hate processing, and the whole place makes me claustrophobic.
  246. 153
  248. The dreams started up again. I don't mind them, but I really need to bite the bullet and talk to decom about it. Maybe they can help me figure things out, or at least give me something to help me sleep better. The old boys say half the place is on pills, and I believe it.
  250. We did go to the aquarium today though. Rained like crazy and the place was a madhouse, but I loved it. I stood next to kids who freaked out every time a shark swam by. It was so cute!
  252. (It says copyright 2003 in the back of it. Does that help?)
  254. 160
  256. CO camp gives me the creeps more than any other place. For one thing, it's only a third full if that, so most of the pillboxes are empty and just...waiting. For another, they have a whole block for "special cases" that even we're not allowed to see. Only the suits and old boys go around there, and the whole place is roped off. I have no desire to see the inside of it. No wonder the locals complain or orbs.
  258. We did get to see E again, which made H really happy. We were doing some kind of in bulk processing for the warehouses, which turned into us messing around quoting Office Space for a few hours while going through flats. The stuff they collect, seriously. Half of it stunk of Hoarders. E said they had 3 huge cases up in the mountains this year. One of them decided to collect teeth of all kinds. I'm sure that went well. E's been at AR camp dealing with birds. Fun stuff.
  260. Finally talked to E about the dreams after we went to this hole in the wall for drinks. Said definitely talk to decom about it. No one understands the CLO so anything is something. Just keep out the personal bits.
  262. 161
  264. How can it never seem to stop raining here in INB? I feel so bad for J. What a miserable place. How appropriate we're stuck here before Christmas. Trying to get home, but it's up in their air right now. I would say it depends on decom, but let's face it, there's no rest for the wicked.
  266. (Getting towards the end here. Numbers down the side.)
  268. 191 1 11 481 17(erased)
  270. 163
  272. Going to talk to decom in the morning. Wish me luck. I told H about everything, and he tried to convince me it's all in my head. He's probably right, but this is one case where I would rather give in and go with protocol than suck it up.
  274. INB has us staying in a hotel because of renovations. Looks like I won't be showering till we get out of here. I can't do hotel showers since we took in that one NSTAT that reminded H of a gecko. It looked nothing like a gecko. What it was was a creeper.
  276. Then again, who actually likes hotel showers anyway?
  278. 164
  280. So I spilled everything to decom. Started small, but somehow they can get right to you. They told me I shouldn't have let it go this long, which will probably look bad on me, but what was I supposed to say? Anyway, they will be sending is back to DCB, and they want me to talk to the CH. I described the green CLO, but that's like describing "that one guy". Who knows which one it actually was. It seemed like they had information, but it's decom. Chances are I'm flagged and this will be the end of it.
  282. H is mad. He won't say so, but I can tell. I'll bring him beer later to make up for it.
  284. 165
  285. Talked to mom. Dad and A had another huge fight. Some days I'm glad to be on the road, but it kills me to hear her sound so upset. I think she blames herself for my distance.
  287. (There's something written very close to the spine here, and I can't make it out. Either that or it's some kind of doodle, but I think it's words. This starts happening a lot closer to the end.)
  289. 170
  291. Finally have a minute here. We finally got back to DCB, and I met with the CH. The handlers fascinate me. Being around the CLO must make them more serene, or at least less likely to show emotions. They're all really calm and gentle when they speak, so it's like talking to someone in a spa or something.
  293. He said dreams like this aren't uncommon but may not mean anything specific. Sometimes the CLO just touch. He does think he knows which one I'm talking about. The green must mean something, though of course he can't tell me. Right now they're doing some sort of festival or holiday, so getting in touch with even the local cell is almost impossible. He was so nice though. He asked me if I would ever consider being a handler. I told him I'd think about it. Who knows? Maybe I will.
  295. His advice was to do that white light meditation thing, but I can never get it right. My mind wanders to much, and I'm pretty sure it's all BS anyway. I know, the irony of someone like me calling BS on something is pretty strong, but there you go. We all have our lines in the sand.
  297. 171
  299. Quarter reviews coming up. FUCK!! I hope we don't get the twat from last year. Took us 2 hours of meaningless interviews and paperwork when everyone else got done in 30 minutes. So worthless.
  301. 172
  303. I woke up from some trippy dreams, and got to hear the CLO sing last night. All of DCB woke up to it. I guess they do this from time to time. You couldn't hear it so much a feel it going through you. There's no way to describe it without sounding insane. It was like wind through pipes, and I had a headache for an hour afterward.
  305. Regardless, there are some amazing things about these assignments. Not all of it is bad, and even if these dreams have been strange, they're nothing compared to what the old boys talk about. I can't help but wonder when I'll have enough and request an out. Not that anyone ever gets outs, but camp work and stuff. Something more stationary. I used to love travel, but it does wear on you. If I could stay in one place for a few weeks, that'd be nice. Maybe I will put in for a handler position someday.
  307. (I'll skip ahead to the last few entries since I'm tired.)
  309. 191
  311. We got called out to a firebug, but the local pair were already on it. There was a huge tangle of paperwork and red tape, which meant we got the day off to wander on HQ's dime. Nice!
  313. I really think E is pregnant. She hasn't said anything, but there's definitely something between her and H. There was some static at lunch for sure. Otherwise the city was beautiful and just getting out and being in crowds again felt wonderful. I never thought I'd miss being around big masses of humanity, but I definitely do. We're all herd animals. At least I am. No wonder they're so keen on studying Tivs.
  315. I would say it makes my skin crawl, but let's not go into that.
  317. 193
  319. There's a smell in the camps that I can't quite place. It's not wood or sawdust, but very close. I can't place it, though I heard a suit saying once that it reminded him of the smell from keeping frozen meal worms for his pet lizard as a kid. Charming.
  321. (Same entry with a - between)
  323. I woke up to some terrible pressure on my chest. It felt like I couldn't breathe. In my dream I was swimming in this red sea and couldn't get to the surface. I knew it was up there, but I couldn't swim and didn't float. Got an email from the CH asking when I'll be back at DCB next. Apparently they want to set something up. Part of me is really dreading this, but I can't deny the fact that I'm curious.
  325. (Doddle of a face here. Maybe a mask?)
  327. (Last entry)
  329. 195
  331. Heading back to DCB, even if a roundabout way, calms my nerves for some reason, but this flight has been terrible. Something about it has people on edge it seems like. The attendents are snapping moreso than usual. As of late, I've taken to using that inflight wifi because I'd like to think that if we go down, I'll have time to send emails to everyone I love explaining my behavior all this time. Even if I can't tell them details, I want them to know how I feel.
  333. That's pretty morbid, but this is one of those flights were the plane shakes constantly, and the turbulence rattles you around so much it feels like the sky is just going to let go of the plane at any time. I was looking out and swore I saw an orb at one point hanging around. I wonder if we should talk to the pilots? Probably not. H says they see that kind of stuff a lot and the reports just get lost.
  335. H also finally got his papers yesterday.
  337. (End of the entries)
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