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Feb 24th, 2013
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  1. hey where did rubygems/builder go in 2.0.0?
  2. wolfeidau
  3. qrush: Heya you around, been lookin at that cert issue
  4. wolfeidau
  5. raggi: It is a very interesting issue, using a different bundle is an interesting solution
  6. raggi
  7. wolfeidau: well, rubygems should probably ship wiht the CF ones too
  8. raggi
  9. as we ship certs to avoid this on our side
  10. raggi
  11. but, for users in general, if they're goign to rely on brew installed ssl, they probably want to configure their system properly
  12. wolfeidau
  13. raggi: The thing is you should only need to ship the intermediate cert for your rapid ssl
  14. wolfeidau
  15. raggi: Have you tried that?
  16. raggi
  17. wolfeidau: have you looked at the rubygems source?
  18. wolfeidau
  19. raggi: Not yet mate, just looking from the outside in atm :P
  20. raggi
  22. wolfeidau
  23. raggi: Those aren't the intermediates for your cert though
  24. wolfeidau
  25. raggi: See the intermediate link on this page
  26. wolfeidau
  27. raggi: Links through to RapidSSL_CA_bundle.pem I would love to try this in that search path RapidSSL_CA_bundle.pem
  28. wolfeidau
  29. woops double paste lol
  30. raggi
  31. well who did that?
  32. raggi
  33. heh
  34. raggi
  35. lol
  36. wolfeidau
  37. raggi: About to be dragged off to meeting sorry, just got to work after a holiday.. Does that look helpful?
  38. wolfeidau
  39. wycats__: Yes a lot of people are having those cert issues, it MAY be due to ruby 2.0 requiring the new openssl and new certs used by
  40. wycats__
  41. wolfeidau: hm
  42. wycats__
  43. indirect: do we know anything more?
  44. wolfeidau
  45. wycats__: I want to try adding that intermediate to rubygems sources but I am busy at work right now :(
  46. wolfeidau
  47. wycats__: If you can read up a bit I linked it and raggi linked the folder existing intermediate certs bundled
  48. vertis
  49. okay back
  50. wolfeidau
  51. wycats__: This is the error you get when you try requesting with new openssl and s_client
  52. 09:56 wolfeidau
  53. vertis: Got irc history to read above?
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